The Rotten Fruit

By mariannasank

27.6K 1.2K 165

Damien Smith lived a high life. He was a wealthy man who owned a successful business and lived a life filled... More



735 38 3
By mariannasank

We spent almost the whole day in the mall. My hands were sore and tired from the amount of shopping bags I was carrying and my feet were killing me but I was glad to get out the house, today was actually kinda fun. It didn't occur to me that there was a cinema in the mall, after shopping, we went there and watched three movies back to back.

We were on our way home now and it was really late. We strolled into the garage and I picked up my bags. Kathy decided to head home since she was tired. I noticed Damien's car wasn't in the garage, it's 10:32pm and he isn't home as yet? Where could he be?

As soon I was about to open the door, a familiar roar of an engine pulled up. Damien stepped out looking pale and sleepy, he took out his keys and opened the door.

"Hey. You good?" I asked.
"Yea. I'm fine, just really tired."

He dropped his keys on the counter and went into the fridge and opened a cold bottle of water.

"Sorry about dinner, I'm sure there's something here you can eat."
"Nah, its fine. Kathy and I already ate so I'm good."

He nodded then looked at me.

"Glad to see you up and moving again."
"Well yeah. Kathy didn't want me to stay inside all day so."

He sighed and took another sip of his water then he threw the empty bottle away. I studied his behavior, he was oddly quiet and I didn't understand why. He looked as though something was bothering him, well, besides the fact that he looked drained.

"Hey alright?" I asked cautiously.
"Just tired."
"I meant the other reason, not that one."
"I'm kinda having some second thoughts about the wedding."

Oh right. I forgot, his wedding is in a few weeks. Wow. These weeks flew by faster than I thought, in a few weeks time I dint even know where I'll be. I pushed aside this thought and focused on Damien, I wasn't gonna let that thought ruin my night.

"Oh, how come?" I then asked.

He didn't reply. He walked towards me and patted me on my head and went straight to bed. No words. Nothing. I went upstairs and took a nice warm bath and lay down under my nice cold bed, soon enough I was fast asleep.


The next morning I woke up early. I brushed my teeth and got dressed then headed downstairs to see Damien and a mature woman sitting at the living room chatting. They didn't notice I was there since they both were in grossed in what they were talking about, I left and went into the kitchen and quickly made something to it then I returned to the living room. They still didn't acknowledge my presence so I decided to regain it.

"Morning." I said a bit loudly trying to get their attention.

Damien looked up at me with an unreadable expression. He didn't look to please to be with this woman and she herself looked like a total idiot.

"Can you bring something for me to drink, I'm so thirsty." The woman smiled down at me.

"Weren't you blessed with two legs, help yourself." I replied rudely.

"My goodness. What a rude little boy! What is he? One of the maids' sons!?"

This woman just ruined my entire morning. Her disgusting and bold attitude reminded me of Emma. Besides anger, I felt hurt. I remembered when I was younger, my mother had several jobs and one of them was a maid, I could recall the nights and days she cried. Whether she was sick or not she had too go. If she didn't she was -.

"No Elma, this is my son Jesiah. Jesiah this is Elma Hilton."

"Damien, you never told me you had a son!"
"How is that a problem?"

She narrowed her eyes at him as if she was trying to send him a message without me knowing what it was. I rolled my eyes, how childish.

"I'm Elma, Emma's mother."
"That wasn't hard to figure out."

She gave me a half smile and rolled her eyes. I sat down on the couch opposite them as they continued their discussion.

"Okay, so we'll have lights over the curtain at the back and a big beautiful chandelier at the middle."

Damien looked rather uninterested which made me laugh. He forces himself to stay attentive and listen to what she was saying, I then realized that she was talking about the wedding.

"Okay. Nice." Damien said standing up.

"I'll go home and get my things. I'll be back around 8." she said.

"Wait! She's staying with us!?"
"Yes Jesiah. Just until Emma returns"

Could this morning get any worse.

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