
By -DEAReader

105 1 0

Ring of Fire, circle of flames Five wild spirits that shall never tame These are the cubs the moon has chosen... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Two

14 0 0
By -DEAReader

Isa sometimes found it hard to believe that she had magic. Quite impossible, really. She felt completely normal as she chased Piri under the eyes of her ever-watchful tribe. Some foxes stared hopefully, others in fear, and others with outright resentment. Isa often wondered why. It wasn't like she was amazingly special or anything.

But other times, Isa would remember the first time her magic decided to let itself be known, and how she was different from other foxes. One moment she was darting past trees, only just ahead of Piri, and the next she was behind him, shouting with surprise. There had been no other explanations besides teleportation. And of course, the tribe's Council soon heard of her feat. Days and night passed and other signs of magic followed her like a second shadow.

Dangerous, was muttered at Isa's back often, Moon-cursed. Stupid to trust in prophecies. But others whispered of hope and peace. But Isa felt burdened with a destiny she didn't ask for, just because she was born under the glow of a lunar eclipse.

She tried not to care about the way other foxes talked about her in hushed voices. How they'd go silent when she approached. Isa only really got to play with other cubs because Piri insisted she could, and because Piri was Piri, they agreed.

Isa tried to imagine life without her half-brother. It would be a lot more miserable and lonely, probably. She wouldn't even need her magic to turn invisible, unless she was thrown out of the tribe. It was kind of scary to think about.

A flicker of movement distracted Isa as she ran, and she tripped. She swore she saw a flash of vivid orange, smaller and brighter than any blossoming flower she'd ever seen before. It seemed to have.. glowed, Isa was sure of it. Well, fine, not that sure, but she only had about a second to glimpse it. Whatever it was.

Piri caught up to her in an instant and tagged her with his cold black nose before he bounced away again. He quickly vanished into the tangled undergrowth, leaving Isa alone with whatever glowing thing was with her, hidden from sight.

"Uh," she said, looking around. "Hello?" She wasn't really expecting an answer, and none came except a quiet rustle of leaves. The birds stopped singing, and a silence seemed to isolate Isa from the rest of the world. She shivered, freaked out. More rustles sounded, becoming louder and more persistent, as if a wind was tugging at the leaves all around Isa in a vortex. She felt more and more alone every second Piri wasn't there.

Crackk cried a snapped branch, and Isa whipped around to face it, heart pounding. Golden sparks danced through the air as a fox suddenly stepped out from behind a tree. She looked pretty harmless and just stood there, as though waiting for something. Calming down, Isa felt a twinge of déjà vu, though she didn't know why. She held her breath, hoping the strange glowing fox wouldn't be scared away.

The creature looked mostly like a normal fox, except for the weirdly beautiful orange colour of her fur that dazzled Isa's eyes. The wispy fox's ears and tail flicked patiently this was and that. But what intrigued Isa the most was her expression.

Love, hope, and pain all seemed to blaze in her startlingly green eyes. Green as emeralds, sparkling like dewdrops. Her heart-shaped face, soft red fur, and warm smile was so.. familiar.

Isa took a tentative step forward. The creature stood there, her features gentle and welcoming.

"Um," Isa started again, looking shyly at the fox. "What's your name?"

The fox's smile wavered, but Isa didn't get why. "Naomi," she said, her eyes holding a trace of longing.

Isa froze. Naomi. It rang around and around in her ears. Naomi.

"Naomi? That's your name? This is gonna sound stupid, but are you sure?"

"Yes, my dear." Isa felt as if her windpipe had closed, and she choked for breath. There was only one fox called Naomi she knew, and that fox was dead.


Naomi walked over to Isa, her scent drifting through the air. Her mother's scent. Realization washed over Isa. Why this fox was so familiar. Why she seemed to be made of nothing but vapor. Why she looked like her heart was torn in two, yet ready to give all the love she possibly could. This was her mother's spirit. But why was she here?

Naomi padded closer and brushed her muzzle onto Isa's forehead. The blinding lights of her mother's eyes seemed to swallow Isa, and she could no longer feel the rush of wind or smell the scents of the forest. The fox cub opened her mouth to say something, but there was no sound.

The Ring of Fire, circle of flames

WHAT WAS THAT. Isa looked around frantically for the source of the voice in this soundless world of white. Where was her mother?

Five wild spirits that shall never tame

What was this mystery voice yammering about? Was this some sort of prophecy?

These are the cubs the moon has chosen

Wait. Was it talking about moon-cubs?!

To fix the world that is ever broken

Was.. was it talking about her?

Isa stumbled and collapsed onto what felt the ground. The stark whiteness of the world seemed to whirl into shadows. Vertigo churned in her stomach as she felt as if she were falling, forever, into the inky blackness. Help, her mind wailed. Mother? Where are you? What does all this mean?!

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