Our Life Together | Consumed

By JJGrim

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A story about Star battling her feelings and internal suffering. What happens when Things change? What happen... More

Table of Contents|Release Dates
Chapter Two - True Colors
Chapter 3 - Times are Tough
Chapter 4 - Change the future
Chapter 5 - Forget the Past
Chapter 6 - Gaining Control
Chapter 7 - Shooting Star
Chapter 8 - I Think I love You...
Chapter 9 - Life Goes On
Chapter 10 - Trust your Heart
Chapter 11 - Recovery
Chapter 12 - Unraveling History
Chapter 13 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 14 - Total Eclipse
Chapter 15 - Chasing Butterflies
Chapter 16 - Without the One you Love
Chapter 17 - Resurrection
Chapter 18 - A Shoulder to Lean on
Chapter 19 - Moving On
Chapter 20 - Try to Forget
Epilogue : Final Note
Quick Update!
Sequel Update : Release

Chapter One - Evolving Emotions

230 8 2
By JJGrim

Narrators POV

          Lying in bed after losing her spell book along with Glossaryck to Ludo, Star begins to tear up. She wants to talk to Marco, but after realizing her true feelings for him she can't see him so soon without being hurt. She sobs louder and louder, when Marco over hears.

Marcos POV

          Ughhh, this is terrible. I can't stand listening to her cry. I'm not gonna be able to sleep until I know she's alright. I mean, I want to check on her, but I don't think I can handle seeing her right now. After kissing Jackie and seeing the blood moon, it reminded me of how I felt... or feel, I guess, for Star. Ahhh, I remember the blood moon ball. After I heard that voice say the moon of lovers, I wanted to catch her there soooo badly. After we went home and she was angry and said she wanted me as a friend... I was crushed. I tried to get over her and made Jackie my main focus, but after we went out tonight, I don't think it's helping me get over Star. Maybe I'm making the wrong choice, maybe I should check on her.

Narrarors POV

          Marco couldn't help himself anymore. His thoughts were jumbled but his heart kept screaming at him to check on Star. He jumped up out of bed and made his way to Stars room and knocked on her door. Star hears Marco knocking at her door. She gasps, dropping her wand on the floor as she turns to the door. "Star... Are you okay, I can hear crying and I just want to make sure you'll be okay." Star, not being to able to handle the sound of his voice, instinctively grabs dimensional scissors and opens a portal before Marco has time to enter her room. By the time he does, he sees the Portal Star entered begun to close. Shocked, Scared, and Confused, Marco yells, "STAR!" He runs as fast as he can to try to catch her. The portal is about to close as Marco dives to try to reach it in time. He closes his eyes in the air. Marco hits the floor, and opens his eyes only to see the floor of Star's bedroom. "Star..." Marco says in depressed, weary voice.

          He glances up, surprised, finding Star's wand next to her bed. Marco jumps back, even more terrified than before. "What do I do? I mean, I have to find Star, but I don't know where she went." Marco thinks to himself. Marco sits and thinks to himself. As he is trying to figure out what to do, he decides to go and pick up the wand. As his hand touches the wand, Marco sees a vision. He levitates off the ground and his eyes begin to glow a vibrant purple. Marco see's Star, at the graveyard... With the book. "Wha... What is she doing?"  Marco thinks to himself as he watches Star flip through the spell book. He sees Star stop at a page. He reads "The All Seeing Eye". Marcos eyes widen as he see's Star chanting the spell. When she finishes, Marco sees himself and Jackie skateboarding. Marco is baffled at what he is seeing, and refuse to believe it is real. Marco really denies it when he watches Star knock him and Jackie off of the board. Marco falls back to the ground and the purple in his eyes slowly fades away. He looks at the wand, and can only think to try the spell he heard Star chant in his vision. He is still in disbelief about what he saw, but if this spell works, than he will drop all of his doubts about what he saw. As he is about to try the spell, his phone rings. He looks at his phone and see's Jackies name. He ignores it, and puts his phone on Stars bed. Marco then begins...

I summon the all seeing eye,

To tear a whole into the sky,

Reveal to me that which is hidden,

Unveil to me what is forbidden.

         The Wand shakes with great power, while Marco struggles to hold it. He gets a hold of things and the wand rips a hole in front of Marco and reveals where Star went. Star is walking towards her parents castle in Mewni. Marco is concerned, assuming that she is going to return to Mewni for good. "Star...?" Marco whispers. Star stops walking, and tilts her head to side, sensing that someone is watching her. "I know your watching..." Star says. "Marco, I have to take some time to myself, I will be home tomorrow, just try to get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow." Marco gets an upsetting look on his face, "Star, what do yo..." Marco is cut off by Star destroying the spell. "Star why are you doing this! Why are you running?" Star replies, "You wouldn't understand Marco, I'm sorry." The opening slams closed and the wand flies out of Marcos hand. Marco Slams back on the ground as the portal closes. "I think I do." Marco says before covering his eyes and thinks about if Star will be back tomorrow or not.

          "Marcoooooooo" Star says as she gets him out of bed for school. "Star...?" Marco says, still waking up. When he finally realizes that Star is in front of him, he jumps out of bed and hugs her tighter than he ever has before. Star is caught a little off guard, but she smiles and hugs him back. "Why did you run away last night?" Marco says, still holding on to her. Star gets nervous, hoping that he wasn't going to say that, but now she has to answer. She grabs his shoulders and separates them, and looks into his eyes. "Marco, I didn't want to go, but I couldn't see anyone other than my parents after losing the book and Glossaryck." Star lies. "So... you're okay now, right?" Marco says. Star tries putting on a fake smile, "I think I'll get by." Marco smiles and hugs her more, Star smiles again, this time however, it's genuine.

          Star and Marco finish getting ready for school, and decide to leave a little earlier and walk to school instead of take the bus.

"You know, Star, when I saw you leaving through the portal, I thought I was never gonna see you again." Marco Said.

"C'mon Marco, how can I leave this place behind?" Star Replied

"I don't know, I saw that you left your wand, and, well..."

"Marco, I know you used my wand, how else could you cast the All Seeing Eye?"

          Star suddenly realized that there was no way for Marco to know the spell because he hadn't ever seen her cast it and the book was gone. She became overwhelmed and confused. She panicked and quickly and sharply asked Marco how he possibly knew the spell. Marco told her about his vision. Star's heart sank, her eyes changed from a sky blue to a malicious green. Star felt depressed along with guilty. Marco was nervous when he saw what was happening to Star. Marco noticed her wand shaking out of control, and changing from her usual bright and colorful wand and transitioned into a more gloom and darker version. Marco yelled her name, "Star!" Star's eyes snapped back to blue and her wand returned to normal. She looked dizzy and ended up falling to the ground and losing consciousness. Marco dropped to the ground with her and tried everything to get her up, but nothing was working. Marco looked around quickly, realizing that they were still close to the house. Marco looked down the road they came from, and then back at Star he got a fierce look in his eyes as he picked up Star and ran back to the house.

          As Marco was about to run in the house, Star returned to consciousness. She was lightheaded and pale, but conscious. Star saw Marco and smiled, realizing he was carrying her. She was flattered. Marco kicked open the door, startling his parents. They asked what he was doing when they saw Star and ran upstairs behind Marco. Marco opened Star's door to her room. His parents were close behind. Marco asked them to wait outside. Nervous and afraid, they listened. Marco placed Star on her bed and went to grab her spell book. He was halfway across the room when he realized that the book was stolen. Instead, he ran back to Star and grabbed her hand.

"Marco" Star struggled to say in a low and raspy voice.

"Star! Star! Are you okay? What happened? What's wrong? Please Star ple..."

"Marco..." Star interrupted him as he was panicking

"Marco... It's ok." She said, calming him down.

"But, but what happened? I mean, I've never seen that happen to you." Marco was still worried about her.

"Marco, I promise, I will be okay." Star said looking a Marco with a smile.

           Marco ran to door and told his parents everything would be okay. They asked what was wrong with Star and Marco told them everything that happened. His parents exchanged a look, and told Marco that he still had to go to school. Marco got angry, telling them that he wasn't going to school and he was staying with Star to take care of her. "She would do the same for me if I had to stay home." Marco told them. His parents told him that they would take care of her while he was at school, and that he was going. Marco, knowing there was no way he could win the argument, accepted their terms. He asked them if he could just talk to Star for another minute. They allowed him to talk to her but only for a minute, he had to run to school if he ever wanted to make it on time.

"Alright... Star?" Marco said in a soft voice.

"Marco? What's on your mind." Star replied, still in a raspy voice

"My parents are making me go to school, but I'll be back in no time, okay?"

"You're leaving?" Star said, looking at Marco, upset and dissapointed."

"I'll be back in no time, okay?" Marco said, reassuring Star.

"Okay, I'll be counting on you to be here right after school."

"Marcoooo, let's gooooo!" Marco's Parents yelled from the living room.

Marco turned his head to the door, and then back to Star. "I'll be here"

"Now go, before you're late and it's my fault." Star said with a smile.

"Okay" Marco said, chuckling, "I'll be back" Marco leaned in and hugged Star.

"Right after school" Star said, still hugging Marco.

          Marco grabbed stars wand and put it on her bedside table. He walked to the door, but before walking out, looked back at Star. They exchanged a smile, and then Marco left. Marco went downstairs, with an upsetting face. He quickly realized that he would be back in no time, just like he told Star, and then they could spend the rest of the day together. Marco got excited, and began running to school.

          Marco arrived to school, out of breathe, and exhausted. He was 10 minutes late, but he made faster than he thought he would. Marco made a quick stop at his locker, putting a note that said "Get Home ASAP!", just in case he forgot. He also put a few other things in his locker, a spare pencil he had, and a book he didn't need.

          Meanwhile... While Marco was taking care of Star and running to school, Janna was chatting up Jackie, talking about how it was such a weird coincidence that Marco AND Satr were absent on apt he same day. Jackie asked Janna what she was suggesting, getting angry.

"I'm suggesting that they skipped together, maybe they have a secret affair?" Janna told Jackie.

"Really? You think MARCO would cheat on me? He's such a nice guy and I know he would never do anything like that." Jackie said, defending Marco

"Then where are they?" Janna Responded

"They live together Janna! If one of them gets sick then of course both of them will be."

"As long as you believe that, but I don't buy it." Janna then walked away, angered that Jackie doesn't see things her way.

          Jackie glances down, then at Janna, who is walking away, thinking about what she said. Jackie hears the bell, then slowly makes her way to class. All the way there, multiple are looking at whispering. She looks at all of them and continues to think about what Janna said. Jackie loses her composure, tearing up, and running into the bathroom. She looks in the mirror, thinking about the night of the dance. She thiught about how nervous Marco was and how cute it was. She thought about how she taught him how to skateboard. She thought about their kiss. She refused to believe that Marco would do that. But she couldn't help considering it

         Star has been alone for about 20 minutes, and she already misses Marco. She grabs her journal and begins to write a new entry. She writes "My NEW thoughts on Marco. Well, recently, Maroc and Jackie went on a date, and I got reeeaaaally jealous. I didn't think I would because I didn't think I like Marco like that, but after seeing the way they looked at each other, I couldn't help myself. I wish I went to dance with Marco, I wouldn't be in this mess, but who knows. Anyway, I couldn't get him out of my mind alllll night and it really took the fun out of Ressuredting a dead clown. I tried everything I could but once Janna fell asleep. I couldn't hold myself back, and I tried calling. When he never answered, I felt my heart break. So, I kept calling, and calling, and calling, until eventually, I realized I had my speed book! So, I asked Glossaryk where the spying spell was, and I used it. That's one of my biggest regrets. I used my magic for evil, and now, I think I'm losing control."

The day flew by and Jackie still hasn't seen or even talked to Marco over the phone. Little does she know he is at school. Marco hasn't talked to Jackie because he's worried about Star and he just wants to be alone. However, they have 4th period together, so they will end up seeing each other anyway. While Marco is on his way to class  Janna sees him, and gets an angry look in her eyes. She ran up to him, grabbed him, and put him on his locker.

"Listen, I know about you and Star!" Janna said furiously.

"What are you talking about!?" Marco replied quickly.

"I know you're having an affair behind Jackies back, the way you and Star act around each other, I've seen you two give each other 'the look'!"

"What are you talking about! We are just friends!"

"Yea, I'm sure you are... anyway, you hurt Jackie, and I promise, I will return the favor." Janna dropped Marco and walked away with both fists clutched.

          Marco was confused, wondering why Janna thought Star and him were having an affair. He tried brushing it off quickly, but the more he thought about the more he thought about them getting together. Star was looking better and better every minute. As he was thinking about him and Star as a couple, Jackie walked in front of him.

"Oh, hey Marco!" Jackie Said.

Marco snapped out of his day dream. "Oh, hey, Jackie..." He gave an awkward smile.

"So Marco, I was thinking we could hang out after school today, I really need to talk to you about something." Jackie looked upset.

Marco replied, "Jackie, I'm... I'm so sorry but Star is really in the dumps and I promised her I would be there for her right after school." Macro felt terrible, but he wanted to keep his promise.

"You can't just be a little late? It's really important." Jackie looked concerned. Marco sighed and said,

"How about this, can we walk to my house after school and you can talk to me about it on the way there."

Jackie seemed stunned. "Ok, Marco, it seems like you'd rather be with Star than me."

"No no, it's not like that! It's just, I promised Star I'd be there for her after school!" Marco was panicking now.

"Marco it's cool, I guess Janna was right thought."

"Whoa whoa whoa, right about what?"

"Well, she said that it was weird that you were both absent, and, kind of implied that you two are seeing each other." Jackie put her hand behind her head and looked down.

"Wha... No, we're just friends, but a promise is a promise, ok, but I'm going home."

"It's fine Marco, she needs you, I get it." Jackie said, turning and starting to walk away.

Marco saw that she was in pain and hated seeing her like that. "Jackie! Hold on..."

Jackie turned around with wide eyes. "Yea Marco"

Marco was terrified, but he said with regret, "Meet me by my locker after school."

"Really? But wouldn't you'd rather go home and be with Star?"

Jackie was making this harder and harder for Marco. He wanted to go home with Star, but something kept urging him to go with Jackie. "I'll call her before you get there."

"Marco, it means so much to me, honest." Jackie said with a giant smile on her face, while she jumped into Marco and gave him a massive hug.

          Jackie then left with a smile, while Marco put a smile on his face until she turned the corner. As soon as she did, Marco's smile broke and he became frustrated and extremely upset. His eyes became vibrant purple again, and for a second time, he had a vision. Marco saw Him and Jackie talking. They were still at school. Marco told her that she was the most beautiful girl he has ever met. Jackie smiled. They stared into each other's eyes, and they leaned in as if they were about to kiss. As soon as their lips were about to touch, all the lockers slammed open and closed. Before he saw any more, his eyes returned to normal, and he was up against a locker breathing heavily. Marco didn't even realize that the bell had rang and he was late. Nevertheless, he made his way to class, trying to forget about what he saw.

          The bell rang again, signifying the end of class. Marco got out of the classroom as fast as he could, and ran to his locker while calling Star.

"Hello? Marco?" Star said, sounding the same as this morning.

Marco smirked, hearing her voice filled him with joy. "Hey, you have no idea how refreshing your voice is."

Star smiled, "It's nice hearing your voice too. So are you on your way here? I've missed you all day, it's weird being without you."

Marco didn't know what to say. "Star, I need to talk to you."


"Jackie needs to talk to me, but I will be home right after we talk, okay?"

Star felt tears coming, "Oh, oh yea, don't even worry about it, as long as you get here soon."

Marco was relieved. "Oh thank god, I knew you would be okay with it, and don't get better before I get there, I still want to take care of you, even if I am later than planned."

"Yea, yea, totally, totally... Just, be here please." Star said, beginning to cry.

"I'll be there in no later than half an hour. I'll make sure of it."

"Alright, byeeee" Star hung up bawling.

          She had her hands covering her eyes. Star couldn't stop crying for 5 minutes, until she looked up and saw her wand on the table Marco put it on before he left. She saw it wiggle a little bit, causing her to gasp. She pretended it didn't happen, turning back to the other side of her bed. However, she looked back at. She covered her eyes, trying to convince herself not to grab her wand in fear of hurting someone, but started crying again. She suddenly stopped. She moved her head towards her wand before uncovering her eyes, revealing the malicious green color in her eyes once again. She levitated over to her wand, and grabbed it. She glanced down at her wand in her hand, and grinned.

Thank you guys so much for reading the first chapter of my story Consumed. I Really appreciate you guys giving my story a chance. I will try to release these every Sunday night anywhere from 8:00pm to 10:00pm. The next chapter of my story, "Chapter Two - True Colors", will be released Next week, April 9th, 2017.

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