Trolls Fanfiction: Iris

By TrollsObsessed

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Characters belong to DreamWorks, plot belongs to me. (Well, Iris, Titian, and Blossom are my characters but y... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Another book?

Chapter 12

767 17 16
By TrollsObsessed

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Iris' POV >
(Yes, I know, I've been using Iris' perspective a lot. I mean, this story is supposed to focus on her a little more. After all, the title is "Iris." Anyways I promise the next chapter will be from a different perspective. Most likely Poppy's because I've been neglecting her a lot.)

The blue-skinned Troll's sobs faded as she regathered herself, lifting him her body more. She was trembling, her hands buzzing and feeling numb from all the hyperventilating she'd gone through. She leaned back against a nearby boulder, bringing her legs up to her chest and resting her chin in between her knees. She tried to process everything that happened.

Titian's enraged countenance had been the last thing she saw before blindly running off to her own little private area. She doubted anyone could hear her. She hoped, at least. She didn't want some Troll to come running in here and offering tons of sympathy. She didn't want it. She could mange just fine by herself...right?


The Princess froze as a familiar voice spoke her name, soft and friendly. She felt a spark of excitement coursing through her and glanced eagerly around, trying to spot the newcomer. He's back! she thought, her heart giving a leap of happiness. She slowly lifted herself to her feet, trying to find him.

Suddenly, the bushes surrounding her moved aside to reveal him. He stared at her with those kind violet optics with his usual calm and collected visage.

"Creek! You're back!" Iris said happily.

The restrained purple Troll smiled widely. "Yes, I'm back, my dear," he cooed, moving closer to her and bringing her into a quick hug. "Oh, I've missed you. I'm sorry for's just...well, when I realized it was Branch coming into the room I panicked." There it was again. That sadness he'd had plastered on his face while telling Iris the depressing story of how Poppy had trampled down on his heart and let him get killed for crimes he did not commit.

Iris felt herself pitying the ghost-Troll. "I'm sorry, Creek," she muttered. "That was a long time ago. Do you really think Branch and Poppy are still like that?" It felt weird to use her parents' names when mentioning them, but she let it happen anyways.

Creek stared at her for the longest time, several emotions flickering across his usually bright and friendly eyes that were now tainted with sorrow. "I'm sure of it," he replied, his octave lowering down to an angered tone and his eyebrows furrowing slightly. "You didn't witness it, Iris. If you'd seen it, you'd be disgusted. I'm surprised they haven't tried to hurt you yet."

Iris blinked in surprise. "They would never do that!" she protested, her voice indignant. "They're kind Trolls who have led their kingdom well. I've no shame in being their daughter. How dare you—?"

Creek grasped her hand in his, making the words tumbling out of her mouth slew to a complete halt. "Hush, Iris," he murmured, smiling with his normal collected expression. "I'm not saying your parents haven't raised you right. After all, you are a very beautiful and unique Troll. I enjoy your company. You're sweet and deserve the best. I'll give Branch and Poppy the credit for that."

The bright blue female felt her cheeks growing hot and she looked away, blush spreading across her face like wildfire. "Er...thanks," she murmured before forcing herself to face him again. "But I...I still don't think—"

"Now, I believe I asked you a favor the other night, did I not?" Creek raised a brow, clearly wanting to change the subject.

Iris remembered. "Bring you back to life?" She scoffed in disbelief. "Snakes better throw up rainbows if that's possible. Why do you need me to do it anyway?"

Creek chuckled in pure amusement, and Iris began to wonder if he was making fun of her. But his gaze held nothing but fondness for her, so strong it made her heart skip a beat. "Because I need a fresh start. I need to show my friends I'm not the criminal they think I am. And I can't possibly do that if I'm dead, Iris. You're the only Troll who can help me. That's why I'm confiding in you." His sparkly violet orbs became pleading as he stared down at her. "Please, Iris. I need this second chance. I was treated so, so unfairly..."

Guilt bubbled up inside Iris. She'd snapped at him and now felt bad about it. Creek just wanted a second chance. He deserved one, didn't he? After all, he'd been mistreated by his fellow Trolls.

Iris moved closer to him, resting her hand on top of his reassuringly. "Don't worry, Creek," she murmured, piping up and smiling brightly. Even if she wasn't totally like her mother, she could reflect her happy-go-lucky personality at times. "I'll help you. I promise. You deserve to restart, to be accepted and prove to everyone that you're really a good guy. I-I think you're a good guy." She awkwardly shuffled her feet against the grass and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them and staring at the meditator once again. "So what do I need to do?"

Creek's smile grew and she caught relief in his gaze. "Thank you," he choked out, his voice thick with emotion and gratefulness. "You don't know how much this means to me. Now...follow me. We have places to go."

Iris halted, fear flashing across her chest and freezing her in place. She glared over at Creek as the calm mediator stood just in front of the thick vegetation of the forest. Had he lost his mind?? There was no way she was going back in there!

"Creek..." Iris began in a warning tone.

The purple Troll turned to her, an attentive and curious look plastered on his features. "Yes, Iris, what is it?" he asked, tipping his head inquiringly.

"I can't go in there. It's forbidden," Iris told him. She didn't want him to see her fear, her fear of facing the dangers of that dark place where she'd almost killed her father. Creek already knew of Branch's injury, but she didn't think the restrained male had any idea how much it'd traumatized her.

"This will only take a bit," Creek reassured her. "No one will even notice you're gone."

"Fat chance!" Iris scoffed, turning away from him. "Why do we have to do it in the forest anyway? What's wrong with here?"

"Oh, Iris, you act like you have some magical power for this task," Creek chuckled. "No, deary, no. That's not it at all. You see, there's a place in these woods that'll help you do it. You have no special powers. Sorry."

A flash of anger scorched through Iris from head to toes. It kind of sounded like he was mocking her. She turned back to him, that vicious glare hardening even more. But Creek had no reaction to it, just shrugged and turned back to the trees.

"Now let's go. We're wasting daylight and being in here in the dark is not safe. But I'm sure you already knew that." Creek walked over and grabbed her hand. She wanted to pull back but he was giving off some strangely calm vibes that put her in a sort of trance. She immediately relaxed and let him drag her along with him.

Where was this place he was speaking of? It better not be too deep in the forest. She hated here and wanted to leave as soon as possible. "Where are you taking me?" she questioned her thoughts aloud.

Creek did not stop, he didn't even turn to look at her. "You'll see," he merely replied, keeping his gaze ahead of him. "It's a very...special place."

Iris frowned. She was getting a little suspicious but did not want to believe Creek would take her here if it was harmful.

She glanced warily around the forest, jumping at even the slightest of sounds. A strange mist swirled around the tree trunks, many puddles from rain dappled the ground, the mud squelching between her toes as she took each step. It wasn't a terrible feeling since the mud was quite cool, but she didn't like the little sounds. Everything reminded her of that horrible beastly spider that had attacked her and Branch.

"Hang in there, poppet, we've almost arrived!" Creek called back to her, still not even facing her.

She quickened her pace to walk closer to the always restrained and collected male Troll. Since he was a ghost, she could just faintly see through his somewhat translucent skin and saw an eerie fog just barely circling around his body. It was really weird. Was she the only Troll who could see Creek? If so, if someone saw her they'd think she was completely mad! Then I'd get sent off to a mental hospital... She shook away the silly thought. Her parents would never do that to her.

"Ah ha! Here we are!" Creek announced, halting beside her and using his gentle hand to swish aside some low-hanging plants.

Iris gasped out in awe at the view she was greeted with. It was a little cliff rising up with a waterfall tumbling right down into a slightly large pond. She frowned as she looked at the water. It had a strange, slightly eerie pale green glow to it, making it seem like some mystical place that only appeared in fairy tales. This was all a little too surreal. Was Iris dreaming? First bringing a dead Troll back to life (even though it hasn't been done yet), and now glowing ponds?

Whatever. It was a pretty view as she enjoyed it even if this was all fake.

Creek walked past her, staring at the body of liquid with ambitious eyes. That was new! He usually held no expression other than that calm visage that was molded into his features no matter the situation. The hunger for whatever he was seeking overwhelmed Iris just a little bit. He looked a little...scary this way?

The usually-restrained male turned to her, smiling widely with that collected demeanor returning to his face. "Come, Iris," he said, beckoning with a hand for her to come forward. "This is the place I was speaking of. It'll help you."

The purple-skinned Troll took a deep breath, putting his hands together and lifting a single leg and bending it, placing his foot against the side of his other leg. He shut his sweet violet eyes, lifting his head just a little more. "Dear Pond of Silva, I beg to you for mercy and forgiveness. My fellow Trolls falsely viewed me, letting their Queen spew nothing but lies out of her mouth. Lies about me. I am no criminal to Troll Tree. I am a friend and always have been. So...I present to you, Iris, the Princess and daughter of Branch and Poppy." He turned his gaze towards her, opening his eyes again and smiling.

Iris knew this was a signal to approach the shore of the pond just as he was doing. She nervously stepped forward, finding it quite strange that Creek had spoken to the pond as if it were another Troll. But she didn't question it. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner they could return to Troll Tree.

"I give you a mortal, a living mortal, who has enough energy within her to restock my life." Creek stared at her once again. "Tell the pond you agree to this," he muttered.

Iris gulped, hesitating. This was so weird! But she knew she had promised she'd do this for him and she wasn't about to break that. "I agree and will happily give Creek the second chance he deserves."

What happened next completely intrigued the Troll Princess. The water began rising up over their heads, reaching down towards Iris and swirling around her body. She gasped from the iciness of the liquid, feeling it trail over her skin, through her hair, and ring itself around her legs. She felt dizzy and stumbled slightly as it removed itself from her, now having a really weird blue tinge to it that somewhat resembled the shade of her skin.

She gasped, wondering if it had hurt her. But when she examined herself, nothing looked abnormal. But she was aware of how weak and tired she was suddenly feeling and slumped down on the grass, staring groggily up at Creek who had the water touching him now just as it had done to her.

His body glowed brightly, so much that she lost sight of him for a little bit before he came back into view, the water quickly retracting back into place and leaving Creek standing there, breathing heavily and smiling. He turned to Iris, his gaze grateful. "You did it! I'm alive!"

Iris was growing more tired by the second, but she could jus see that his skin was no longer see-through and that mist that had glided over his skin was gone. He looked strong and...well, alive. "I know you're probably wondering why you're so tired. The water took a lot of your energy to use on me. Don't worry. Just sleep when we get back and you'll be fine."

He walked over to her, grabbing her hand and hauling her to her feet and letting her lean against him. "Let's get back now."

Eessshhhhh this chapter took forever to do 😂

I know a lot of you are probably pissed but oh well

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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