Furry Humans | ✓

By XxRiah916Xx

599K 32.8K 9.2K

❝Human by Day and Wolf by Night.❞ But what would you do if you saw one in broad daylight? - * - Abigai... More

* Furry Humans *
* Epilogue *
side story - Samantha
side story - Mason
side story - Samantha
side story - Mason
graphic gallery
other works


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By XxRiah916Xx

C h a p t e r   F o u r t e e n

I thought you were healing me but no, you broke me even more.

♦ ° ♦ ° ♦

"So what I can tell, you're about three weeks along, going on four weeks. So you're definitely pregnant," the nurse states, moving the scope around Mom's belly.

My eyes stay glued to the little small screen that sported a black and white screening of the inside of Mom's belly. There inside, was a little oval sized bean.

"Is that the baby?" I ask aloud.

The blonde haired nurse, named Barbra, turns her head toward me a small smile on her face.

"Yes, you were like that once," she says, and all I do is stare back at the screen.

Nurse Barbra moves the small microscope on Mom's lower belly, that was covered in gel. After a minute, she pulls the thing away from Mom's stomach and packs everything away while handing Mom a tissue to wipe the gel from her stomach. She grabs her clipboard and looks through the sheets of paper on it.

"All right, seems like your baby is healthy and doing well. In about a few weeks, come back and we'll have another check up to see how your progressing." Nurse Barbara stated, giving us a smile.

~ • ~

"That went well." Mom commented as we walked out of the clinic.

I shrugged, "Could have been better if Dad was there," I mutter, looking off to the side, watching a few people glance our way.

Their eyes flickered back and forth between us as we walked from the building, again their eyes held curiosity and a distant emotion of something else. A couple with their child walked by us, and my eyes didn't miss the way the mother pulled her son closer to her side as they passed us. I frowned at that.

I finally tune back into whatever excuse Mom was making as we arrive at the car.

". .so that's why he couldn't make it." she finally finishes, looking up at me over the windshield. "Understand now?"

I blink at her, tilting my lips to the side. "Um. ." I trail off, unsure what to say.

"You didn't hear a thing I said, did you?" she asks with a sigh, a soft breeze blowing her brown hair over her shoulder.

"Y. . ye. . No." I say, laughing a bit at her expression.

She waves her hand in a dismissing manner, "Nevermind. Forget it."

Unlocking the car, we both hop in, and I buckle up the same time Mom puts the car in reverse and backs up before placing the car back in drive and zips down the street. We sat in a comfortable silence, the soft hum of the SUV flowing in my ears along with the radio playing on a low volume. That's when a thought passes through my head.

"Hey, Mom?"

"Hm," she hums, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Have you ever wondered why people haven't approached us?" I ask, glancing at her.

Her eyes cut over to me before gazing back on the road, turning the car to the left.

"What do you mean?" her eyebrows furrowing together

(A/N: don't you guys even think about!)

"I mean," I start, licking my dry lips. "Why hasn't anyone come to greet us when we moved into town? We're new, I at least excepted someone to knock at our door." I explain to her.

My head swimming with conclusions and assumptions, I continue to stare at her watch her eyes tighten around the edges and her lips thin.

"W-well there was Logan." she stammered, her eyes flickering from me to the road anxiously.

"More like an enemy than a friend." I utter to her seriously, "You guys act like I didn't notice the tension when we sat at the table and how nervous you both were." I tested.

Her hands tighten around the wheel.

I continued. "Why do I have a feeling you and Dad are keeping something from me?"

She was silent for a full minute, my eyes burning into the side of her face before she opened her mouth.

"It's. . complicated." her voice was low as she spoke.

The car turned down a familiar street, and I knew I didn't have much time left before we arrived at the house.

"Then tell me, please I plead. "cause if you haven't noticed, this town doesn't seem to like us from the stares we've been getting."

"Abigail, don't do this."

Two houses left before we pulled up.

"Don't what? Don't ask about how I feel like I'm being watched in my sleep?! or is it the part that the whole town hates us?" I ask frustratingly.

Swerving into the driveway, the car comes into a jerking stop, she put in park and neither of us made a move to get out. The only thing heard in the silent car was our breathing.

I sighed, "Mom—"

"Look Abigail!" she snapped, cutting me off, her eyebrows furrowed together angrily. "I don't have time for this! If want you want answers, you'll have to wait because you're asking the wrong person."

I blinked, wide eyes at her outburst before I relaxed my face and stared at her blankly.

"Fine, be like that then."

And just like that, I was out the car, slamming it shut and walking up the porch steps.

~ • ~

Dinner was awkward later that night, I could tell Mom told Dad about our conversation on the way home by the way he wouldn't meet my gaze. I stirred my fork in my peas, not bothering to look up when I heard a bit of shuffling.

"So," Dad starts, his deep voice breaking the silence. "How was the appointment?" he asks.

'If you were there, you would know.' is what I wanted to say, but kept my mouth shut.

Mom took this as an opportunity to lighten things up, "It was great! They told me to come back in a few more weeks for another check up." she tells him, a smile on her face as she gazes at him.

"You'll make it next time?" the hopefulness in her time causes my heart to squeeze a bit, Dad reached across the table and tucked a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." came his soft, loving reply.

I felt kind of awkward watching them stare into one another's eyes like the world around them didn't exist. Heat rises to my cheeks when they started to lean in and I took that as my cue to leave.

The chair scraped against the floor when I stood up a little too quickly, and it snapped them out if they daze and they both turned toward me.

"Where are you going, sweetie?" Mom asked, leaning back from Dad, her eyes twinkling. "You barely ate your food."

I looked off to the side, "I wasn't that hungry. Thanks for dinner."

I turn to leave, thoughts instantly swimming in my head when Dad's voice stopped me, as I stood on the threshold of the walkway.

"You sure you're okay, pumpkin?" he asks.

I look over my shoulder at him, his brows raised and eyes shining with concern.

"Never better Dad." I lied smoothly, gracing them with a smile, "Goodnight."

With that, I slowly make my way up the wooden stairs, their voices muffled by the time I made it to my room. I shut the door, softly behind me, inhaling deeply with my back leaning against it. The familiar shiver of being watched ran down my back causes me to move towards my window, pulling the lace curtain back and gazing out.

My eyes swept over the backyard, the chill air slipping through the cracks of the window, at the bottom of an oak tree stood a shadowy figure. I suck in a sharp breath when blue eyes collided with mine.

~ ✎ ~ ✎ ~

Is this an update I see? Am I dreaming? 😂😂❤ I missed you guys, I really hoped you guys enjoyed the chapter because soon we will finally be meeting 'him' Abigail has been going on about!
Also, I wanted to say thank you, everyone, who voted for me in the "2017 Starlight Awards" I have up to 72 votes

😭💕💯💞🔥 you all are the real MVP! I love you all! Let's give a thanks to winterinheaven for the beautiful coverrrrr! I loooooove it! Thanks babe!


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