The Adventures of Uneva and C...

By skaitleen03

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Meet Uneva starling and her crazy Gang in their mistical world where somethings are what they seem. More

Chapter 1: Triggered Rapple battle reactions.
Chapter 2:Whos she?
Chapter 4: In another life...
(A/N) This is gonna be important for whats to come.
Chapter 5: It been so long... (Recap during timskip)

Chapter 3: Heartache but it has I love you too much.

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By skaitleen03

It was a beautiful day outside and all the girls were doing they're jobs. Spectra was finishing off some book she got,Ellinore was painting something,Glooma was fixing her squashed flowers,Choco and Red were watching anime,Vanilla was cooking,Katherine was trying to search for the portrait of Unevas mother and diary to reveal her past to the other, and Uneva was outside stalking her Senpai.

(Unevas POV.)
Blueberrys always talking to Toriel these days... She though as she say Blueberry was talking to Queen Toriel of his AU. She watched Blue as he opening up a box showing it to Toriel. It had a ring made of bones and had a Purple Heart shape diamond on the top. Toriel smiles and nods her head approvingly.

(Blueberry and Toriels POV)
Blue looks to Toriel asking,"Hey Tori,what do you think of this?" He shows her the box and continues saying," I was planning on preposing to her soon." Toriel smiles looking happy for him saying,"She will love it!!" Uneva felt like her heart was stabbed with a knife and poisoned as she watched this. She jumps out of the tree and runs home with tears in her eyes.

Blueberry didn't notice her until she was had huge head start. When he finally does notice her, he calls out to her worried," Wait!!!!!THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!! THIS WAS MEANT TO BE FOR YOU!!!" But...

I t ' s t o o l a t e . . .

*Meanwhile Back at the house.*

A big house near the main OC house had people moving into it.  The girls of the main Uni's house looked curious and decided to visit their new neighbors. They were greeted by 4 new people. A girl with pure silver-blue hair wearing a thick jacket, some shorts, and a pair of wings made of ice was the first to speak with a cold yet cheerful voice,"Hi there. We're your new neighbors and we're just moving in. I'm Xenra the ice fairy elemental at your service!!" The next to speak with a softly and sweet voice was a girl with strawberry blonde hair wearing a pale yellow dress with blue flowers with a pair of wings made of light," I'm Eferylyn the nature and light fairy elemental and that was my line you stole Xen..."

A girl with pure black hair and pools of black ozz for eyes and a clock hiding her face says a bit darkly, "I'm Delyra, a death reaper elemental." The last girl had a dark brown hair and eyes that changed color who wore a black and white dress introduces herself with an authoritative yet kind voice," I'm Elementia the current queen of Elementiana but please skip the formalities. We are neighbors now. Just call me Mentia or Joanna for short." Katherine smirks and says in way that makes it seem like she already knows Joanna,"Oh hey Joanna. It's been a while since I saw you. Or any one of Uni's childhood friends in that rose hunters group in a while..."mJoanna smirks back saying,"Hehe Yeah... Hehe it's good to see she has apprentices to teach magic too. Good to see you again Katherine or should I say .... *dramatic pause* Uneva!!"

The whole group except Kath and Joanna gasped in shock. Joanna asks in a way that makes it sound obvious, "You guys didn't know?? Katherine is an alternative Universe younger self of Uneva." Katherine says a bit annoyed by her tone as she say," Yeah,yeah, I miss you too Joanna.Now shut up and head over to our house. We have lots of catching up to do."

==Le time skip!!==

They were all having hot chocolate and cookies ,since Uneva put a ban on coffee for some strange reason, and were looking through some manga because they are all anime nerds while chatting.

Uneva came storming into the house with tears in her eyes as she yells," WHERES MY PHONE and MY SCYTHE-" She cuts herself off upon seeing there's a little chat in the living room,"Oh hey there Joanna!! Long time no see." She nods in reply and repeats,"Long time no see..."

Uneva grabs her phone from its charger in the living room and does something. She then throws it to Katherine says,"Catch! Keep an eye on my phone!" She then picks up her scythe from a closest and leaves through the back door. Katherine opens the phone just as Blueberry walked in. The phone immediately starts playing 'Smoke and Mirrors' by LittleJaynCakes.

The whole room is silent then Blue breaks it asking,"Whats with the creepy music? Also was Uneva here by any chance... I need to talk to her urgently..."

Katherine looks a bit annoyed that blue didn't recognize his girlfriends cellphone. "This is Unevas phone,dude. She just played the song and changed the background from a picture of you and her to a group photo of a blood and dust covered knife... Any idea what caused this and why are you looking for her anyway?" Blue said quickly and urgently," I was showing  Tori the engagement ring I had for Uneva. I guess she saw it and though I was proposing to her then ran off.

Everyone exept blue,xenra,delyra, and ferylyn has their eyes go bugged eyed and say simultaneously," Oh no... This is not good." Blue asks confused,"What Oh no?" Red says quickly but it in a rube way as if it were obvious," Oh... She's probably angry and guessing by this music, she's gonna kill Toriel then You next. Isn't that obvious?" "WHAT?!?" Blue exclaims fearfully.

Vanilla facepalms asking,"You've been dating her for a while and you still don't know that she easily becomes jealous or angry?" Blue shrugs saying,"Not really." Spectra slaps in the face yelling,"Why are you still standing here! GO STOP HER,DAMN IT!!" Blue runs out of the house to Toriels house scared for Toriel and the fact that the girls will beat him up.

-meanwhile at the queens home.-

Uneva had Toriel tied up as she sat on the couch humming and sharpen in her Sythe and puts it towards Toriels neck asking," Any last words,your highness?" Toriel says angrily and fearfully,"The ring wasn't for me"

Uneva glares at her replying with an angry and murderus tone,"Oh really? It didn't seem that way. I think it's time for you final bow,your highness." She gets read to swing her scythe to slice Toriel's head off but the weapon was knocked out of her hands by a bone attack.

Blue with growing blue eyes,"STOP RIGHT THERE UNEVA! That ring wasn't for her!" Uneva hisses back at him saying,"You little cheater!! You're lying just like this stupid queen but I will not fall for this again! I will always see behind your smoke and mirrors,Blue. Even if this were true, it could be for another lady!"

"Blue, just tell her already!!" Toriel urges to Blue but he just says to her,"It not the right time! I'll just have to prove to you that I'm right and I'm capable of doing my plan Tori!"

*this song plays in the background*

He summons a bone attack and hurls it at Uneva. Her eyes flare up with blue fire as she dodges most of them but one scrapped her arm. She tries to charge at Blue swinging her scythe at him. He dodges her attacks and summons a harder bone attack at Uneva causing for her to be knocked father away from him as he tries to cut Toriel free from the ropes. Uneva gets bashed by everyone bone attack but the last one was the fastest strongest. It hits her in the stomach so strong it knocked the wind out of her and causing allot of blood to fly out of her mouth and lands on the floor. Blueberry finally got Toriel free and confronts his girlfriend. Uneva was knocked to the floor weak with blood dripping from wounds and her mouth as she glares at Blueberry.

Blue sighs and says to her," I'm sorry Uneva but this is how you wanted it..." Uneva slowly gets up on her feet and ran home as fast as she could.

*When she finally left*

" Was it necessary Blue? Don't think you were too hard on her? She needs,to be strong enough to fight for herself but... If you broke her heart, she's gonna be weak..."

Blue replies as he stares at the ground," She will come to her senses soon enough..."

*Back at the house*

Back at the house, the girls were telling each other stories. Vanilla was telling her story saying," So I was like,'Get back ya evil monster!!"' but when I tried to attack I ran into a wall since I forgot the room space was limited and that I was playing the oculus." Joanna seems fascinated,"How interesting..." Suddenly 5 loud knocks were heard on the door and a deep silence ensued. "I'll go get it," Choco said and ran up to the door and opened it. Everyone leans there head towards the door to see a very badly beaten Uneva. Her cloak was tattered and blood was dripping out of her mouth.

Van looks deeply concerned as she asks,"What happened?"

Uneva chuckles with a dark betrayed tone and says," Hehe heh nothing happened... Just help me get to my room." Van and Choco both looked confused but worked together to get Uni upstairs. Everyone wore nervous looks as they carried her upstairs.

A month later...

Blue was sitting in Toriels house enjoying some tea and pie with her."I haven't seen her for a whole month. She couldn't be still mad at me could she?" He asks with a sad and worried tone. He looks to her as if he was seeking advice. Toriel shrugs and replies,"I'm sorry Blue but I do not know.  Why not try calling her house? Blue nods his head then grabs his cellphone and dials Uni's house number.

*at the house*

The OCs were having some singing competition except Uneva was nowhere to be seen...

Vanilla sang the first line of the song,"Feel it cutting into me,the doubting painful knife, feel it deepening the rift, finally hit just right. Couldn't take the love I had so weak and burning low but it grew into a weapon only hurting me this I know. Is non fiction....." Then the phone rang in the hall way. Joanna was recording this and Choco mouthed to her sister,"Van just keep going I can handle this." She then picks up phone.

B:Oh hey choco, It's me Blueberry. Can I please talk to Uni??
C:I don't think so...
B:Why not?
C:We haven't seen her for a month.
B:Did she move to her sibling place or something??
C:She's been locked in her room for the entire month. She never left even to eat or to head to the bathroom.... But then again her room has a bathroom and there are rumored to be entire cabinets of food  in there...
B:What if I were to try calling her cellphone?
C:It's still with Katherine so... I don't think so.
B:Can you please try to talk to her?? Tell her I wanna just treat her for dinner tonight as an apology on what happened.
C:Fine I doubt it though. One condition though. You owe me ice cream.
B:uh...Okay... Just go do it please...

Choco puts the phone gently on the table and dashes to Unevas bed room and says through the door," Uni?? Someone's on the phone and they're looking for you." After a while Uni replies in a low tone,"Scram..."

Choco sighs and says to her," I know your still upset but he says he wants to treat you out for dinner tonight as an apology. And before you say no, He owes me ice cream if I can a get you to go out with him." There is a long pause but she finally says,"Fine but you better share." A few minutes later, Uni opens the door but she looks different. Her now very dull looking purple hair was now short and spiky on the ends. 'Blue loved Unevas long,soft, and vibrant hair... There's no mystery to why she cut it.' Choco thought to herself. She also noticed that Uni was wearing a black shirt under a black jacket with the words,'Yaoi is not a fandom. It's a religion.'

She doesn't say a word as she heads down stairs to answer the phone.
U:Hi Blue.
B:Oh hey there Uni I wanna apologi-
U:Stop right there. I'm not agreeing to this because I want you to fucking treat me out, trying to get us back together or wanting to hear you apologizing. I'm only doing this shit because you owe Choco some ice cream if I do. After this we won't need to every see each other's face,got it?
B: S-Sure. H-H-How about tonight at that new fancy restaurant tonight at say 8 o'clock??
U:Fine... Don't come with anyone else and don't be late.

Uneva then proceeds to slam the telephone back down. She a little less mad after slamming the phone and decides to join the girls in their little singing contest.

*mean while at Toriels house*

Toriel asks Blue nervous," Well? How did it go??"

Blue sighs saying,"She's still mad... She hates my guts now...She said after this we won't ever need to see each others face ever again... What am I supposed to do now..." Toriel sighs and rubs her friends back suggesting," Oh dear... Well you could just break up with her." "I-I can't...I still care about her... She still occupies my thoughts... My heart still longs for her...  She's my true love tori.... And I lost her now... Stupid stupid me... I'm a fool..." he crys as he begins to break down.

Toriel sighs then says to him,"I'll help you if you want..." "T-Thanks,Your highness," he thanks her stuttering.

*le time skip!!*

It was 8 o'clock and blueberry was at the doorstep of Unevas house.

Blueberry was wearing a dashing blue suit with his signature bandana around his neck. He looked like a handsome gentleman. He rings the doorbell and Vanilla immediately opens the door muttering,"Oh it's you... Uni, he's here now."

Uni walks to the door and she looked absolutely stunning . Her hair was vibrant,soft, long again with the help of magic as it was pinned back by a crystal flower that Glooma grew for her.  She was wearing a blue dress but the most interesting part of it is that the actual skirt had a night sky and the stars would shine when there were lower levels of light. The stars would move a bit as she moves around showing other stars and constellations.

She never really meant to dress up to look nice but Spect, Elli, and Van forced her to. Blue blushing at the sight of the beautiful Uni. "H-Hi,Uneva. D-Do you wanna go now?" He asks stuttering nervously. "The sooner the better..."Uneva replies with her grouchy mood. He leads her off in an awkward silence to the fancy restaurant.

*le time skip to after dinner*

The restaurant was called Le Grillbyz & Muffetz run by US Muffet and Classic Grillby. They had already eaten but they barely exchanged any words. Blue tried to strike up a conversation but she only replied things like yes, no, not really, etc. "Did you like you dinner?"Blue asks at her sighing knowing this is gonna be hopeless. Uneva says in a bad mood,"It was average. Vanilla can cook way better."  "Oh ok....."

The 2 were already done with dinner and were waiting on dessert. As they were waiting, the nightly show began to start. Shyren was on stage with Classic frisk who was holding a guitar. "

Frisk says through a mic to the entire restaurant,"We will be performing  'I love you too much' from the book of life tonight It was request my an anonymous customer with this message,' I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I thought that you didn't trust me. That you don't have enough faith in me when you refused to listen to me that one month ago. I tried to prove that I was right and lost myself in the moment. But not only did I lose myself but I lost you,my one true love. I know you are still mad at me and you should be... I'm not sure if you will ever forgive me but I just want you to know that I still love you with all my heart. And my soul still longs for you...  Your lover, Wildberry.'"

Everyone in the resdoes an 'Awwwww how sweet' expression as Uneva looked a Blue. She knew perfectly well that Blueberry was the anonymous customer cause Wildberry was a gift from Blue.  Instead of being even more mad she looked a bit more calmed down as she smiled and blue notices this.

Frisk began playing the guitar and Shyren was singing.


I love you too much to live without you loving me back,
I love you too much heavens my witness and that is a fact.
I know I belong,when I sing this song.
There's love above loves and it's ours cause I love you too much.

I live for you touch,I whisper you name night after night,
I love you too much there's only one feeling and I know its right,
I know I belong,when I sing this song,
There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much.

Heaven knows your name,
I've been praying just to have you right here by my side.
Without you, a part of me's missing,
And to make you my own i will fight!!!
I know I belong,when I sing this song,
There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much.

I looooovvvvvveeeeee you too much,I love you too much
There only one feeling and I know it right.
Your part of my soul,your heart is my goal.
There's love above love and it's mine cause I love you,
There's love above love and it's yours cause I love you,
There's love above love and it's ours If you love me,
As much.

When Frisk and Shyren stopped stopped signing,the crowd erupted in an applause for the 2 performers. When Blueberry looked at Uneva, he noticed she looked happy. "D-Do you hate me for doing that??" He asks her nervously but Uneva just quotes a line from the song singing,"There's love above love and it's ours cause I love you too much." Then adds,"Of course ya ding bat." Blue walked over to Uneva's seat where Uneva was facing and looked at her saying,"There's a question I've wanted to ask you for a while now..." Uneva stood up to as Blueberry got down on one knee.

"Will you...."

He takes out the box containing the ring and opens it before Uneva.

"...Marry me??"

It seemed as time stopped and blueberry was anxiously waiting for an answer. An answer slipped from unevas mouth. A loud and happy sounding,"Yes." Blueberry got up and kissed Uneva on the lips while hugging her.  As blueberry was slipping on the engagement ring on Uneva's finger, Toriel was stalking them from inside the restaurant while the girls at home were watching through a camera in the crystal flower.

They were betting and these were the results:

Losers: Vanilla $5, Elli $10, Spect $3 per person who won.

Winners:Choco, red, Glooma, Katherine, and Wildberry?

After dessert,Blueberry walked his soon to be wife home through the moonlight arm in arm.

I hope you liked the chapter. 3342 words total.


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