The Betrayal

By TheDarkersoul

201 7 8


the battle and the new friend
the traitors?

The betrayal

75 4 5
By TheDarkersoul

Our hero ash has just lost the tournament and is now walking out the stadium happy and proud but when he gets to the exit his smile will turn to a frown.; (

"Hurry up Guys We Got To Go To Another Gym FOR Next year Tournament."said ash, while petting pickachu. 'Pi pickachu'

"Ash just wait we have to tell you something we all agree on." Serena said, grabbing ashes shoulder almost knocking pickachu off.

"what's your problem you almost knocked pickachu off."
'Pika pickachu pi!' Pickachu cheeks started to spark.

"OK no one cares, just come on we got to tell you something it's important." Clemont said grabbing hold of ashes wrist. He dragged em outside to all ashes friends that he traveled with.

"Wha-" Ash Was Cut short By someone saying... "Look Ash What We Are About To Say Will Not be easy for us to say but we all agree should really just give up on your dream to be a pokemon master."


"Yeah you shouldyou never win a league you always lose"

"Your a weakling"


"Just shut up and quit you dream"

"You have no chance"

"Wait wtf I thought Yall was my friends I thought Yall beloved in me I thought Yall had my back all the way!!!" Ash said, with a tear sliding down his cheek he clenched his fist.

"Ha your crying your such a little kid." Iris said.

"And don't think about getting your pokemon we already gave them away to the dump. Hahahaha" misty said.

T"YOU DID WHAT!!! THOSE POKEMON ARE MY FRIENDS AND MY FAMILY HOW COULD YOU!! PICKACHU THUNDER BLOT!! FULL POWER!!" 'Piiicckaaachuuu' lightning erupted from pickachus cheeks more than ever. The bolts made contact with the traitors, they all jumped in pain screaming.
"Ok pickachu that's enough!" Ash looked down at the traitors in disgust . "next time I will not stop." Then he ran away to the fairy that was heading to pallet.

He hoped on the deck and heard the loud speaker 'attention all passengers we will be leaving right away'  * think god I thought I would have to jack this bit* ash thought.

"Pickachu are you ok?" He said, petting the top of his partners head. 'Chaaaaa' pickachu rubbed his cheecks against his trainers. "At least I still have my Pokémon with me."   'Pika pickachu' they waited on the deck for hours until they heard the loud speaker, 'attention passengers we will be arriving in the kanto region in 10 minutes, get ready and don't leave anything behind' ash stood up and let the wind flow threw his hair. Right when they reached the dock ash jumped off and ran all the way to the town of pallet. He ran and ran until he reached his house he burst through the door, looking sad not getting greeted with a bone crushing hug. He ran upstairs toward his room, he gathered some clothes and food before running outside toward the professor. Oak lab he looked at the back yard to see no Pokémon. He growled under his breath. He rushed through the doors to find a horrifying sight the professor was on the ground with a knife in his stomach.

"What the fuck!!!!" He rushed to the professors side. "Omg.... wh-what happened!"

"Oh ash m-my boy" oak  placed his hand on ash cheeck. " ash your fr-friends th-they......" the the professors eyes closed then he was gone, gone forever and never coming back.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!" Ash yelled. Tears were pouring down his cheeks.
" they..they will pay they will feel nothing but pain." Ash placed the professor on a table then Said his goodbyes then left to mount silver swearing to avenge his good friend and his Pokémon.

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