Me and Ai

De Kaori_Yamashita

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An Uta no Prince-sama fanfiction; OC x Ai Mikaze Pairing. Originally posted in my account [Ka... Mais

Chapter 1: On the Way
Chapter 2: Too Late
Chapter 3: Let's Try Shine!
Chapter 4: The Other Side of the Snow
Chapter 5: Welcome to Shining Saotome Academy
Chapter 6: S Class
Chapter 7: Idol and Composer
Chapter 8: Piano Encounter
Chapter 9: Friends and Rain
Chapter 10: Recording Test
Chapter 11: Water and Oil
Chapter 12: Working Part-time
Chapter 13: The Rose's Expulsion
Chapter 14: Saxophone
Chapter 15: Prince of Action Movie
Chapter 16: Greater Heights Fight
Chapter 17: Audition
Chapter 18: Kaori in Saotomate
Chapter 19: Trap Idol
Chapter 20: Day Out
Chapter 21: Satsuki
Chapter 22: Satsuki is Scary
Chapter 23: Hayato's Concert
Chapter 24: Satsuki's Concert
Chapter 25: Friends Are Nurses
Chapter 26: Kaoru in Saotomate
Chapter 27: A Lost Heart
Chapter 28: Summer Camp Is Coming
Chapter 29: Almost Fell
Chapter 30: Southern Island
Chapter 31: Unrequited
Chapter 32: No Partner
Chapter 33: Kaoru in S Class
Chapter 34: Rocking Heart
Chapter 35: Everyone Meets Kaoru
Chapter 36: Rocking Hearts Album Cover Photo Shoot
Chapter 37: Who Are You? (Part 1)
Chapter 38: Who Are You? (Part 2)
Chapter 39: Nervous
Chapter 40: The Secret Gets Out?
Chapter 41: Lady Picked Up By A Rose
Chapter 42: What to Wear
Chapter 43: Shining Heart (Graduation Audition Song)
Chapter 44: From Reunited to Poison Kiss
Chapter 45: Roommates
Chapter 46: Breakfast
Chapter 47: First Job
Chapter 48: Cecil
Chapter 49: Angel of the Night
Chapter 50: Script
Chapter 51: Utapri
Chapter 52: Modelling
Chapter 53: I'm Not Japanese
Chapter 54: Music To My Ears
Chapter 55: Sleepy
Chapter 56: Thinking
Chapter 57: The Feeling of Jealousy
Chapter 58: Feeling
Chapter 59: Hold Your Alcohol
Chapter 60: Dragged Along by Love
Chapter 61: Uncovered Feelings
Chapter 62: Busy
Chapter 63: Kumagai
Chapter 64: Returned Feelings
Chapter 65: Be With You
Chapter 66: The Younger Bear Smiles
Chapter 67: Kumagai Live Concert
Chapter 68: Suspicion
Chapter 69: Sleeping Angel
Chapter 70: Cyst
Chapter 71: A Stolen Kiss From The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 72: Hush
Chapter 73: Torn
Chapter 75: Silent
Chapter 76: A.I.
Chapter 77: [Error 76] Path Not Found
Chapter 78: Coma
Chapter 79: Owing To Love
Chapter 80: Merry Christmas
Chapter 81: Meeting
Chapter 82: Fleeting
Chapter 83: Doctor
Chapter 84: Question
Chapter 85: Another Year With My Beloved
Chapter 86: Valentine Wish
Chapter 87: A Ring
Chapter 88: Forgotten Worries
Chapter 89: Marriage
Chapter 90: Save the Date
Chapter 91: Ripples on the Water
Chapter 92: A Sick Little Angel
Chapter 93: A Sea and Sky of Flowers
Chapter 94: Fit for You
Chapter 95: Yes, I Do
Chapter 96: Somewhere By The Sea
Chapter 97: Sensei
Chapter 98: A Little Surprise
Chapter 99: Love and Sound
Chapter 100: My Life With You

Chapter 74: Under Your Wings

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De Kaori_Yamashita

Chapter 74: Under Your Wings

"Syo-chan! I'm sure that Ori-chan and Ai-chan will love these cake slices!"

"Haha. I'm sure they will! The free samples were enough to convince me to buy some!"

Syo opens the door to their room.

"Ai-senpai, Natsuki and I got some—EH?! W-what the?!"

"Eh? Welcome back, you two." Ai said while he was holding a small box.

Syo and Natsuki became surprised to see that the half of the room that belongs to Ai was suddenly empty.

"What is going on here?!"

"Ai-chan, where did all of your stuff go?!"

"You two already know about me and Kaori, right? I heard it from Saotome."

"A-ah...yeah. It was an accident though! We're really sorry about that, Ai-senpai!"

"It's alright. What's done is done. Anyway, I'm moving out of the dorm; I'll be living in an apartment from now on."

"Ai-chan?! You're moving out?!"


"Please tone down your voices; you're both too loud. Yes, I will be moving into my apartment today. I already had my furniture transferred this morning when you all were out for work. I just came back to get a few things that were left behind."

Ai then picks up another box and goes towards the door.

"I'll be on my way now. I may be staying in my apartment but I will still be here at the dorm during the day to supervise both of you."

"Ai-chan, does Kaori know about this?!"

Ai suddenly stops walking and turns to Syo and Natsuki.

"She doesn't know about this; I don't want you two to tell her yet."

"But why?"

"Because...I'm going to ask her to live with me." Ai lets out a small smile.


Syo and Natsuki blushed and looked at each other.

"G-good luck then, Ai-senpai!"

"I'm sure Ori-chan will be happy!"

Ai smiles at them and goes on his way out and back to his apartment to unload a few more boxes of his things. After fixing his belongings, he did some last minute cleaning and rearranged some furniture; he wanted everything to be comfortable and perfect.

He then cleans himself up and changed his clothes after cleaning every inch of the apartment. Before leaving, he took one last look at the place; he smiles unconsciously.

"From today onward, I'll be living here in this place with her; living here will be quite lively once she moves in. I never thought that I would be doing something like this. My past self would have been surprised indeed to see the present me. I used to live to fulfill the expectations that everyone had for me but now, I'm living for myself and the person that I've grown to be fond of; I've gained the ability to have dreams and aspirations that were born from my own will. No amount of data would have been able to predict this."

Ai leaves his apartment and as he walked, a reoccurring thought entered his mind; he smiles.

"This is a step closer to one of my dreams. Seeing her in a beautiful white dress won't be an unreachable dream anymore; it will happen one day for sure. The thought alone is enough to make me feel happy inside. Just a few more obstacles to go and we'll be truly free to love to our heart's content."


"Thank you, Syo, Natsuki, for the cake! They were really delicious!"

"I'm glad you liked them, Ori-chan."

"Here's Ai's slice of cake; just give it to him when you two meet."

Syo hands me over the small box that contains Ai's share of the cake.

"Okay, I'm sure he'll like it too."

"Ori-chan, do you have work today?"

"I do but I still got some time; Manager-san is still on his way here to pick me up."

"Kaori, can I ask something?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"How are things with Ai? You two doing fine?"

"Eh? Why do you ask?"

"Natsuki and I got worried when you and Ai were called by Saotome. We thought that he'd fire one or both of you or something; we were really worried. We're also sorry about the pictures..."

"It's okay. Ai got mad at Rei-chan instead; he really should have just given them to me or Ai. What's done is done and Saotome-sensei was bound to find out sooner or later; it was getting harder and harder to hide our relationship from him."

"So what did Saotome do or say?"


Saotome-sensei approached me and Ai two days after he talked to us in his office. We thought that he was going to try doing something again but instead, he gave Ai a challenge. He said that he has come to accept me and Ai's relationship but he wants Ai to prove to him that his love for me won't get in the way of his work at all and that love and fame could coexist; he wanted to see with his own eyes one more miracle born from love. He told Ai that if he can reach or break the sales record of his biggest hit, "Owing to Love", then he will allow us to continue being together otherwise we would have to break up and stop seeing each other for good.

"What did Ai-chan say?"

"He accepted the challenge head on. To tell you the truth, I'm worried. It's not that I have no confidence in Ai but it's because the challenge itself is not easy at all; no one has come close to the sales record of that song. I'm worried about what would happen if Ai...would lose...I don't want to break up with him; I want to stay with Ai. I love him very much..."

"It's a hard hurdle but I believe he can do it!"

"Ai-chan is incredible. I think he has a chance at winning so don't lose faith, Ori-chan."

"Thank you, guys. I'm happy to know that you guys believe in him too."

"Oh yeah, how are your vocal chords doing? Still a bother?"

"Yeah. It's gotten harder to use my voice."

"When is your surgery? It got rescheduled, right?"

"That's right, Syo. Since Saotome-sensei cancelled the Shining concert, Manager-san and I moved the surgery to a closer date. If I remember right, the surgery is going to be next week."

"So soon! Just hang in there for a little longer, Ori-chan."

"Haha. I will do my best with work for the remaining days!"

"What time is the surgery? Natsuki and I could come visit you before the surgery starts."

"The surgery is at 9:00 in the morning. I think you guys have work during that time; Manager-san has a meeting during that time."

"Darn. Natsuki and I will be filming during that time."

"We'll come visit you right after work then! Isn't that right, Syo-chan?"

Syo nods.

"Yeah! We'll come right after work to see you."

"Okay. Thank you! Please bring food!"

We laughed.

"Wait, if Manager-san will be in a meeting during that time, are you going to the hospital by yourself Ori-chan?"

"No, Ai promised me that he'll accompany me since he's free on that day. I'm relieved to know that he'd be there before the surgery; I'm really nervous about it since I've never had surgery before."

Syo and Natsuki looks at each other; huge grins formed on their faces.

"Why are you two smiling like that? Did you guys remember something good?"

"Nothing in particular, Ori-chan."

"It's nothing."

I looked at the two who were smiling oddly.

"Are you guys not telling me something? You're both suspicious."

"Nothing!" They said in unison.

"No fair! You're both keeping a secret from me!"

*beep beep beep*


I checked the message I received and it was Manager-san telling me that he has arrived.

"Leaving for work?"

"Yup, Manager-san is already waiting for me at the agency building; I'll be going now. See you guys later or tomorrow. Thanks for the cake!"

"Take care, Ori-chan!"

"Don't forget to give Ai's share of the cake!"

"Yeah! I won't forget!"

I closed the door and went on my way to Manager-san.

"Hey Syo-chan, did you do it?"

"Haha, of course I did! I gave her the two best slices of cake so that they could celebrate later. "


As Manager-san's car entered my field of vision, I noticed that he was talking with someone. When I got closer, I realized that Manager-san was talking with Ai; my face lit up. Eh? It seems that Ai gave Manager-san a small piece of paper. I wonder what's written on it; maybe its work related?

"Manager-san, Ai."

"You came faster than usual."

"Just a bit excited to work since I'll miss it after the surgery."

*ring ring ring*

"Excuse me for a moment, I'll just answer this call then we'll go."

Manager-san goes off to answer his call; it must be a call from an important person.

"Kaori, what's inside the box you're holding?"

"Ah, it's cake from Syo and Natsuki. We were eating cake together a while ago and they gave me your share so that I could give it to you. Here you go."

"Thank you, I'll put it in the fridge."

"You're not going to eat it?"

"I'll eat it later; the cake will be good for tonight'."

"Is there an occasion?"

"Not exactly. Not a formal one."

Ai takes the box of cake from me.

"Kaori, have you ever thought of living under the same roof as me?"

"E-eh?! W-well, technically we are living under the same roof in the dorm."

"I meant living in a place that we, ourselves, own."

"I-I have thought about it before."

"If one day, I'd ask you to live with me, will you?"

"Y-yes...I would." I said embarrassingly.

Ai smiles and hugs me. "I'm happy to hear that."

He takes my hand and puts something inside; it's a key.

"I'll ask you again, would you live with me?"

"A key?! Is this?!"

"It's the key to the apartment I bought for the two of us."

I started laughing a little.

"Ai, that's a nice joke! You got me there for a second! Hahaha!"
I swear my heart skipped a beat when he said that. What on earth entered his mind?

"Kaori, I'm not joking; it really is a key to our apartment."

"W-what?! You really bought an apartment?! Seriously?!"

"Yes. Let me send you the address."

Ai takes his cell phone out and sends me a message. My phone rang right after he sent the message and his message contained an address. Is this for real?!

"Wait, does Manager-san know about this?!"

"Yes. I just spoke to him a while ago when I saw him waiting here for you. I gave him a copy of the address on a piece of paper."

I looked at the key he gave me and I was filled with surprise. He really bought a place for us? I don't know what to say.

"You're working until the evening today, isn't that right? After work, come to the apartment. Ask Manager-san to drop you off. Let's have dinner there; I'll prepare the food.'"


Ai then notices Manager-san returning to us.

"It seems you'll be going soon."

He kisses my forehead.

"I'll be waiting for you tonight. See you later. Take care at work."

"Kaori, let's go. We're a bit behind schedule because of that annoying phone call. Sigh. Let's go."


Manager-san gets inside the car and starts the engine.

I put the key in my dress' pocket.

"I'll be going now, Ai."

"You'll come tonight, right?"

"Yes, I will."

I gave Ai a quick kiss on his cheek before getting in the car. I waved at him until I couldn't see him anymore from the car's window.

"So Kaori, are you going to go to the apartment after work?" Manager-san asks in a teasing tone.


"Haha. So are you going to go?"

"Y-yes. I want to go and see."

"Okay. I'll drop you off at the address after today's work."

I took out the key from my pocket and looked at it. I still can't believe that Ai was serious; he really bought an apartment just for us; he must have worked really hard for it.

"Manager-san could you buy something for me before we go to the apartment later?"

"What is it?"

"I was reading a food blog the other day and there was one entry about a cafe that sells something called Marine Jelly. Could you buy two pieces? I'll message you the address and name of the café; it's actually not far from work."

"Sure, no problem. I'll go buy it before you finish up for today."

"Thank you, Manager-san. I'll pay you back later."


"Good work, everyone! You all did a great job today! Have a safe trip back home! The next recording will be next week; see you all then!"

Today's recording is my last until I get healed after the surgery next week. Manager-san and I already told the director about my surgery so we recorded my parts in advance to avoid recasting which would be a hassle for everyone.

I waited for Manager-san at the front of the building.


Uggghhhhh....! Why do I feel so nervous and excited at the same time! I'm acting like a high school girl who's going to be picked up by her boyfriend for the first time! Why do I get embarrassed so easily?! This is so embarrassing...

I just stood there waiting for Manager-san. As time passed, everyone left and the building was already closed; I was left all alone. I looked at my watch and it was already quite late. Did something happen to him? I hope he comes soon; it's quite scary being here all alone at night. It's so dark waiting out here without the building's lights.

I started humming to myself to pass the time and to prevent myself from thinking up of things that would make me freak out. Haha.

I waited and hour had passed...he's still not here...I messaged him a while ago and he hasn't replied. Huhu...Manager-san, w-where are you?! This never happened before! Y-you're usually on time!

Manager-san's car arrives after some time and I quickly went in the car.

"I'm very sorry for being terribly late!" Manager-san said with remorse.

"Where on earth were you?! It was really kind of creepy to wait here in the dark, you know?! You weren't replying to my messages or picking up my calls either! I thought something happened to you! I thought I'd be staying there until midnight!"

"I'm very sorry! My cell phone ran out of battery and I lost track of time when I went to the agency to pick up some papers. I'm really sorry! Also, Mikaze asked me to get some items from the dorm so I had to go back again to the agency for the second time before going off to the cafe to buy the marine jelly and then coming to pick you up."

"Eh? What did he ask you to get?"

"Never mind that, put your seat belt on; we should get going since he's waiting."

Manager-san started driving and soon after, we arrived at the address that Ai gave.

"Manager-san, I don't know until what time I'll be able to finish. I'll just call you when we're finished."

"Haha. There's no need for you to call me."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know soon enough. Since there's no work for tomorrow, I'll see you after two days. Take care."

Manager-san drove off and now I don't know how I'll get home. Will there still be a train or bus available later? I hope so.

I looked at the apartment building and it's quite tall; there are probably around 20 floors or so. I took out my phone and called Ai.

*ring ring ring*


"Good evening, Ai. I'm sorry for being late. I'm already at the front of the apartment building. What floor will I go to?"

"It's alright. The apartment is on the 10th floor room 1021. Would you like me to meet you at the lobby?"

"No, it's okay. I'll go up directly."

"Okay. See you soon."


I ended the call and went into the building. The lobby is nice! This place looks like a hotel in a way! I got into the elevator and went up to the 10th floor.


The elevator doors open upon reaching the 10th floor.

"Let's see...1018...1019...1020...Eh? Ai?"

Ai was standing outside 1021, waiting for me. I quickly went over to him.


"You finally came; I'm glad."

"You should have just waited for me inside; the evenings are quite cold."

"I became a bit impatient and I wanted to see you right away. I also wanted to see you open the door yourself and see your reaction when you get inside."

Ai then notices the box I was holding.

"What's that?"

"I brought something to eat as a snack. I thought that you would like it."

"Thank you."

He takes the box and kisses my forehead.

"Shall we go inside now?"

I nodded and took the key out of my pocket. I stood in front of the door and unlocked it. I was feeling excited; I wonder what the apartment looks like.

We went inside and the moment I saw the place, I was speechless.

The apartment was quite big! Upon entering from the front door, the first thing you'll see is the spacious living room and the windows. On the left is the kitchen and dining area. There are two doors beneath the stairs; the toilet and bathroom? Wait...stairs?! There's a second floor?! There are three doors on the second floor so those must be the bedrooms? The place is fully furnished...I'm overwhelmed.

Ai puts down the box of marine jelly on the side table beside the door. He then hugs me from behind.

"Kaori, what do you say when you return home?"


"Okaerinasai**, Kaori."

I feel so happy. I really really am happy; this all feels surreal.

"Let me show you around."

Ai takes my hand and he showed me the kitchen first. The kitchen was wonderful and it was structured in a way that lets you move around easily. The dining area was just in front of the kitchen so you could actually watch whoever is cooking and if you're cooking, you could also watch television at the same time since you could see it from here. The living room was the center and right side of the first floor; it's really spacious. There's a flat screen television, a center table, and two really comfortable sofas facing each other placed on each side of the table.

We then went towards the two doors beneath the stairs.

"Kaori, the room on the left is a storeroom. It's empty for now so there's really nothing to show you inside."

Ai then brings me inside the other room.

"This is our work room."

The room looked like the practice room from the academy!


"I got the idea of converting this bedroom into a work room from Naoto. We could practice and do our work here."



"This piano looks a lot like mine."

"Because it is your piano."

"W-what?! You took my piano? W-when?!"

"Right after you left for work today."


"Now I'll show you the second floor."

"H-hey, wait!"

I wanted to hear an explanation as to why he took my piano but he dragged me along with him to the second floor. Sigh.

We went upstairs and Ai brought me to the farthest room on the left.

"This is the toilet room and the room on its right is the bathroom."

He opens the door to the toilet room and shows me what's inside.

"There's a toilet and a sink as well as a mirror; this is where you can brush your teeth and wash your face. There are toiletries stored here in this cabinet."

I noticed that there were two toothbrushes at the sink.

"Is that my toothbrush over there?"

Ai chuckles a bit. "Let's move on."

Hmm...I swear that was my toothbrush. We moved to the bathroom.

"We have a bathtub and shower available. The heater is over here in case you want the water to be hot. This cabinet contains towels, shampoo, conditioner, and soap."

He then leads me to the third room at the farthest right side of the second floor.

"This is the bedroom."

He opens the door and we went inside. It's a really comfortable and relaxing room; it's a perfect bedroom indeed. I sat on the bed and smiled.

"Do you like the bed?"

"I like it a lot. It's soft and comfy! It would be nice to sleep on it!"

I looked around the room. The walls are light blue and the floor is tiled with beige colored tiles which gives the room a calm atmosphere. There are two white closets with silver colored handles. The bed frame is black but the pillows and futon is white. There are black side tables on each side of the bed with a white lamp on top of them. There's a bookshelf near the door. On one side of the room, Ai's computer and desk is there...with another desk beside it? W-wait a minute! That's my desk!

"Ai, why is my desk here as well?!"

"It's not only your desk that's here."

He goes over to one of the closets and opens it.

"Your clothes are here as well."

"Eh?! Ai, why are my things already here?!"

"I had Manager-san help me move your things after he dropped you off at work. Speaking of Manager-san, I should apologize to you on his behalf; he picked you up late because he was helping me."

So that's why Manager-san was late and he looked exhausted too.

"I asked him to help me transfer your belongings because from today onward, you'll be living here with me. You did say "yes" when I asked you to live with me."

My face started to feel warm and I guess I was turning red. Ai sits down beside me on the bed and holds my hand.

"You know, we've been together for quite a while now and I've noticed that you'd still get shy or embarrassed with me. It's not that I dislike it. I find it quite amusing and cute but sometimes I interpret it as a sign that you're not yet entirely comfortable with me."

"That's not it."

I hugged him and buried my face onto his chest.

"It's not that I'm not entirely comfortable with you but because you're too good. The things you say and the things you do always touches my heart and it makes me so happy that I don't know how to contain it inside. Ai, I've been getting embarrassed because you've been making me too happy; I've never met someone who has treated me the way you do. I'm just always overwhelmed by you."

Ai hugs me back gently. "You should get used to it then. I'll love you in the best ways that I can; I'll overwhelm you even more each day. I love you, Kaori."

"I love you too."

"Would you like to eat the jelly you brought?"

"I almost forgot about that. Let's go eat it."

We went downstairs to the dining area and started eating the marine jelly.

I've never eaten this before but I heard it was really delicious; they say the balance of the sweetness is good. I was about to take my first bite when I noticed that Ai was just staring at the jelly.

"Aren't you going to eat it?"

"I'm fascinated by this so called marine jelly. The color is like the ocean and it has some stars and a seashell inside but are those edible?"

"Haha. Of course they're edible; they're made out of white chocolate."

He scoops some of the jelly and moves his spoon towards me.


"Could you prove it to me that it's indeed edible?"

"Are you serious?"

He nods and I chuckle a bit; he could be so adorable at times.

I leaned forward to reach the spoon and ate it.

"How is it?" he asked.

"It's really delicious! It's not too sweet and the different flavors of the jelly are so deliciously put together. The stars are indeed white chocolate and it tastes good with the jelly's flavor."

He looks at the marine jelly once more before trying it.

"You're right. It tastes really good."

"Hey Ai, how did you learn about and get this place?"

"I heard about this place from someone from work and so I thought of checking it out. I liked the crowd, the place, and the location; I thought that you might like it here too so I inquired. After learning of the price, I just needed to work a little harder than usual; I'd say it was really worth it. Did you know that the only apartments in this building with 2 floors are those in the 10th and 20th floors? The price difference between a single and 2 floored apartment wasn't that big so I decided to take the 2 floored one."

"Uhm, since I'll be living here too, I want to share the rent with you."

"There's no need for that."


"Kaori, it's really okay. You don't need to worry about the rent; I want you to depend on me more. Let me support you and take care of you."

"But I don't want you to shoulder everything. I don't want to leave everything to you alone; I want us to help each other. I want to share your burdens in the same way you've shared mine. So as my first step in helping you, let me share the rent with you."

"Alright. If you insist, we'll share the rent."

I smiled.

We sat there on the table enjoying our marine jelly while talking away. Being in the apartment, I realized that there was complete freedom; we were free to say and to do whatever we wanted to. Everything felt lighter and happier.

"Eh? It's already past midnight?"

Ai looks at the wall clock.

"So much time had passed but it felt like it wasn't that long."

I stood up and took our plates.

"Kaori, you don't have to—"

"It's okay. Let me do housework."

"Okay. Thank you."

I washed the dishes and then remembered something.

"Ai, what happened to the cake that Syo and Natsuki gave you? Did you like it?"

"Actually, I haven't eaten it yet; it's still in the fridge."

"How come?"

"There were two slices inside so I thought it would be better to eat it together but then you brought something to eat so I decided that we should eat what you brought instead."

"Oh. I guess we could have the cake slices for dessert tomorrow as long we don't forget."

I finished washing the dishes and was drying my hands when Ai asked,

"Are you going to take a bath before going to bed?"

"Hmm...I guess I will."

"Okay. I'll be in the bedroom if you need me."

"AH! I just remembered that I didn't bring any clothes!"

Ai smiles. "Have you already forgotten? Your clothes are already in the closet in the bedroom."

"Oh right! I forgot! Haha. Thank you for reminding me."

I went to the bedroom and got my clothes before heading to the bathroom. I washed myself first while waiting for the tub to be filled with warm water.

"It feels so good to have a nice warm bath. If I could stay in this tub for a day, I would...or maybe I would rather not since I don't want to become wrinkly...Haha."

I finished after a while and changed into my pajamas. I made sure to dry up my hair properly or else I'd get sick if I sleep with my hair wet.

I entered the bedroom and Ai was reading a book on the bed.

"Ai, where will I be sleeping?"

He looks at me and then closes his book. He then puts it away into the drawer of the side table beside him.

"Beside me, of course."

W-we're sleeping in the same bed?! I'm going to sleep beside him?! heart is pounding.

"If you're not comfortable sleeping in the same bed, I could always sleep on the sofa in the living room."

"Ah, no way! It's okay; I can't let you sleep on the sofa."

"Okay." Ai smiles.

He fixes the pillows and I timidly went over to the bed. As I lay down on the bed, I felt nervous and happy at the same time. He then fixes the blanket to cover the both of us properly.

"Goodnight, Kaori."

"Goodnight, Ai."

He kisses me and falls asleep after a while but I on the other hand couldn't sleep. I'm not used to sleeping with someone on the same bed; I've always slept with a pillow or stuff toy to hug. To pass the time, I just watched Ai sleep since he was facing me; his sleeping face is so peaceful and cute. He's also so close to me that it makes me happy inside; he's so close that I could hear his breathing. It was probably around 2:00 in the morning and I still couldn't sleep. Why can't I fall asleep? What should I do? I really am sleepy but my body just won't let me sleep. I don't want to wake up Ai; that would be too silly and selfish of me.

Anxious, I moved closer and cuddled up to Ai. Umm...this feels really nice...Ai smells nice...

I think that one of the reasons that Ai got this apartment is because he feels confident that he'll defeat Saotome and that we'll be able to stay together; he's assuring me that he will and can do it. I want to stay with you too. I believe you can do it. Saotome said that I'm not allowed to help you but I'll try my best to support you in any way I can. I love you, Ai.

I moved closer again to him and closed my eyes. Slowly, my heart beat and breathing synchronized with his and the warmth of his body slowly made me drift off to slumber. You know, I think that this is the most comfortable sleep I've ever had in my life.



I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I see is Ai reading a book on the bed; he was holding the book with his left hand while his right arm was wrapped around me. Eh? I'm clinging on him? Ah, I remember now; I cuddled up to him last night because I couldn't sleep. Maybe he didn't get out of bed because it might wake me up.

"Hm? Good morning." He said with a smile.

"Good morning." I said happily.

I sat up on the bed.

"What are you reading?"

Ai takes a sticky note and writes something on it; he then sticks it to the page he was on and hands me the book. I looked at the note and read it.

"Look at me."

I followed the note and looked at Ai.

The instant I turned my head, he moved closer and kissed me. I-It's a surprise attack!

"The morning is great today." He says happily.

I was feeling happy too. When I woke up and opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Ai beside me; it was a wonderful sight and feeling. Then...he gives me a morning kiss...Oh lord.

"Y-You're right, it's a great morning." I hugged him and then I got out of bed.

"I'll go make breakfast for us."

"I look forward to it then. Do you need help?" Ai gets out of bed.

"No need; I'll be fine. What will you be doing while I cook breakfast?"

"Hm...I guess I'll just go and watch you make breakfast."

"Eh? Then I have to do my best then!"

He pats my head and smiles.

"You always do."

"Do you have any requests for breakfast?"

"I'd like to have you." He says teasingly.




*Tadaima = I'm home.

*Okaerinasai = Welcome home/Welcome back.

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