Set in Stone: The Rose Secret

By bpandacakes

187 2 1

In a wicked town of secrets new and old, White Rose must uncover secrets, lies and truths to find her twin si... More

Chapter 1: Scared 👻
Chapter 2: Beggingings ☀️
Chapter 3: Carved 🍴
Chapter 4: Tackle 🎣
Chapter 6: Warning 🆘
Chapter 7: The Storm 🌪
Chapter 8: Home 🏠
Chapter 9: No Light 🔌
Chapter 10: The Darkness 🌌
Chapter 11: Out ⛓
Chapter 12: Farm Stead 🐷
Chapter 13: Mousetrap 🐭
Chapter 14: Jump 🏃🏼‍♀️
Chapter 15: Curse 🗝
Chapter 16: English Class 📓
Chapter 17: Finding Waldo 🔦
Chapter 18: Branches 🌲
Chapter 19: The Adults 🕴🏻
Chapter 20: The Truth ⌛️
Chapter 21: The Search 🖤
Chapter 22: Spell 📜
Chapter 23: The Map 🗺
Chapter 24: The Hope ☮️
Chapter 25: The Hero 🦸🏼‍♂️
Chapter 26: The Witch 🔮
Chapter 27: New 🎁

Chapter 5: Wheels 🚲

6 0 0
By bpandacakes

I scrambled out onto the plaza path. I noticed Iren was strolling nearby on his bike. I flagged him down. "Hi, again" he smirked. "Can I have a ride" I begged as I looked at the storm clouds above.

He fixed his perfect hair by swooping it away from his eyes and cleared room for me on the handlebars. "Hop on", he urged. I propped myself on the handlebars. They were not at all comfy but at least they were better than sweating myself to death and becoming soaking wet while walking home.

"Where to" he smiled. "The Rose mansion," I responded. I could feel the motion of the pedals rotating as we flew off through the street called Margaux. It was named after my great aunt Margaux Thoman who was Krista's grandmother.

"Margaux, I've always liked that name" Iren said as he glanced in my direction. "Yep, that's my great aunt", I scowled.

I never really liked Margaux! I had a bad experience with her when I was seven. I was caught eating (and licking) a pie on thanksgiving before it was served. She scolded me and washed my mouth with soap. She was in-humane and strict but the street sign made her sound heroic. All she did to get that title was cut a red ribbon with oversized scissors at the re-naming of the town. Bluntwood used to be called Sherri Cove until the founder Dallas Sherri ended up being a big shot criminal.

"Have you ever been to the restaurant Marshall's?" he asked out of the blue. I nodded. "I love there pasta!", he said licking his lips. "I know, I always order it too", I said. "Wanna stop inside for a quick bite?", he smiled. I nodded again as he veered his bike towards the restaurant. It was a local restaurant spot that surprisingly had not been found by tourists. Yes it was rustic, but it was tasty.

Iren slowly pulled his bike into a bike rack. He helped me off the handle bars, then we walked up the pathway. As soon as the door was open I could immediately smell the fresh baked pastas. It was lunch time and they had a special buffet today. Iren led me to sit down at a booth.

"It's not too busy in here", he smiled as he sipped some water. I agreed. The waiter came our direction. I noticed the waiter was Tony, Tony Rose. He was somehow related to me, as was most of the town. It was pretty rare not to see a relative of mine. "Buffet special?", he asked. "Yes!", Iren smiled. The waiter led us to the buffet section.

A row of hot pastas and garlic bread was in front of us. I was so hungry even after my meal at the café. We loaded our plates and sat down. As I was mid bite of a very tasty piece of garlic bread, I noticed a weird couple come into the restaurant. They both wore dark coats that covered half their face. I could tell one was a woman and one a man but it was hard to tell first glance.

I recognized the man from earlier. He was the same man who bumped into me at the café! I studied them a little more until they disappeared off again out the door. "Do you know them?", Iren asked. "No", I yelled. "Oh they were weird, kind of seemed suspicious if you ask me", he responded as he sipped his water again. I now had lost my appetite and Iren knew that. I just couldn't wrap my head around those two, black hooded figures.

My thoughts were interrupted by the waiter. "All done?", he smiled. I nodded as I passed him my full plate. We paid then left the restaurant. "Are you ok? You look like you saw a ghost?", Iren asked worriedly. That was the second time someone said that to me today. "Oh I am fine, just remembered that I should get home", I smiled anxiously.

We were back on the sidewalk peddling on his bike. We were nearing the library.

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