Don't leave me. Ever...

By SexyPokemonTrainer

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Blake being the sexy party boy he is soon introduced to Brooke, a girl who his friends mocked everyday. Once... More

Don't leave me. Ever...
Chapter One: The beginning...
Chapter Two: I want her to trust me...
Chapter Three: Do I hate her so much that I will lose my friend?
Chapter Four: I will suffer to keep him happy...
Chapter Five: We all have secrets.
Chapter Six: Everyone has reasons for what they do.
Chapter Seven: Leaving without saying goodbye.
Chapter Eight: The pain I live with everyday...
Chapter nine: A kiss of a blossoming romance.
Chapter Ten: What a stupid thing to say...
Chapter Eleven: Cuts and Bruises.
Chapter Thirteen: Goodbye.
Chapter Fourteen: Love, Lost, Hate, Death what's the difference?
Chapter Fifteen: Is this what I want?
Chapter Sixteen: We all need some happiness.
Chapter Seventeen: Running away...
Chapter Eighteen: Skylar?
Chapter Nineteen: It's the truth.
Chapter Twenty: Wake Up.
Chapter Twenty-one: The lost friend.
Chapter twenty-two: The Party.
Chapter Twenty-three: For the better or the worst.

Chapter Twelve: Protecting me.

7.3K 123 28
By SexyPokemonTrainer

Okay, This chapter is a little long and can get a bit confusing so I'm sorry, Might make the chapters shorter later on but here it is anyway. ENJOY :D


Chapter twelve: Protecting me.

[Skylar’s POV]:

I hadn’t slept a wink but I felt a lot better. I walked with Brooke towards the school’s main building not really caring about the uncomfortable silence that was between us. I didn’t know whether I should say something or not so I just stayed quiet. I saw some people glance over to Brooke and me as we stepped inside the building. I heard people whispering about us, which quickly made me feel defensive. I looked away from them only to see another group of people whispering and pointing. I really had the urge to punch all of those people out.                                                                        

“What are these people’s problems?” I asked Brooke as she walked past everyone swiftly.

After Brooke said nothing it made me feel self-conscious about myself, what on earth where they looking at? I noticed Lauren sitting in the courtyard all by herself and pulled Brooke to a stop. She looked at me confused then looking out the window herself.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

“I’ll see you later then,” She smiled not even questioning what I was doing.

Brooke walked off as I turned to look back at Lauren. I saw that she seemed lonely; perhaps she was regretting bashing up that girl yesterday. Maybe she was in more trouble than I had thought. I didn’t want her to go, she better have not gotten herself kicked out of school or anything otherwise then this place would be hell.                                                                             

“Lauren,” I said before sitting next to her.

She didn’t answer me she just kept glaring over to the people who kept looking over at her. I quickly took a peek at who she was looking at and I didn’t understand why she seemed so mad. I wasn’t sure if she wanted me to go away or not since she didn’t even seem to notice I was here.                                                                                                                                         

“Why today?” She muttered to herself louder enough so that I could hear.                                                                                     

“What’s wrong with today?” I asked hoping that now she would realize I was here.

Lauren turned away from whoever she was glaring at to look at me. I tried to smile but could since I saw she was upset and pretty pissed off about something.                                                                                                                                                                        

“See those stupid little bitches over there?” She asked me not really paying any attention to me at all.                                  

“Mhm... What about them?” I said not really getting at.                                                                                                                

“Freshman’s start today... Look at them aren’t they disgusting. I can only imagine what kind of bullshit lies the other girls are saying about me.” She said in disgust before looking back at me.                                                                                                 

“Why would anyone have anything bad to say about you? You seem really nice and genuine when you’re with me.” I said trying to make her feel better about herself.

I knew from personal experience that self loathing was a terrible thing. It eats away at you and you soon become to hate every single thing about yourself.                                                                                                                                                                           

“I don’t actually have any friends and you know why? Because I’m a bitch and I can admit to that unlike a lot of people, yeah I’ve done some pretty low things to them but at least I’m honest about it. I just don’t like the fact that after you do one mistake it’s held against you forever,” She started to get really angry when she was telling me about it.                

“Hey, you’re pretty alright in my books and none of that rubbish matters to me. I’d want to be your friend I just thought you would be embarrassed to hang around me,” I said being honest with her.

Lauren did seem to be an alright person, I didn’t care if she made mistakes before in her life. We’re human it’s what we do, if someone made no mistakes in their life ever I would probably die of shock. She looked at me almost grateful that I said that almost like she wanted to be my friend as well.                                                                                                                       

“To be honest I would’ve never been caught dead talking to someone like you before. But that was only because I was trying to impress everyone with a person I was not. But since I have nothing to lose anymore I can be myself.” Lauren said cheering up very quickly.

I looked into her beautiful blue eyes seeing that she was very happy to be around me. It made me smile seeing her light up like this. The loud siren went off causing me to almost jump in shock. Lauren smiled at my response and almost laughed at me.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

“It’s not funny. I’m just not use to this annoying loud noise yet.” I quickly tried to cover my embarrassment.                       

“Sure,” Lauren laughed seeing right through my cover.

I glanced over to the girls that were looking at her before to see them start to look at me with disgust instead. I couldn’t really be bothered to get angry with them. Personally they can think what they want because whatever it is would be untrue anyway. Rumours are just pathetic; those people should just grow up. I felt success when Lauren gave me a beautiful smile before walking off to her first class. That smile made everything I hated about woman disappear for a moment, Lauren was different she was pure untainted with disgust and pity.

[Brooke’s POV]:

I watched as Skylar sat beside me. He was smiling which made me happy. I looked at him wondering what made him all of a sudden so smiley. I suppose I shouldn’t question it after how miserable he was yesterday. I couldn’t help but just to stare at him he was incredible cute when he smiled. I wish he would be smiling more often.                                                  

“You’re making me feel watched,” Skylar suddenly spoke up.

I quickly looked away embarrassed because I had no idea he knew I was looking at him.                                                                               

“Sorry, what’s got you so cheery?” I asked him before opening my book to a random blank page.                                            

“You mind if Lauren sits with us at lunch?” He asked shyly before looking away.                                                                

“Sure, I don’t mind... But Blake might.” I said puzzled.

I had no problem with Lauren yes she has been pretty nasty to me ever since I started attending this school but I don’t hold grudges. It was Blake I was worried about he seems to hate her so much. I never did get the back story on them, I wondered if it would be a good thing or not. I knew they were a couple once but maybe the story was deeper than that. Why was I even thinking about that? It was going to make me upset I didn’t want to know about their past together. That was over; Blake said he loved me that is all that matters.

[Lauren’s POV]:

My eyes caught a glimpse of Skylar who was already waiting outside the classroom. I could help but think of how much a gentleman he was. Finding someone who is as good looking as Skylar and who actually seems to give a damn about people was really strange. I poked my tongue out at him as he winked at me knowing that I was looking at him. The siren went off so I almost jumped out of my seat to meet him.                                                                                                                               

“Why are you out so early?” I asked him before hesitating to touch him.

I had to hold back my urges of just kissing him right this second. Why was he so compelling?                                                      

“I wanted to walk you to lunch beautiful,” He said smiling at me almost melting me with his hypnotic dark brown eyes.                     

He linked his arm with mine before walking me towards the cafeteria. I couldn’t help but to smile myself of how weirdly comfortable I was holding onto Skylar’s arm. He seemed so unrealistic but he was real. I had never been treated with so much kindness in my life. Blake didn’t even do this and he was incredible. Just as I was thinking of Blake he was right in front of me now sitting with Brooke.                                                                                                                                                                     

“Why are they here?” Blake and I said at the same time in the same amount of disgust in our voices.

I glared at him as he glared back. My gaze went over to Brooke and I couldn’t stand the look of her. She stole Blake away from me with her stupid little scam to get popular. Well that bitch wasn’t going nowhere because I was never going to be friends with her.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

“I’m not sitting with them,” Blake said angrily before I had a chance to.

I had to agree with him for once, I was not going to hang around Him especially when he was so absorbed around some pathetic loser like Brooke.                                                                                                                                                                                          

"Well I’m sitting with Skylar so I’ll see you later then Blake,” Brooke gave him a sickly sweet smile it made me want to gag.

I knew she was a fake, everything about her screamed out “I’m an attention seeking lowlife”. Pathetic.                                               

“No you’re not,” Blake almost yelled at her before almost dragging her back to him.

I smiled when I saw that she looked hurt by him. I saw Skylar tense next to me as he looked at Blake with pure hatred for what he just did.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

“Blake you just hurt me,” Brooke said trying to take Blake’s hands off her.                                                                                          

“You’re not going to hang around that,” He muttered looking directly at Skylar.

I saw that glance; he hated Skylar as much as Skylar hated Blake.                                                                                                             

“What on earth do you mean THAT!?” I yelled at Blake causing people to look in our direction.                                                  

“I mean that as he is a worthless breathing piece of space,” Blake said taking a step towards me almost getting right in my face.

I looked up at him to see he was not afraid of hitting me; he was alright with whatever he did now. That freak had him so wrapped around her little finger that she had corrupted him with lies. She was like every other girl in this school, a huge bitchy liar.                                                                                                                                                                                                          

“Don’t you dare call him that!” I almost screamed at him shoving him backwards slightly.                                                     

“Worthless,” He said again.                                                                                                                                                          

“Take it back,” I yelled at him slapping him across the face.                                                                                                                     

“Blake stop it,” Brooke said trying to pull him away from me worried about what was going to happen.           

“He is the most worthless person I have ever seen in my life other than you,” Blake said with every word that came out of his mouth full of venom.                                                                                                                                                                                             

“You’re just pissed off because I love him already much more than I ever cared about you, you’re the only worthless person here.” I couldn’t control myself anymore.

I slapped him one last time before walking out of the cafeteria almost crying. Skylar wasn’t worthless, he meant a lot to me. I kept walking past everyone even though I saw them looking at me, I saw Bethany’s best friend laugh at me when I got closer to them. I saw her laughing at this new person I never had seen in my life. It was some strange girl who looked like a freshman who Bethany’s friends where being bitches to. I walked over to them not even thinking about what I was doing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

“You’re so lame, look at you. Are you like a poor loser or something? Ha you’re so ugly,” I heard some of the girls say as I got closer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

“What the fuck are you people lying about now?” I asked fed up with all of these people at this school.                

“It’s none of your business loser,” They said laughing at us both now.                                                                                                             

“Yeah, well I think it is. You want me to trash you like I did Bethany?” I asked rudely watching them flinch when I said Bethany’s name.

I watched as all of the girls walked away scared of me. The thing is most of the people at the school are all talk as well they will make so many empty threats that it’s ridiculous that’s another thing about me, when I say I will trash you I will.                

“Umm, thanks.” The girl said nervously.                                                                                                                                                                               

“You’re lucky I was in a bad mood” I muttered before walking off.

I really did hate it here, but I wasn’t going to go all depressed about it I actually fight my problems. Unlike a lot of other people otherwise known as attention seekers, disgraceful.

[Katie’s POV]:

I watched almost scared of what that girl just did. I really didn’t get a chance to thank her properly but I was very thankful. It’s not even the end of the day and I was already dreading coming back tomorrow. I watched as someone soon followed her out of the cafeteria looking in my direction. I watched him closely as he came towards me almost making me feel like I was being noticed.                                                                                                                                                         

“Hey, did that girl say anything to you?” He asked me panicky as he looked around distressed.

I couldn’t answer him; his voice was so hypnotic that I couldn’t seem to draw my eyes away from his mouth. He looked at me all most clueless of what I was doing. Why hadn’t I seen him early today? He brushed some of his dark black hair out of his face probably feeling awkward with me looking at him so much.                                                                                        

“Did she?” He asked again almost looking frustrated with me.                                                                                                                          

“Um, no.” I almost stuttered to say with embarrassment.

He looked at me quite kindly before walking off. Damn he must think I’m a total idiot now. Why couldn’t I just be my normal self around him? Why on earth could I not talk? I tried to shake of all of those stupid questions out of my head and ran up to him.                                                                                                                                                                                                   

“Wait, she said that she was in a bad mood and walked off that way,” I quickly spoke hiding any of my shyness away.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

“Thank-you,” He said really sweetly before smiling at me.

What was his problem, why was he so hot? I watched him almost run towards where I had pointed, that girl must have meant something really special to him if he was in such a hurry to talk to her. I walked back to the cafeteria and saw most of the people turn to glare at me. I knew today wasn’t going to get any better.

[Brooke’s POV]:


“What was that all about?” I practically yelled at Blake as he sat back down not even apologizing to me.

Blake just turned away from me ignoring everything I just said to him. I glared at him seeing that he didn’t even look one bit concerned of what he had just done. I was going to regret saying this but I knew I had to get it out there.                     

“You are angry because she broke your heart aren’t you?” I mumbled sitting down next to him.                                                               

“Why the hell would you ask me that?” He almost snarled at me.                                                                             

“What am I suppose to think then? You’re not really being honest with me are you?” I said getting angrier at him as he didn’t tell me what was going on.                                                                                                                                                                      

“What do you want me to say? That I loved her, that she broke my heart? Because all of that if true, but that has nothing to do with why I hate her so much,” Blake yelled at me before storming off.

I watched him push through people not even caring about what he was doing. I thought everything would slowly become better but why was he not being honest with me? I would do practically anything for Blake and he wasn’t even going to answer a simple question. I looked down at the table in disbelief of what I was thinking. Was this amusing him? Playing with my heart like this. I tried to push all of those thoughts out of my head but I couldn’t, they were stuck.   

“Can I sit here?” I heard an unrecognizable voice ask me.

I looked up to see a pair of brown eyes looking at me. It was a freshman most likely who had the most beautiful dyed red-pink hair. She looked down at me not even bothering that I was alone sitting here.                                                                         

“Sure,” I answered her before looking around to see if this was just some huge joke or something.                                        

“Thanks, you’re the second person to be nice to me today. I’m Katie,” She said before popping a chocolate into her mouth.

I looked at her; she actually ate unlike most of the people here. She seemed genuine like an actual decent person.        

“I’m Brooke,” I said giving her a welcome smile.

Katie smiled back at me thankfully before going back to eating.                                                                                                                                

“I haven’t seen you around before, are you new or something?” I asked trying to be nice even though I was pretty upset about Blake.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

“Yep, first day. You alright, I just saw you and that guy over there have a falling out.” Katie said trying to be as friendly as I was.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

“I just don’t think people should lie in a relationship that’s all what the matter is,” I said before trying to focus my thoughts on something else.                                                                                                                                                                                               

“What a jerk.” Katie stated casually.

I smiled at her remark before ending the conversation.

[Skylar’s POV]: 

I could see Lauren in the distance alone just letting the rain pour down her face. I couldn’t tell if she was crying or if it was just the rain falling down her cheeks. I reached the bleachers and saw that they she was sitting on the same one she was when we met. I sat beside her before wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her closer to me. I could now hear her sobbing which almost made my heart break seeing her like this.                                                                                               

“Forgive me?” She asked me making her cry even more.                                                                                                                               

“Why do you need forgiving?” I asked holding her tighter as I saw the proper tears run much more quickly down her face.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

“Because I couldn’t stop him from saying all those things about you, I feel like I’ve let you down.” She mumbled as she held me as well.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

“I’m not a kid anymore, don’t worry I can look after myself. I’m never going to be angry at you if someone is giving me grief. Okay?” I told her letting her worries at ease.                                                                                         

“I just don’t like to see people do that to you, because I do care about you...” Lauren admitted snuggling her face into my shoulder.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

“I care about you as well and that’s why I don’t want to see you like this,” I admitted as well before kissing her gently on the cheek.

I felt her relax in my arms that exactly moment as I placed my lips gently on her skin. I could hear her crying slow as she calmed herself down. I really did mean that, I hated seeing her like this. Lauren, a beautiful strong willed girl getting so upset over me. I was really starting to hate the pain I was giving her but I also loved the fact that I could cheer her up. She was really special to me; I couldn’t deny how much I cared for her. How much I loved being close to her.

[Brooke’s POV]:

After spending a good day with Katie I felt a lot better, I was going to forget about what happened with Blake and hopefully ignore him for awhile until he gotten his story straight and tell me the truth. I waited for Katie to meet me by the gate but she was taking such a long time I thought I would leave without her. My eyes looked around to see everyone leaving the school grounds excited over what they were doing. I noticed Blake walking this way so I tried to drag my attention off of him. That was until he started approaching me. I had nothing to say to him.                        

“Brooke, I wanted to say sorry about lunch,” He said smoothly trying to give me his best impression of a puppy dog look.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

“Do you have terrible mood swings or something?” I asked him harshly ignoring his look of wanting forgiveness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

“I admit I reacted very inappropriately today and I’m sorry.” He said sounding like a complete moron.                                       

“That’s an understatement, you where absolutely disgraceful today, what’s up with that? I thought you and I had something,” I said getting very upset with Blake.                                                                                                                              

“We do have something,” He started before I interrupted him.                                                                                                                                

“No, if you would rather lie to me then be honest I don’t think we have anything left to say to each other.” I said slowly trying to say every word as clearly as possible.                                                                                                    

“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea if I tell you though,” Blake almost whispered reaching his hand out to my cheek.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

“I promise I won’t as long as you are honest,” I made him a deal not wanting to lose him.                      

“Okay,” He let out a deep breath before continuing walking.

I couldn’t read any expression so I had no idea what was going through his mind. I did love him, and I did not want to lose him over a lie.  

[Katie’s POV]:

I got home to notice that Ryan wasn’t home which didn’t surprise me. Since he was working most nights now I had the whole house for myself. I really hated his house though it reminded me of my sick monsters of “parents” I had. I couldn’t understand why Ryan didn’t move away from here with me but I knew why. He could barely look after us both let alone look for a new house. So I suppose it left me here to remember those scum. The sound of screams still filled my head whenever I laid a foot inside the living room. Those screams made me almost hate everything about me because I was a witness to all of it and didn’t have the guts to do anything about it. I was so thankful when the police took them to jail, I thought I could start having a normal life but it didn’t seem that way. I still feel all of the guilt for not saving her. I could have done something, anything but I didn’t. The flames, all the fire... They were horrible people; I had no parent’s anymore. I hope they rot in hell for what they did.

[Lauren’s POV]:

I felt myself be carried up a flight of stairs feeling exhausted. I looked around to see that I was at home and in the arms of Skylar. I closed my eyes again as he walked into my bedroom and placed me softly down. I could feel his warm fingers run along my cheek making me sigh without warning.                                                                                                                                           

“Stay with me?” I mumbled sleepily opening my eyes so that I could look at how beautiful he was.

Skylar placed his thumb on lips silencing me. Skylar laid down on the bed next to me pulling me against him protectively.                

“Thank-you,” I mumbled quietly snuggling closer to him.

I shut my eyes and could feel myself slowly falling asleep in his arms, I was happy he was here. Happy that he would bother to stay with me.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

“Won’t your parents get suspicious?” He asked in a whisper not trying to disturb me.                                                                    

“Like they would care anyway...” I said out loud sadly.

I felt Skylar lean closer to me almost hovering over me. I smiled knowing that he was going to stay. I felt his lips crash on mine just as I felt myself drift off. I sighed happily letting sleep consume me.

[Blake’s POV]:

Brooke didn’t look that impressed when I walked her up to my bedroom. She wasn’t very happy about what I had done today and I really couldn’t understand why she was acting like this. I’m positive if I asked her something like that she would have gotten pissed off at me, so why couldn’t I do the same?                                                                                                   

“Are you going to be honest with me now?” She asked me folding her arms across her chest as I tried to pull her into a hug.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

“Well tell me, what do you want to know?” I asked almost a frustrated as her.                                                      

“I want to tell me if you truly do care about me and are not just using me for some breakup relief after Lauren,” Brooke said looking at me really upset.

I couldn’t believe it; she really thought that was all she was to me? Stupid girl.                                                                                   

“Of course you’re, you really think that? I truly care about you, I’ve said that I love you what else can I do?” I asked her helplessly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

“Show me that you love me instead of just saying it,” She told me quietly before looking away.

I pulled her against me and placed my lips on hers as hard as I could. I pushed my tongue inside her mouth letting me taste everything she had to offer. I pulled her closer to me as I tried to get her to react to my kiss, but she seemed not to be enjoying it at all. I stopped for a moment to see that she was almost expressionless.                                                                     

“You tell me to show you but you don’t do anything about it,” I said puzzled that she was still not reacting.                          

“Love doesn’t have to be physical,” Brooke said before passionately kissing me less with lust but with love.


“Blake it’s good to see you if got so mu-“ I heard to so recognizable sound of Anthony’s voice call out and stop as he entered the room.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

“Anthony!” I heard Brooke almost yelled in excited.

Anthony put his hand out for her to stop before she got to close to him.                                                                                                              

“How could you?” He asked me sounding utterly shattered.                                                                                                                       

“Wait!” I called out before he almost ran out of the room.

I saw his face; he seemed completely lost once he saw Brooke and me. Then it hit me, he loved her too.             

[Anthony’s POV]:

Seeing them, what had I just witnessed? The feeling of betrayal stung my heart as I saw Brooke look up at me with so much sorry in her eyes. I couldn’t believe why Blake would do this to me. But then it hit me there was no way that any of them where responsible for this. They loved each other, well I hoped they did. I feel that my heart was going slower and slower about to stop. I haven’t been able to think about anyone these past months other than Brooke. Why was this happening? Was everyone I loved going to do this to me? I couldn’t bear to look at either of them as I left the room clutching my chest as my pain took over my body. Why? Was this all I could think about, why would they... Something inside me was telling me this pain wasn’t going to go away anytime soon. It felt like knifes through my eyes and someone was burning me slowly while enjoying it. Could this all be because of my feelings for her? I gripped my neck as if I was about to strangle someone and tightened my hands against my own skin. This burning feeling when would it stop! 


Wow finally uploaded, hope it was enjoyable and stuff. Vote and Comment because you love me ;] and don't expect anything to soon :o ILY <3 [smile.or.die] Andy. PS hope it didn't confuse you :33 <3

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