Dancing On Ice

By RenaFreefall

131K 11.9K 6.9K

#47 in Fantasy ~ All Aeralie wants to do is touch the sky. Instead, all she can do is watch... More

Once Upon a Time
Songstress of The Seas
Wars at Sea
Lost at Sea
The Rip Tide
The Price of Desire
The Voice
Looking Inside Out
Eyes on Me
Cole De Val
Perry in the Middle
Eyes of Brilliant Blue
Free in the Night
Strangers in Our Midst
Sign Language
White Diamonds
The Mad Heir
Silence to Sound
Taking Sides
Eyes on the Prize
Into The Depths
1001 Shades of You
Unicorns and Courtiers
Smiles on The Ice
Waltzing With The Past
Tears in The Sea
Rebuilding Reality
The Other Side of Us
The Dancer
Parting Warnings
Of The Sea and Sky
Fire on the Ice
When You're Gone
The Lay Luna Waves
Below the Surface
Meeting with Monsters
Silver and Steel
Frozen Sunlight
Knight in Shining Armour
The Fragments of My Shattered heart
The Santiago
Taking War to Waves
Into The Fray
Caught Beneath
Crossing Lines
In Place of Me
Shattering My Heart
Touch The Sky
Epilogue ~ The Uncollected Tale of The Little Mermaid ~
Author's Notes

The Same Direction

2.1K 221 141
By RenaFreefall

Cole whirled around, took three steps back and collided with the wall just as Kazimir's hand slammed into the wall right by his head.

"Maybe it's different here but where I come from, it's rude to follow people around when you haven't been invited," Kazimir said, frowning, his other hand on his hip, leaning forwards with a glare.

"Hey now, no need to be so suspicious. We were just going in the same direction," Cole said, holding up his hands and grinning, "Why? Got something to hide?"

"No, should I?" Kazimir shot back.

"Alright, alright. I was just wondering if you were lost, this palace is a maze."

"That so? I thought you were just going in the same direction."


"Uh huh. I'm not lost," Kazimir said, pushing back and turning, walking away. Cole watched him for a moment, then grinned and pushed away from the wall, falling into step.

"So, you're up and about and well. Pretty amazing considering the sea at the moment."

"The sea isn't at its coldest yet," Kazimir said bluntly. "I'm lucky it's the beginning of winter and not the start of summer."

"Hmm, true. Still."

"Who are you, by the way?"

"Cole de Val, Captain."

Kazimir shot him a glance out of the corner of his eye, looking him up and down. "You? A captain?"

"Well I didn't say I was captain of anything legal."


"You've heard of the Black Dragon Pirates, I assume?"

Kazimir looked at him for a moment, then took two steps to the side and doubled his pace.

"Hey, hey. Nothing to be scared of. Come on, does this face look like it would do you harm?" Cole asked, grinning and speeding up.

"I've had enough of your kind for a lifetime."

"I can imagine. So, captured by pirates?"

"You keep some lovely company."

Cole laughed. "Hardly my company or I'm an awful friend."

"Why's that?"

"Ah, I suppose you don't know that it was my ship that sank the ship you were held on."

Kazimir stared at him. "What? Why?"

"They were attacking the ship Jazz and Princess Cynthia were on."

"Wh... I don't understand. You're a pirate – or so you say. Why would you protect royalty? In fact, why are you even here? You should be in jail, not waltzing around the palace!"

"The princes and I go way back – like way, way back – there are some perks to be friends. I don't make a nuisance of myself while visiting; they turn a blind eye to my life choices."

The corner of Kazimir's mouth hitched up with disapproval and he looked away. "As I said, I've had enough of your kind. Excuse me."

"Hey, come on. Not even a thank you?"

"For what? You could have killed me."

"But I didn't. And without us you would still be on that ship."

"You didn't come after us specifically. We were an accidental find. And you didn't recuse us after the attack, it was pure luck Aeralie washed up and I was pulled out of the sea."

"My crew did save you."

"By chance."

"Hmm, I say you owe us."

Kazimir spun towards him. "I don't owe you any—"

Cole's hand shot up, catching his jaw and stopping him, smiling. "You need to relax," he said, smiling, slipping his other hand into his pocket and tilting his head to the side. "You're way too wound up for a guy whose body could still potentially go into shock. I'm not going to do anything to you. Don't think so badly of my 'occupation'. While in this country, I'm just any other man – who happened to save you."

Kazimir slapped his hand and pulled his jaw away, glaring at him. "If I owe anyone from your crew, it's the one who pulled me out of the sea in the first place."

"Perry wouldn't know how to use a debt to his advantage even if it came to him with drawn-out instructions. As his captain, I'm taking command of his debt."

"That's hardly fair."

"Fair? What is this word you speak of?"

Kazimir rolled his eyes and Cole chuckled.

"Don't worry; I might not even call you out on this debt. I don't know what use you might be to me, yet."

"I'm no use to you. I'm just a translator."

"To a princess."

"And you tread a very, very, unstable line if you try to use her to your advantage."

"Oooh, scary!" Cole cheered with a dramatic shiver, clapping his hands. "Maybe I should try it just to see what would happe—"

The next second, Cole was flat on his back, Kazimir's hands around his throat, thumbs jammed so tightly down on his windpipe, breathing was impossible in an instant.

And then Kazimir released the pressure and air flooded into Cole's lungs and he coughed, staring up at Kazimir who knelt over him, long hair tumbling over his shoulders to the floor, casting a curtain around them as he stared up at his deep blue eyes.

He blinked and Kazimir raised an eyebrow at him, expression calm and undeterred by his own actions.

"Let's get one thing straight," he said calmly, "I hate you. I hate everyone like you. I hate everyone in this palace. My sole intention is go home as soon as I can. I pose no danger to your prince but I do not want to make nice with anyone. Do me a favour and go away. I am going to be stuck here for a while until a ship comes to collect us. In that time, do not talk to me. Do not look at me. Do not even be in the same room as me. I will keep myself to myself. You go play pirate and pretend to be a big, scary bad guy and leave me out of it."

Something touched his neck and he blinked, about to look down.

"Ah," Cole said, smiling, "I wouldn't move. The blade is pretty sharp."

Kazimir froze, eyes flicking down to see Cole's arm had lifted slightly. He was holding something that was now pressed against his neck.

"You move surprisingly fast. Caught me off guard there," Cole said, still smiling though it no longer reached his eyes. "I get it but why don't you play nice for just a moment before you hurt yourself. Let's start by you taking your hands off my neck."

Kazimir was still for a moment, then sighed and removed his hold and held up his hands in surrender.

"You're so compliant," Cole said, grinning.

"It wouldn't do well to get blood on the carpet of my host's home," Kazimir said, sitting back.

Cole laughed. "True," he said, sitting up.

Kazimir looked at what he was holding the second Cole removed it from his neck. It was a thin blade. He was about to ask where it came from when Cole flicked his wrist and the blade vanished up his sleeve.

"How crafty," Kazimir muttered.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Now how about you get off me? Next time, we'll get a private room but, for now, it'll be very awkward to explain why I'm being pinned down in the middle of the castle hallway. Servants are terrible gossips, you know?"

Kazimir got to his feet and retrieved the paper he'd dropped. Cole hopped up and straightened his clothes.

"So what's that?"

"A letter to my home country," Kazimir replied as he turned and walked away.

"Eh, sending it off already?" Cole asked, falling back into step with him.

"It will take time to get there and replies to be sent back and a ship be sent out to collect us. I need to get things rolling as soon as possible."

"Fair enough," Cole said, linking his hands behind his head as they walked.

They were silent for a moment, Cole looking out of the windows they passed, Kazimir reading the letter.

Then he frowned.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," he said.

"We're just going in the same direction," Cole said, looking at him and smiled.

"Did I mention I hate you?"

"I don't recall."

Kazimir rolled his eyes and looked back at his letter.

Then, after a moment, he muttered, "Where are we, by the way?"


Next Up: Monday

Art By: Pinterest Image

.... I had every intention of telling you guys something at the end of this chapter... and I have no idea what.... oh well, clearly wasn't important lol

You guys tell me something instead. 

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