When Love Strikes (Camren)

By Dreamer152

108K 2.4K 791

Lauren and the rest of her family of Vampires were doing perfectly fine. They went to high school, fed on the... More

Hello There
You're Safe With Me
You're Not a Monster
You're My Normal
You're Mine
You're Normal
Not an update but OMFG
You're Hiding Secrets
Camila Left 😢
You're Not Innocent
You're In Too Deep
You're The Hybrid Pack
You're Always In The Past
These Are New Characters
So y'all aren't confused
New Character
You're The Woman With A Plan
Hey Reader
You're Going To Be Fine
Sneak Peak (1000 words, half way there)
You're Not Such A Damsel
You're The Purificatur
You're A Hoe
Sequal Or Nah?
Sneak Peek 2
When Love Ends: Trailer
Release Date

You're Not Happy Now

2.9K 89 23
By Dreamer152

(Camila's POV)

"Remember that one night with Kurt Cobain," Hayley laughed.

"How could I forget, you almost killed the man," Lauren giggled along with her.

"Enough," I yelled. "Lauren how the hell do you know this cop and why have you never told me about her."

They both stopped laughed and Lauren look at me seriously. "Hayley is my best friend and she helped me control my feeding."

"Didn't seem like she had control when she was about to drain me in my cell," I spat.

"I wasn't going to drain you," Hayley said. "That's how I feed. I compel, then feed somewhere you won't notice, and lastly I compel you to forget."

"Fine, but Lauren that doesn't explain why you never told me about her."

Lauren sighed, "because I didn't want you to know how I used to be with feeding. If I told you know about her because then you would have wondered why I needed to get better. I don't want you to know that part of me."

I sighed, "well Lauren if we're going to be a couple then there are some things your going to need to tell me. Even maybe things about your past."

Lauren looked at me nodded her head in an understanding manner.

"Well ladies," Hayley stood up from her chair. "Since you ended up being my best friend's girlfriend, I have to go eat. And I don't mean something like the french fries we were enjoying just now." Hayley looked over to the girl sitting at the bar. She looked in her twenties and seemed completely waisted.

"Please don't tell me you're going to kill her," I pleaded quietly.

"Relax kid," Hayley said. "I'm just going to drink what I need and then compel her to say it was an animal." 

Hayley then walked away towards the young lady. She began to stroke her hair and then somehow convinced her to go outside with her.

"Lauren," I nudged her. "Are you sure we can trust her?"

"Trust me Camila out of all the vampires in this world that I don't trust, she's one that I do." Lauren stroked a hair behind my ear and then planted a soft kiss on my lips.

She can't blame me for being concerned, I mean the girl that just tried to feed in me is all of a sudden besties with my girlfriend.

"Camila," she snapped me out of my thoughts. "Do you want me to drop you off somewhere?"

"Why would I ask you to do that?" I questioned.

"I mean, you did leave because you wanted to get out of the house."

I sighed, "Lauren I actually did that just to piss you off. Well mainly to g back to my house alone, but also because of that."

Lauren rolled her eyes and smirked, but then widened her eyes as though she had realized something. "You went back to your house?"

"Ya, I'm sorry but I had to go see my mom and I wanted to get some of my things."

"Camila we need to get back to my place now," she demanded.


"Because Camila, now that you went back to your house and you weren't surrounded by a bunch of vampires it will be easier for Jesy to track your scent."

"What do you mean?"

"That's why I wanted you to stay with us, because if your surrounded by enough vampires they can't track you. You may have been with Hayley, but that's not enough." Lauren stood up, grabbed my bag, and then began to pull me with her.

I didn't struggle and just went with her because I did not want to die and I trusted her completely. We went out the back door around Lauren's eyes were looking everywhere except at me. She was looking for something, probably someone.

"Hayley!" She called out.

"Ya," Hayley showed up, right behind us with blood dripping from her mouth.

"You've got something on your lip," I said.

She licked her lips and then wiped the blood away on her finger. Then she licked it of her finger.

"Hayley I need you too stick with me and Camila, just until I get her and myself to my house." Lauren pleaded.

"Of course Lauren," she said. "Anything you need."

Lauren then lifted me up bridal style, of course, and began to run incredibly fast into the woods. All of a sudden we stopped and I went flying in the air, my back felt like it had been rammed into a tree. I looked up and saw Lauren laying on the ground, struggling to get up. I could see Hayley, but I could hear rustling in the woods, so I assumed it was her.

Jesy then fell from a tree and landed safely on the ground. She walked over slowly to Lauren who was still struggling to get up.

"You didn't actually think we were going to let you and your friend take the only chance we had at getting rid of this curse? Did you?" She asked.

"I'm going to kill you," Lauren threatened.

"Not today you aren't," Jesy said. She then kicked Lauren's neck, causing it to snap.

"I've got her," a voice said in the trees.

I looked and saw Leigh-Anne with Hayley, who's hands were pinned behind her back.

"Wonderful," Jesy went up to Hayley and bit her neck. She screamed in agony. "Leave her here to suffer. When Lauren wakes up to see her best friend dying, she'll know it's over."

Both of them looked over to me with their vampire eyes, but they were different. They weren't pitch black like Lauren's, I mean they were, but they had a ring of gold in the middle. Jesy's mouth was dripping with Hayley's blood.

"Camila," she said cynically. "I've been waiting for the moment to get a moment alone with you." She sped at me and caressed my face with her fingers. I brushed it off and spit in her face.

"To bad you aren't alone," I looked back to see Perrie and Jade there.

"Perrie," I said happily.

"Well if it isn't the two bitches who ditched their pack for a stupid human," Jesy said.

"Well that stupid human is our friend," Ally said. She walked in from behind Jesy and Leigh-Anne.

"Actually," Dinah came from the side. "She's family."

I smiled and my cheeks began to blush at the heartwarming comments that everyone was giving.

"You bitches really think you can take me on! Me? The one who turned you and you who aren't even close to being as strong as me." Jesy pointed to Perrie and Jade and then Ally and Dinah.

Just then Leigh-Anne's neck was snapped and as soon she fell to the ground it was revealed to me that Lauren did it. My face lit up at the sight of her.

Jesy was furious and looked around, realizing she was surrounded. Next thing I knew I was standing up and her hands were wrapped around my neck.

"Let me go or I'll kill her," she threatened.

"We all know you need her alive to preform the spell," Perrie said. "You're bluffing."

"Do you honestly think I would give my life just to keep this girl alive," she tightened her grip on me.

"Perrie," Jade spoke. "She's not bluffing."

"You can go," Lauren said. "But release Camila first."

Jesy let me go and I collapsed to the floor, breathing for air. She took off and no one raced after because they were to busy focusing on me.

Lauren ran towards me and held me in her arms as I continued to breath heavily. This whole situation had given me and anxiety attack.

"Camila," Lauren whispered. "You're going to be okay."

Hearing her voice finally made me feel calm and gave me this warm protective feeling. I looked into her beautiful emerald green eyes and caressed her face gradually.

"I'm okay," that's all I could say.

Lauren smiled and passionately connected our lips together, which I was not opposed to. For a few seconds I completely forgot what had just happened, but Ally reminded me by clearing her throat, signaling for us to stop.

Lauren shot her a look of annoyance and I just giggled. Then I looked towards Perrie and Jade and the rest of the loving people around me.

"How did you guys know where we're," I asked curiously.

"We were following you," Perrie said. "The moment we were able to pick up on your scent we thought we should watch you and keep an eye out for Jesy and Leigh-Anne."

"Speaking of Leigh-Anne," Jade walked over to her unconscious body.

I looked over at Lauren, who was smiling at me, but it didn't last long. Her smile quickly turned into a face of anger as she looked over to Hayley.

"Hayley!" She shouted. Lauren ran over to her and I followed. Hayley was sweating like crazy, and her eyes kept flashing from pitch black to her normal brown eyes every second.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked.

"It's the werewolf venom," Perrie noted. "Jesy must have bitten her."

"Please there has to be a cure," Lauren cried out.

"There may be one," Jade said. "But it's never been tested."

"What is it!" Lauren screamed.

"We'll need a witch, and Camila's blood." Jade said.

"Dinah call Lu-"

"Already on it," Dinah interrupted.

Lauren looked at me with sad puppy eyes. I could tell she didn't want to ask me for my blood so I answered for her. "I'll do it Lauren."

She smiled and looked back down at Hayley, whom you could tell was is agonizing pain.

"Please Lauren," she begged. "Make it stop."

Lauren began to tear up and laid Hayley's head on her lap, "you're going to be fine, just hold on a little longer."

"Jade?" I asked. "What else do we need for the spell?"

"I have the spell memorized, so all I need to do is write down the incantation and make a list of the ingredients."

"Then why are you still standing here?" Lauren said furiously.

Jade raised her hands in defense and took off without another word. Perrie followed.

"Dinah," Lauren cried out. "Where's Lucy?"

"She's not answering," Dinah said sympathetically.

"Guys please help me get her to the house," Lauren pleaded. She lifted up Hayley, who screamed the moment she did.

Dinah walked over to me and lifted me up. Lauren then took off and Dinah and Ally followed. We arrived at the house pretty quickly and as soon as we did Lauren kicked the door open.

She went over to the table and yelled at the girls to clean it. They quickly did so. Lauren placed Hayley on the table and got a damp rag to clean her face of the sweat.

"Lauren," Hayley pleaded. "Just end it." Hayley pointed to a wooden chair.

"No!" Lauren screamed. "I'm not giving up on you."

"I'm not asking you to," she smiled. "I'm asking you to let me go. I've been around for a long time."

"It's not happening," Lauren said. "Fuck that! Dinah where's Lucy!"

"She's not answering Lo, and I have no idea where she is," Dinah said innocently.

I placed my hand on Lauren's shoulder, but she shrugged it off. Normani then came in from downstairs after hearing the ruckus.

"What's going on?" She asked while rubbing her eyes from, seemingly, taking a nap.

Just then, Hayley began to have, what seemed like, a seizure. Although, she was coughing out pints of blood and begging Lauren to make it stop.

"Please!" She screamed. "Lauren make it stop! Just make it stop! It's burning me from the inside! Just end it!"

"Normani and Dinah help me hold her down," Lauren told them.

They both did as told and Ally went outside to call someone on the phone .

"Camila?" She asked. "Will you bring me a damp cloth? This one is covered in blood."

I simply nodded and headed into the kitchen. I opened one of the drawer where the cloths were and took out one. It was grey and had a blue flower at one of its corners. I turned on the sink and wet the cloth and after that I squeezed out all the water. I walked back into the living room and saw Lauren there holding Hayley's hand and trying to hold back tears.

Normani was on the couch doing, what could only be described as thinking, and Dinah was on the phone seeming desperate.

"Here Lauren," I handed her the cloth.

Lauren shot me a quick smile and then began to clean the blood and sweat all over Hayley's face.

"Lauren," She spoke. "I need you to promise me something."

Lauren nodded and a her eyes began to get watery. "Anything."

"For one, make sure my music gets published on YouTube. It's all on my laptop. The password is girls like girls."

Lauren tried not too laugh, but it was inevitable.

"Two, take care of her. I can tell she's not like the others, so don't push her away. I want you to live a happy life and please don't focus on vengeance."

Lauren looked over to me and held out her hand. I gladly held it and went by her side to comfort her.

"Please don't leave me," Lauren begged.

I looked at the bites and the skin that surrounded it began to turn an ugly grey and veins became visible in a deathly blue. It was almost as if her skin was desiccating.

"You take care of her Camila," she said, which brought my attention back to her face.

Hayley closed her eyes and the desiccating skin that I saw on her neck was now spreading all over her body. It didn't take long for it to reach her face and once it did, Hayley let out one last breath.

I looked at Lauren, whom had one single tear streaming down her face.

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