Sweet Temptation (English)

By Imblackiee

132 3 0

Eva Dolan promised herself never to go through the same thing again. She wants to forget everything, and star... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

13 1 0
By Imblackiee

Aaron's smile catches me and continues as I get dressed for our dinner.... Date?

No, dinner.

I just change my top; taking off my t-shirt and putting on a light green sweater with sleeves. It will probably cool down a bit later and I don't want to be the typical girl who goes out without a coat so that, in an act of stupid chivalry, he offers her his. That never happens. At least, not anymore. I head to the bathroom to put on my makeup.

I hear voices outside and then someone knocks on the door. I assume Aaron is a little impatient, even though it's only been a short time. But this being a university, it could also be some jock with less brain cells. I'd rather finish getting ready before any of my brothers or Dakota arrive and start asking questions. I put on some circle earrings, a little pink lipstick and I'm ready. I open the door and Aaron is nowhere to be found.

He has stood me up.

I slam the door with all my might. It only took me no more than five minutes! Apparently, having dinner with me wasn't that important. This is one of the reasons I didn't want to do this. The frustration I feel, mixed with anger at myself, only makes everything worse. How could I have been so stupid?

Without even changing my clothes, I plop down on the bed. I sigh and turn on the TV to find a distraction. It doesn't do much good, as my head doesn't stop working.

An hour later, there's another knock on the door. I get up with some resignation and open it.

- You'd better have a good excuse for.... - I start to say, but when I see that it's not Aaron knocking, I stop myself.

- I didn't know I should have an excuse ready for knocking. - he smiles with amusement.

- It wasn't you I was expecting. Do you need anything? - I blurt out a little more sharply than I should.

- And who were you expecting then? - he asks, entering the room and squinting at the door.

- That's not important.

- It is to me, Eva. - he says firmly and I let out a snort. - What are you doing?

- Me? - I raise both eyebrows in astonishment at his tone of voice. He sounds a little... annoyed. - Look Austin, I'm not in the mood right now. Dakota isn't here, if you were looking for her. In fact, she should be with you.

- But she's not. - he replies simply. - I know something's up and I haven't seen you in a long time. Let's go get some dinner so we can catch up on everything over the past few months. What do you say?

I think about it for a moment. I'm still mad at him for ditching me to be with Dakota. I mean, he barely knows her! And I've missed him for months and months. So, I decide to stop beating around the bush.

- Okay, I accept. - I say and roll my eyes, causing him to let out a laugh and we walk out.

We go to the parking lot and he pulls up to a black, immaculate-looking van. He disables the alarm and opens the driver's door. I climb in on the passenger side and he starts up to leave.

- Nice van. - I exclaim, looking around the interior.

- Do you like it? It was a gift from my parents after graduation.

- Really? But I was with you all that day and you never mentioned it. I wish I had congratulated you earlier.

- Yeah... I guess I must have forgotten. - He shoots me sideways glances and gives me a nervous smile.

Something's wrong with him, I know it.

- Yes, I'm sure. By the way, how are they? - I decide to change the subject.

- They are doing well. I haven't seen them for a few weeks because of my move with Christian. - The look on his face is a little sad. I know how much she loves being near his family. - Jayden misses you, you know? She always says "no one did her hair better than Eva"; and believe me, she's made me try so many times I can't even remember them anymore.

- I don't doubt it! She's so cute! - I laugh as I imagine Austin playing hairdresser with his little sister. And then, I get nostalgic remembering the past. - And so do I, Aus.

- What thing?

- Missing your family, and mine. Missing what it was like before that happened and I left there.

- I know, babe. And believe me, if there was anything I could do to erase all that, I would. It was all getting too complicated. - He winces in disgust as he parks and we get out.

- What do you mean "complicated"? - The curiosity in my voice is more than noticeable.

- Let's go inside first so we can talk better. - He hugs me sideways.

I read the sign for the place. It's a Chinese restaurant, our favorite. I didn't think there would be one here in L.A., let alone so close to the University. He looks at me knowingly and I laugh. We choose a table near the window just around the corner and order two Chow Mein. Ten minutes later, the delicious aroma floods my nostrils and reminds me how hungry I was. I take a bite and can't help but sigh as I savor it.

- This tastes better than I remember.

- Better than Florida, huh? - he says quietly, smiling sideways and looks down at his plate. - We could pick this up again. You know... Thursdays, you and me. Just like before.

- I think that would be great. - I don't have to think about it for a second.

- Great! - he exclaims and we both smile. Austin pulls out his phone and laughs at something on the screen. That sound makes me happy, until his camera flash goes off.

- Austin! - I exclaim a little embarrassed but can't stop smiling. Another picture. - What are you doing? Stop it!

- I'm documenting this moment. The first Chow Mein of many to come. - he assures me with a twinkle of amusement in his eye. - Cheers to that!

- Yes, cheers to that. - We toast clinking our glasses together; and even though I hate myself for asking, the curiosity is already unbearable. - So... speaking of before, I need you to tell me everything. Please.

- Okay. - He sighs and puts his chopsticks down on the table. - What do you want to know?

- What happened with him after I left. I don't remember much.

- I'm not surprised. - He rolls his eyes..

- I've been drugged, Austin! What did you expect?

- I know, Eva! That's not what I meant. - he replies a little offended.

- So?

- Forget it. - he replies, shaking his head. - What happened is that he lost his damn mind, after what they did to you. When you left the house, it was a matter of time. And even before the police arrived, they already knew it was all going to hell, so Drew fled through the backyard.

>> The police came in and seized those of us who were still inside, including the owner of the house who, by the way, also tried to flee like a coward, just like his best friend. They took him, Lucian, Daniel and me to the station. They let me go the next day, as they found nothing to hold me. The hippie got out the next day, after his wealthy daddy bailed him out. The other two, they are still there. They have a sentence to serve.

- Good. - I shudder as images of Daniel's smile flood my mind, the sound of Lucian's laughter. I've made good progress with help from the doctors, but I'm still anguished about it. A few tears escape my eyes and I quickly wipe them away.

Austin gives me a twisted look and reaches his hand across the table to rest it on mine. I squeeze it gently, gratefully. - Please continue.

- If you want me to stop, just say so. - he says quietly, concerned, and I nod. - Well, there's not much after that. Nate had disappeared before and I knew that, sooner or later, the three of us would split up too.

>> Drew showed up at my house two days after I was released. He wanted me to tell him where you were and somehow, he was convinced that I knew. He said that I had always wanted the two of you to split up, that I had helped you disappear. Obviously, I had no idea where you were, I couldn't tell him anything and he was furious. I can swear to you Eva, I had never seen him like that. He had a gleam in his eye that... I don't know, gives me goose bumps. I assume he had done it again, because the effect of those things doesn't last that long. He tried to hit me and then we started a fight. Then we rolled around on the floor and he slammed my head against the porch steps. I lost consciousness and woke up in the hospital the next day.

- Oh, my goodness! - I exclaimed, somewhat terrified. I didn't think he was capable of hitting someone and knocking them unconscious. Much less Austin, they were like brothers. - And then what?

- Then I went looking for him at his house and believe me, I could have killed him right there. But it was his sister who answered the door. Kacey was crying; she said he came home, packed a bag of clothes and left. Since that time, no one has seen or heard from him. - he scratches the back of his head and concentrates on his plate again.

- He didn't even try to call his family? Nothing? - I find it hard to believe that he vanished into thin air.

- No, nothing.

- Okay. Why are you so nervous?

- What? - My question seems to take him by surprise. Really?

- I know you, Austin. There's something bothering you and you don't want to tell me.

- There's nothing wrong with me. I don't want to talk about it anymore, please. - he continues to stare at his plate. - I just want to enjoy the fact that I'm with you and he's off the map.

- Yeah, right. - I look at him one last time and go back to concentrating on my dinner, which has almost completely cooled down.

When we finish, Austin picks up the tab and we head back to his truck. On the drive back to the university there is an uneasy atmosphere. Austin seems upset for some reason and I feel emotionally overwhelmed. Too much information and too many feelings for it to be the first day here. My phone starts vibrating when I get a call from Gray, but I don't answer. I send him a quick message explaining where I've gone and that I'm back. I stare out the window, until I can't stand the silence anymore.

- I don't know what's going on, but this... - I point at both of us and hold back tears. - ... this "distance" between us has never existed before. And it hurts me, a lot.

- You're right, babe. Forgive me, okay? - he puts his hand on my knee and looks at me for a few seconds before continuing to look straight ahead. - I don't want to fight with you, let alone make you feel bad. It's just, it all makes me uncomfortable. But I should have known you would be worse off now, knowing everything. I was selfish and I'm sorry.

- It's okay, let's forget about it. I'm happy to have you back. - I smile at him and then clear my throat. - As long as you don't abandon me for a Barbie you just met.

- Ha! I knew you were going to mention that! - his laughter catches me as he pulls into the parking lot and we get out. - But really, you have nothing to be jealous about. I'm not looking for a new chick.

- I'm not jealous, you idiot! - I exclaim punching his arm and cross my arms as he blows a little wind, just like I said would happen. - I want you to be careful and I want no one to hurt you.

- Well, I want the same for you then. - he assures me making a funny voice and hugging me by the shoulders as we make our way to the rooms.

When we get to mine, I put the key in and open the door. Then I remember: - Austin, didn't you say you lived with your brother?

- Yes, why?

- And why didn't you just drop me off at the Kinsey's entrance and leave? It's a little late for you to be out there by yourself. - I grimace and he puts his hands on my shoulders.

- Eva, that's exactly why I'm walking you to your room. Don't worry, Christian's house is only five minutes away.

- Are you sure you don't want to stay? - I can't help but get a bad feeling.

- Yeah, Chris is waiting for me. I'm sorry. - Sincerity floods his words and he gives me a hug, which I return even tighter.

- Wait, give me your phone. - He breaks away from me long enough to take it from his pocket. I quickly grab my number and hand it back to him. - Done. Let me know when you get there and take care of yourself, please.

- I'll be fine, babe. - he assures me and then surprises me when he gives me a tender kiss on the cheek. - You rest.

- You too. - I whisper and watch him walk away. I close the door and notice strangely that Dakota isn't here.

I mentally beat myself up for not asking Austin where she is. Though of course, she was only worried about me and my jealousy.

What a bitch I am.

I head to the closet to change my clothes. I finish putting on a black sleeveless shirt and black shorts, when there's a knock on the door for the third time that day.

- I knew you would change your mind... - I start to say, thinking it was Austin, but I stop when I see that no one is there.

I poke my head out to look outside and nothing. I just catch a glimpse of a person about to turn the corner of the hallway. I'm pretty sure it's a guy, and a tall one at that. He's wearing a black sweatshirt, black jeans and a hoodie. I decide to follow him for a while, as I still have that bad feeling inside.

- Hey you! - I shout at him before I lose sight of him, but in vain because he either decides to ignore me or he hasn't heard me. I resign myself to remain outside barefoot and, above all, alone.

I go back to my room and close the door. I drop onto my bed and try to clear my mind; it's been a long day. But something on the floor near the door catches my attention. I get up and move closer to get a better look.

It's a piece of paper.

And it's folded in half. But... Who would leave me a piece of paper? Surely it's a joke. Or a mistake. I open it to see inside and a shiver runs through me from head to toe as I read:

The past always finds a way back.

Don't you think so?

*NOTE: Eva in multimedia*

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