Compilation of Poems

By blitzmatch09

223 3 2


Our Saviour
A New Year
Why Can't We?
Literature Problem
Gift From God

Compilation of Poems

168 3 2
By blitzmatch09

The first time we stepped in the school

We looked like innocent fools

Deafening silence filled the room

And our faces were still in a gloom

Weeks had passed in our lives

Many friends we greeted with 'hi's

From different sections we were divided

That didn't stand because we were united

A year had passed and we were Sophomores

From Diamond, Jade, Sapphire

Then there's Amethyst and Emerald

Still, all of us are united as one

Another year had passed from us

Juniors, that was what they called us

Getting excited for the final year

And all the burdens will finally disappear

When the final year had arrived

Our highschool days, we finally realized

Ten months was just a short time

To enjoy our highschool life

The day of our graduation was slowly approaching

Our final days we spent on practicing

Getting our diplomas from our teachers at the stage

Our and our parents' sacrifices will be paid

The day had finally arrived

The whole gymnasium were filled with 'goodbye's

Still our friendship will forever stand

We won't forget our highschool friends

Even now we're at different colleges

With our very own chosen course

Some of us are still seeing each other

Our friendship stays strong forever

I would just like to share this one last shot

Before I will totally forgot

So break a leg at our paths

And I hope our friendship will be stronger than the past 

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