Forget Me ∞ teen wolf & the o...

By mydogthinksimgod

145K 3.1K 595

Mieczyslaw Mikaelson. The youngest in the original family. Or Stiles, as he is more commonly called, has bee... More

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Part 1 prolouge
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

10.6K 258 30
By mydogthinksimgod

It had taken a bit of convincing but with Stiles's persuasive skills he had managed it. Everyone who he thought could help were meeting at Scotts at five pm, and thats where he was heading now in his blue jeep.

When Stiles got there everyone else was already there, seated around a table. Stiles had expected this, he took his time on the drive here. He had been trying to figure out what to say. How to say, he wanted their help in a situation that could get them hurt. Stiles hadn't actually worked out what to say but he knew what he wanted to happen. That he would walk in there propose the idea of taking down a vampire hunter and then everyone would agree, then they would head out and kick some ass. But he also had a fair idea that this is not what would happen.

And as he looked at everyone sitting around the table he knew that this was the case. Most of them looked agitated that they had to sacrifice one of their precious afternoons to listen to what they thought would be one of Stiles's crazy conspiracies. Which were never actually just conspiracies.

He meet Scotts eye, blurted out a " Hi, guys," before taking a seat next to Lydia.

Stiles looked down at his fingers that were tapping on the table, then looked up only to meet the expecting eyes of everyone else at the table. Seated around the table was Scott, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Hayden and Mason.

Lydia looked expectantly at him, and this jolted Stiles into action. He grabbed out the case file for the murders and some research that he hoped would help prove that vampires were real. Before he could even start to talk Hayden had already spotted the title "vampire killings". And said, "Vampires, really Stiles."

"Yes, really," Stiles replied, his voice dripping with annoyed sarcasm. No one said anything more, so Stiles took this as a signal to start.

"So I was going through some cases at the police station and I found this one," He said opening the file with all the photos of the victims. Instantly everyone's eyes were on the 9 photos. There was no doubt about it, the bodies definitely didn't look normal. If there is such thing as a normal murder, Stiles thought.

"And I realised that they didn't exactly look normal. Like who goes all veiny like that when they die." Stiles continued and then thought, I do.

"Maybe they were poisoned," offered Mason.

"Yea I thought that as well but the autopsy results show nothing out of the ordinary."

"If there is nothing out of the ordinary that what makes you think that they were all vampires," Liam said indicating towards the page of photos.

"Well first off they were all killed with a wooden stakes," everyone's faces were blank "come on have none of you watched any typical vampire movies," still blank stare "they are always killed with wooden stakes!" Stiles finished raising his voice a little and throwing his arms in the air with humour.

Still, none of them looked that convinced and Stiles started to get angry. He could feel his eyes start to burn, a sure sign they were about to turn a blood red. Why does no one care! He shouted in his head.

Stiles realised that he should calm down otherwise precisely what he didn't want to happen would occur at any moment.

"Okay, okay I also found this as well," Stiles said as he pulled out a piece of paper from the back of the police file. "This body was found a few towns over looks exactly the same as these ones but it also has fangs, and not like big k-9s or anything but two long and sharp teeth coming from the top if their jaw." Before Stiles had come he had been frantically searching on his computer for something that could back him up other than his own face. His face that he hated, the one where his eyes turned a dark red and veins appeared like they are flowing down from his eyes. The face where front k-9s elongated into deadly fangs. The face of a monster Stiles thought and shivered slightly.

He lifted his head to see that everyone looked a bit more convinced than they had before. Stiles turned to Mason to see exactly what he had expected. Mason looked quite excited and before Stiles could think more about it, his beliefs were confirmed when Mason said, "Wow do you really think vampires exist? Thats so cool!"

Well, Stiles thought to himself, if they weren't real I probably wouldn't be sitting here.

Then Malia said something Stiles had also expected.

"Say these really are vampire killings, why are we trying to stop them. Maybe it is good a thing that they are being killed.'' This was a typical Malia response " who cares about anyone else."

Stiles was about to argue back but Scott ,who had been quiet the whole time, beat him to it.

"I don't think anyone deserves to die like that. For all we know this hunter could just be having a rampage and killing the innocent." This was the break through Stiles had been waiting for. This one of the many things Stiles admired about Scott, that he was always going help others if he needed to. This was also one of the many reasons they were such good friends; they shared some of the same values and had each others backs.

He smiled lightly Scott who returned it. Scott probably took it as gesture of thanks but to Stiles it meant quite a bit more. It meant that maybe Scott was more accepting of vampires than Stiles had first thought and this alone brought hope to him, that maybe if he ever did find out what Stiles was they could still be friends.

Stiles turned to Lydia who was already looking at him, "So what do you think we should do?" She said smiling while she grabbed his hand under the table and gave it a light squeeze. He also hoped that if his friends ever did find out what he was keeping from them that Lydia would still be able to look at him the way she was now; with love in her eyes. Stiles could see it, they had both fallen in love.

With that Stiles launched into a plan he had devised to catch the hunters in the act.


Okay I'm sorrrry that this took a while but lately school work has been getting on top of me because as you can props tell I'm not the most proactive, but I'm trying 💁🏼

This chapter was quite hard to write and its not even that long.

The next chapter is where stuff is going to get in motion, this was kind of a filler

Hint; want faster updates lovely comments will help😏

Till next time

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