Request female or female gend...

By Merasmus64

153K 874 525

It's what the title says More

Examples for ideas
Female bastion x bulliedmale reader x Female zenyetta (edited)
CheatedPyhrra x samuraiolder male reader
Rias Gremory x brother male reader x raped asia
Yandere Fem anthro smaug x male ranger reader
Human female bastion x male reader x human zenyetta lemon
Cheater older sister blake x bear fannus little brother male reader x Neon
Bear fannus male reader x neon lemon
Mereasmus's orchestera
Rias gremory x little brother male reader
male demoman reader x female junkrat
Cheater cinder x little brother male reader x salem lemon
Ex -agent south x little brother agent male reader x big sister meta part 1
cheater rwby x male reader x raven x glynda goodwhich
Bartender male reader x erza, lucy, mavis , ultear, cana,juvie.
Cheater ruby x scout male reader x blake
Agent Texas x coward red male reader
Female merasmus x RED soldier male reader lemon
Thank you guys
Requests closed
Agent texas and coward red male reader lemon
Female Russia x german soldier male reader x Belarus
Yandere jess ,jane amd nina the killers x male reader part1
yandere nina,jane and jess the killers x male reader lemon
200 followers special
400 special
for the Halloween special
The rp is up
the daughters of freddy vs jason
700 follower special
Cheater tracer x sniper male reader x Widow maker
my next project
tournament idea
The song that always cheers me up
Harley quinn x male reader part 1
Ex agent south x little brother freelancer x big sister agent Maine/meta finally
story idea
line up for storys

Ex agent south x little brother male reader x big sister meta pt 2

3.6K 26 4
By Merasmus64

It's been 5 days since you and your sister were giving your A.I's she was giving a flaming man name sigma who you don't trust and you were giving Rui(picture on top) right now you were waiting for her to wake when Tex walked in.
Tex" hey s/n how's it going"
"Good just waiting for my sister to wake up"
She sits down next to you and looks at Maine
Tex" so your his little brother"
Tex "excuse me?"

"Maine is my older sister"

Tex"oh um"

"don't worry, everyone makes that mistake, so what's up"
Tex" I heard you got an Ai now, can I see it?"
"Two things, one it's a she and two yes"
Mind" come on Rui, she just wants to see you"
Rui pops out in her hologram form
Rui"hello agent Texas"
Tex" hey Rui"
You continue to talk with Tex and Rui when you notice Maine starting to wake up
"Hey she's waking up"
She blinks, trying to adjust to the light
"Easy sis you just woke
She lunges and hugs you
Sigma" that's enough agent Maine, I believe you should rest"
She doesn't let go of you, so you lay down beside her
You were in class learning about A.I life stages. Everyone you had A.I s were required to have them out. You were sitting beside your sister in the dark corner, though the spot you were in, people can see you
The counsellor" and as the director accurately predicted in the thesis on the subject, we see that cognitive impression modelling can be segregated from the host. Naturally, this remains an inherently deconstructive process. But most of all, the biggest concern of any full A.I. Entity is the prospect of rampancy, which we covered last week."
Director" of course, our A.I. Units are what we call fragments, so there's very little chance that a personality subroutine can run off unchecked."
Counsellor" are there any questions?"
South"yeah, I got a question, why do we need to learn all this stuff?"
Carolina" A.I. Theory is like vehicle maintenance, South. If we're going to use this equipment, any equipment, we need to know how to take care of it."
You were about to say something when south cuts you off
"Oh yeah, like a coffeemaker or a vacuum cleaner."
Both York's Ai, delta and Norths Ai theta, look concerned
Theta" uh..."
Delta" that was rather rood"
Rui" I think it was down right insulting"
South mockingly" Oh cry me a river, light bulb."
Carolina" No. Not the same as that"
" it's more of taking care of a child(looks at theta and delta) no offence"
South" Well I don't even have one cause someone didn't bring enough to share, so why am I sitting through this elementary classroom bullshit?"
" it's so when you get one, you know how to take care of it and besides, Carolina doesn't have one either"
York" that's only because she gave her's to Maine."
Carolina" she needed to be able to communicate when s/n isn't there to help"
South" oh yeah that's the only reason you did it, your a real hero, Carolina. It's not like Maine has much to say anyway."
Maine says something and you were about to translate it but sigma said it first
Sigma" I would like to say, just how appreciative the two of us are for Carolina's sacrifice. (Looks at Carolina) Agent carolina, if anyone can excel without an A.I. Unit, it is you."
Carolina" thank you sigma"
Sigma" and of course agent Texas of course. That goes without saying."
South" right. I notice she doesn't have to attend class"
Director" Agents Texas and s/n don't need this training."
Counsellor:" what the director's trying to say is that both agent Texas and agent s/n have already completed there a.i. Theory coursework, though s/n seems to have joined us again."
" I feel like I would be making my team if I didn't join them."
Counsellor" I think that's enough for today."
You were standing up when sigma raises his hand
Sigma" If I may counsellor, I have one last question."
York" oh come on"
"Toke the words right out of my mouth"
Sigma" on the different levels on A.i awareness and rampancy ."
Counsellor" melancholia,angry-"
Sigma" specifically, the fourth stage "
Counsellor" metastability."
Sigma" yes the meta stage, in which an Ai can be considered fully human."
Counsellor" that is only theoretical, sigma. No A.I. has ever achieved such a state."
Sigma" but it is possible?"
Counsellor" in theory, but..."
Sigma"But possible. I find that very interesting."
Counsellor "Remember, sigma, you are not even a full A.I., you are what we call a fragment, something of that magnitude would be more difficult for an entity such as your self."
Sigma" well as the director always says, it is important to have ambition."
"But some times ambition can get you and the people around you hurt or killed"
Director" you are both right, class is dissmissed"
Everyone walks out expect you, delta and Maine
Delta"sigma,are you coming?"
Sigma" yes. I will be join you shortly"
You and delta look at each other, then you look at Maine and see she's wants to go with you but can't
You were waiting in a drop pod with your sister next on over, the reason you were in a pod in case the rest needed reinforcements. Then sigma shows up
Sigma" hello agents/n, are you ready"
"Ready as I'll ever be, just makes sure my sister doesn't killed or I'll have  the director delete you"
He went away
"I really hate that guy"
You and your sisters pod were then launched
"Here we go"
5 seconds later, you landed and kicked the door
Rui" hey s/n aren't those the soldiers from the freeway?"
You pull out your chain gun
" yeah let's get to work"

You watch as your sister brutally destroyed them and you what he visibly disturbed
"Never mind I think I'll just go help wash and York"
You, wash and York were running up to help Wyoming when you come under a rain of bullets
Wyoming"well it's about time."
York " hey Wyoming, miss all the fun?"
Wyoming" hardly chaps, now where is our dear Carolina?"
She then speeds by
Wyoming" oh yes"
Carolina"Wyoming, move up!"
Wyoming" with all due respect, I prefer not to be killed if all possible."
Carolina" York, got any ideas?"
York" I don't know, got any nukes"
Carolina" you mean besides the one I'm going to drop on Wyoming IF HE DOESNT MOVE THE HELL UP!"
Wyoming"yes, I can see everything just fine back here, thank you."
Carolina" we need to get in that bunker. That's were CT and there leader are holed up."
Wash" how are we going to get through all of this?"
Wyoming" so far were not."
York" Maybe Wyoming should try one of his knock-knock jokes."
Wyoming"oh who's there?"
York"Nobody, stop."
Wyoming " nobody stop who, should I go on?"
York" Yeah I was kidding', now shut up"
Wyoming" shut up who"
Carolina" both of you shut up. Okay, here's what we're going to do. Wash, you establish a line on that side. York and Wyoming, You..."
She gets cut off when Tex runs by the emoji twins
Carolina" dammit, no! Cover me"
York" cover me that's the plan?"
"Rui, begin sentry mode"
Rui" on it"
You pull out your chain gun and Rui sets up reinheart 's shield.
Ten minutes later
York" s/n keep them distracted"
"What do you think I've been doing for the past 10 minutes"
You see floradia get up try to through the hachet but fail
York" so much for that plan."
Wash" what now?"
"I don't know but think of something fast before I" you didn't get to finish your sentence when a hachet handle knocked you out
You walk up in the med bay with your sister sleeping next to you when wash walks in
" hey wash did we win"
Wash" yeah but you've been in a coma for 2 mounths now"
"What happened your sister turned into the meta"
Wash" sigma took over her mine"
You got up and got your equipment on
Wash" where are you going?"
" to get my sister back
You walk out and wash follows
Wash's mind" I wish I got paid for this

MERASMUS here and the next part will be the lemon part and then a fairy tail. Ok MERASMUS out

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Well.. the title said it all. I take requests by the way!! :) I'm also a disclaimer.
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The title says it all ✨ Request: CLOSED
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It's in the title...hope you like them.... COMPLETED...
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[COMPLETED] Look at the title