
By hiddengirl1996

884K 27.7K 414

This is a story about a girl named Aana peige. She was 20, Beautiful, shy and soft spoken but to her parents... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
1.02k Views So Happy😀
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
The Fiction Award
#68 In Romance
Words To Be Quoted
101 K Views Seriously
Lucky To Be Doomed
The Fiction Award 2018

Chapter 21

19.9K 785 4
By hiddengirl1996

Life came back into me when I slightly moved my eyelid apart the light made me to shut them back. I moved a bit the pain is still there, but it seems to be lesser. The floor beneath me look softer like a comfortable bed. They covered me with a soft blanket. Where am i? I asked myself.

    I tried to open my eyes forcing the light in it. The ray made me teary I was in a hospital with an IV connected to it. I don't want to create any problems now for Mr. Vincent. I don't want to be a burden to him. I have to leave from here before he arrives. I try to remove it the door open.

  " What the hell are you doing?" a familiar voice interrupted me. I looked up and saw him coming near me with a tray of food.  He kept that on the table and approached me. I replied nothing and looked down.

"I asked you something?" he asked in authoritatively. I didn't tell him anything.

  "Were you trying to remove this from your hand?" he asked while showing me IV.  "look here when I am talking" he commanded. I slowly looked up. "Were you?" i shooked my head. And looked down at my hand

   "Don't lie Anna, I saw you what were you doing," he continued

   "you know I was so scared when you were not around me. I made myself clear that I need to find you by any how. And look now you want to run away from me."

  "No! It's not that, i just dont want to be a burden to you. I dont want to give you more problems." I said still not making any eye contact. Then hear him laughing. I looked at him in confused.

  "You really think you are a burden to me. Are you dumb or are you pretending to be dumb? Can't you see that I care about you." I flinched when he said coldly.

    "you are just saying because you pity me nothing else."

  " ha pity, do you think I pity on you? Do you think the concern and the care I give you be a pity? Do you think the way I see you is because of pity?"
I wasn't able to control my tears.

   " Ms. Anna peige you are wrong i dont pity you. I love you. When i first saw you it mesmerized me. I loved you because you differed from other girls. I love you because you are innocent, beautiful and  strong person. Which I never saw in a person." he continued while holding the hand.

   " I love you Anna please don't leave me " with that he was having tears in his eyes. Again I didn't reply him and looked at our tangled hands. I was sodding. Even I like him but he deserves someone better than me.
  Soon he pulled me in the hug. I was crying now loudly. I don't know whether I was crying because of pain or his words. And he on other hand trying to calm me down. After a few minutes we pulled back.

   "I don't need your answer now, you can take time. Now come you need to eat your food and then the medicine.," he saw my face when he said medicine and he chuckled.

  "Come on, Anna I brought you porridge," I made a face "I don't like it,"

  "You have to eat this please for me,"

"okay fine but can I have a glass of water," he smiled and helped me to drink it.

Then he made me sit straight and sat beside me "now open your mouth" he brought spoon full of porridge near my mouth.

  "I can eat b..." he stove the spoon in my mouth. I glared at him.

He didn't let me eat by myself and he only stove the food in my mouth. After finishing it, he kept the bowl on the side, wiped my mouth and again help me drive water.

  "take these tablets, it's for the pain relief." I sighed and took it with no argument.

  We both were in a comfortable silence. None of us speak. After about 15 minutes my eyelid were feeling heavy. I looked at him. “why am I feeling sleepy and tired again” asked him.

  " because there were sleeping pills."
" i dont want to sleep I want to talk to you. Want to ask you how did you find me.,"

  " I will answer all your questions after you wake up now you sleep.,"
" okay! But I want to ask you something now and then I will sleep.," he gestured his hand to continue.

  " Did I scared you? "I asked he looked at me in disbelief.

  " you scared me to death. "this was the last thing I heard from him and felt a kiss on my hand. Then darkness consumed me.

Next morning

" Good morning Anna "I saw Shawn and Chloe as I open my eyes. I smiled at them

  " hey Chloe and Shawn,"

   " how are you feeling," Chloe asked

     "A little better I guess" I smiled at them awkwardly

  "you need to be careful. Your body is too weak. And the doctor said you need to eat more." Shawn said in concern.

   " when did you guys arrive" said while changing the topic.

   "we arrived half an hour before you wake up." I looked around a bit he was not there

   "looking for someone" Chloe said mischievously

   "no I was just.."

    "you woke up" Mr. Vincent entered the room.

   "how are you feeling, does your body still hurt?" he was looking worried. I smiled at him

  "I'm fine no need to worry."

  "I think guys we need to leave now, there is a meeting and drake don't worry I will handle everything," Shawn said.

  "Bye Anna take care" with that they both left.

  I was trying to sit straight because I have to use a washroom.

  "what are you doing?" he asked

  "hmmm I need to use the washroom."

  "you should have told me that."

"no will go by myself."

   "rubbish come here." he didn't listen to my protest. He helped me stand, I winced in pain when he touches me.
  Slowly we made a way to washroom. He open the door and gestured me go inside. I took hold of the wall and went inside; I turn around and saw Mr. Vincent was also inside. I gave him a questioning look.

  "what?" he said

  "what are you doing inside?" I asked him

   "I can't leave you inside alone."

  "Mr. Vincent it's just a washroom please wait outside."

   He would say something but I interrupted him by saying please. With that he went out, but he didn't let me lock the door.

  It was so embarrassing but I was not having any choice, so I did my business and went out. And saw him lining to the wall.

   When he saw me, he came near me and gave me support to walk and put me on the bed.
   When I was on the bed, he took my hand towards his face and gently kissed. My senses came to a halt as his lips came in contact still gave me goosebumps. I could feel chills run down my spine. It was as if he transferred a kind of comfort and love in me. His kiss made me want more of him.

  Just to make the situation a little less awkward, I cleared my throat and tried to change the topic.
    "How did you find me?"
Drake pov:

  "How did you find me?" she asked me. I smiled at her. "You know I had to find you anyhow. One of Shawn friend is a detective, we called him up and asked him to help us out. While he was trying to find you out. I went to your house to ask to your mother for some help. I told her you didn't come to work and does she know where were you.,"i took a deep breath and continued.

  " your mother told that it wasn't her responsibility of where you were. " after I told this to Anna, she had tears in her eyes. I know she wouldn't like what she had heard about her mother. But I had to tell her that.

   "then I knew that your mother wouldn't tell us anything about you. Shawn friend told us he was trying to track your mobile. After trying a lot finally we could track your mobile, and then found out you were at someone's place, a person name Marshall. " I saw that she was a little surprised when she heard me taking that name. I guessed that he must be the same person who has been behind her for a long time. I had to something about that man. And my blood was boiling when I was thinking about him.

" And that how I could finally reach you." I said.


Salam guys,

What do you guys think will happen next?

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Instagram : hiddengirl1996

Love you all😘😘😃

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