Ssuto- Can You Forget The Pas...

By alreadydeactivated

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Ssundee had a happy, fun childhood and attending Mine School, where he meets a boy named Seto. Hating when ot... More

Prologue- Different Pasts
Chap. 1- Mine School
Chap. 2- New Student
Chap. 3- Two Homes
Chap. 4- Denial
Chap. 6- Confession
Chap. 7- Date
Chap. 8- Truth
Chap. 9- I'll Protect You
Chap. 10- I'll Save You
Chap. 11- Hospital
A/N 2
Chap. 12- Beep
Chap. 13- Rituals and Revival
Chap. 14- Spring Festival
A/E- 1: Both Die
A/E- 2: Seto Dies, Ian Lives

Chap. 5- Hang Out

1.6K 86 53
By alreadydeactivated

"Pick up... Pick up..." Ssundee gritted his teeth, tapping the dining table's surface.

Please leave a message after the beep.


"Seto, it's me, Ssundee. Listen, if there's anything going on that is hurting you mentally or physically, please, come and talk to me. There's something going on, I'm here." Ending the call, Ssundee sighed, looking over at his finished homework. Perhaps... Perhaps he should invite Seto over to hang out!

"Ssundee, can you get the flour from the basement please?"

"Will do!"

"Hey Seto, can you come over to my house today? I'm having some trouble with the math homework." Ssundee studied Seto's face carefully, spotting a bruise on his cheek obscured with what looked like makeup.

I don't know... my father doesn't like it when I go to other people's houses.

"Tell him it's for studying, he should agree to that." Seto nervously picked his phone up, texting a bit. After five minutes, Seto tucked it away, nodding.

He said I can come over, but I have to walk home like always.

"Sweet, meet you at the front entrance!"

You divide this, then cross multiply then subtract.

"How in the world did you get this?"

It's simple!

"How, is it simple?" Seto chuckled, Ssundee blushing at the cute laugh. Sliding the worksheet paper over, Seto did the math problem, handing it back. They spent a few minutes finishing the page, then about one hour to study. Ssundee spent about 80% of the time admiring Seto's face, the other 20% doing what he was supposed to do. His mother came in with some cookies, Seto giving an adorable smile and wrote Thank You! in his neat handwriting. When his father came in, Ssundee got confused as to why the brunet flinched, quickly busying himself in the worksheet.

"Hey, Dad!"

"Hey, son. Is that your friend?"

"Yeah, he's Seto, a mute." Seto gave a small wave, mouthing hi.

"Do you two want to go outside and play ball for a little bit? Mom and I are cleaning up the kitchen and dining room a bit, we don't want you guys trying to avoid the mops." The two laughed, Ssundee noticing Seto giving a small laugh.

"C'mon, Seto! We finished our homework, let's play for a little bit."

I'm not good at sports...

"I'll teach you! Dad, throw me a ball!" Catching the baseball, Ssundee smiled, Seto giving a faint smile back. "God, Seto's just so cute..."

You throw the ball, I catch it?

"Yep, get ready!" Throwing the ball, Seto caught it, throwing it back. Repeating, Ssundee tried to go for a light chuck, widening his eyes when it went directly for Seto's face. "W-Watch out!"

I'm not blind.

The ball froze in midair, Ssundee having to take his sunglasses off three times to make sure. How...

I'm a sorcerer, Ssundee!

Throwing the ball back, Seto flicked his wrist, sending a gust of wind up to redirect the ball to him, setting it on fire before throwing it into the air, letting it liquify before turning back into the baseball they originally started with. Ssundee watched in amazement, the purple aura surrounding Seto's hands.

"That's amazing, Seto!" Running over and giving him a hug, Seto widened his eyes as the last thing he expected Ssundee to do.

Kiss him on the lips.

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