Belonging to the Darkness

By MissaSissa

45.1K 1K 468

"You, my dear, belong to me." Unable to adopt Baby Henry and bored with the curse she has cast, Regina settle... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

5.3K 102 32
By MissaSissa

I am finally back from taking a writing break, and I'm so excited to get started again! This story is a bit different from my others, and I'm excited to write it!

Just a quick disclaimer warning: This contains ageplay, non-con/reluctance, and possible torture with some sexual themes (what else do you expect from the Evil Queen herself?) If this is something that makes you uncomfortable or is a trigger, I suggest you don't read this.

I wasn't going to post this here, seeing as this is a very dark and twisted story, but on my other sites, readers loved the first chapter. So here it is. You've been warned.

"Approved? What do you mean I wasn't approved?" Regina screeched, her voice raising an octave out of frustration.

The poor woman at the front desk pointed helplessly at her computer. "You should have gotten a letter in the mail, Ma'am. It said- "

"Yes, I know what it said!" Regina growled.

She slammed her hand down on the desk, causing the receptionist to jump and the few occupants in the waiting room to look up curiously. Taking a deep breath, she smoothened out her pantsuit and put on a smile. It wouldn't help matters acting like a petulant child.

"May I please speak to Mr. Connor?" She asked in the nicest tone she could muster.

The receptionist looked taken aback at her change of behavior, but quickly nodded and picked up her phone. Regina drummed her fingernails against the desk as she waited. This was not going the way she had intended. The plan was to adopt a child. But not just any child; the Savior's child, the offspring of that wretched Snow White.

Ever since she lost her chance with Owen, the nice little boy that had come to town with his father years ago, Regina had never felt satisfied. She was bored with the curse; the victory of inflicting torture that only she knew about had waned.

No, her heart wanted something else. To be loved, just once in her life. To have someone that depended on her fully, someone she could nurture and attempt to care for. She had long since given up on love for herself; the only person that had truly loved her was buried 6 feet underground.

However, when she (with the help of Gold) found out about the Savior's little teen pregnancy mishap, she found the perfect opportunity. Revenge and motherhood all rolled up into one neat little package specifically tailored for the Evil Queen herself.

It was bound to happen sooner or later; she had kept tabs on the young princess since the girl was young, enjoying watching the misery of her sad sad life. The girl had been in and out of juvie, and arrested for stealing and destruction of property. It didn't help that almost every home she ended up in was abusive. She deserved it, Regina thought, being related to the girl that ruined her life.

If she would have thought out her plan more instead of going in with a head of steam, she could have just taken Snow White's newborn and put the bandit into captivity, forcing her to watch as Regina corrupted her little princess from the inside out. She would just have to settle for taking Snow White's grandson instead.

"Ah, Mayor Mills. What a pleasure to speak with you again after our... lovely meeting last month." Thomas Connor approached her, straightening his tie somewhat nervously.

Regina flashed him a smile, fighting the urge to bite her lip. She had to do a few... favors for the manager of the adoption agency to even be able to meet her future son. She had lost her favorite pair of French lace panties and her pride, however, she had to do what she had to do.

"Mr. Connor. What a delight," the brunette purred, reaching her hand out and squeezing his gently. "I understand we're having some issues with my adoption finalizations?"

"Yes, let's take this to my office." The man answered, practically yanking his hand from her grip.

Regina frowned, but found herself following him. As soon as the door was closed, she turned her charm back on. As Thomas leaned against his desk facing her, she leaned against the door and locked it with the flick of her wrist.

"Brandy," she commented, sashaying over to the crystal-cut glasses. "Don't mind if I do. Would you care for a glass, Thomas?"

"Please sit down," the man said, motioning to the seat in front of him.

Regina did so, whiskey-colored eyes burning as she gazed up at him. She opened her legs just a little, enough for him to glance down at her toned thighs. He quickly shook off the lust, clearing his throat to distract himself.

"Miss Mills, it seems as though you will not be able to adopt a child through our agency. Or rather, any agency. We were unable to find background information about you before 1983. Although your record is clean and you have impressive standings with being the mayor of your town and remaining financially stable, it simply isn't enough."

Regina stood, wrapping her dark-lacquered nails around the man's tie and tugging down before placing a chaste kiss to his jawline. "We can make it enough, can't we?"

The man paused for a moment before firmly pushing her away. "I'm married with three children. What we did was a mistake. I- I wasn't thinking."

Regina's jaw tightened, her eyes narrowing into slits. "You didn't care about that when you were bending me over that fancy sports car of yours, did you? I have the power to ruin you. I can make your life a living hell, make it so you'll be living on the streets out of nothing but a cardboard box."

To her surprise, Thomas stepped forward with his eyes blazing. "What about you, Madame Mayor? What would your town think if they knew about your scandal? Is that how you became mayor? You slept your way to the top?"

Regina stepped forward and the man nearly fell back in fear. "The people of my town respect me. They know who they're dealing with. And I would make a great mother, I'll have you know. So, unless you want me to tell everyone about your own little scandal, I suggest you give me the son you promised me."

"Get out," the man said, his voice a near whisper. "What?" Regina snarled. "I said get out! Before I call security!" Thomas yelled.

Regina left the building with a smile on her face. In mere minutes, everyone that Thomas Connor knew (including his wife) would know of his dark secret. Regina had left him in quite the predicament; pants down, gagged, handcuffed to his desk. The picture she had sent to everyone in his contacts list looked just lovely. And if he tried to retaliate, he wouldn't be able to. Storybrooke was a hidden gem, only she had the power to come and go.

But what was she going to do about filling that void inside of her? She no longer had magic; she couldn't just conjure up a child.

On the long drive back home, a small seed planted itself in her mind. The Savior was her key. Of course; why didn't she think of it before? It would take time and meticulous planning with some help from a reluctant ally, but it might just work. Her perfect revenge.

2 Years Later:

"Stop here, please," Emma Swan instructed the taxi driver as they rounded the corner onto an empty street. The only source of light came from an old neon bar sign that was broken on one side and hanging precariously off a brick ledge.

The taxi driver turned around in his seat, eyebrows raised. "You sure you want me to drop ya off right here, Miss? A young lady such as yourself shouldn't be in this type of neighborhood, especially at night."

Emma waved him off and gave him a hearty tip. As soon as the taxi disappeared, she slung her bag over her shoulder and ducked into the abandoned apartment building she had come to call home, as well as a few others that had stowed away there.

"Hey! Swan!" A familiar voice called out.

Emma rolled her eyes and pulled her bag closer to her. Everything she owned was in it, and if one of these street rats were to take it she'd be screwed. As she went to open the apartment door, a hand swiftly shut it and pinned her against it.

"What do you want, Ryland?" The blonde asked, chin pointed upwards towards her unwelcome visitor.

The scraggly, too-thin man backed off a bit, knowing Emma could kick his ass if need be. Although she was nearly half his size, the heroin and cocaine he worshipped and craved on the daily had made him weak and needy. Emma should know; she was his main dealer.

"Just my main, that's all I need," Ryland answered.

Emma's gaze shifted down to the man's pockets as she raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "I'm assuming you don't have anything for me?"

The man rubbed the back of his neck and glanced around nervously. "C'mon, Swan. You've been my main dealer for years; you know I'm good for it."

Emma defiantly shook her head and slung her bag over her shoulder. "Come talk to me when you have the money plus the forty you still owe," she said before entering the apartment and making sure the three heavy-duty locks she had installed herself were in place.

"Hey, it's everyone's favorite gal! Emma, come take a seat!" August, her foster brother and infamous drug dealer, patted the stained and worn couch he was seated on and flashed her a wide smile.

5 or 6 others Emma didn't recognize took up the remaining furniture, looking stoned out of their minds. The blonde simply shook her head and went to the kitchen to grab at whatever was left. The random junkies that occupied their little 2-bedroom raided the food constantly. They were just lucky Emma made enough money from her illegal job to keep the supply running.

She was going to make it out of here. Find a good job, live in a nice apartment, live the life she deserved...

After she heated up her food and went to her room that she shared with her best friend Ruby, she noticed the girl wasn't asleep in her bed like she usually would be. Ruby was 4 years younger than her and emancipated, and unfortunately, headed down the same path Emma took herself around that age.

Emma had caught the 16-year-old sneaking into the apartment building one night, and after learning her story she decided to take the girl under her wing. So far, she had managed to keep her in school and away from the creeps that hung around, but Ruby was wild and had a rebellious streak.

"Where is she?" The blonde demanded August, a fire burning behind her emerald eyes. "I think she left with Ricky not too long ago," the man answered.

"God damn it, August! You were supposed to watch her while I finished my rounds!" Emma snapped, internally kicking herself for not being here. "Hey, I'm not the girl's babysitter. I'm sure she's just fine on her own out there. She can take care of herself, Emma." August said calmly.

Emma simply shook her head and slipped out the front door. She knew where Ruby would be, and she wouldn't allow the girl to screw up her own life like Emma did hers.

Upon entering the small dive bar, she spotted the bartender she had come to know well. He had helped her out of some sticky situations, and she knew he had her back.

"Otis," the blonde said urgently, catching the man's attention.

The man immediately turned towards her, leaning on the bar. "What's up, Emma?"

"Have you seen Ruby? She left with Ricky not too long ago, I just missed her."

The man's face contorted in disgust. "Oh, she's with that slime ball? No, I'm sorry. Haven't seen her, Ems."

Emma trudged outside, pulling her bag closer to her and glancing over her shoulder with a sigh. She should have known better than to trust Ruby to stay put.

The blonde did a double take as a sleek black limo turned onto the street and rolled by. What the hell would someone be doing out here so late? Especially someone that obviously didn't belong in this neighborhood? Were they attempting to commit suicide?

"Emma Swan."

Emma turned towards the mystery voice to see a woman stalking towards her from the dark shadows of the bar she had just left. The woman was beautiful; that she could see. Mid-thirties, fit, dark ebony tresses that fell just past her shoulders. In the darkness, she loomed over the young girl in a way that made her nervous.

"Do I know you?" Emma asked, fingering the pocket knife she kept in her inside jacket pocket.

The woman laughed, the sound seeming to reverberate off the surrounding buildings and echo down the street. Emma's eyes shifted down to the older woman's toned legs. The short black dress she wore gave her an air of superiority, and the girl felt her street-smart confidence waver.

"No, dear, I'm afraid not. But you will soon enough." The woman reached forward and grasped her chin, running the pad of her thumb along her lower lip.

Emma jerked her head away, snapping the pocket knife open and holding it out.

"Who are you?"

To her surprise, the woman merely smirked and looked her up and down. Emma stood her ground, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Was she one of August's friends? Or someone from CPS?

"Regina Mills. I've had my eye on you for quite some time, my dear. Now we are going to have ourselves a little chat." The woman motioned to the limo, indicating Emma get inside.

"Like hell we are. I don't know who you are or what you want, but you better leave me the fuck alone," the blonde snarled.

Regina clucked her tongue in a disapproving tone. "You've got quite a mouth on you, don't you? We'll fix that soon enough. But for now, hand me your knife."

Emma's grip on the weapon tightened. This was her only means of defense besides her body, and she wasn't willing to give it up. Granted, she could take the woman out if need be, but then she would be risking the loss of her bag. This woman didn't seem crazy, but something definitely felt off. She obviously knew who Emma was. And if she knew what Emma did for a living... that could be trouble.

But before Emma could make the decision whether to make a run for it or attack, a steely hand was wrapping itself around her arm, forcing it behind her back in a painful twist. The girl hissed in pain and involuntarily dropped the knife into her attacker's hand.

Regina held her there for a minute, her slim body curving against Emma's. The blonde shivered as she felt the woman's hot breath against her ear.

"I won't ask you again. You do as you're told, and get in the limo," Regina spoke in a low voice that warned Emma if she didn't, she could quite possibly die.

As Emma obediently climbed in, she felt her bag being pulled off her shoulder. She turned to fight for it, but a high-heeled shoe shoved her the rest of the way in. She stopped resisting as she saw what was in the backseat. Or rather, whom.

"Ruby!" The blonde cried, scrambling to reach her friend.

The young girl was unconscious and slumped across the backseat carelessly. As the car door shut, Emma turned to face the mysterious woman responsible.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" Emma yelled, trying to rouse the brunette.

The young girl's eyelids fluttered, but she otherwise remained unresponsive. The limo began to move, and Emma fought hard not to panic. Was this woman some sort of drug lord? Or possibly a hitwoman? Although Emma kept a low-profile, she was sure she had pissed at least a couple people off whom she had done business with in the past. There was a very real possibility that they could want her dead.

"Relax, Emma. I did nothing to harm your friend. In fact, I saved her from the man she was with. She was drunk and half passed out by the time I came across her. If it weren't for me, she would have been in a much direr state," Regina said in a surprisingly soothing tone.

"Who the hell are you?" Emma demanded yet again. "What do you want? Where are you taking us?"

Regina snapped her fingers, and the limo slowed to a stop. Emma realized they were in the front of her old orphanage. The car door opened, and the limo driver proceeded to take Ruby inside.

Emma barely had time to process what had happened just as the car began to move again. She pressed her hands against the tinted glass, her heart sinking as she realized she would probably never see Ruby again.

"You're not from CPS," she spoke dryly. "Glad to see you were blessed with better wits. Now get your hands off of my window before you smudge it." Regina said.

The statement was odd, but Emma didn't focus on it. She needed to find a way out. So she squared her shoulders, sat up straight, and put on an intimidating glare.

"Okay, Regina. What do you want?"

The woman leaned forward, an insidious twinkle hidden behind her dark eyes. "Why, Miss Swan. I want you."

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