Lust Or More

By corruptedroyalty

29.5K 468 207

My relationship with Draco started a year ago. But it's not a normal relationship at all. I was one of the ma... More

Thinking of the Future
Finding True Love
Soon to Be
Quidditch Tryouts
Best Friends
Who's Your Best Friend?
The Mystery Man
Always Be There
Thinking Hard
Making Amends
The Struggle
Smores Again
High Tension
Qudditch Fever
Game Face
It's Fixed
Bright Lights
Time Capsule
Adventure of A Lifetime

Christmas Spirit

663 16 3
By corruptedroyalty

I decide to stay with Draco at Hogwarts for the winter break. We were the only Slytherin who stayed. It was nice to have the whole dungeon to ourselves. At the moment, I was in Hogsmeade looking for a Christmas gift for Draco. Spintwitches Sporting Needs is where I would normally get his gift but, he wasn't on the quidditch team anymore. I thought about getting him something from there any way to show him that he could still have fun, but I didn't see that going over well. Nothing at Zonko's or Honeydukes caught my eye for him. I decided to take a break from gift shopping and went into Tomes and Scrolls to see if I could find any new books for me. When I went in I noticed a section I never paid attention to before, The Do It Yourself section. I was scanning through the shelves when I saw one of the book's spine, Magic Cabinets. I grab it to skim through the book. When I saw the words vanishing cabinet, I almost jumped for joy. I went into the fiction section and got some books for myself. I put the books on the counter by the register to pay for them.

"Getting your father a Christmas gift?" The cashier smiles at me, as she scans Magic Cabinets.

"No, it's for me." This is ridiculous, you are a woman, don't be sexist.

"Really?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Yeah, if you wait for a man you'll wait forever." I shrug.

"Well, good luck." She giggles at me like I was some little girl who still believes in Santa Claus.

"How much is it?" I was done with this conversation.

"10 Galleons, 6 sickles, and 21 Knuts," She told me. I handed over the money and took my shopping bag. I walk down the street looking at the different shops. I wanted to get Draco something that was not death eater related. I entered Dervish and Banges. They had all types of random items there. I pick up a sneakoscope but quickly put it back down. Considering that Draco was doing something untrustworthy all the time, it would be a horrible gift to give him. I picked up a penknife. I heard these could open any door and untie any knot. I held onto it, while I continued to look around. I looked at a beer mug, what was magically about it. I grabbed it and brought it over to the shopkeeper.

"Is there anything special about the mug?" I held it up to him.

"That mug keeps your beverage cold and the cup always filled." He told me.

"I'll take it and this." I put the mug and the penknife on the counter. I paid for the items and left the store. After going to the pet store to get more supplies for Sophia and Nathan, I head back to Hogwarts. I went up to my dorm to put the things for myself and my pets away. I put the gifts I got for Draco on the bed. I gift wrap them, before putting them under the Christmas tree that was in the common room. I picked up one of the gifts that Draco got for me. I shook it while holding it up to my ear.

"Christmas needs to hurry up," I grumble. I walk to the Room of Requirement to meet up with him. "Get anywhere while I was gone?" I ask. I quickly wish I didn't though when I saw him. His hair was all over the place, dark circles were under his eyes, and his pants looked like they were on backward.

"Does it look like I got anywhere?" He screams. I bite my tongue, knowing how hard of a time he was having.

"I'm sure you'll get it soon." I force a smile.

"When?" He snaps.

"I got your Christmas gift today." I decide to change the subject.

"About that, I don't know if I'm going to have time for Christmas." He turns back to the cabinet.

"No, Draco. We are having Christmas." I grab his arm, trying to turn him around. But, he wouldn't budge, so I moved in between him and the cabinet.

"I don't think you understand what's going to happen if I don't fix this cabinet." He growls.

"One day off won't kill you." I roll my eyes.

"It literally might." He let out a bitter laugh.

"If you celebrate Christmas with me, I will never try to pull you away from the cabinet again," If I can't persuade him, I will make a deal with him.

He looks like he was thinking it over. "Deal," He gave me a peck on the lips.

"Merry Christmas!" I jump up and down on the bed waking Draco up.

"Love, stop," He blindly tried to swat me away. It was comical to see how much he was missing me.

"No, come on. It is noon already. You slept half of the day away." I shook him by his shoulders.

"Alright, take me on the ride you call Christmas." He groans, getting up.

"No, need to leave the bed for the first part." I push him back.

"Oh really, do I get to be naked too?" He put his thumbs under the elastic band of his underwear, ready to take it off if need be.

"If you want to I guess." I laugh, picking up the tray that was on the desk beside us. "Brunch in bed," I cheer, putting it down on the foot of the bed.

"I think my idea was better." He cuts his pancakes up.

"Mine is more festive: pumpkin spice muffins, peppermint coffee, and gingerbread cookies." I point out some of the food.

"Cookies at breakfast?" He picks one up, staring at it like it was a foreign concept.

"It's brunch and it's the holidays." I ate a cookie.

"What are our Christmas plans?" He eats his pancakes.

"We are going to go outside, make a snowman, and have a snowball fight. Then we can go to the common room to make gingerbread houses over hot cocoa. After that, we'll go to the Christmas party in the Great Hall. Finally, we will come back to the common room and open our gifts" I lay out the plans that I had for us.

"It's going to be a long day." He let out a deep sigh.

I roll my eyes at his stubbornness as I finish my meal. "Time to change into our snow clothes." I cheer, walking towards his door. Before I left the room, I turned around and sternly told him, "We'll meet in the common room in 10 minutes. Be in some winter clothes." I walk to my room and change into a holiday sweater, a pair of thick jeans, and some snow boots. I put my hair into a high ponytail and put a beanie on. I wrap a scarf around my neck and put mittens in my back pocket. I hum a Christmas carol all the way to the common room. Draco was standing there in a thick black jacket over a black sweater, a pair of jeans, and snow boots. He was wearing a fur snow hat and a grumpy expression. I ignore that and drag him out to a courtyard.

"Do you want to make the face or the butt?" I ask about the snowman.

"Is he not going to have a stomach?" He raises an eyebrow.

"We can make that together." I laugh.

"I'll make whatever you don't want to." He shrugs. I smile at him. I appreciate him doing all these activities with me, even if he was going to be grumpy the whole time.

"You can make the butt," I told him. He let out a big sigh as he began to make a big ball of snow. I look around for little rocks to make up his eyes, nose, and mouth. After that, I sat down on the ground and began to create his head. I felt a sense of pride at the perfect sphere until I looked up to see how huge of a snowball his butt was going to be. It was up to Draco's waist, the small head I made would look ridiculous on him.

"Draco, I think that's big enough!" I cup my hands around my mouth to project my voice.

He grunts in response, as he walks over to me to see the head I made. "He's going to look like he got a shrunken head." He laughs.

"I know that's why I'm going to make it bigger." I grab more snow.

"No, leave it like that." He smiles. I agree since it put him in the holiday spirit. I put his eyes, nose, and mouth on as he stood there watching me the whole time laughing.

"Okay, let's make the middle." I got up. We roll up some snow to make the middle. I pat it down to make it tight as he piles more snow on top of it.

"Now for the most intense part, putting it together." I pick it up by one side while he picks it up by the other. We place it on top of the bigger snowball. "You have to put the head on because I can't reach," I told him. The snowman was at my height right now. I didn't want to knock it over, trying to put the head-on.

"Gladly," He picks up the small head to put on the big body. We broke out in laughter as we looked at our work.

"He needs arms," I notice.

"I'll go break some off that tree." He was going to tear them off, but I stopped him.

"There's no need to do that, just grab it off the ground." I point at the sticks piled up on the ground.

"You're brilliant. He can have small arms to go with his head." He grabs the smallest sticks he could find. He stuck them into the middle part of the snowman.

"Does he remind you of Crabbe?" I took a step back to get a better look at him.

"He does," He said through laughter. "What next on your Christmas list?" He asks once he catches his breath. I bent down to pick up a ball of snow, only to get hit in the face by snow myself. "Snowball fight!" He runs across the courtyard to hide behind a tree.

My jaw dropped at how enthusiastic he was all of a sudden. I ran over to the other side of the courtyard while getting hit by snowballs. I hide behind a big boulder, shaking the snow off. I created some ammo, before sticking my head out to see Draco had climbed a tree. "Bastard," I hissed and threw a snowball. I hit his feet, but I also caught a snowball to the face. "Why is his aim so good?" I growl, wiping the snow off. I throw a snowball without sticking my head out.

"You hit the trunk." He laughs at my sad throw.

"Damn it," I curse myself. I took a deep breath, before sticking my upper body out from behind the boulder to successfully hit him in the chest. In doing that, I took a hit to the face and the chest. I let out a frustrated scream and grabbed as many snowballs as I could. I ran towards the tree, throwing snowballs at him. Once I got under the tree, he shook a branch making a ton of snowfall on me. I fell down from the impact.

"Nikki, are you okay?" He jumps down.

"I'm fine," I try to unbury myself. He helps me out and picks me up. I shiver in his arms, the snow had sunk in through my clothes.

"Let's get you warmed up," He carries me back to the castle.

I let out a deep sigh as the hot water hit my body. "Alright, stop hogging all the hot water." Draco pushes me out from under the showerhead.

"You're not the one that got buried in snow." I try to squeeze my way back.

"I'm the Christmas hostage." He held me up against the wall by my shoulders.

"You are having fun," I argue.

"Or am I putting on a show for you?" He tilts his head.

"I'm going to wash myself." I glare.

He drops his hands to his side. "That is my job." He grabs the soap before I could.

"No," I pout like a child. He lathers the soap in his hand before he rubs it all over my body. He took extra time cleaning my private areas. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me under the hot sprays. As the water rinsed the soap off my body, I put a handful of shampoo in my palm to wash my hair. Draco's hands ran along my body, teasing my clit and nipples. When I finish with my hair, I grab the soap to lather up his body, avoiding his penis.

"Come on, don't tease." He groans. I lather my hands up before letting it fall to his shaft. I pump him a few times then move my hands to his thighs. He let out a growl at my movement.

"What? You have to wash your legs too." I looked at him innocently. Instead of responding, he wraps his hand around his penis to jerk himself off. "That is my job," I slapped his hand away.

"Hey, be careful. You almost hit my dick." He flicks my ear.

"I'm sorry," I drop to my knees to give it a kiss. He let out a loud moan as I took his whole shaft into my mouth. I let saliva gather in my mouth before I start to move up and down as my tongue swirls around him. He grabs me by the root of my hair to speed up my movements. I raise one hand to grip his thigh for balance while the other caresses his balls.

"I'm going to cum, where do you want it?" He asks. I hum around him in response, making him grip my hair tighter. I swallowed when his hot seed filled my mouth. I got up when he finished.

"I'll meet you in the common room." I got out. I dried myself off. I wrap a towel around my body and another around my hair. I walk to my room and grab my wand off my dresser. I free my hair to do a spell to dry and straighten it. I dropped my towel to cover myself in black bra and boy shorts. I slip on a holiday sweater dress. I pull on some black tights and heel boots. I did a few quick spells to give myself red lips, light blush, and thick eyelashes. I carry a bag that contains two mugs, hot cocoa mix, a bottle of water, two gingerbread boxes, cans of frosting, and several bags of candies to the common room. I set up the mugs and made hot cocoa. Draco walks down from his dorm in a white t-shirt and jeans when I finish setting everything up.

"Well, don't you look festive?" I eye his regular outfit in disgust.

"I don't have holiday clothes." He eyes my outfit in the same manner.

"Do you want to work together or make it a competition?" I ask.

"What would I win?" He hovers over me.

"What makes you think you're going to win?" I arch an eyebrow

"Well, I built most of the snowman and I definitely won the snowball fight. I'm just better at these holiday activities than you are." He smirks.

"What would you want if you win?" I ignore the jab he threw at me.

"If I win I want you to give me a massage every day before I go to sleep for the rest of the school year." He said smugly like he already won.

"When I win I want you to carry my bag around for the rest of the school year." I thought about how my shoulders were hurting throughout the day.

He grabbed some books and stood them up to divide the table. "This way we won't be able to see the others work until we are both finished." He sat down on one side of the table. I rearranged the table so that we had a little bit of everything on each side. I took a seat on the other side of the table. "Ready! Set! Go!" He yells. I began to work on my gingerbread house.

I put down the frosting bag after I finished the detail on the last window. "I'm done!" I smile at my work.

"Me too!" He sounds muffled.

I took down the books to see that he had nothing on his plate. "You didn't even do anything!" I look from his plate to his full mouth.

"I tried and failed, so I decided to enjoy myself." He pops a gumdrop in his mouth.

"Start working out, because you'll be carrying my bag for the rest of the term." I challenge him.

"Don't worry. I'll be able to handle it." He flexes his muscle.

I reach over to feel his arm, "I'm not impressed."

"I impress you in the shower." He teases.

"That's a different muscle." I sass, causing him to laugh. "Do you want to go to dinner?"

"No, I'm full of gingerbread and candy." He rubs his stomach.

"I guess I can have a gingerbread house for dinner too." I look at my hard work, not sure if I wanted to eat it.

"I'll help you." He reaches over to break my house.

"You said you were full." I slapped his hand away.

"You looked like you were having a hard time." He reaches over to get another slap.

"I'm fine." I pick one of the gumdrops off the roof.

"You'll be here all night." He rips off the chimney.

My jaw drops at his destruction. "Guess there no point in preserving now." I took off part of the roof.

"It's food. You would eat it or the bugs would." He rolls his eyes.

"Let's open gifts," I drag him over to the tree. I handed three to Draco and kept two to myself.

"I should have known better than to put my gifts under the tree." He glares at me.

"Why? What's wrong?" I sat down next to him.

"You got me three gifts, knowing that I only got you two." He grumbles.

"If it bothers you, I can take one back." I reach for one, only to have him pull it out of my reach.

"You can't take back a gift." He looks at me like I lost my mind.

I giggle at his childlike behavior. "We can take turns opening gifts. You go first," I told him. He opens the smallest one first revealing a penknife. "It can open any door and untie any knot," I explain.

"I'll remember to use this the next time you get mad at me and lock your door." He smirks. I gasp, not believing my own gift backfired on me. I pick up my smallest gift, ripping off the gift wrap like a wild child.

"You are making a mess." He picks up the piece of wrapping paper that fell on his lap. I open up the box to see a beautiful blue gem turtle necklace. "It's a locket." He shows me how to open it. There was a picture of him spinning me around as we danced at the Halloween party from first year. He came up to me with a glass of punch and danced with me all night. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. That was the night that my crush on him grew to an infatuation. It was also the start of our cat and mice game.

"I love it, put it on me," I turn around.

He helped me put in on, before opening his next gift. "A beer mug?" He asks.

"It is supposed to keep your drink cold and your glass always filled," I told him.

"Thanks, love." He gave me a peck on the cheek.

I open my last gift in the same manner that I open my first one. I opened up the big box and saw two stuffed animals. They look exactly like Nathan and Sophie. "Aw, your gifts are so much more personal than mine." I hug both the stuffed animals close to me.

"I try my best." He shrugs like it was no big deal.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone how sweet you are." I gave him a kiss.

"And we are even with three gifts each." He smiles like he redeems himself in some way.

"Time for your last gift." I gesture to the last gift on his lap. He tears off the wrapping paper and stares at the book in awes. He opens it up to find the section on vanishing cabinets. He pulls me onto his lap and covers my face in kisses.

"Thank you so much. I can't believe you found a book on it." He hugs me tightly. I giggle, happy with the affection that I was getting. "Let's eat the rest of your gingerbread mansion." He picks me up, walking over to the couch to sit me down on his lap.

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