Saving Cara

By haileyyyeve

5.8K 66 6

Cara is a 17 year old girl who had lost her dad. She's a cheerleader and track star also in photography. She'... More

School Day:
Double trouble:
Dress Picking:
All Alone:
Beat up:
Bound to Cameron:
Its So Hard:
Fragile Like Glass:
Worst Wedding:
Fist Fight:
One Month:
Im Sorry:
He's Gone:


148 4 1
By haileyyyeve


RECAP: (Cara's POV)

"It's a boy." He whisper happily to himself, shaking his head.

After we all had fun, reality had to bite me in the ass and it was time to go to court. I put on a black dress that reaches to my knees and dark purple flats.

"You ready?" Grayson asks me, leaning on the doorway.

"I guess." I sigh looking at myself in the mirror again. I look a bit healthier, my hair was straightened, and my outfit was flowy.

"They'll get him Cara." Grayson reassures me.

"Good." I say pushing back my hair with my hand. Grayson smiles and gives me a quick hug. Rebecca, me, and Grayson get into the car for the road ahead of us.

When we got to the big court house my mom, Tim, and the twins were standing up the stairs. We all go up the stairs and I greet mom and the twins.

"Hey mom." I sigh and she has tears in her eyes.

"How are you?" She asks her voice cracking.

"I'm fine." I say and the boy twin starts to cry. I forgot my own step-brother and sisters name.

"James always cries when he can't see you." Mom says sounding stressed while Tim stands there holding the girl twin.

"Here mom." I reach out my hands grabbing James and he wipes his eyes as I rock my body back and forth. He starts to calm down as he clings onto me, holding my dress. Soon James goes to sleep and we walk into the court.

"Cara!" My lawyer, Andrew, gives me a hand shake.

"Hi Andrew." I reply.

"They're ready for us." He says. I nod my head and hand James back to mom. We walk into the big tan room with wooden everything.

"It's okay Cara." Andrew says putting his hand lightly on my back. We sit on the wooden chairs and an intimidating man sits in front. I look to my left and see Cameron with a scar running down his eye to his cheek. He's in an orange jump suit with cuffs and an evil look.


Four torturous hours later of bickering and glares there was a screen rolled out in front of everyone.

"I would like to show the injuries Cara had when she was in a relationship with Cameron." Andrew says and clicks a remote. There was a picture of me in the hospital when I was asleep.

"We got this image from Grayson Holt, Caras best friend." Andrew says and clicks again and more images of me with bruises and an X-ray of all my broken bones. I couldn't take it anymore! "And now," Andrew starts "my eight teen year old client is pregnant from rape." I stand up and run out of the court with Grayson and Rebecca following after me. I rush to the bathroom and start to throw up, a hand creeps on my back and starts to gently rub it along with holding my hair back.

"Are you okay?" His voice was like heaven to my ears.

"Yes." I say my voice cracking, my eyes burning and screaming for me to spill out the tears I hold back.

"No you aren't Cara." Grayson says holding me while I put my hand on my little bump "you don't always have to be okay." He whispers.

"I don't think I can do this." I sob out.

"We just have two more hours and he'll be locked up.

"No!" I whisper yell "for him." I look down at my stomach and Grayson's hand rubs my stomach.

"Yes you can!" He says strongly, filled with strength and alpha-male tone. "Because you are a fighter! And that boy is going to grow up and know how strong you are and how much you fought to keep him safe!"

We walk back into the court and I hear James crying.

"Your Honor, I'm sorry but I have to take care of one more thing." I say going towards my mom and picking up James rocking him back to sleep.


"We find the defendant..." the Honor says reading off the paper as Andrew holds my hand and Cameron sits there with a blank face.

"Guilty! Of rape, abuse, and assault!" The jury says and I shout in joy. Grayson and Rebecca gives me a big hug and as Cameron is being walked out he blows me a kiss that sends shivers down my spine. It felt like he was saying I would see him again.

"We did it!" Everyone cheered.

"Let's get glasses of cranberry juice!" Grayson jokes since I'm not aloud to drink alcohol.


After we all drank juice and water we went to eat at IHOP. With news channel people following us around wasn't fun! Grayson, Andrew, and Tim both helped me inside because their over protectiveness on my baby is high.

Me and Grayson lay down in his bed looking up at the ceiling in silence. With my little groans of knots in my stomach.

"Should we take you to the hospital?" Grayson asks worried.

"No." I say "I just feel like something bad is going to happen." I say. The kitchen phone rings and Rebecca dashes into our room.

"There's been a bus crash. The bus Cameron was on. People are injured but two are dead and one got away." Rebecca says quickly. Cameron wouldn't purposely crash a bus knowing he'd die so I thought nothing of it but my cramps.

"You guys can check it out." I say tiredly "I'm going to put a heating blanket over me and go to sleep" I answer.

"Are you sure?@ they both ask me concerned. I nod my head and smile, they hesitantly leave.

(AN: sorry it's short but I messed up something and wanted to update this before anybody read so cliffhanger, plus I'm super tired!)

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