" You In The Rain "

By SioseLeslieAnn

11 1 1

Every Princess needs to have a Prince. A Prince,.. who will become her lifelong partner, to accomplish eterna... More

" You in the Rain "

11 1 1
By SioseLeslieAnn

Every Princess needs to have a Prince. A Prince,.. who will become her lifelong partner, to accomplish eternal happiness that everyone dream of.
The story goes like this.....

It was raining when Cynthia met the Prince in her dream. Cynthia has no umbrella,  that is why she was only standing in the waiting area while her face could'nt be explain of how badly she wanted to go home already. When suddenly a boy came and asked her.

Noven: Hi, I'm Noven :)
Cynthia: And then! I don't care if your name is Noven. What's the matter,..what do you want from me?
Noven: I know that you really want to go home, but you don't have an umbrella. That's why I'm here to help you.

Cynthia: No need. I dont need your help, and why should I go with you and agree? I don't even know you,...Oh!,....maybe your a rapists, a drug addict, or a kidnapper? Oh my gosh!!
Noven: I will just accept if you decline my offer. I am just offering and sharing my kindness to you. And, please, dont make stories like I'm a criminal, because you don't know who I am, in the first place,...you don't know what I've been and I've been through in my life. Just ignore me if you really don't want it, just don't treat me this way,...but thank you for your words of wisdom!!!!

By the way, Noven was a 3rd year Engineering student, a hearthrob and lots of girls adore him for being simple, handsome, godfearing, smart, lovable to his family, and also he is a good person who help those in need.
While Cynthia Alcantara, she was a 3rd year Education student, an ordinary girl who wants to finish her studies to help her family. And of course,..patiently waiting the Prince of her dreams.
He was very angry about what Cynthia had told him. But when accidentally they met again in the canteen....

Cynthia: Sucks! It's you again? Hayst, what's the happening in this world?...Life is really full of mysterious, huh!....
Noven: What a coincidence, are you following me?...or you just want to see me. Aren't you? (Laughing)...
Cynthia: What? I'm not following you. And, why should I? Maybe it's you who's following me! You stalker, jerk, and close-minded person!
Noven: Me? Huh! Are you kidding me?! It's not like you're the great! So, tell me.... Who are you to follow with? Before you accused me, why not ask everyone first,... instead of judgeging me!.

Cynthia gets bothered and asked her friend (Jaynne) to investigate of what Noven's real status in school.

Jaynne: Why do you want to investigate that guy?...
Cynthia: I just really need to know his background...Please Jaynne, just do it,... Please:)

Jaynne do the investigation,... until she found out.....

Jaynne: Ahhh! Woahhh! he's the guy I was looking for... Oh my gosh!...
Cynthia: Jaynne?... What's happening? Do you know him already?
Jaynne: Yep! And guess what?
Cynthia: What? Can you just tell me quickly!..
Jaynne: He is Mr. Noven dela Paz, a 3rd year Marine Engineering student, a very popular, hearthrob, smart,and lots of girls adore him. Knowing that information,, I'm proud to say  that I am one of them. HAHA!
Cynthia: Really? Goshh!,... Are you sure by that information?..
Jaynne: Why,..Is there something wrong?..
Cynthia: Nothing Jaynne,... thanks for doing my favor. I love you Jaynne!

When Cynthia got home, she realized something,...

Cynthia: I did not appreciate his kindness. I should'nt treat him that way. Instead of saying thank you, I judged him. I must apologize....But how can I do that?

While she was sitting,.. Cynthia was very conscious of what he was going to tell to Noven. Her mother (Amalia) noticed that Cynthia has a big problem. And that's why she asked;

Amalia: Honey, what's going on? Why are you talking to the mirror? Honey, you can tell me your problem instead. Come on,.. I'm all ears.
Cynthia: Nothing mom, I just miss someone.
Amalia: Who is it?...honey I know you if you have a problem. Come on, share that to me and let's solve it together.
Cynthia: Seriously mom, I really dont have a problem.
But still.... thank you Mommy for caring.

When morning came, Cynthia was very nervous. What if she cross her path again to Noven.

Meanwhile, what's  he perceive has happened.

Cynthia: Ahm, Noven right? Can we talk?
Noven: How come that you still remember my name?.. The last time I saw you,.. You was so pissed to see me, and it's look like I've ruined your day. Then, why do you want to talk to me?
Cynthia: I just want to apologize for being so mean. Im sorry for not appreciating your good heart.
Noven: Now I know that you know how to say sorry. "Good Girl" HAHA! (Laughing)......
Cynthia: Really.... so funny. (Murmuring to herself..)
Noven: I will forgive you if.....
Cynthia: WHAT!!!!
Noven: Are you angry?
Cynthia: Nope, Im happy, Very happy!....If what?? (Irritating)..
Noven: For your peace offering,... treat me snacks.
Cynthia: Gosh! Do I need to do that? Can you just accept my sorry, why do we need to come-up this point!..
Noven: Yeap! For 1month you will do that!... unless I won't forgave you!....Tell me if you dont want, I'll go.
Cynthia: But!!!....why 1month? why not,.. 1 or 3 days?
Noven: I'm easy to talk,..Okay.... Goodbye!...
Cynthia: Wait!... Ahmm..... Okay fine!.....
Noven: HAHA!,.Let's go!....
Cynthia: (Murmuring to herself)..

When 1 month done,..
Last day of treating Noven a snack,...Cynthia asked; ....

Cynthia: Are we okay now? Have you already forgiven me?
Noven: Okay!.. I really appreciated your patience. Eventhough it's 1month,...you still accept my challenge. And I know that you have a good heart.
Cynthia: Thanks for changing my perception and thank you for teaching me, not to judge people without knowing them....
    Can we be Friends?
Noven: Sure, why not.. Haha!

After a month of treating Noven a snacks, they became more stronger,...and thats the start of their Friendship. They eat snacks together, exchanging stuffs, sharing happy and past memories. Until it came to the point of talking about LOVE.

Cynthia: So, how was your lovelife?
Noven: Lovelife? I don't it.
Cynthia: But why?, your such a good person, but how come?
Noven: I have an ex.
Cynthia: So,..how long?....
Noven: We ended up only 5 years, but I've moved on.
Cynthia: Only? Being with a relationship that long? Arent you proud?
Noven: I am!,, I'd loved her. But when I remembered all the reasons I felt  disappointed. I gave all my love to her, but she wasted it.
Cynthia: Why did you broke up.
Noven: You know what, you're the first person I'll share this, because we're friends:) okay!
At first we are happy together, we go to church together, eventhough we are LDR (Long distance relationship) we make use of our extra time to communicate each other ,even she was already working and I was still studying, but we still manage. But she changed. She does'nt call me or text me anymore. I tried to saved our love for each other and I did'nt gave up,.. and still holding on our promises cause she know and I know that no one will destroy it. That's why I called her many times to make sure she's loyal to me,..but I can't hide the fact that what if she found someone better than me and cheat....that's why I decided to visit the place where she was working. There.....:(
Cynthia: Then, what did you do there?
Noven: There!.... I saw her with my tantalizing eyes, that she's holding with another guy,..to make sure and to have proper closure,..I confronted her infront of the guy she was with. As she was looking at me, she felt nervous and guilty,.. I could'nt stop my tears from falling down on my cheeks. I hardly cried in front of her to proved my love for her was true.
Cynthia: Have you ever fight for her?
Noven: I did!...I tried my best to convinced her, but instead of choosing me against the guy,.... she told me that I am not worth for her love that she's not happy with me anymore.
She left me broken into pieces.
Cynthia: I'm sorry to hear that,... I should'nt ask your past.
Noven: No, it's okay :)  I am planning to wash out our memories and make new stories in which I will not be hurt again,... And if that wish grant I'll promise to spend more time and effort,.... So how about you Cynthia, how was your lovelife?
Cynthia: You will be shock!
Noven: What! Are you married? My god Cynthia!... why you did'nt  tell me about that?
Cynthia: Because, I'm shy...
Nope!..it's just that I did not experienced being into a relationship. In short, I am NBSB.
Noven: Whuuut? Really? HAHA!
Cynthia: Do you think I'm joking? I'm not a clown,..okay? As in no boyfriend since birth.
Noven: Cynthia,...what if I'll ask you to become my girl.....
Cynthia: Girl? What are you trying to imply? As in Girlfriend!!??..
Noven: HAHAHA! (hard laugh)
I mean, bestfriend!!....
Cynthia: OKAY!!! (Gets angry)

Cynthia thought Noven will going to confess his feelings. But then she was wrong.
Cynthia cannot hide her feelings to Noven. She realized how important Noven to her. Cynthia starts to motivate herself and used Noven as her inspiration in going to school. It's been a year since Cynthia and Noven  became friends. One day.....

Noven: Cynthia'2x (shouting)
Cynthia: Yes? Why are you shouting?
Noven: Since it's our  anniversary tomorrow as a bestfriend lets just celebrate it at home,... It's mom's birthday. Mom asked me to invite you, she wants to met you.
Cynthia: Sure! I also want to met your mother.
Noven: Let's just meet in the waiting area, after class,. Be there at 4:00.
Cynthia: Okay, Noven!....(Bringing her with a big smile)...

Cynthia can't stop giggling to herself and shes very excited,... that Noven invited her for a dinner.
After class,..Noven went directly to the waiting area. But seems Cynthia was not already around. Noven waited more than an hour...

Noven: Hey Cynthia!...what took you so long?.. I've been waiting for you for an hour.
Cynthia: Sorry Noven, I just need to finish our projects,...
  Lets go!
Noven: (Gets angry).....

When they arrived to Noven's house, Cynthia was very nervous to met Noven's mother (Kasandra).

Noven: We're here! Happy birthday Mom!.... Ops,..this is Cynthia mom, my bestfriend,..Cynthia, this is my mother Kasandra.

When Noven introduced Cynthia to his Mother, all the guests turned their head to Cynthia. Cynthia felt shy, but Noven hold her hand to lessen the fears she felt inside. She just ignore it, and kept on enjoying tha party...

Cynthia: Nice meeting you Tita.
Kasandra: I'm thankful to finally met you, Cynthia. Just enjoy the party.....What are we waiting for, lets eat!.....

While eating,...Noven's mother made an important speech over their dinner.

Kasandra: Good evening everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to announce,....that my family will going to Germany!, we are going to live there.

After what Noven's mother had told to them, Cynthia was taken aback and to hide her tears, she walked out.
Noven was shocked and he followed Cynthia and asked;..

Noven: Cynthia, where are you going. Party is not yet over.
Cynthia: (crying)
Noven: Why are you crying? What did I do?
Cynthia: Ask yourself! Am I really your bestfriend?
Noven: Of course! Why are you acting like that I can't understand you.
Cynthia: Why don't you ever told me,.. that you are planning to migrate in Germany. Why, why, why??! (Crying)...
Noven: What do you want me to do? You want me to tell you all my actions? Remember this, you're just my bestfriend not my girlfriend!....
Cynthia: That's why! I got hurt cause I'm just your bestfriend not your girlfriend,..And I dont even know why I acted this way and why I dont want you to go far away and leave me, cause I think I'm already inlove with you. I tried to stop this fuckin feeling I felt inside,.. cause I dont want you to get mad at me. I tried to hide, I tried!...but my love for you was like a bomb that anytime it will expload. I kept this secret on my own cause I know that If I told you about my feeling I will only destroy our friendship and maybe you'll leave me......I'm sorry:(
Noven: (speechless)....

Cynthia can't stop crying, she proved herself that Noven does'nt have feelings for her. Cynthia went home without hearing Noven's reaction, she was very sad knowing that it was Noven's flight today to Germany,....when  suddenly her phone rang...

Cynthia: (unknown number),.. Hello? Who's this?
Noven: Hello Cynthia,...let's met at the waiting area where we first met. Just be there at exactly 3:00 pm. I have something to tell you. (End of call)

Cynthia: Is this you Noven?

Cynthia confused if she would come or not. But she insist to go, cause she really want to see if it was really Noven who called..
When Cynthia has already arrived, she was very shocked of what she saw... the waiting area was decorated lots of balloons and flowers,... and by then she saw Noven walking over her.

Cynthia: Why are you still here? Today is your flight to Germany.
Noven: I force my mother not to stay in Germany.
Cynthia: Why?
Noven: It's because of you!,...
Cynthia: Huh! Are you kidding?
Noven: I'm serious!,,,I don't want you to be alone,....I don't want you left hanging with questions. And the most important thing I want you to become part of my journey.  Please be with me forever and I'll promise that I won't hurt you no matter what. Can you be my girl Cynthia?...
Cynthia: Oh,... Noven! (Crying).... You know how important you are to me.
Noven: ..........................
Cynthia: ...............................
.........YES! Noven,.. I will!..

Cynthia and Noven, became officially  lovers. Though they are still studying they find time to communicate each other.They value the times when they are together. Eventhough they encountered misunderstanding, troubles and trials but they fight this as one and tried their best to solve it right away. They did not hide their feelings to each other that's why they lasts longer and kept their relationship much stronger..
Until they both graduated with medals.....
1 year later............

Cynthia was now a Teacher in Public, while Noven was an Engineer.

1 year later, Noven asked Cynthia to have a date with him. In the restaurant. Noven kneel down in front of Cynthia and asked:

Noven: It's been 4 years that you said yes to me. I can't forgot the time how happy we are. And now Cynthia Alcantara can you be the husband of Noven dela Paz? (Crying)....
Cynthia: (crying).... YES! Mr. dela Paz,.... I will marry you! (Crying).....

Cynthia and Noven reached eternal happiness that both of them dreamed of.
They are blessed with 1 sibling.
Cynthia and Noven, lived happily ever after..............

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