The Secret Love: A Cedric Dig...

By Lizzie_Lolly45

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"I like you. It's doesn't feel like its nothing anymore." He said to the young brown hair caramel eyed girl i... More

Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup
Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 3: Plan of Action
Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful
Chapter 5: 4 Champions
Chapter 7: First Task and Revealing Stories
Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships
Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You
Chapter 10: Date Drama
Chapter 11: Yule Ball
Chapter 12: Love Rebels
Chapter 13: It's Our Secert
Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love
Chapter 15: All I want is You
Chapter 16: Tell The Truth The Hard Way
Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day
Chapter 18: Wanting More
Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls
Chapter 20: What's Stopping Us?
Chapter 21: Before The Storm
Chapter 22: The Third Task
Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit
Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit
Chapter 25/The Final Ending: The Sun Comes Out
Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3
Final Author's Note/The End

Chapter 6: Midnight Note

4.9K 100 8
By Lizzie_Lolly45

Hermione Granger's POV.
That Friday, of course she read and did her studies but she tried to avoid Cedric. It wasn't that she didn't like him, it was because she didn't want weird awkward moments again. The library was already awkward for her. Last night was no better when she was talking to him. She didn't want any of those awkward times to happen during school hours. Can you imagine all that Hermione drama? Well she couldn't, not did she want to find out.
That night, Hermione was wrapping up her homework with Ginny doing hers.
"Hermione, you want to know something?" Ginny asked.
"Sure, what is it?" Hermione asked back.
"I saw you in the library a couple nights ago."
"Yeah and?"
"And I heard you talking to someone, a boy to be exact."
"You did?"
"Is he a boy your into or something?"
"Come on! I grew up with 6 older brothers, I never get to hear about this you know. Who do you have to talk to about this?"
"Promise you won't tell anyone."
Ginny got close to Hermione to hear this.
"Well you know that boy we met right before World Cup over the summer?"
"Yes, what's his name again? I forgot."
"Cedric Diggory," Hermione whispered to Ginny.
"Woah!" Ginny said as her eyes widened in shock. "He looks way better than I remember from the summer. Please say your lying."
"I know, shocking right?"
"Cedric Diggory is so..."
"Cedric Diggory is so what?" It was Ron who only cam back into the common room right at that moment.
"Ron, why are you up so late?" Hermione asked.
"Now let's not question me until you answer my question. Ginny, what were you going to say about Cedric Diggory?"
Ginny didn't know how to respond. She only made her promise two minutes before her brother entered the common room. She decided to quickly get her stuff and go to the dormitories. Right when Ginny left to her dorm, Ron was left puzzled.
"What's wrong with her?" Ron asked no one.
"I don't know, she's your sister." Hermione responded back.
"That was weird." Ron said as he went to his dormitory. "Night Mione."
"Night Ron." Hermione responded back.
Right before she was going up, an owl knocked on the window. She let the bird in. The owl has a note with it which Hermione untied. Assuming it was for her, she read it. "Meet me by Hadgrid's Hut at 24:00" the note said. Hermione looked at the closet clock. It was 23:30 which means she only had half and hour to decide and be at Hadgrid's hut. Hermione has snuck out at night before a lot during her years at school. This shouldn't be that hard. Hermione decide to go.
She was able to sneak pass Flitch and his filthy bloody cat, Mrs. Norris. The cat a last name but not a first name, to Hermione it was weird but she never cared. Besides the midnight note is more on her mind the Mrs. Norris' first name.
Hermione was able to get to Hadgrid's in time. She saw no one there yet. Being Hermione she is, she tried to figure out this mystery person quickly. She took one walk behind the but to find Cedric Diggory. Out of anyone it was him. The light messy brown hair, gray eyes, handsome and attractive Triwizard Champion asked her! Hermione didn't have anyone words to say.
"It's you?" Hermione said while confused.
"You came." Cedric said in joy.
"Didn't expect you."
"Who did you expect?"
Truth to be told Hermione didn't expect him. She didn't think anyone would ask her. If she thought of anyone would come it would be a Slytherin prank. The last person she thought would be Cedric Diggory and he's right in front of her, again.
"I don't know actually." Hermione said back.
"Well I have something for you."
Cedric held out his hand. Hermione took it and they both walked a little ways together.
The walk wasn't far away as they came up to the Hippogriff cove.
"Cedric, what are we doing here?" Hermione asked right away.
"Well I was able to convince Hadgrid to let us barrow one of them. You know how to pet them right?" Cedric asked.
"Actually no."
"How? I thought Hadgrid taught the 3rd years how to do it last year."
"He did just that Malfoy had an accident that ruined it all."
"Oh, right. I was told about that. Then Buckbeak was killed sadly."
"I did ride Buckbeak before he died." Hermione said.
But the point was, Buckbeak is alive with Sirius Black. Cedric didn't know about it though nor was Hermione gonna talk about it.
"How gave you rode on a Hippogriff before but never pet one?" Cedric asked.
"I can't answer that." Hermione said quickly.
"I'll show you how to then."
"As long as we don't fly I'll be fine."
Within the next hour, Cedric and Hermione were with creatures. Hermione learned very quickly from Cedric how to pet a Hippogriff. Then again, Hermione learns everything quickly. Hermione was also able to pet a unicorn with a bit of help from Cedric. The thing was the unicorns prefer women's touch so it was easy for Hermione.
Hours past and both were still out at night. They talked a lot. Hermione told him about her study life and how she works herself to be who she is. Cedric told her that he was the Hufflepuff role model and how his father is really proud of the achievement he got. He was glad that Hermione didn't care about what happened the year before. A winter storm during the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff Quiditch match should have had a rematch in Cedric's eyes but the Gryffindor Team Captain denied it.
"Everyone in me house has gotten really tense. They really want Harry to win. They aren't so fond of you sadly. Well half are, some like me are fine." Hermione said.
"I'm alright with it. It's surprising actually, how one win that shouldn't have been done can make loads hate a person." Cedric said.
"Oh my goodness, you should really know what Seamus calls you that has been your nickname to loads. It's kinda funny actually. Well to me."
"What's the name?"
"It's Pretty Boy Diggory, lots of them from the team last year call you that sometimes."
"It's more like a complement. Pretty Boy Diggory, has a little ring to it."
"And Ron thought I liked you because of your looks because I said what I knew about you."
"You like me because of the outside?"
"No! Your very interesting and I think we should do this more often. Talking not sneaking out of school."
"So it was a good idea to bring you out."
"Yes. Thank you for this fun night tonight."
"Yeah. Your welcome, I'm glad you did enjoy it."
Both Cedric and Hermione got quiet for a second.
"Has anyone ever said that your eyes have the hazel toffee look that glows in the moonlight and your hair had the color of caramel?" Cedric asked.
"No, not until you just said it." Hermione answered back with the thought in her head.
"Well I'm not lying when I say that. You are very beautiful." Cedric said. "Don't let them take you down, know that if you need advice."
"I will."
Both were there not knowing exactly what to say next. Moment of silence in the quiet dark night where you could only hear the crickets chirp.
"Can I ask you something Hermione?" Cedric asked.
"What?" She responded back.
"Um...well?...Would my girlfriend?" Cedric asked in a slowly and stubborn like way.
Hermione didn't know how to answer so she just kissed him instead, which he did back to her.

Summary: Cedric sent the midnight note to Hermione. Hours later they are boyfriend and girlfriend. What will Ron think about it when he finds out. Will Ginny spill the secret by accident? The first task is coming up. What will happen?

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