Love Will Do What It Does

By pandafangirl2

34.5K 1.2K 2.2K

The strike is over, the Newsies are hawking headlines once more, and all seems right in New York City. Jack a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Let's Play A Game Of Tag
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's Note
Q & A
Flash News
I got Tagged pt.1
Tagged once again

Chapter 15

756 33 18
By pandafangirl2

Jack had been counting down the days till Katherine's party.

"We will find a way to get you two back together." Davey had told him once while he was thinking.

He'd made hundreds of scenarios, trying to figure out a way to be there with her.

But each one ended with him either in jail, being beaten by the Delancys, or dead. None of those options sounded good.

He'd spend hours in his penthouse going over his plans till he fell asleep from pure exhaustion.

With only two days till her ball, he was running out of ideas. And time.

        (Necessary place skip)

Joey was running as fast as he could. He had to get to the lodge house. He had to see Jack.

Sharply turning and almost tripping as he rounded the last corner to his destination, he smiled as he neared the rundown building.

He slowed his pace and came to a full stop just outside the front doors, panting heavily.

He extended his hand and knocked hard on the door. Then he leaned his weight against the doorframe, patiently waiting for someone to answer.

That someone was Albert.

He jerked the door open, making Joey lose his balance and fall flat on the ground of the lodge house with a loud *THUD*.

"Whoa! You'se okay Joey?" The young boy inquired as he helped him up. Joey stood back up and dusted himself off. "I'm fine Albert. But I need to see Jack." He replied as he rushed passed the boy.

"Hey there Joey! What's da hurry?" Race asked walking down the stairs. "Hey Race. I just need to talk to Jack. Is he in his penthouse?" "Yeah he's up dere." "That's all I needed to know. Thanks!" Joey said as he marched up the steps.

After climbing up the metal ladder, Joey saw Jack just sitting there, sketching.

"Hi Jack. What's that?" He interrupted. Jack's head snapped up and he grinned at his brother. "Hey Joey. It's a picture o' Katherine." He held up his finished artwork.

It was Katherine sitting under a tree writing down things on her notepad. But it had this special touch that made it look life like. "Wow Jack. Your skills have improved a lot since I left."

Jack chuckled, remembering how terrible his drawings used to be. Then he looked up at his brother again. "So, what brings ya here? Do ya have another message from Katherine?" "Not today. She was busy so I haven't seen her yet." Jack frowned. But Joey kept a smile.

"That being said, I do have a message from her mother." That peaked his interest. "From her mother? What about?" Joey just handed him a folded piece of paper.

Jack opened it and read it's contents. His eyes widened and he jaw dropped in shock.

"Really?" He finally said. His brother nodded excitedly. "This is perfect!" He jumped up and squeezed Joey, who now struggled for air.

Once he released him, Joey spoke. "If this is going to work, we'll need help from all of the newsies and Alice." Jack nodded in reply.

Joy filled his body. This plan could save his aching heart.

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