Two Man's War

By unicorn1379

362 54 6

"You don't know how strong you are, until strength is the only choice you have."~Google In the world of bombs... More

The real enemy: Lies
Delivering the message
Fight for Rights
This is war
How to know when you're fired
Alive and...well?
What war truly is
Don't do eveyrthing you're told
A hero means pain
Chapter 11
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
One step closer
Caught in pursuit
War is pain
Planes, planes, and more planes
The race of life
The worry fight
One victory, one defeat
Two places at once
Fellow Wattpaders!

Terrorists' War

58 5 3
By unicorn1379

(( I am having a contest! Whoever can come up with the best guy name for the commander in this book will get a thanks in my next latest chapter and I will read at least one of your books you have written! Insert your ideas on my profile page! Thanks!))

It was like the end of the world was now. Gunshots fired everywhere and I was in the middle of it. People were screaming.

"Don't give up!" I heard some say.

"Fight for our country!"

"We won't let them get to us!"

Others were either dead or hurt. My friends and I were in the army and fighting against terrorists in Iraq. There were a total of 53 soldiers fighting currently. We were the only group sent to fight. Two of my friends and I advanced towards the sniper terrorists and we were spotted. Our team was hiding behind trees, rocks, or anything they could get cover with while shooting at terrorists on the other side of the territory. Both my friends and I advanced and ran towards closer rocks. Gunshots fired all around us and at some of our men behind trees. We reached the rocks and kneeled behind them out of sight from the terrorists. Bullets kept flying off the top of the rocks above us.

"Austin, we should fall back. We are too close." My friend said. His name was Cam. We met each other when I joined the U.S army a few years ago. He had facial hair that was red, but not a beard. My other friend was Henry. He had dark brown hair. But neither of us were the commander. The commander is the one hiding behind the tree over there shooting at the terrorists.

"We can't fall back now. It's too risky. Gunshots are everywhere." I replied to Cam over the gunshots.
Suddenly, a bullet pierced the rock next to me.

"We need to move! Either that or shoot this sniper creeping up on us!" Henry yelled. He had taken position to the left side of the rock, me in the middle, and Cam on the right. I scanned the field for any terrorist sniper hidden in the tall weeds. I could see our men moving position and firing back at terrorists sneaking up on them. There were around 67 terrorists and it looks like we had killed about 38 of them. I continued to scan the field when a bullet came from a certain spot and hit the rock inches away from hitting me. I followed my gaze to where the bullet came from and shot exactly there. I could see the weeds flatten to the ground and knew that the sniper was dead.

"Got him." I said. Suddenly, we heard someone whistle and knew that meant the commander was calling everyone to retreat before someone got hurt. We began to retreat to the camouflaged helicopter a mile or two away. It was far enough from the terrorists to get to.

Once we got to the helicopter, everyone that was there got in. The commander was last.
"Austin, Henry. Look." Cam said for us to look at the entrance of the helicopter and we did. The commander was running to the helicopter like everyone else did except he was with two more people. The person in the middle had a bullet wound in his lower abdominal. The hurt man reached the helicopter and sat in his assigned seat. The commander quickly counted the people on board and signaled for the pilot to take off. We lifted off the ground to return to the base. The guy that was shot was sitting across from me. His name was Eric. I could tell he was hurt since he kept tightly holding his side like it was the worst thing that ever happened to him. Which, there are many more ways. But, what can I say? The man was shot. Soon enough, we reached our base and everyone got out. Eric was taken to the medical wing and the commander told a report of the mission. I overheard their conversation because it seemed like the chief was mad.

Chief: "Why was he shot, commander!"

Commander: "Sir, one of our men spotted a camouflaged sniper in the field. He shot him down, but before he did so, Eric was shot. Then we retreated. 23 terrorists are left from the group we attacked.
But I fear more will come."

Chief: "Get your men some rest. It will be a hard day tomorrow."

Commander: "Yes, sir."

The three of us began to walk to our bunkers since the commander ordered us to.

"Good job." Henry said.

"We will get them next time. At least no one else was hurt." Fiercely, Cam replied.

I didn't say a word the whole way down to the bunkers. When everyone was asleep, I lay awake thinking. The news had said the terrorists were getting stronger by the minute. We are probably more supplied than them but I don't want any attacks to happen here. Surely the terrorists must have followed our plane back to here, so they might know about where this base is. Although, this base is heavily armored with guns, missiles, planes, and it's filled with trained soldiers who know how to fight. I think we are safe. Then I remembered why exactly I was here. I was here to protect my country. I am here to protect my brothers in battle, the ones in this very room. I knew that whatever it takes, I will help my brothers around me in times of war. If they are being attacked, I will help. Them. And I also knew that everyone else in this room would do the same. So yes, I think we are safe. For now.

During the middle of the night, I awoke to two people arguing. I could tell everyone else was asleep because do their snoring. The two people sounded like the commander and chief. I listened closer to their argument.

Chief: "What do you mean!"

Commander: "I counted again and we are short 2."

Chief: Commander! Do you know what this means? We have two U.S army men BEL! They could be dead or alive. Or they could be captured. We need to get communication with them now!"

Commander: "Yes, sir."

Chief: "Commander? If we don't find them, or if we get them back dead, you will be kicked out of the Army."

That was all I heard. 2 men are BEL and maybe dead. I have to do something about it. After all, if I'm the only one that knows about it besides the commander and chief, then I have to do something. I need to save those 2 men and bring them back alive. Or else the commander will lose his job. I'd rather lose my job for someone else than do nothing and wait for him to get fired.

Author's note
Hey guys. I really like the direction this book is going and what it is about. Hope you like it too! Please vote and keep reading! And if you didn't know already, I made a shorter name that is BEL. BEL is short for Behind Enemy Lines but I didn't want to keep writing that out so I just wrote BEL. So now you know for in the future. Thanks.

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