Defying The Odd's *~ COMPLETE...

By Krisense

4.1K 234 32

{ tmnt 2016 version } Published: August, 12, 2017 Donatello's family send him to go to a vacation sense... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 4

141 7 6
By Krisense

     Donnie felt his body burning as he grunted and opened his eyes seeing the sun setting. But as soon as he stood up he felt his arms, face and neck burn as he looked at his arm. " sun burn..."
     Donnie got up as he looked at the ocean one last time sense soon the night will be there and all he would see is darkness. So Donnie started to turn to the green and looked around as he tried to see anything to find a plant that was good for a sun burn.
      But as he feared his blurry vision was still not helping as he could not tell witch plant would help.
      Donnie closed his eyes and focused himself as he then opened them and went to what looked like wjat could be a good place to stay for the night sense he could not do much. " Tomorrow I will start making supplies..."
     Donnie looked at his hands as he spoke low to himself sense he could barley even see his own hands. " Or at least try to..."
      He leaned in the dirt and used his arm as a pillow closing his eyes. But from the wind blowing at him he felt cold sense he was still in his wet clothes.
      Donnie opened his eyes as he felt that he heeded to get out of the clothes and let them air dry. But he blushed that he would be naked out in the open. ' Come on Donnie... if Raph was here he would say. " Come on Donnie man up you are the only one on that island..." '
    Donnie hesitated as he then stood up and started to slowly take his cloths off. Till he was naked he placed his cloths over somthing to get his cloth dry.
   Donnie blushed and looked up to the blury sky as he let a few tears fall and soon fell back to sleep.

~     ~      ~
    Morning came as Donnie slowly opened his eyes to feel dry sand on his skin. So he sat up slowly and cleaned his arms and hands from the dirt with his still blurry vision.
    The oceans waves where making light noises to the Shore as he slowly started to stand up. His legs felt a little wabbly as he started whipping more of the dry sand off his legs.
    He then started to grab his clothing bottoms as he felt that they where mostly dry. So he started to put them back on as he started to hear birds.
    Donnie looked up at the sky to see if he could see anything but not even the birds that sounded like they where right above him. Donnie looked back down and signed as he placed a hand on his arm feeling a sting.
   He looked down and brought his hand to his face as he saw red on them making him know that he got cut on the arm.  " Great..."
    Donnie turned to the green colors as he took in a breath as he slowly started walking in it to see it was a forest like as he had his hands touch the trees there helping him walk around with his wabbly legs.
     He started walking more in the place as he felt his foot grip over somthing as he land in his plastron and grunted as he got on his hands and knees.
    Donnie was about to get back on his feet when a growl was made. Donnie froze as his eyes widened.
   Donnie turned slowly around and looked at what looked like a orange, black like animal there. " you got to be kidding me..."
   As he slowly got on his feet keeping his blurry vision on the thing. But as he was finely up it started running fast at him. Donnie did not hesitate as he started running the way he came from as he heard it coming close. So he turned to see it but as he looked back he ran right into a tree and fell on his back shell.
    Donnie grabbed his head quickly jumped out to the way as the animal ran also into the tree as well. But Donnie got quickly up as he ran ahead as he started to see the color of light blue meaning the ocean.
    Donnie then got an idea as he ran out of the trees and out to the shore hoping this animal was going to fall for him plan.
    The growls was coming back as he turning around seeing it already in the air about to pounce at him. Donnie land on the sand as the animal came close enough as he was able to see a tigers face.
   The tiger quickly tried to bit him as Donnie got his arm out so the tiger would only bite it. He grunted from the pain but got his feet on the Tigers stomach and kicked him off and to the side.
   Donnie held his bloody arm as he looked at the tiger panting. It got back up and started charging at Donnie again but this time Donnie fell back before the tiger could get on Donnie first.
    Donnie got his feet on the Tigers stomach again and had the tiger thrown over Donnie as it then landed in the ocean getting all wet.
    Donnie got back on one foot and a knee seeing the orange color tiger get out of the ocean and ran right back in the trees.
    Donnie felt that his heart was beating faster as if he was having a adrenaline. But he sank his legs back in the sand as he grunted and panted harder from what the tiger did. Donnie knew it was good but from the feeling, he could not do anything to clean it sense the ocean water would just infect it and he could not see clearly with out his glasses.
    He then clinched his bit arm as he chuckled at himself. " this is how I die... probably getting eaten by a tiger... On a island alone..."

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