A Child At Heart...

By Karasaekano

6K 383 172


Picking One Out...
So...Is She Like...My Adult...Child?
My Goal Is To Change You...
You Are...Different...
Who is...What Does...Huh?
Back To The Way Things Were.
The Old Practice.


558 37 20
By Karasaekano


3rd Person POV

Cookie looked down into her lap as Blake drove the car. He looked over at her, it was silent. "You know, I've really missed you. You need to know better than to run off like that again. 2 years, cookie?" he said to her, his strong British accent filling the air. She nodded. He sighed, and looked back at the road. "I know you've grown sort of attached to that other man, but you see how he doesn't know how to handle you the way I can. I'm the only one that knows. But forget about him, Do you remember Anika?" he asked her. Cookies head snapped up, and she looked at him. "A-anika?" asked cookie. She was shocked. "Yes, she's still there, and missed you dreadfully. Once she found out you went missing, she was devastated. She continued to be for the 2 years, and I couldn't bare with it anymore, I knew I had to find my girl." he said to her. She slightly smile. Anika Calhoun, used to be cookies absolute best friend when Blake was caring for them. They did everything together. Blake figured it would be a bit if a hassle to take care of two girls instead of one, but once they saw eachother, they clicked instantly. Always used to run around the house and play around together. Once cookie has disappeared, anika became depressed, and became absolutely unenthusiastic. Cookie honestly couldn't wait to see her again.

About an five hours later, Cookie had arrived back at her old home with Blake. She awakened from her slumber, and looked up at the large fancy mansion that she used to spent her nights in.

She slightly smiled as they pulled up into the gates of the driveway, and Blake looked over at her. "Home sweet home." he said to her, showing a slight smile. He got out of the car, and once of Blake's many butlers, Harold came and opened the door for her. "Ah, welcome back Miss Halloway." he said to her, sticking out his hand to shake hers. She smiled and just hugged him. "I don't shake hands..remember?" she asked him. He slightly smiled and hugged her back. "Loreatha. Off." Blake said to her. She let him go, as if she was a pet. "I see you haven't forgotten your training. Well, partially haven't." he said to her. He stuck out his hand, and she grabbed it as she waved goodbye to Harold. Blake led her through the large lawn, and up to the marble stairs. Another pair of butlers stood up Straight on both sides. "Welcome back Miss Halloway." they both spoke. Giving small smirks. Cookie reached up to hug one of them, but Blake stopped her. "Ah ah ah, you shall shake, not hug." he said to her. She then remembered, and stuck her hand out, and shook their hands. The door flung open, and there stood cookies long lost bestfriend; Anika Calhoun. She stood in a black dress with a bow on the side of her short hair.

"L-lori?!" she asked. "Nika!" called out cookie happily as they both ran to hug eachother. "That earns an exception." said Blake from behind them grinning. Anika pulled away to get a look at her. "look how much you changed! I'm so happy you're back! I missed you so much!" she shouted, holding her shoulders and looking her up and down. "You too!" said cookie. Then Anika's face dropped. "What happened to your accent?!" shouted anika. "Anika, volume." said Blake. She nodded. "Sorry, sir Blake." she said pouting. 'Sir Blake' was what the girls needed to addressed him as whenever they were to get called out for something, or got in trouble. "She has been out on her own, with no one for 2 years. Her accent is gone, but it will return.." said Blake. "Yay!" exclaimed Anika as she hugged cookie again. Her accent was still strong. "Maybe we can take her back to England, Can we Blake? Can we can we!?" she begged. "No, Anika. We don't have to return to England. Her accent will return now that she is back to stay with us. Now, go get ready for supper, it is ready at 7:30. You have 35 minutes, chop chop. The butlers ran your baths." he said to them both. Anika smiled and grabbed cookies hand, trudging her down the hallway. "I missed you sooo much! I was so sad when you left! It was sooo boring!" said Anika. Two butlers came to each of their sides, and they came to a hallway that had two different doorways to different bathrooms. Anika went into the one on the left, and cookie slowly walked into the one on the right. She still tried to recollect the memories of this place. She tried to remember each routine, and each habit. She tried to remember the way she used to carry herself when she was here, but not much if it rang a bell. Cookie walked into the large granite designed bathroom, and saw a bath with bubbles awaiting her. She undressed herself, and got in after using the hair clip that was on the side to pin her hair up. She sat in with a curious look on her face, and tried to think about everything that just happened within the last 5 hours. The butlers stood outside of each woman's bathroom door, a robe and pair of slippers in each of their hands with the woman's initials on each. Once they were done, they reached their hands out to grab the bath towel, the later the bathrobe and slippers. Anika came our first, and then cookie slowly walked out a couple seconds after. "Come on Lori!" said Anika grabbing her hand as she pulled cookie towards another doorway. They entered a large room once two nannies opened the door for them. There was a mirror, hair products, clothes, and makeup. Anika sat down in the chair, and cookie cautiously sat down in hers. "Welcome back Miss Halloway..." said a nanny, named Wanda. "H-hi.." said cookie. The nanny turned cookies head towards the mirror. She unclipped her hair, and it fell down to her shoulders. The nanny then started to curl Cookies hair, and once she was done with that, she started to put light amounts of makeup onto cookies face. They filed and shaped their nails, and cookie looked over at anika, who was getting her short hair straightened down the back. Anika smiled at her, and grabbed her hand as cookie let out a small smile. "How does that look?" asked the nanny smiling at cookie. Cookie smiled, and nodded. They hopped down out of the chairs, and Anika led cookie to the dining room, and cookie gasped to herself once she saw how large the room was. "Remember this Lori? This is the tiny dining room when Blake doesn't have company!" said Anika. "This is the SMALL one?" Cookie asked herself. "Ah, my darlings you've arrived!" said blake, smiling as anika walked on the separate side of the table.

Blake sat at the end in the bigger chair, Anika sat next to him, and cookie was to sit across from her. Cookie was about to pull the chair out for herself, but a servent stepped behind her. "No need, miss Halloway. I will pull out your seat." he said as cookie let him do so as she let out a slight sigh. "My girls are looking beautiful tonight." said blake, grabbing their hands and kissing the back of both of them. Cookie looked at him curiously. "T-thank you.." she said shyly.

The first plate of food was brought to the table, and it was appetizers. A servant brought them all their plates, and cookie had 5 bread slices with various toppings on each, and pulled chicken wrapped in tortillas.

She looked at the food in slight amazement. "Do you remember these, Loreatha? You used to call them 'Mini burritos'.." chuckled Blake. The servants then brought each of them water to drink. Cookie shook her head. "I remember calling them 'baby burritos'.." said cookie, showing a small smile. "Yeah that's it.." said Anika. Cookie reached out her hand to eat, and Blake grabbed her hand. "What are you doing?" he asked her. She froze. "You remember, place your napkin in your lap, no elbows on the table." he told her. She nodded. She had became comfortable around Dwight, but she knew that she would never see him again. Cookie placed her napkin in her lap, and she tried to reach for the food without letting her elbows touch the table. Blake watched her and grinned. "Good girl.." he grinned. "Me and Blake missed you so much, I thought you would never come back!" said Anika. "Which is why I installed fencing. You can't go running off again, do you understand?" he asked her. "Y-yes.." said cookie, Blake raised his eyebrow up at cookie. "Yes...sir Blake." cookie remembered. "See, you'll be back comfortable in no time." he said to her. "Tell me Loreatha, what made you run off?" he asked her. Cookie turned red. "I-i saw a dog.." She admitted. Blake grinned and chuckled. "I figured that, you would always give them your full attention when we would be out.." said Blake. Cookie finished eating her appetizer, and the servants then brought them their official dinner dishes.

"The 'riso al pollo e la terra' (Chicken and ground rice) For you, Miss Halloway." said the servant, sitting the food down in front of her. "Thanks.." said cookie. "Thank you." corrected Blake. "Thank you.." said Cookie to the server. Everyone quietly, as Blake talked to cookie, catching up on the memories.

Once everyone was done eating, it was 8:30. "Alright my loves, it's time for bed." said blake, standing up and grabbing both of their hands. "Go brush your teeth and change into your pajamas.." said Blake, handing them off to a butler who gave them each a set of pajamas. The butler took them up to one of the master bathrooms, where the girls stood in the mirror together and brushed their teeth As he waiting outside the door for them to give him their clothes that they changed out of.

Now, I'm pretty sure there's large confusion with all of this elegant stuff, you're wondering where all of this came from, I know. So basically, Blake's great grandmother dating back to the year 1744, was England's first black queen. Her name was Sophie Charlotte. Charlotte was the eighth child of the Prince of Mirow, Germany, Charles Louis Frederick, and his wife, Elisabeth Albertina of Saxe-Hildburghausen. When she was 8, her dad died. As princess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Sophie Charlotte was descended directly from an African branch of the Portuguese Royal House, Margarita de Castro y Sousa.

So, to sum it all up, Blake is from a royal bloodline. His family had passed down their royalty from generation to generation. Since there is no monarchy (King and queen, prince, etc.) actions in the states, Blake couldn't be labeled at a prince or anything. But he certainly was treated as such. Back in England, he and his family would have the royal title. Blake found Anika and Loreatha in England, and rescued them. Ever since then, they've created a bond stronger than ever before.

Cookie looked herself in the mirror, and sighed once she spit out the toothpaste. "What's wrong bestie?" asked anika. "Nothing.." said cookie. "I'm just sleepy.." said cookie. "Then let's hurry up sleepy head!" laughed Anika as she started to change her clothes. (They were in Bras and panties lol. They weren't naked.) cookie couldn't help letting out a small giggle..she missed her best friend.


Later that night, cookie walked into her old bedroom that her and Anika shared. It was so large that if it was cut in half it would be two regular master bedrooms. She saw how her bed was still the way she left it. "He made it everyday hoping you would come back!" said Anika. "You just don't know how happy I am that you're back!" she said, jumping into her bed that was next to cookies. Cookie smiled. And got into her bed. She rubbed the sheets with her hands and just let the memories flood through her. "Did you miss us, Lori?" asked Anika. "DUH!" smiled cookie. "I missed you the most.." said cookie to Anika and she smiled. Just then, Blake knocked in the door and walked in. "You enjoying your first day back?" he asked her, she nodded. "Good, you'll be much happier here when you belong." he said to her. He sat down on Anika's bed and face cookie. "I'm glad that your training is refreshing your mind. If you need anything, either of you, you come to my room, understood?" he asked then both. "Yes Blake.." both women said at the same time. "Now, I'll like my goodnight kisses and I'll be on my way." he said. He leaned in to anika, and pecked her cheek, and he then leaned up and pecked cookies. "Goodnight. And go to bed, you're not allowed to turn the Tele on, is that understood, girls?" he asked them. "Yes Sir Blake.." said Anika, and cookie repeated quietly, after a delay. "Goodnight, I love you, and sweet dreams." he said, walking towards the door. "Goodnight, love you more.." said Anika smiling and laying under her sheets. "Goodnight..." said cookie as he closed their door. She then turned over, and laid down as she looked at the window view of the fountains and lawns at the front of the house. "Love you..." she said letting out a sigh as she stared at the moon..


5 hours away, Dwight sat on the edge of his bed, holding the onesie that cookie used to always love to wear. He stared at it in shock, and he didn't put it down since she left. "Damn...i-i just...dang man.." he said, still thinking about how Blake just came in and took her. And how she just submit to him. How he tamed her so easily, and how she listened to him. But with Dwight, it's attitude and jumping all over his lap and into his arms and messing up his kitchen and making accidental messes that she didn't want to clean up. He wondered what cookie was doing at the moment, if she needed help or if she was unhappy, but little did he know that she was in a huge mansion, living the spoiled life she was lured away from by a dog. He felt so confused. "Dang cookie.." he said sighing. He just laid down and let out a sigh. "Well...at least I'm alone..right? It was just for...the money.." he told himself until he dozed off.


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