Promises (COMPLETED)

By sweethoneybey

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That Mother (sequel) [BOOK 2] More

The characters
Promises 2
New story


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By sweethoneybey

April 21, 2017

Tina p.o.v
Jasmine stood near the entrance of the kitchen looking sad as a puppy with no food. She looked innocent but I know the devil inside her is still existing. Although she looks like her mother her actions for the past year was her father.....well both. Beyonce wasn't no damn saint growing up. Boys coming to the house. Sneaking out at night. Missing practice. Having sex. Being disrespectful to the point I had to put my hands on her. Ditching school. Fighting over boys. She was just wild. And I see all of beyonce in my oldest grandchild.

"Good morning" I spoke

GG looked at me and gave a weak grin, "good mornin" she mumbled

"How you been" I asked

"Defiant" I heard beyonce say. I turned around and glared at her. She put her hands up in defense,
"I'm just saying mama"


She rolled her eyes and began to do her own thing. I turned back around and looked at jasmine, "so how YOU been GG"

"I don't even know. Everyone mad at me so..."

"What do you mean by 'everyone' " I asked

She pointed to her mom. Beyonce looked up, "im not going to argue with you alright?"

"No one forcing you to argue or talk to me" I heard GG say rolling her eyes leaving the kitchen

"Beyonce calm down" I said knowing that she was going to follow her. I turned to face her


"Let me talk to you"

"Bet" she said sitting in front of me

"You being disrespectful Beyoncé"

"Am not" she defended taking a sip of her smoothie

"Is too and don't say another damn word or imma slap you across this table" I spoke sternly. Beyonce should know I don't run the disrespectful bullshit. I don't care how old you are if you are my child and you disrespect me I'm disciplining you.

Beyonce sighed fixing her position to relax, "go ahead mama"

I raised my eyebrow, "you want me to slap you?" I asked confused

She shook her head, "no. I was telling you to say what you got to say"

"That girl...that girl is supposed to been gotten her ass whoop, but you wanted to be 'mrs. not hit a child' and look? She has zero respect-"

"I have respect mama, we just going through it right now"

"That upstairs is not no damn respect. That is a child that thinks life is going to be handed to her. You don't see that. I told you from the start to discipline her. When she would put her hands on you. You wouldn't do shit so now that You finally realized shit is getting real 12 years too late you want my help? Karma. You did this too me at her age even yet, but younger. Everything-"

"Ma don't"

"No I am because you need to hear the truth. Everything you did since you was 13 is affecting you more now. You would run the streets and come home in wee hours. You would do the most ridiculous stuff beyonce as a teen. I tried my best to discipline you but you wouldn't listen until you got pregnant. It's been years since I seen the original beyonce. When you turned 13 I barely even knew if I had two kids. After...after you had jasmine...when you was 20 I seen the change. You change for the better. You stood up and became a mom, but you gave that right up when she was 15 months old. That girl needed her mama. I was willing to keep her while you worked. But you wanted to stay and chase after that Anthony boy. For what reason? I don't know. But you should have stayed focused. Yes, you did stay in her life but you have to realize that she knew you as her cousin before a mother. Beyonce, I told you to be in her life and make sure she knows that you are her mother. Mya had her almost 10 years before you stepped up and came in and said, 'hey GG I'm ya real mother' after you knew she had so much hatred for her birth mother because she gave her up. You need to sit down and talk to that girl and tell her the REAL reason why you wasn't there."

"I did ma I did"

"You told her about ya relationship with her father. Not why u didn't keep her after me, your mother, gave you options other than adoption and giving up that respect."

"I told her everything" she said getting up

"Really? Does she know about CPS? Or when Anthony beat the shit out of you? Why her dad wasn't really there?"

"Ma please"

"You are lying to that girl and she knows it"

"No she doesn't" she defended

"Do she look 1 years old to you? That girl is 16 years old. She knows something is up. You need to talk to her"

"She needs attention"

"She needs a mother damn it!"

She sighed having her back turned from me, "baby you gotta let go"

"I can't" she cried, "I can't okay. I made some fucked up decisions ma. I did. And I'm guessing this is pay back. I can't let go of the past"

"Are you taking all those classes in therapy?"

"Yes anything to keep my child with me" she said sincerely

"Well then no it isn't. She's just heading towards the path you was in" I said, "tell her the truth. The real truth and maybe she will change and stop acting like a lost child"

She cleaned her mess up, "I just earned her forgiveness." She turn around to face me, "this is all I got. I don't wanna break this bond. The line is so thin. I'm losing her ma"

"Baby there is no bond with secrets" I stood up and hug her, "tell her the truth. She doesn't care about your relationship with her dad. She cares about you disowning her at a young age and then coming back. No one knows about her. And it hurts to know that you are non existent to the world while everyone else in your family is relevant"

I just hugged her, "the truth shall set you free" I spoke a word from the book of god. I let her go and kissed her forehead.

She is going through it. Everything that has happened between her and GG is ridiculous. She is scared of what will happen to her if the truth comes out.

Beyonce p.o.v
At rehearsal

I sat down after a good 2 hour dance practice. I grabbed my water going through my phone. I looked to see jasmine still sitting on the couch pouting. I sighed, "come here"

She looked at me and didn't move

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Jasmine, did you not hear me"

She turned her head away from me laying down on the couch.

I stood up and walked to her and sat down, "jasmine" I touched her cheek and she swatted my hand away getting up going to the vending machine. I clenched my jaws

"Jasmine!"I yelled sternly. Everyone stopped and looked at us

"What the fuck you want?!" She yelled back, "can't you tell I don't don't want to talk to you?!"

I closed my eyes walking up to her. I looked at how everyone was looking at us, "get back to work or y'all won't have no work" they immediately turned their head and began working again. I grabbed jasmine by her arm yanking her to the nearest room. I closed and lock the door. "The hell is your problem jasmine!" I asked

She folded her arms looking away from me, "on my dads grave mom, if you keep putting your hands on me"

"What you gone do?!"

She clenched her jaws and fist

"Hit me jasmine"

She didn't move. So I slapped her, "you all bark jasmine. Hit me!"

Her face got red. I raised my hand and slapped her again. I wanted her to hit me. And that's what I got. I grabbed her and held her by her neck leaning her towards the grown. She kicked me several times crying.

"You think im just going to let you hit me?! I'll whoop ya ass like a grown ass woman jasmine!"

"Let me go!"

I let her go having her head hit the ground. She Held her head crying. I slowly stepped back realizing what I have done. Jasmine got up crying. She looked terrified of me.

I reached for her, "jasmine"

She backed up crying, "you said you wouldn't hurt me!"

"Jasmine you hit-"

She walked out the room crying.

I sat down on the couch thinking about what I just done. It's getting worse. Should I tell her the truth?
Omg bey lied about everything😭😭Bey done fucked up. She Betta talk to god🙏🏽. Bey and jasmine first physical altercation and it will not be the last
>>wat do you think about beys past? Is it reflecting off of her now?

>>was mama t right for telling bey the truth?

>>what do you think really happened that caused bey to give jasmine up?

>> beyonce and jasmine first physical altercation?

>>should bey tell jasmine the truth?

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