Neglected // BXB


532K 14.6K 6.3K

"sir, I can't do this" I whimper as I look up meeting his hazel eyes "What makes you say that?" he asks as he... Еще

New Teacher
flowers and cards
Exes and Oh's
seein red
After Hours
Caught in the Act
darts and booze
Feeling Neglected
new friends
finding Bree
Funerals and Airports
old Friends And Little Spoon
Sideline Star
Marco . Polo
English Dilemma
gotta love family
not an update but read?
shit happens
bitch please
e p i l o g u e
hey guys

Hungover and Soccer

45.9K 1.2K 822

The whistle blows as I rush out onto the field

"Cutting it close, Morgans?" Coach Kyle asks as he taps his foot impatiently as the rest of the team snickers at me

"I had to be held back for last period" I shrug "teacher thinks I need to get my fucking grades up"

"What suck his dick?" Jason one of my teammates asks

''Jealous you can't get any?" I snort as the team laughs

"Enough dick talk" Kyle snorts "we have a game tomorrow night and we need you on your best behavior"

"Yes coach" we all yell

"Great! Morgans and Porter you are team captains" he says "grab some pinnies and let's get this shit under way"

I watch as Jason thinks he's cool and tries to dodge my team mates.

Bitch please.

I wait patiently as I watch Jason. He eyes me

"You're going down Morgans" he snarls. I chuckle and easily grab the ball from him, sliding it over to my other foot

"Only thing I'm going down on is a dick" I sneer as I easily pass the ball off to one of my team members.

Kale takes the ball and takes off running causing Jason to wrinkle his nose at me

"What the hell?" He asks staring at me.

"Dude" Coach Kyle groans "to much fucking information"

"Oops" I shrug as I run off after Kale who swiftly passes the ball to me. I head the ball up over Ulrik who curses at me and Indie easily kicks the ball into the net, watching as it soars past Grayson's finger tips

"Sick" Indie and Kale shout as the rush up to me fist bumping and hugging me

"We're so gonna kick ass"

By the end of our scrimmage my team kicked ass. We won 6-2.

Kyle calls us over and gives us a pep talk.

"So tomorrow for the game, we're gonna send out Jayce, Jason, Ulrik, Kale, Devon, Grayson, Neil, Xavier, Sam, Kelly, Noah, Indie, Luke, Jacob, Derek and Taren. So you all know your positions and I really have nothing else to say. Just be in the field by 3:15. Don't be late"

He looks at me and I shrug innocently

"Now hit the showers" he says as he picks up the ball and heads out off the field.

"Do you guys think we go this?" Devon asks as we make our way to the showers

"We have no choice" I respond "if we want to win gold this year. We're gonna have to kick ass tomorrow"

"But the Rebels are such a strong team" Ulrik whines

"We just got to be stronger" Jason and I both shout at our team

"We can't pussy out just because they have taller players. We have faster players"

"We're an equal match for them. If we just keep them in their end we should be good" Jason groans

"Shouldn't be to hard with Gazelle over here" Grayson snorts as he points at me.

The only people other than Hanna who got along with me and wasn't scared of my appearance was my team. They accepted me straight away. Considering I was their best shot at getting us a medal, they needed me.

My background is European and coming from over there the first thing you learn is to play soccer. Literally the only thing you need is a round object and two posts and you are good to go.

I actually played on a soccer team in Europe for six years before we moved to Canada. Where my parents begged me to join another team

"Not my fucking fault" I laugh as I shove Grayson into the wall

"Surprised they actually put your last name on your jersey" Neil laughs

"Thought they would put 'gazelle' on it" Sam finishes

"You guys suck" I groan as I open the shower door

"We're not the one who likes dick" Jason smirks

I let the door slam shut behind me; laughing

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I walk up the walk and hear a bang and a shout from inside. Rushing up the stairs I fling open the door and see April standing in the middle of the kitchen holding the glass of flour with flour all around her

"April?" I ask trying not to laugh

"Shut up" she groans "I was going to make dinner and surprise mom and dad but apparently that's not happening"

"Let me help" I manage between laughs as I take the vacuum out from under the cabinet in the corner.

"Go make supper I'll clean up for you"

"Would you?" She squeals

"What else are big Brothers for?" I shrug

"You're the best" she grins as she kisses my cheek running back into the kitchen "mashed potatoes or Chicken noodle soup?"

"Soup" I call back as I turn on be vacuum humming 'Body Like a Backroad' to myself.

Around 6:30 my parents walk into the house and I hear my mom

"It smells great in here"

"It's not Jayce who's cooking" my dad laughs causing my mom to giggle

"Or the house would be burnt down" my mom giggles

I look up from my homework glaring at the two of them

"I can hear you"

"Oh! Sweetie!" My mom exclaims "I didn't see you in here"

"How are you son?" My dad asks as he hangs his coat on the hanger that stood by the door, taking my mom's from her.

"Sure act innocent like you didn't just insult your son" I sneer a smile breaking past my lips

"April cooking?" My mom asks

"Yeah she's making homemade chicken noodle soup" I shrug "said it will be done in a couple minutes"

"Raya and Hailee" my mom yells "Come set the table"

''We're doing homework" Hailee yells back

"Homework doesn't include looking up hot guys on the Internet" I yell causing my mom to snicker and the girls to stomp down the stairs

"Says the one" Raya pouts as she shoves past my dad who is holding two glasses of wine

"I don't need to look up hot guys if I have them at school" I snort as Hailee glares at me

"Sharing is caring?" She asks as I roll my eyes

"Not in this case sweetie" I laugh as I look back down at my papers.

"So who's the new teacher?" My dad asks once we sit around the table eating

"Which one?" I ask around a mouthful of soup

"The new English teacher" my dad clarifies

"Oh that one" I nod "His name is Mr. Price and he's our teacher for the rest of the year"

"Is he hot?" April asks as she looks at me wide eyed

"Yeah" I snort "He's pretty hot"

"Good thing I'll be at the he high school next year" she grins as she takes more soup

"This is really good" my dad says as he looks at her "you cooked this alone?"

She nods excitedly

"I tried a new recipe. Instead of chicken broth I used the beef broth and put bacon into it"

"Well it tastes amazing" my mom smiles

I look around the table and smile. My family has always been a close family. Me, being the oldest and only guy in the family always had this protective side over my younger six siblings.

April was the next oldest. Who was fifteen. Raya and Rylee were twins who were fourteen. Ali was twelve. Hailee was fourteen as well, but my parents adopted her when her parents and all her siblings died in a fiery car crash. Daisy was the the youngest. She was just six. My parents didn't think that they would have another kid. So in other words she was "our little bundle of joy."

The oldest three of my sister's were Leah who was twenty four and was married and having twins. Izzy was twenty two and she was in England getting her teaching degree. Bree was twenty and was in the air force. My parents weren't overly happy but have been supporting as she's been overseas for the past year now.

That then leaves me. I'm eighteen and glad I'm finally done school. My parents told me at birth that the doctors claimed I was a girl, until my dad claimed that there was a penis hanging off of me.

So apparently I was a girl for the first three hours I was alive.

"Jayce how much homework do you have?" My mom asks

"I have an English paper due tomorrow and a science project I have to present in class."

"So a lot?"

"Yeah" I mutter

"Okay clear the table and you can go do your homework" my dad says

"Alright" I smile grabbing the plates and stuff from the table. I lean down kissing April's cheek "supper was amazing"

"Thanks" she beams at me as I walk into the kitchen

"Rylee and Ali you two will dry. Raya you're going to wash. Hailee can you vacuum the kitchen and living room for me?"

"Yeah mom" she says as she gets up in search of the vacuum.

My mom watches her go and I head to the pantry grabbing a drink before heading upstairs.

"Call me if you need anything" I yell down the stairs to my mom

"Okay sweetie" My mom replies

"Better be homework, that you are doing" my dad yells

"No I'll just watch some YouTube videos, and watch my English mark go down the drain" I snort sarcastically

"Moron" my dad laughs.

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I walk out onto the field relishing the announcer yell my name over the intercom. My head was pounding so hard. Last night I got drunk on my own. Pathetic right?

But I had to get my mind off of the homework I had and decided to get my ass wasted. My parents didn't know about the secret stash of alcohol that I had hidden.

They didn't even know I got drunk last night. I was out the door by 8:15, which is super unusual for me.

"And finally your captain Jayce Morgans" the crowd gets to their feet as the hoot, holler and shout my name.

I wave small as I get to the middle of the field standing beside the rest of my team.

Jason grins at me as he slaps my back

"We gonna kick ass?" He grins

"Fuck yea" I wince slightly as my head is pounding so hard.

Jason and I eye the other team as the come onto the field grinning and fist bumping one another.

"Keep an eye on that one" Jason says as a tall buff looking guy steps up.

"Keeper is pretty short. Shoot high" I mutter as we get into a huddle

"Okay guys. Just play your hardest and keep your heads up" I look at Indie who looks down

"Not my fault they tackled me like football not soccer"

"Joking man" Jason laughs "Just let's play our hardest and let's win this match"

Half time comes around and we are winning 4-2. I know that the Rebels are a strong team and in the next 40 or so minutes they will probably come back with goal or two.

I run down the field with Jason beside me and Xavier ahead of us.

The pass to Xavier was clean as he shoots it top right corner watching as the keeper misses it by almost four inches.

Xavier runs at me as we hug on the field grinning as the air horns and yells are heard throughout the whole stands.

Jason's eyes widen for a split second and I feel myself being knocked down to the ground, hard.

My face hits the grass hard, as I slam my knees down onto the soil.

I look up and see the world spinning as I see Jason and my teammates towering above me

"Jayce?" My coach asks as he rushes out to see me.

"What the hell man?" I hear Jason yell as he gets up in one of the players face.

"Sorry" the guys shrugs innocently as the ref comes up to him flashing a red card at him.

Black spots fill my vision and I feel my head pounding even more, before I vomit onto the person shoes beside me and them everything goes black.

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