My Dearest, Laurens [ON HOLD]

By Lamilton1

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Excerpt From Chapter 3 "John, are you going stay" he asks "you get some sleep and drink lots of water" I say... More

Chapter 1: A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R WE ARE... MEANT TO BE
Chapter 2: Laurens I Like You Alot
Chapter: 3 Pour Me Another Brew Son
Chapter 5: I Will Not Throw Away My Shot
Chapter 6: Mr. Lafayette Hard Rock Like Lancelot
Chapter 7: Ima Get a Scholarship To Kings College
Chapter 8: Alexander, You're The Closest Friend I've Got
A/n No. 1
Chapter 9: You Know Nothing Of Loyalty
A/n No. 2
Chapter 10: Now I Hope Your Satisfied
Chapter 11: What Are The Gods Who Put Us All In One Spot
Chapter 12: Say no to this
Chapter 13: That Is When Ms. Maria Reynolds Walked Into My Life...She Said
Chapter 14: And Peggy!
FACE REVEAL!!!!!!!!!!
A/n No. 3
A/n No. 4

Chapter 4: Freedom, Something They Can Never Take Away

211 4 1
By Lamilton1

A/N hey guys I forgot to tell you the word count for last chapter it was 1333 btw and it took me 53:12 to write (I know because I was listening to Hamilton sound track while writing lol) hope you enjoy

Alex's Pov

I woke up with a pounding headache. It felt like a sledge hammer being whacked against my head over and over again. What happened last night? I wondered. The last thing I remember is slamming my 3rd pint of Sam Adams on the bar (get the reference) and from that point on I don't remember anything. I slowly get out of bed and stand up but immediately sit back down when I get a head rush from standing up to fast. I walk out to the common room to complete and utter silence. I look at the sketch book on the sofa the one John was sketching in when I asked him what he was drawing and just closed it. I wonder what could he be drawing that he wouldn't want me to see. I slowly lift the cover to see a drawing of... what is this... me?! I had a towel around my waist and it looked like I was in a hurry that's when I realized that it was me when I got out of the shower. It was a beautiful drawing the lines so smooth and eloquent with so much detail. I close the book and open my laptop to start writing. I noticed I woke up around 10:00 on Sunday. Tomorrow the first day of classes start and call me a geek but I'm excited. I'm double majoring in writing and law. I was writing about my experiences in Columbia so far. After writing for about 1 hour and 30 min I go over to Laf and Herc's which is a few dorms down to see if they are awake. when I get to their dorm I knock somewhat quietly in case they are asleep so I don't wake them up. I got no answer I turned to walk away when I hear the door open to see a groggy Lafayette at the door with his hair out of his normal ponytail and spewed everywhere.

"ooh sorry Laf did I wake you I just came over because John isn't awake and I'm bored" I say

"Oh no mon ami your fine come on in" he says while rubbing his eyes and widening the door

"Why aren't you so hung over" I ask with a surprised tone

"I am a little mon ami but I bet not as much as you considering how much you drank" he says with a smirk

I walk over to sit on the couch. place my head in my hands

"How much did I drink the last thing I remember is chugging my 3rd pint of Sam Adams" I say

"ooh that's all you remember" he says

"you weren't even close to finish... you drank like 100 pints"

I look at him with a "really" expression on my face

"Laf I couldn't have drank 100... if I did I would be dead" I say

"ok maybe not 100 maybe like 6"

"ok that's better" I say rolling my eyes

"Anything wild happen while I was out of it" I say while turning my head to look at him from my previous position

he started to blush. I cock an eye brow and say

"Laf what happened"

"Well after you last pint you dared Herc and I to kiss for 10 seconds"

"I think really hard and remember what had happened. I think over it for awhile until a smirk starts to spread across my face

"What?" Laf says questionably

"When I finished counting you and Herc didn't pull away till like 5 seconds later" I say

I see him turn crimson and turn away and "conveniently" dropping the pan in his hand

"OWWWWW" I yell while grabbing my head

"What was that for" I say in a irritated tone

"Whoops sorry" Laf says as a grin creeps on his face

I roll my eyes and face plant my self on the pillow on the couch. until Hercules barges out with a golf club in his hand yelling

"WHO'S OUT THERE... I'VE GOT A GOLF CLUB AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT" he says while swinging the club in front of him

"Herc mon cheri it's just Alex and I... I accidentally dropped the pan" as he says accidentally with a sarcastic tone

"Oh ok" Herc says putting down the golf club

I smirk at Laf and look at him. After look that confused face he eventually sighs

"What do you want Alex" he says while staring at me with his arms crossed

"mon cheri?" I say while directing my gaze at Herc who was completely out of it (for those of you who don't know mon cheri means my dear in French"

"What does mon cheri mean" Herc says while looking at Laf

Laf blushes and looks down and softly says "My dear." Herc just stood there processing what just happened

"Oooook anyway anyone hungry I'll whip up some pancakes" Herc says as he awkwardly walks away

when Herc was out of our sight Lafayette shot me a glare and said

"ok I think our friend Alex should leave now" as he pulls me off the couch and starts to push me out the door. When Herc says

"ok he can go after breakfast" Herc says Laf looks at him and Herc puts on a puppy face. that's when Laf sighs and says fine.

when the pancakes are ready us 3 eat in silence scarfing down our food. and when we are done Laf pushes me out the door and says

"Au revoir mon ami" and slams the door in my face

I start to walk my dorm and open the door to se it's 12:00 and John is still a sleep. So I open my laptop and go onto my favorite website Tumblr and see this idiot named Samuel Seabury who says that everything in the school should be controlled by the head master including: What we wear, everything we buy, homework given, how teacher cheat, etc. I immediately type a response and almost instantaneously I get a bunch of hate comments from his friends. I close my laptop and grab my journal that has some of my deepest darkest secrets and start scribbling to my hearts content.

A/n sorry for another dry chapter. This is like a filler chapter and next one will be better I will start working on it today and post it tomorrow. glad you guys enjoyed and thanks for 30 reads I can't believe people would actually read this cause I'm such a bad writer and thanks guys. and this chapter is 1142 words

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