Our Life Together | Consumed

By JJGrim

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A story about Star battling her feelings and internal suffering. What happens when Things change? What happen... More

Table of Contents|Release Dates
Chapter One - Evolving Emotions
Chapter 3 - Times are Tough
Chapter 4 - Change the future
Chapter 5 - Forget the Past
Chapter 6 - Gaining Control
Chapter 7 - Shooting Star
Chapter 8 - I Think I love You...
Chapter 9 - Life Goes On
Chapter 10 - Trust your Heart
Chapter 11 - Recovery
Chapter 12 - Unraveling History
Chapter 13 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 14 - Total Eclipse
Chapter 15 - Chasing Butterflies
Chapter 16 - Without the One you Love
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - A Shoulder to Lean on
Chapter 19 - Moving On
Chapter 20 - Try to Forget
Epilogue : Final Note
Quick Update!
Sequel Update : Release

Chapter Two - True Colors

164 5 3
By JJGrim

Chapter 3 is officially called "Timed are Tough"

Star was filled with jealousy, causing her to lose control of herself as she grabbed her wand. She broke through the the wall of her room and began making her way towards the school. On the way there, her eyes went from green and slowly started to fade to pink just after she shot a spell from her wand into the sky. As this was happening, she remembered all the times she shared with Marco. Starting from the very beginning, when she liked calling him "safe kid". She closed her eyes. She continued to think of Marco and her. She remembered when he stood up for her, and defended her when ludo showed up for the first time, even though Marco seemed upset with her. Star opened her eyes, and the green was suddenly gone. Her eyes were now pink, and slowly returned to her natural sky blue eyes. Star slowly fell to the ground, and struggled to go anywhere due to the illness she got earlier.

Meanwhile, Marco waited for Jackie by his locker. He was scared because he didn't know what she wanted to talk about, and he couldn't help but think of Star. He was worried about her. Marco wanted to get home as soon as possible. He promised Star he would be there and then changed his plans because of Jackie. He wanted to prove to Star that he could be a reliable friend, even though he knew that she already saw him as one. Marco finally saw Jackie as she was walking up to him. He got a hold of himself and tried focusing on Jackie.

"Hey Jackie!" Marco nervously said.

"Hey, I just want to apologize earlier for how I acted, I was being selfish." Jackie said with a look of sincerity

"It's fine Jackie, but Stars my friend, and I told her I would be there for her right after school."

"Well then you better get going, she needs you right now."

As Marco heard Jackie say that, his eyes flashed purple. He saw a glimpse of the blood moon ball. He watched him and Star dance under the light, as the phrase "Moon of Lovers" replayed over and over. All of this happened In a second, like time had slowed down. Jackie leaned in to kiss him, but again his switched purple, this time however, his pupil was laced in green ring. He saw Star laying on the ground in pain with her wand. He saw her wand switching back and forth rapidly from green to pink. As Jackies lips were about to meet Marco, a bolt of green slammed into the lockers next to them, causing them to slam open and closed countless times. Marco stood still, staring at the lockers. He slowly backed away, whispering, "My vision...". When he realized his vision came true, he thought about what he just saw. If his visions were true, then he had to go and check if Star was actually on the top ground where he saw in his vision. He started running. Jackie, looking confused, stared at Marco as he ran. Marco looked back while running, shouting, "Sorry Jackie, I think Star's in trouble!"

Star woke up in place she hasn't ever seen before. It was dark. The sky was filled with pulsating green strips that flowed through the sky. She looked in front of her, and saw a girl standing in front of giant castle, a castle that reminded her of Ludo's. She walked up to the strange girl. Noticing who it was, she gasped and jumped back. It was her, except her clothes were black, and her eyes glowed bright green. Star pulled out her wand, and attempted to cast a spell, only for the wand to shake and fly into the hands of the girl who stood before her. It began to transform. The color was sucked out of it, making it black and white. Before she had time to react, a great flash came from the wand. It was a blinding green light, forcing Star to close her eyes.

Before opening her eyes again, she heard, "Star?". Star heard a voice say this over and over again. She slowly opened her eyes, seeing Marco hovering over her with a worried look on his face. Star's eyes were green, but they returned to blue as she opened them. She saw Marco put a smile on his face. Marco grabbed her and hugged her, saying, "I thought you were gone, you were completely out of it!". Star became worried about what she could become, and she was too weak to anything, including hug Marco back, even though she wanted to.

Marco asked Star if she was able to walk, but by looking at her he could tell that she wasn't. He grabbed her hand and helped her up, and asked her to attempt to walk. Star grabbed her wand, and got about five feet before she fell on her hands and knees. Marco quickly ran over to her, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her up. He put Star's arm around his shoulder and they slowly made their way back. Little did Marco know, Jackie was watching them from down the street. She was scared to approach him, and had a sad look on her face. Jackie looked at Marco one last time before walking the opposite way down the road.

When Marco and Star finally made it back to the house, he brought her upstairs, and into her room. Marco carefully placed her on her bed. Star was woozy and couldn't see straight, but could tell Marco was still beside her. He was holding her hand, and she thought he was saying something, but she could not hear. Star was scared of what she might become, but she felt comforted knowing Marco was there for her like he said he would be. She was reassured knowing that she could always count on him to be there no matter what.

Marco's phone started ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out of his pocket and silenced it, without even checking on who it was. Star seemed confused, but she smiled.

"Why aren't you going to answer you phone? What if it's someone important? Like you parents, or, or Jackie?" Star asked Marco

"Well, right now I'm not worried about my phone, I'm worried about you." March said with a smile.

Star smiled upon hearing this. Her happiness made the wand start to glow with a bright pink light, and as it did, it flew in the air from her side. It was shaking in the air, only for a blinding pink light to emerge from the half of her family's gem that still remained on the wand. Star and Marco were both staring at it. Suddenly, as Star was starring at it, it changed to green. She panicked and squeezed Marcos hand, only for the wand to change back to pink and fall back into her hand. Marco seemed puzzled, almost as if he didn't understand what she was worried about.

"Star, is everything okay?" Marco asked with a worried look on his face.

"Did you see that?" Star asked.

"Well yeah how could I not!"

"No no, I mean... the color?"

"Yeah it was pink, I don't understand." Marco said confused

Star realized that she was seeing visions of an evil future. She looked at Marco and practically screamed, "Marco, we have to call my parents!"


"Marco! Just call! Please."

Without further questioning he walked to mirror. "Call... Mom?"

"Calling Mom" came from the Mirror.

"Marco, I need to talk about this alone." Star said in a light voice.

Marco was a little disappointed, but understanding. "Take all the time you need, are hungry or anything? I'll get you something."

"Yea sure how about you make us something to eat?" Star really wasn't to hungry but she felt like she could eat. "Oh and grab some drinks too please!" She said just before Marco slipped out.

"Star?!" Queen Moon said. She had answered a minute ago, but Star hadn't noticed.

"Oh, Hey mom..." Star said awkwardly.

"So Star, I'm sure there is a reason you called, and I'm guessing it wasn't to say hi."

"Yea, mom we need to to talk." Star said, trying not to make eye contact.

Moon sighs, "What is it now?"

"I'm having... well there is these... I guess... Ok, I'm having visions of evil Magic and I even saw a me that I guess was evil. She had dark clothes and green eyes."

Moons mouth was opened wide and she didn't know what to say. "Star, you may have to return to Mewni for a bit while everything is sorted out..."

Stars gets nervous and very angry. "Mom, No!"

Marco comes back upstairs hearing Star and her mom, and decides to eavesdrop on their conversation. Moon replies to Star, "Star, listen..." Moon is able to say before Star interrupts her.

"No, mom, I'm not listening! I'm not coming back to Mewni, okay?! I'm staying her with all my friends!"

Marco gasps but Star and Moon don't hear them.

Moon gets upset with Stars tone, she says, "Star! You are coming home! We will continue talking about this when you get back. I'll see you soon."

Marco hears this and begins to feel depressed. He tears up. Marco wants to try to forget what he heard. He thinks for second, before running off to his room.

"Mom, no, I want to stay here."

"Star, it's only temporary. You'll be back on Earth before you know it."

Moon hangs up, and Star frowns , knowing there is no way out of this. She doesn't want to leave All of her friends, especially Marco, but she feels a bit comforted knowing she'll be back in no time. Star slowly makes her way downstairs to the kitchen, where she thinks Marco is. She is surprised by not seeing him their, but she assumes he just went to his room. She walks in saying "Marco?". No answer. Star begins to get very worried. She runs to her room and grabs her wand, trying to remember the all seeing eye spell. When she finally remembers it, she starts to say it.

I summon the all seeing eye

To tear a hole into the sky

Reveal to me that which is hidden

Unveil to me...

Before finishing the last line of the spell, she heard her mom behind her yell, "Star! What do you think you're doing?"

Star stands up, and yells, "Marco is gone, and I'm using this spell to find him! I don't care what you tell me!"

Moon gets angered, knowing that using dark magic at her age could corrupt her. "Star, let's go. We are leaving."

Star's eyes begin to turn green. Moon gasps and doesn't believe what she is seeing. Star begins to levitate, and yells at her mother, "No, I'm not leaving until I know where Marco is!" Star uses a spell that pushes her mother through the portal and closes it, and quickly uses the all seeing eye spell

I summon the all seeing eye

To tear a hole into the sky

Reveal to me that which is hidden

Unveil to me what is forbidden

          As the rift is being formed, her mom returns again. This time, Moon shoots a blast out of her hand, hitting the wand. Star's eyes return to blue, and she falls to the ground. When on the ground, she begins to cry saying Marcos name. Moon feels bad, but believes that Star must return to Mewni in order to fix her problem. Moon grabs the wand, and pulls Star with her into the portal.

Moon has not given Star her wand for a full day. While in Mewni, Star hasn't talked, or left her room at all. Moon decides to try talking to star, since Star is mad at her for pulling her away from Earth. She knocks on the door. "Star? Talk to me, I'm sorry you had to leave Earth... I told you, it's only temporary."

Star doesn't respond. Moon decides to talk som more. "Star, please answer me. I'm worried about you. Can I come in darling?"

Star yells back to her mom, "No!"

"Darling I told you I'm sorry for pulling you away from Earth, but you've been using dark magic and can't control yourself right now. I mean, you attacked me!"

"That's not why I'm mad, and that was no accident." Star says

Moon is surprised, she doesn't know what to think. She then realizes that she doesn't know why Star is mad of it wasn't about the Earth situation. "Star, sweetheart, if you aren't mad about Earth, then..."

Star cuts her off, "Mom, Marco is danger, and when I tried to save him YOU stopped me! That's why I pushed you away and used the spell!" Star then says to herself, "I need him..."

Moon gets an idea, and walks away from Stars room. While she is leaving, star begins to cry, thinking the worst happened to Marco. It isn't long however until Moon returns and enters Star's room. She is wearing her battle gear and is holding the wand. Star turns, and seeing this, is extremely happy, but doesn't show it. Star remains where she is, until her mom says, "What are you waiting for? You want to find your friend, don't you?" Star smiles. She gets up and hugs her mother before grabbing the wand from her hand. Star looks at it worryingly. Moon puts her hand on Stars should, saying "You know what to do Star, and I trust you to always make the best decision, even if I don't agree with it." Star smiles before casting the all seeing eye spell

I summon the all seeing eye

To tear a hole into the sky

Reveal to me that which is hidden

Unveil to me what is forbidden

The Rift from the spell opens, and Star stands in shock at what she see's. Marco isn't in any danger at all. Instead, he is with Jackie in Stars room on Earth. Star can feel her heart snap in half. She keeps watching to see what will happen. They start talking. "I just can't believe she's gone." Marco says.

"I know it's hard, I miss her too, but I don't think it's healthy to dwell on it like this." Jackie says worryingly.

"I didn't think she would leave so soon. When I heard that she was leaving, I went to go talk with Tom to see if he knew anything about the visions I have been getting, because they all seem to be about her."


"Yea, it's weird. Whenever something bad happens or if she's in danger, I get a vision about it. I don't know where it came from so I asked Tom."

"What'd he say" Jackie said as if she were upset

"Well, he said he didn't do it, but as he was explaining it I got a vision of her being pulled through a portal, and when I got back, she was already gone..." Marco frowned and looked at the ground, wiping a tear from his eye. "We never even got to say goodbye to each other." It wasn't long before Marco broke down, thinking he would never get to see his best friend again.

"Marco, I don't really know what to say." Jackie says, worried about Marco.

           The portal begins to close and Star starts to cry. Her mom puts a hand on Star's shoulder saying, "Don't worry dear, it won't be long before you're back on Earth." Star looks at her, and wraps her arms around her before she breaks down in tears. Stars mom stands shocked, but hugs her back.

          Marco gets a hold of himself, and tries to get Star out of his head. No matter what he does, he is reminded of her. Jackie starts questioning things now. She is beginning to believe that Marco thinks of Star as more than just his best friend. While Marco doesn't exactly know how he feels, Jackie shrugs it off, not wanting to bring it up while Marco is heartbroken. Eventually, Jackie has to leave and go home. Once she is out the door. Marco goes upstairs and back into Stars room. Her mom never gave her a chance to gather anything, so everything was still here. He looks at everything, remembering all the good times they had. As Marco is looking around, he notices that Star's secret closet is cracked open.

          Star is also broken. She misses Earth, especially Marco. She decides to go ask to her mom, who she thinks is in her room, if she can visit Marco. She grabs her wand and walks to her moms room. Star knocks on the door, "Mom?", Star says. No answer. She opens up the door and walks into the empty room. "Mom?" She says again. She doesn't get a response a second time either. "Hello? Is anybody..." She stops, noticing her moms dimensional scissors on the desk. She looks around for a second before grabbing the scissors and walking out of the room.

         Marco approaches the closet. He remembers the chapter in her journal about him, and he is hoping it's still in there so he can read it. Marco opens the door and scavenges the closet for her journal. He sees it on the ground other some other crazy stuff Star has made. He picks it up and opens it up to read chapter 11. Before he can get very farm to the chapter, the journal is shot with magic and flies out of his hands. He turns around to see Star standing with one leg behind the other and a smile on her face.

"Don't read my journal." Star says and giggles after.

Marco runs up to her, and he hugs her, never wanting to let go. "Oh my god, Star, I heard you and mother talking and I heard her say you had to leave and I went to ask Tom about my visions, and, and when I came back you weren't here and I thought I was never gonna see you again, and..." Marco was talking quickly without taking any breathers in between.

"Marco, calm down." Star says, still smiling.

"I'm sorry, I just can't believe your here right now, I mean you practically just left."

"Yea... Well..." Stars smile begins to fade, afraid to tell Marco she ran away.

"Star? Is everything okay?" Marco says worryingly.

"It's just, I may have kind of ran away..."

"What!? Star, your mom is going to kill you!"

"I know, but it could be a long time before I get to come back to Earth, I had to say goodbye. To be fair, we never really got that chance." Star starts to cry, knowing that she might not see Marco again for a long time.

"I'm really gonna miss you Star, It's not gonna be the same without you." Marco starts to tear up too.

Moon ends up walking through the portal, seeing Star and Marco hugging. She gets sad, thinking about if taking her home is really the best thing for her. She looks at Star before saying, "Alright time to say goodbye Star."

Star jumps, turning and saying, "Mom, I'm so so so so..." Star says before Moon interrupts her.

"I don't want to hear it Star, just say goodbye." Moon says.

Star looks back at Marco hugging him again. "Bye Marco, I'll come visit as much as I can."

"No Star, not to Marco, to me." Moon says, beginning to smile.

"Wait, but I thought that you..." Star starts to say confused.

"I said I would take you home until this situation was sorted out, but I think you can sort his out better on Earth." Moon says.

"So, she gets to stay?" Marco says smiling.

"Yes, she gets to stay.

Star smiles and hugs her mother, "oh my god, thank you so much mom, I won't let you down!"

"I'm sure of it." Moon says before she leaves back through the portal. Star looks at Marco and is speechless. She just hugs him, happy that she gets to stay. Marco is happy that she gets to stay, but doesn't know what to do with his feelings. He doesn't know if he likes Jackie or if he likes Star. Almost losing Star really opened his eyes on how important she is, but he is happy with Jackie... Right?

As it is getting late, Star decides she should get some sleep. She says goodnight to Marco, and lies down. Marco is walking to his room, when his eyes turn purple. He see's what looks to be his school, In ruins. It's Holes in the walls and ceiling, fire cover the ground, and he see's Star in the middle of the School passed out. He sees himself, running over to her when he notices Jackie surrounded by flames. Jackie is looking at him for help, while Star is also about to be consumed by fire. His eyes return to normal, and Marco falls to his knees, putting his hands on his head. He is breathing heavily, terrified at what he just saw. He had to make a choice. It was Star, or it was Jackie.

Thanks for reading Chapter 2 of my fanfiction, "Consumed". I can't garuntee that Chapter 3 will be uploaded on April 16th. I will be trying as hard as I can to finish it but again I can't make any garuntees. Also, instead of releasing the Chapter Title of chapter 3 now, I will start releasing titles of the next chapters on Wednesdays. Thanks again!

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