Mystic Messenger X Reader One...

By TeamLeo4Life

6.2K 93 36

So, I looked this up on the internet... And I downloaded the app... Not long afterwards I was hooked... So he... More

Yoosung X Reader
Saeran X Reader
Jumin X Reader
Zen X Reader
V X Reader
sorry im scared

Seven X Reader

1K 18 0
By TeamLeo4Life

That's Not What Happened.

"Seven! Hurry up!" You called to your lover as you pulled on your coat. "Yes, I'll be there in a minute love!" He exclaimed clacking at the computer even though he promised no work today, but you gave him slack because of his job. And you trusted him with your life. He couldn't do you wrong.

You stood at the door and sighed as a few minutes went by your coat making you warm because you were supposed to be outside but you're standing here waiting for your fiance-

"Hey (Y/N)." Saeran said and you sighed. "Hey Saeran." You looked to the floor and Saeran chuckled before lifting your chin up to make you look at him. "Want me to go get him for you?"

You smiled up at him for the offer but you shook your head. "No, I trust him." Saeran just chuckled under his breath. "I know you trust him, but trusting is different than him loosing track of time."

You sighed before you heard something crash making your eyes widen. "COMing!" You saw Saeyoung run out of the other room in his coat his scarf hanging from his neck like he hastily threw it on. 

He ran up and stood beside you and Saeran before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Hey little bro." He bumped shoulders with his twin and Saeran rolled his eyes. "We're twins. And we're not even sure who came out first."

Saeran walked off and Seven chuckled you smiling in Saeran's way. "Ready dear?" Saeyoung asked and you nodded way to excited for what you two had planned.

You almost walked outside but Seven caught your coat jerking you back making your stumble. "Turn." He ordered and you grumbled lightly just wanting to leave. It was already late at night and you needed to do this today.

Saeyoung picked up your scarf and wrapped it around your neck lovingly before using it to pull you closer to him so he could give you an Eskimo kiss. "You'll catch cold if you aren't all bundled up!" He warned and you rolled your eyes at your boyfriend.

"Let's just go!" You opened the door before running out Seven close behind as you ran to the garage and jumped in your favorite car of his.

"Wow, two of my baby's  in one ride." Seven said getting in the driver's seat before you smacked him upside the head. "Hey, it was meant as a compliment!"

You smirked out the window. "I know, that was for making me wait." You smirked and Seven rolled his eyes before he drove for the nearest store that held items for the home. IKea. You had convinced Seven to take you because his house was a little bare and now that he had proposed to you, you had to make it more lively and at home. Plus Saeran shouldn't be in such a dull place as he recovers.

So you and Saeyoung made it a date. You went and grabbed some coffee's (or tea, if you prefer it) and went to look at stuff for your new home.

"I mean, I just don't want Saeran to be too lonely while we're way on our honeymoon." You explained and Saeyoung nodded. Then he smirked and looked over at you as you sat at a red light. "So we'll be gone for a while huh?" 

You looked over at him to see he was wiggling his eyebrows suggestively and making a kissy face. You blushed and shoved his shoulder making him laugh as you tried your best to keep your thoughts on Saeran and house plans, even the wedding! Just so you weren't thinking about.... That.

Seven pulled into IKea and you hopped out a happy look on your face. Seven got out of the car and you practically dragged him inside before looking through all the rooms and stuff. It was so late there was barely anybody there.

"Hey! (Y/N)! Who am I?" You looked to see Seven looking in the mirror before he slicked his hair back and winked at you in the mirror. "I look so good today, I look good everyday. I'm just so great. You're all blessed to be my friends and see my handsome face. But I was born on April 1st and that is my only flaw."

You chuckled knowing it was Zen who he was talking about, so you joined in on the fun.

You fixed your hair so that with flung to one side before you made a funky face. "Hi, I'm in college and I can't get a girlfriend cause all I do is obsess over video games all day! Plus these dark circles under my eyes are so awesome!"

Seven started letting out this beautiful deep laughter (because of your impersonation of Yoosung) that made your heart flutter so you did Jumin next.

"Assistant Kang." You stepped forward in front of the mirror and Seven stood to the side nervously before doing his best woman voice. "Y-yes Mr. Han?"

You smirked and lifted your nose up pridefully, "Go get Elizabeth the 3rd her newly bought cat food. Gold pebbles. Yes it should be healthy for her!" You exclaimed and Seven straightened his glasses. "As you say Mr. Han!" 

You both started laughing even though you did not think that way of your friends, you were just joking. They were all wonderful people who you held close to your heart.

But you couldn't help it, you were both laughing so hard you just thought it was so funny. You calmed yourselves down to only giggles though before Saeyoung pushed you up against a pair of closet doors. 

You were both giggling like crazy so it was hard but he managed to give you some kisses all over your face missing your lips as if he was a terrible shot.

So you grabbed his face and pulled him to your lips giving him a nice long kiss. 

He pulled away his glasses a little messed up and his vision a little dazed. "There, you got it." He started smiling and chuckling, he laid his forehead against your own. "I have terrible aim don't I?"

You snickered and all of a sudden all the lights went off leaving yo two in perfect darkness.

"Saeyoung?" You asked holding onto him tight the sudden darkness making you a little scared. "I think they're closed for the day." He grabbed your hand and took out his phone turning on it's flashlight walking through IKea towards the exit.

You got to the doors to leave and he pushed against the door and it wouldn't budge. "Well, I have no intentions of paying for a perfectly fine door." Seven said before chuckling nervously. 

"Can you turn on the lights?" You asked and he nodded before grabbing your hand and exploring all the places that were for employees only. He turned on the lights so you felt safe. So you decided to make the night fun.

"Yeah, there are no keys in here so-" as he started to stand up straight and turn away from the computer desk you grabbed his face and gave him a deep passionate kiss leaving his confused and breathless.

"You want more?" You started backing away and he started following you mindlessly. "uh huh." He nodded his head not taking his eyes off of you.

"Then come and get it." You leaned in and gave his cheek a kiss as you fixed his messed up glasses before you darted off.

"Hey, get back here!" He ran after you and you laughed your (H/C) hair blowing in the wind as you ran through IKea.

You quieted down and ran around following the arrows on the floor going to the bedroom section where you hid waiting for Seven to come looking for you.

You heard running footsteps making you giggle lightly. "(Y/N), I know you're close!" He exclaimed and you had to keep yourself from from making noise.

"I'm getting impatient (Y/N). Am I going to have to punish you?" You rolled your eyes at his statement knowing Seven's punishments were just him tickling you endlessly. Real punishment was when he ignored you for work.

After a few minutes you heard Seven pass and you opened the door of the closet before jumping out and running in the opposite direction of your boyfriend. 

"Hey! Stop there in the name of The Defender Of Justice!" You laughed as you ran away glancing over your shoulder to see Seven close behind you.

"I'm gonna get you!" He exclaimed and you stuck your tongue out at him not looking where you were going making you trip.

"Ahhh!! Seven Save meeeee!!!!!!!" You screeched as you fell your arms flailing in every direction to grasp onto anything that would save you from the fall to the hard floor of IKea.

Surprisingly though Seven wasn't fast enough and you fell onto your shoulder probably giving you a bruise because someone was too slow.

"Ow," You winced grabbing your shoulder as Seven helped you sit up. "You ok?" He asked and you smiled at him before nodding just happy that things had changed in both your lives and that you met.

"Let's get you somewhere comfortable." He said and you nodded before he picked you up princess style with a tad bit of difficulty. He had missed some of his recent times to go to the gym. He was busy... And he works on a computer so he's a little noodle if he doesn't work out.

He sat you down onto a queen sized bed in one of the fancy already set up rooms making you sigh feeling somewhat at home. Except you were in an IKea. Very close. But not exactly the same thing.

Seven sighed and sat beside you before helping you take your sweater off leaving you in your tank top. "Let me look at it." He said and you shook your head. 



"Are you some sexy doctor or something?"

You smirked getting an idea as Saeyoung lightly blushed.

"Oh doctor Choi!" You said way over dramatically as you threw a hand to feel your forehead as if you had a fever. "Please! I am in bad health! I've gone to so many doctors and I'm afraid none of them can work wonders on my body like you can!"

Saeyoung was all red and blushy at first but he quickly became his old self.

"Hmm, I see~" He tapped his chin and you giggled. suddenly he ripped off his jacket and threw it to the floor leaving him in a white tank top surprising you a little bit. But in a good way. He came close and looked at your shoulder closely handling it gently as a bruise began to form on your shoulder from the impact.

"I'm afraid I am going to have to do a full body examination."

He made you lie down on the bed instead of sitting up before he went to unbutton your pants making your eyes widen.

"S-Saeyoung!" You exclaimed grabbing his hand making him start to laugh at your nervousness.

"Y-you should've seen your eyes!" He hollered with laughter making you blush with embarrassment as you sat up again. 

Saeyoung calmed himself down and leaned in giving you a light and encouraging kiss. "I am pretty sexy though aren't I?" He winked and you rolled your eyes before pulling the covers back on.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"What do ya mean by that!?"

He slipped off his shoes and crawled into bed with you before spooning you from behind nestling his face into the back of your bare neck.

"I love you (Y/N)." He mumbled and you smiled fluffing he pillow to make yourself more comfortable. "I love you too Saeyoung." You whispered and he smiled into the back of your neck.

Were you really gonna sleep in a store for the night? You bet you were.


The two of you woke up to the sound of footsteps before gasping and shouting.

"What are you two doing here!?" The man yelled and you sat up quickly as Seven rubbed his eyes sleepily. Everything was still in a daze for you you were so tired.

"We're calling the cops!" One of the men said while the other pulled out his phone and started dialing. 

"No, please we didn't do anything!" You exclaimed standing up on the soft carpet.

"We got locked in here!" Seven yelled almost angrily as if it was their fault somehow. They were just nervous seeing two people in a store's bed. Quite surprising honestly.

But it was too late, he was already talking to the police. 

Seven groaned and picked up his jacket before putting his shoes on and sitting beside you on the bed knowing you weren't gonna be let out of there.


You were escorted out of the building of IKea in cuffs but you both got to sit beside each other in the back of the police car during the ride which was nice.

Then they took your stuff and threw you in a holding cell together before asking both of you what you were doing and who was the nearest person to you.

"S-Saeran!" You blurted out and the police nodded as Seven sighed.

The police man walked away and Seven pulled you onto his lap making you straddle his waist as he hugged you. You smiled and hugged him back running your hands through his hair as he nestled his face into your hair that was laying on your shoulder.

"I can't wait till we get to sleep together every night." He whispered and you let out a breathy chuckle. "That was pretty nice wasn't it?" You said and he snickered before the only noise was the police station in the background.

Seven took his hand from your waist and slowly intertwined it with yours his palm pressed up gently against yours making you smile. You loved moments like these. So simple and pure, they made the butterfly inside you stomach flutter and your heart ache for what was to come. You couldn't wait for your future with him. You couldn't wait to wear the ring that signified you were his forever and he was yours.

You sighed dreamily and laid your head on his shoulder to relax.


"You know today I wanted to sleep in."

You lifted your head with a gasp. "Saeran!" You exclaimed before jumping up from your seat beside Seven and ran to the bars where a police man was letting you go.

"But I had to come bail two lovebirds out of jail for sleeping together in an IKea store overnight."

You looked down and blushed as you and Saeyoung stepped out of the holding cell and followed the police man to the desk to get your things.

"Thanks Saeran." Seven put a hand on Saeran's shoulder in appreciation and Saeran rolled his eyes at his older twin.

"Whatever, just hope you guys brought protection." Saeran walked outside to the car as both your faces turned the color of Saeyoung's hair.

"T-that's not what happened!" Saeyoung exclaimed and your felt your face becoming so hot. "That's not what they meant when they said we slept together!"

Saeyoung grabbed your hand and jerked you outside so you could explain what actually happened on the way home from the police station.


Finally! I did Seven Oh Seven! The Defender of Justice!


Also I found this beautiful art that would go with the story.


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