His Alpha Her Omega (COMPLETE...

By MexicanChihuahua497

343K 8.6K 584

Darius Jackson isn't your average werewolf he is an omega. The only omega to be exact. He is the pack punchin... More

Her Finding
"Im Sorry"
"20 Questions"
Mind Link
I just cant
Lets try
Finally Realizing
His Battle Not Mine
Second Chance
Pink and Pensive
Lies and Laughter
I Choose...
For The First Time


11.8K 306 12
By MexicanChihuahua497

Darius' POV.
Previously on His Alpha Her Omega...He had a grey neck brace, and a thick bandage around his chest. I look at the wolf's face he had big scar running down his right eye. He looks so calm and relaxed. I look around and see a red plastic chair. I picked it up and placed the chair next to the bed. I lean my head on the bed and look at my phone to see what time it is. Its 3:02 AM. With that I once again welcome the darkness and fall asleep.

I slowly open my eyes and adjust them to the bright light of the sun peering through the window. I then realize that someone else is in here. I look and see its Aubin. I then get a extremely painful feeling in my leg, and a stinging feeling in my chest and neck. I let out a loud whimper. It hurts so bad. I realize that I'm in my wolf form and I'm in the hospital.

I let it all sink in as Aubin gets up from the chair looking scared and worried. "Whats wrong? Are you okay? Does something hurt? Do you want me to go get the doctor?" She bombards me with questions and makes my head start pounding. I try and let out another whimper. She stops talking.

I then I get the brilliant idea use the mind link which makes me feel stupid. "Aubin-" i cut myself off. Then all the memories from yesterday come sinking back in. I then check to see if they left me messages in the mind link and unfortunately they did. The messages were :1. hey brat we'll leave you alone...For now.

Then I saw a read one that said two minutes ago: remember we're always watching you. There's no escape. I then start panicking. I do something really stupid next I get up without using my bad leg and jump off the bed I let out a loud whimper. "Wait stop! Darius what are you doing?! You'll hurt yourself! Stop!"

But I ignore her, I open the door and race out. I keep falling as I run but get back up. I let out loud whimpers as I run i hear lots of footsteps I keep running and letting out loud whimpers and look back to see Aubin and four doctors chasing after me. I keep running without using my bad leg.

I look forward and see a doctor blocking my path. I decide to make a sharp right turn, that makes me bump hard against a wall and let out a loud whimper. "Darius stop we won't hurt you please its okay! Please!" I hear Aubin yells but I ignore her. Out of the corner of my eyes I see two doctors on right and left. Oh no.

They get closer to me I'm more focused on the doctors than what's in front of me which makes me smack my head on a wall I let out a loud whimper as I look at the wall and see a bit of blood on it. I fall onto the floor and see doctors grab me and try to hold me still. I try and wiggle my way out but I have no more energy to fight back.

They inject me with a shot. I look up and see a worried and slightly angry Aubin. One of the doctors picks me up and carries me down hallways with Aubin by my side. Then something in me tells me 'trust no one'. I gather up all the energy I have left and let out a loud growl startling the doctor and making him drop me.

I let out a loud whimper and scurry to Aubins side. She quickly picks me up and apologizes to the doctor. My leg hurts so freaking bad it feels like I broke it all over again. My neck and chest are burning and stinging me. And my head is throbbing. I let out a small whimper.

Aubin lets out a sigh and carries me back to my old room. I see the window and start panicking. I start squirming in her arms. "Whats wrong?" She says a bit worried. I let out a whimper "window"  I whine in the mind link. She looks confused but closes the curtains on the window. This ease's my worries  and fears but not enough.

Aubin places me gently on the bed and sits on her chair. I let out a tiny whimper and crawl off the bed and onto her lap. I cuddle with her and leave my bad leg down so I won't hurt it more. She smiles softly and strokes my fur. I pur slightly and closet eyes and fall asleep.

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