

365 60 23

The kingdom of Beltane is under the bridge of great war. Djinn, the leader of the dark realm, has sent his ev... More

The Objection
The Friday That Teared The King In Two
Lilith and Penate
The Man Melusine Feared
Penate and Melusine
The Brawl
The Letter
Dijin's Layer
The Discovery

The Deep, Raging Sea

18 5 3

Melusine and Penate huddled in the store room, muffled voices echoing outside. She stayed silent; one single sound would reveal where they were. It wasn't exactly the best place to be; old, rusty bails were placed blindly over the cracked wooden floor, and salty sea water made the air thick and humid. Penate crouched on the floor, watching as Melusine paced back and forth.

"Melusine, you must be quiet." The footsteps above the store room increased, yet she continued to shuffle. It was impossible to stay still. Waves crashed outside, drops of murky water leaking through the cracks in the floor board. Meluisne could tell they were searching for them, and the consequences of being found would be high. They would have to hurry. Lilith would be dead soon. This though played through her mind, causing her head to ache.

"How long do you think this will take?" Penate asked sternly, sharping the blade of his knife. Melusine looked down at her golden watch, watching the hands move in rhythm. The ship would be half way there by now. These types of ships usually travelled fast, straight across the Crucion Ocean. This was the reason she chose this boat. She knew it would be the fastest way to reach Lilith. For all she knew, they could be too late. They were quick with their sacrifices. They didn't waste time, and the though hung over Melusine, constantly reminding her to hurry.

The ship lunged forward, causing Penate to land with a thud. A smile crept over her face. His soft, neatly cut hair lay speckled with blobs of sand, salt water drenching his tunic. After a few minutes he lifted himself up, taking a seat on one of the many barrels.

"I hate this ship." Penate observed. "The other one would have been nicer. And we wouldn't have had to forced ourselves into it." He glared at Melusine, his crimson green eyes tinted with anger and truth.

Hours passed; Penate had fallen asleep, leaving her in unbearable silence. The ship rocked back a forth with the waves, sending the barrels flying from one side to another. It was impossible to sleep. She was heaved roughly, causing her to collide to odd objects that slide across the storeroom. Melusine watched Penate. He was quite silent, looking innocent in the low light. But she knew he wasn't. Her sister; someone she could never get back. She couldn't understand how he could take her life. Annwin's life. The name floated around her mind. She was so young. Too young, she thought. Only twelve. Memories of her filled her mind. Her fire like hair. Slender, hazel brown eyes. It was all too much for Melusine to bear. She was her weakness. The one thing that caused her sorrow. Looking at Penate, she wanted to kill him. Plunge her dagger through his stone cold heart. The one that had broken hers. But it wouldn't solve anything. Make her guilty, for that matter. Melsuine kept her eyes closed. Another look at him and she would go crazy. She hadn't forgot what he had done. She would never.

Reaching for a nearby sack, Melusine draped it over her, letting her eyes close and drift off into an unbreakable sleep. 

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