Inspirational Stories 2

By OwnerOfTajMahal

7.2K 873 51

Stories That Inspires. More

Inspirational Stories 2
Influenced by figures such as Malcolm X
After a severe hate for Muslims
I did not know the way to mosque
Hammer and Nails
Revert Story
Shame upon those men who oppress their wives!
Why women cry?
I Am Just As My Slave Thinks I Am!
45+ Fast
Allah Does Exist :')
First go and see if all the people are asleep.
A friendship that is built on Islam will last even in Heaven!
You CAN do it
Halal Love!
She was Beautiful.
LIFE won't GIVE a second chance
To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.
Someone who doesn't care about your aakhira, doesn't care about you.
Tell the believing women that they should lower their gaze.
Dear Muslimahs...know your worth
It's not just a hijab, it's the Key to Jannah
I noticed an elderly uncle praying
Revert Story
Learning is not as much about age
Giving up in the name of Allah SWT
Love at no sight :')
Kill Them With Love
Hi, I'm a Muslim and I'm Ashamed of my religion
Charity wrapped in dignity
Not a story, yet imporant! :')
Trying Pancakes
Fall in love with ALLAH
Every Soul Shall Taste DEATH
In Remembrance of Allah, the heart finds rest
JANNAH (It's worth the SABR)
Consult your heart and mind, before using your tongue
The issue of hiding your PERIODS
Al- Qadr
Private Parts
Period, Behaviour and Relationships
What a WOMAN wants and How MAN misunderstands it
Jazak Allahu Khayran

my revertion to Islam

576 37 4
By OwnerOfTajMahal

Asalamu Alaikum,

My name is Catherine and I'm 20 years old. I'm from south west of England and quite frankly there are very few muslims in my home town. I was never brought up with a religion, although always believed in a creator, a God, I guess I just didnt know which path to follow. I went to a local school and have always been interested in studying religion so I guess for me, everything just took its place very quickly, at a young age. I was 15 when i started studying for my gcse's, one of which was religious studies concentrating on Christianity and Islam. I had one muslim friend at the time, and they did help me alot by bringing back leaflets etc from the mosque, although I would like to say that it was not because of them I reverted, but more my own decision completely, as this is a common mistake.

During the first year of my gcse's (year 10), I decided to take part in ramadan, and completed it. So I had my first experience of actualy doing something physically for my creator, and it felt amazing. So I studied more and more, during lunch breaks, after school etc. I had a thirst for knowledge that I never had before, I mean I had never even finnished a book in my life, but all of a sudden was able to read about Islam, and quotes from the Qur'an whenever I could. So it carried on this way for about 2 years. I really wanted to revert pretty much a year after I had been introduced to Islam, but my family did not agree at all, in fact, they hated it. So there way of (dealing) with me, was to say your not 18 yet so until then its our roof, our rules. So time went by, and it got to roughly 2 weeks before my 18th birthday. I couldnt take it anymore, I had to revert, it was like my heart was yerning for this peace and blessing that I couldnt wait anymore. So I went to the local mosque, of which I had never even been before, to take my Shahadah. I stepped in, talked with the Imam, and was so nervous its pretty much a blurr. Although, bottom line is, I did it!.. I was so happy and started to learn how to pray pretty much straight away. Alhamdulilah (praise be to Allah) that now I have been a muslimah for nearly 3 years. I learn new things every day and love to take pride in myself, and my beliefs.

My Family are starting to get used to me being muslim, I know 3 years later... but to be honest i dont think they will ever truly accept me, only Allah knows. I am now at a point where I am nearly married, insha allah, and would love to wear the hijab all the time. I do my prayers, as much as i can, and i wear the hijab whenever i can. Ive done talks at my old school about Islam, and I love to tell people about it, hoping that with every person i talk to, will be one more who understands, insha allah.

Well thats my story about done.... I could go on forever but im sure this is pretty much the basics...

Thank you for reading this article about my revertion to Islam...

May Allah (God), bless you, guide you, protect you and keep you safe insha allah (God willing)...

Asalamu Alaikum (Peace be with you)


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