The Story Of Us (major editin...

By paper-rosee

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Andrea's life takes a turn when her and her bestfriends Natalie and Cora get involved with the 3 hottest guys... More

The Story Of Us
Chapter One: Jesus
Chapter Two: Orchestra
Chapter Three: Detention
Chapter Four: Family
Chapter Five: Torture
Chapter Five: Nicknames
Chapter Seven: Hello Neighbor
Chapter Seven: Stupid
Chapter Nine: Concert Night

Chapter Eight: Amazing Dates

8 1 0
By paper-rosee

I speed down the marble tile searching for him. "Oh hey Andy what are you doing here? "If you want to live to see a date with Cora I suggest you get out of my way." He moves out of my way and puts his hands up in surrender.

I fist his shirt into my hands and look at his eyes. "Where. Is. My. Journal." "What I don't know what you're talking about, let go of my shirt Andy." "It was in my locker the last time I saw it it was in my locker and you made fun of it in detention. Now where. Is. It.."

"Andy let go of my shirt." He unfolds my hands then placed his on my shoulder. "I don't have your journal." "Do you have any idea of what is in that notebook? Things that could literally ruin me Alec. Secrets that not even Nat or Cora know." That's the last thing I say to him. "Good luck on your date Val." "Yea thanks." I start walking down to where I know there's no one.


"Hello? Andy i know you're in hear I heard your playing from across the school." Natalie jokes. Whenever something happened to any of the three of us, we would go down to the orchestra room. It was kinda like our safe place, somewhere to hide and no one would find us.

"Over hear." I call out from one of the practice rooms. I hear her shoes click against the floor as she makes her way to the door. She looks at me and sighs. "Dear dear andrea. What will we ever do with you." She sits down on the chair next to me. "You heard what happened." I whisper kinda regretting it. She nods, "Andy, he thinks he did something to piss you off when he didn't do anything.

"I felt it again." I blurt out tears rushing in. "Yesterday, We were talking and he asked me to play and he just kept staring at me and the same feeling I had when I met Austin." She looks at me with sad eyes and hugs me tightly. "Oh honey it's okay." She says crying with me, remembering all the memories.

"He's not here anymore he can't do anything. Alexander is not him okay Andrea?" I nod, "Come on Get yourself cleaned up and let's head to science you already missed two classes.


I'm in science class and Alec won't stop staring at me. I haven't talked to him since I accused him of stealing my journal. I don't think he understands the things I have in that journal. I've had that journal for 11 years and it has all my crushes names,song lyrics,everything about my past and more.


"That one...Wait wait no the other one." Nat states at Cora who looks like she is going to die because of Nats words. "Just pick an outfit." I whine wanting this to be over. Nat narrows her eyes at me. "I want her to look good. Why do you think I picked everything in your closet even what you're wearing at this exact moment."

"I frown and look at my outfit. I had a loose pink v-neck shirt tucked into my ripped high waisted short. Damn it, she had picked this outfit. And the one from the day before, and the day before, OKAY maybe she had picked all of our outfits."

"What about that jacket with that white knit shirt and those light wash jeans and those beige wedges." I tell her and she thinks then looks at Nat as I roll my eyes. "I'm going to go try that on." Minutes later she comes out with the outfit I had requested.

"Wow Andy I think my fashion sense is rubbing off on you." Nat says excitedly giving me a high five. I lazily return the high five and lay my head on my bed headboard while putting another chip in my mouth as they bicker about hairstyles.

I was starting to feel guilty for putting the blame on Alec, Maybe he hadn't done it and I was judging too fast.I hear three knocks on my front door and I stand up balancing on my feet and walk downstairs to the door.

I open the mahogany door and see Xavier scratching the back oh his neck.

I smile looking at him. "Oh hey Xavier." I look over my shoulder to scream: "ITS XAVIER." I turn back to face him. "Hey what are you doing here?" He appears a little anxious. "Uh yeah uh I was roaming around the school and I saw this notebook in the cafeteria..." He says holding up my notebook. My eyes widen.

"I was going to take it to the office but I forgot and I just brought it home, Alec then told me that yours was missing and that it looked exactly like this so I came to give it back." He scratches his neck handing me the spiral notebook.

"I promise I didn't open, just so you know." I give him a small smile and take the notebook from his hand. "Thanks...for bringing it back. And i'm trusting that you didn't read it." I say slightly punching his arm.

I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. I turn around and Cora is coming down stairs Nat following behind. She looks up and gives a smile. "Oh hey Xavier, is Valentino almost ready?" She asks grabbing her silver phone from the table.

"Hey Cora and yea he's just in the house talking with Alec." He looks back at me. "Anyway I should go back home by Andy,Nat,have fun on your date Cora." "Thanks." She yells out from the kitchen.

"So did Val tell you what you were going to do on this date of yours?" I ask going to the kitchen and grabbing an apple. She shakes her head, "No not really,all he told me was that we were going somewhere fast."

I bite into the apple taking in the juicy bitterness. "I might have and idea of where you're going and, I don't think you wanna take those wedges there.

Nat speaks up. "She's right, let's go upstairs." as we start going up stairs the doorbell rings and I start pulling her back down the stairs. "Sorry no can do guess you'll have to go with those shoes. " I hurry and open the door which revealed a uneasy Val and a panting Alec.

"Hey Valentino." Cora says shyly 'This isn't time to get shy Cora...' Alec straightens up. "Hey Cora you look pretty.." Val says before Alec harshly pats his shoulder. "..I mean beautiful,you look beautiful.

A pink color creeps down Coras cheeks. "You don't look bad yourself." "Well," I speak up. "I think you too should get going. Remember it's a school night do bring her back by 10:30 Don't do anything I wouldn't do now Bye!" I say pulling Alec inside and pushing Cora out before closing the door.

"I thought I would never stop hearing about how I have the worst fashion sense in America." I sigh. Alec chuckles "Yea Val is really hard to please when talking about clothes."

I hear a cough from behind us and we turn around. Nat is smiling,"Oh look at the time," She says looking at her watch less wrist. "It's time to go home. You too stay here and Alexander.." She says opening the front door.

"Yea?" "I don't wanna be an aunt yet." She says before closing the door. I choke on my apple and red rose to my cheeks. "Anyway....You wanna marathon some movies?" I say smirking.

Cora's POV

Val opens the door of his car and I jump in saying thank you. He kindly smiles and closes the door and sitting down in the driver's seat. "Are you going to tell me where we're going?" He shakes his head keeping his eyes on the road.

He lightly taps on the leathery black steering wheel cover. "Nope,You're going to have to wait till we get there." I pout and play with my fingers. "I don't like surprises." He laughs but doesn't say anything.

15 minutes later we get to a building with a sign that says "Riley's Go Karts" He smiles at me and gets out of the car before opening my door once again. I smile back and get out of the car looking up at the sign.

He scratches the back of his neck. "Is this a good surprise." I smile at him. "I love this place I used to come all the time before I got too busy. He lets out a breath of relief. "Oh thank god,I thought you weren't going to like it." I grin "I'll like it better when I beat you." He give me an impressed expression.

"You think you can beat me?" I look at my nails. "I don't think, I know." He grins back "Alright let's go." We go into the building and get greeted by a lady in her mid twenties. "Hi welcome to Rileys Go Karts how many go carts will you need."

"Two." Val spoke up. The lady nods and starts walking forwards the doors going outside then going to the shade where the go carts are lined up. Using a code she unlocks two carts and takes them out for us.

"Lucky for you the last people just left so you have it to yourself for a while enjoy." She smiles leaving. I smile back and get inside the cart. "Ready to lose?" I ask cockily. He raises an eyebrow. "Cocky now aren't we." I shrug. "Have no reason not to be."

We drive to the starting line. "Guess we'll have to see." I grip onto the steering wheel. "Guess we will." "At the count of three we start. One .... Three." He says before speeding off. I start driving after registering what had happened. "Hey that's not fair." I yell out loud enough that he can hear me.

I hear him laugh and I start catching up to him. His smile fades when he sees me. I wink at him and start going faster than I was before. I got to the finish line 5 seconds before he did. I stand up and take off my helmet. "You were saying?"

He frowns as he takes off his black helmet. "You got lucky." "Did I now..wanna go for another round?" "Hell yeah."

2 hours later and 10 round later the score was 6-4 of course with me winning. "I won I won I won." I cheer as we head to the car. I offered to pay for half but he refused saying that he invited me and I could get it next time.

My stomach turned. 'Did he indirectly tell me he wanted a second date.' Keeping my thoughts to myself, I just smile and nod. "I have to say i'm surprised that you can still walk after all those rounds." I laugh "My feet are killing me." "It's almost 9. I should probably take you home before Andy casterates me." I grin. "Yea she can get pretty scary at times."

We get to my house and he stops the car. "I guess this is the part where I get out and go inside." He chuckles almost sounding nervous. "I guess so. I'll see you at sch-" "I had a great time today." I blurt out closing my eyes from nervousness. He chuckles.

"I had an amazing time. Hope we can do it again another time." I nod and finally leave the car. I open the door to my house and wave goodbye. I close the door and lay on it. I don't know what this feeling I have in my stomach is, but I don't want it to stop.


Andy's POV

" "No Andy I don't wanna watch animated movies" My ass I always get what I want" I smile as I put some popcorn into my mouth. We were watching The Swan Princess with it being the third movie we've watched.

Alec rolls his eyes grabbing some popcorn from the bowl for himself "what is this movie even about I don't get it." "It's about these two people who have been destined to wed and how they hated each other until the day that SHE GOT BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH FOR FUCKING PRINCE DEREK TO SAY 'OH OKAY NOW THAT SHE'S BEAUTIFUL I WANT TO MARRY HER.' But yeah it's a really good movie." I say throwing popcorn at the screen.

"Wow you really hate prince Derek don't you." I look at the screen and the part where she asks him if beauty is all that matters to him and he says what else is there. "Who doesn't, like for example look she asks him a simple question, is beauty all that matters to him. All he had to say was no and say she was smart and kind. BUT NO,HE GOES ON AND SAYS WHAT ELSE IS THERE. LIKE SERIOUSLY HE SURE KNOWS HOW TO OFFEND A WOMEN IN FIVE SECONDS OR LESS."

My face red from all the screaming Alec speaks. "At least he's being truthful, and besides appearance is a big part of being in a relationship." I roll my eyes "That because you only sleep with girls for your own pleasure you pig. Plus you've never been in a relationship. The closet thing you've been to a relationship is Brooke literally claiming you as her own."

He nods. "although all that may be true,I am still a guy and when I settle down I know that that is one of the main features I will look for." "Is beauty all that matter to you?" He looks at me for what felt like minutes when it was really seconds. He shrugs "what else is there."

I smile and throw some popcorn at him. He gasps and throws some buttery popcorn at me. "No stop I just took a shower you're going to get butter in my hair." I pout. "Shouldn't have started it then" Laughing he throws some more popcorn.

I start looking around the house to see where I can go to escape. I look at the front door and make a run for it while he's still throwing popcorn at me.

He runs after me and before he gets outside I try to stop my feet on the slippery floor but instead I end up slipping. I close my eyes waiting for the impact of the hard wet wood to hit my back but instead I feel two hands grasping the lower part of my back.

I finally close my eyes realizing that I not on the floor and see Alec looking straight into my eyes. After a few seconds he smiles and brings me up to where he can whisper in my ear. "Guess you can say that you fell for me..." I roll my eyes. "Hey guys what are you doing outside." I jump and face Val who has a hoodie on.

I clear my throat and push Alec away from me. "Um nothing we were just waiting for you since it was almost 10." I look at Alec so he would agree. He just nods and I mentally smack him. "Oh that's cool; thanks I guess." He says not really believing us but going with it.

Val says goodbye and enters his house. Alec following behind him. I'm about to enter my house and I hear Alec whisper my name. I turn around. "Sweet dreams." and winks. Before I could react he enter his house and i'm left outside.

I'm on the couch on my phone with the tv on and my brothers enter the house. "Hey Andy how's your day been." Aiden asks as they both take off their coats. I sigh. "It's been.....Eventful." Ashton sits down in the couch Aiden sitting on the other side. "Good way or bad way." I think for a minute. "I really don't know. But enough about me where were you guys?"

"Oh we went out with Kat and Emryn on a double date." I smile. "Aw I miss them how are they?" "They're good; and they miss you too." Ashton replies.

I hear the door open and see my mom coming in. "Oh hey Ashton and Aiden i've missed you." She says hugging them tightly. it's been years since she's given me a hug like that. She looks at me and her expression hardens. "Andrea, are you done practicing your concert is tomorrow. I'm going to be there so it better be spectacular or we will have some talking to do."

I nod simply. "Yes mom."

I go upstairs saying goodnight to my brothers. I change into some comfortable clothes and close my window. Why does my mom still treat my brothers the same but not me. Why am I different. Tears streaming down my eyes I shut them and darkness takes over me.




3:40 am

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