Me and Ai

By Kaori_Yamashita

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An Uta no Prince-sama fanfiction; OC x Ai Mikaze Pairing. Originally posted in my account [Ka... More

Chapter 1: On the Way
Chapter 2: Too Late
Chapter 3: Let's Try Shine!
Chapter 4: The Other Side of the Snow
Chapter 5: Welcome to Shining Saotome Academy
Chapter 6: S Class
Chapter 7: Idol and Composer
Chapter 8: Piano Encounter
Chapter 9: Friends and Rain
Chapter 10: Recording Test
Chapter 11: Water and Oil
Chapter 12: Working Part-time
Chapter 13: The Rose's Expulsion
Chapter 14: Saxophone
Chapter 15: Prince of Action Movie
Chapter 16: Greater Heights Fight
Chapter 17: Audition
Chapter 18: Kaori in Saotomate
Chapter 19: Trap Idol
Chapter 20: Day Out
Chapter 21: Satsuki
Chapter 22: Satsuki is Scary
Chapter 23: Hayato's Concert
Chapter 24: Satsuki's Concert
Chapter 25: Friends Are Nurses
Chapter 26: Kaoru in Saotomate
Chapter 27: A Lost Heart
Chapter 28: Summer Camp Is Coming
Chapter 29: Almost Fell
Chapter 30: Southern Island
Chapter 31: Unrequited
Chapter 32: No Partner
Chapter 33: Kaoru in S Class
Chapter 34: Rocking Heart
Chapter 35: Everyone Meets Kaoru
Chapter 36: Rocking Hearts Album Cover Photo Shoot
Chapter 37: Who Are You? (Part 1)
Chapter 38: Who Are You? (Part 2)
Chapter 39: Nervous
Chapter 40: The Secret Gets Out?
Chapter 41: Lady Picked Up By A Rose
Chapter 42: What to Wear
Chapter 43: Shining Heart (Graduation Audition Song)
Chapter 44: From Reunited to Poison Kiss
Chapter 46: Breakfast
Chapter 47: First Job
Chapter 48: Cecil
Chapter 49: Angel of the Night
Chapter 50: Script
Chapter 51: Utapri
Chapter 52: Modelling
Chapter 53: I'm Not Japanese
Chapter 54: Music To My Ears
Chapter 55: Sleepy
Chapter 56: Thinking
Chapter 57: The Feeling of Jealousy
Chapter 58: Feeling
Chapter 59: Hold Your Alcohol
Chapter 60: Dragged Along by Love
Chapter 61: Uncovered Feelings
Chapter 62: Busy
Chapter 63: Kumagai
Chapter 64: Returned Feelings
Chapter 65: Be With You
Chapter 66: The Younger Bear Smiles
Chapter 67: Kumagai Live Concert
Chapter 68: Suspicion
Chapter 69: Sleeping Angel
Chapter 70: Cyst
Chapter 71: A Stolen Kiss From The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
Chapter 72: Hush
Chapter 73: Torn
Chapter 74: Under Your Wings
Chapter 75: Silent
Chapter 76: A.I.
Chapter 77: [Error 76] Path Not Found
Chapter 78: Coma
Chapter 79: Owing To Love
Chapter 80: Merry Christmas
Chapter 81: Meeting
Chapter 82: Fleeting
Chapter 83: Doctor
Chapter 84: Question
Chapter 85: Another Year With My Beloved
Chapter 86: Valentine Wish
Chapter 87: A Ring
Chapter 88: Forgotten Worries
Chapter 89: Marriage
Chapter 90: Save the Date
Chapter 91: Ripples on the Water
Chapter 92: A Sick Little Angel
Chapter 93: A Sea and Sky of Flowers
Chapter 94: Fit for You
Chapter 95: Yes, I Do
Chapter 96: Somewhere By The Sea
Chapter 97: Sensei
Chapter 98: A Little Surprise
Chapter 99: Love and Sound
Chapter 100: My Life With You

Chapter 45: Roommates

143 2 0
By Kaori_Yamashita

Chapter 45: Roommates

Kotobuki-senpai continued to speak.
"We'll try to stay out of your business as requested but feel free to ask us about anything; we'll definitely help you if you need some help. Let's all get along! After all, we'll be sharing a room."

Otoya and Tokiya-san's faces were surprised by the news that they'd be sharing rooms. Kotobuki-senpai was also surprised by the fact that they didn't know.

"Wait, Shining-san didn't tell you? You're seniors in the master course will be living with you."

Everyone had shocked and uneasy expressions all of a sudden.

"Y-you'll live with us?!" Syo said in shock.


"What is this? My belongings have been pushed into the corner..." Tokiya-san said.

Kotobuki-senpai was standing on his bed while Otoya and Tokiya-san were looking at the sudden change of layout of their room.

Kotobuki-senpai then points over to the other half of the room. "Your beds are over there."

"Eh? What is this?!" Otoya said.


"Bunk beds are good enough for newbies."

Kurosaki-senpai was pointing at the bunk beds while he was relaxing on his bed. Ren-san and Masato were looking at the bunk beds that they will have to sleep on.

"My tatami are all gone!" Masato said in surprise.

Kurosaki-senpai got up and said, "I threw it out since t was taking up too much space. I'm the master of this room now. If you got something to say, wait till you've become a real pro."

Ren-san and Masato weren't very happy but there was not they could do.


Mikaze-senpai was sitting on his bed when he pointed to the opposite half of the room where Natsuki and Syo stood.

"Don't come to this side of the room. Make sure you stay away from me when I'm sleeping."

"Yes!" Natsuki said joyfully.

Syo was looking around the room when he suddenly got surprised by Mikaze-senpai who appeared beside him while staring at his face.


"You're really short, aren't you?" Mikaze-senpai said.

"Th-this already?!" Syo was a bit annoyed.

"My data says you're 161 centimeters but you look about 100 centimeters to me."

"S-shut up! What's your problem?!" Syo was flustered and annoyed.

"Syo-chan, calm down." Natsuki said.

Mikaze-senpai then said to Syo, "It seems you don't know how to respect your seniors."

Syo was affected; it was like an arrow was shot to his heart.

"I'll set a schedule to help you learn some discipline."

Mikaze-senpai then laid a big piece of paper on the floor; it was a schedule. Syo went over to it and started reading out loud whatever was written on the schedule.

"Wake up at 5 o'clock?! That's way too early!" Syo shouted. He then looked at the things that came after that on the schedule that Mikaze-senpai made.
"Get changed at 5:02; wash your face at 5:07! 5:08, eat breakfast! 5:43, clean up!"

"It's so detailed and artistic!" Natsuki said as he looked at the schedule.

"9:00, go to bed?! That's so early!"

Mikaze-senpai then spoke, "If either of you are late, you'll both be responsible and penalized."

"I...I can't keep up with a strict schedule like this..." Syo said.


I later found out that when Otoya and Tokiya-san went back to their room, their things were pushed aside and half of the room was conquered by Kotobuki-senpai; Otoya and Tokiya-san had to share the other half of the room. I also heard that it happened to everyone else too plus they all were forced to sleep on bunk beds. Good thing I'm a girl so I don't have to share my room with Syo, Natsuki, and Mikaze-senpai; I'm lucky! Well, I have to finish fixing my room before the day ends.

I finished fixing my room during the evening.

I guess I got hungry after all that. I'll go to a convenience store and buy some food. I went out to the hallway and on my way to the entrance of the dorm, I saw Syo.

"Hey Syo! Good evening!"

"Kaori! Good evening to you too. Going somewhere?"

"Convenience store; I got hungry after fixing my room. By the way, how are things in you and Natsuki's end? I heard that everyone ended up having half of their room conquered by the seniors."

"Ah...yeah. When we went to our rooms, Ai's things were already at one half of the room; me and Natsuki's things were pushed to the side. Then we had to use bunk beds! Then I kind of misbehaved then senpai suddenly made a schedule to discipline us and it was totally crazy strict! He even said that if either of us becomes late or doesn't follow the schedule, then we'd both be punished for it!"

"That's kind of sound extreme. Did he really do that?"

"Yeah! He really did! I'll even show you the schedule when we get back."

Syo kept on talking about their interaction with Mikaze-senpai in their room. Senpai sure sounds really strict that it kind of makes me nervous. I hope things will go well between all of us.

"Syo, you want to go with me to the convenience store? You could get something to eat or drink to calm down. Haha. Let's buy something for Natsuki and senpai as well."

"Okay. I'll go with you. I'm starting to feel hungry anyway."

Syo and I went on our way to the convenient store and bought some food; we bought some food and snacks for Natsuki and Mikaze-senpai. I was paying at the counter when Syo suddenly panicked.

"What?! This is bad!"

"Eh?! What's wrong, Syo?!"

"It's already this late?! We have to hurry back or else I'll get in trouble with senpai!"

I got my change and the food we bought from the cashier and looked at my watch.

"Late? What are you talking about, Syo? It's still kind of early; it's only 8:00 pm."

Syo grabbed my hand and started running. Good thing I didn't drop the food we bought; if I did drop the food then that would be a waste!

"Ai-senpai gave me and Natsuki a curfew and according to his wonderfully made schedule, we should be in our room by 8:30 pm to rest or study and be in bed by 9:00 pm!"

"Wow! That's so early!"

If Syo is this panicked, then his story about Mikaze-senpai is probably true. I picked up my pace and ran faster to keep up with Syo. We ran and ran until we reached their room.

"I'm here! What time is it?!" Syo said as he tried catching his breath.

I was trying to recover too from the running; I'm practically out of breath. I looked at my watch.
"Syo! You made it! It's exactly 8:30 pm." I said with my remaining breath. I looked at the food and it seems it made it too.

"Good job, Syo-chan! Hm? Ori-chan, you're here too?" Natsuki said as he put down the book he was reading.

"You followed the schedule. Congratulations for avoiding punishment." Mikaze-senpai said while he was typing on his computer.

I was able to put my breathing back to normal; I felt like I ran in a time trial marathon. I put myself together and spoke, "Um...Good evening. We came from a convenience store because I got hungry and dragged Syo along with me; we bought some food for everyone."

"Ah! How thoughtful of you, Ori-chan! Let's eat it all together then!"

I entered the room and Mikaze-senpai was still typing on his computer. I wonder if he thought that we didn't get him anything. I approached senpai at his desk.

"Umm...senpai, there's food for you as well."

He suddenly stopped typing, turned around, and he looked at me.
D-did I do something wrong?! Even Syo and Natsuki were quiet and nervous. Wait. Was I not allowed to go over to his side of the room?! Ah! I didn't know! I didn't know!

Mikaze-senpai then stood up quietly and said, "Let's eat the food then before bed time."

I sighed in relief and I saw Syo and Natsuki; they were relieved as well. Senpai told me to put the food on the table he had on his side of the room since that was the only surface where we all could eat together; that also meant we used his sofa and chair. I took out the food from the plastic bag and gave everyone their meal and drink. We all talked while eating; it was like a little bonding session. Haha. It was fun watching Syo and Natsuki's usual antics while on the other hand, Mikaze-senpai was more of a quiet person and each time he spoke, what he ends up saying interests me; the way he thinks is different from the usual. I also noticed that he's got a poker face; I didn't see him smile at all while we were all together and even during his performance earlier but I could tell that he wasn't in a bad mood or anything; I guess he's just really like that. When we finished eating, we cleaned up and got ready for bed since senpai gave Syo and Natsuki a curfew.
I gathered all the food containers and threw them away while Syo was the one who gathered all the drink bottles and disposed them.

"Alright. Everything is cleaned up! Good night."

"Good night!" Syo said.

"Good night, Ori-chan! Thank you for the food." Natsuki said.

"Wait. Don't go yet."

Mikaze-senpai suddenly told me to wait so I didn't go yet. He went to get something inside his desk—it was paper; he gave me the paper. The paper was folded several times and since I was curious as to what it was, I opened it. The paper became bigger and bigger as I unfolded it. The paper turns out to be as big as three or four posters put together!

"M-Mikaze-senpai...what is this?"

"It's a copy of the schedule I made for them. Since you were assigned to be under me, you will follow the same schedule."

I looked at the schedule and it was crazy strict as Syo said! Wake up at 5 o'clock?! Sleep by 9:00 pm?! That's way too early! No way! And I thought I was safe from this; I was totally wrong. I certainly won't be able to keep a schedule like this if I get a job offer!'s not like there's anything I can do about this...sigh.

"Alright, I understand senpai. I will do my best to follow this schedule you made. Good night everyone. See you in the morning at 5 o'clock then...hehe..."

Oh lord why.

Syo and Natsuki both gave me a wry smile and I left to get back to my room. Why must Mikaze-senpai be so to bed I go then. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Definitely an early bed time and an early morning call. Sigh.


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