Coffee House Conversation

By jrmishue

28 6 2

A conversation between two brothers over coffee. More


28 6 2
By jrmishue

"Seriously Charlie, this is why I don't go out to coffee with you. Just pick something already."

"This is why I don't go out for coffee at all, I don't have a preference."

"Have can you not have a preference. Everyone has a preference. Bitter, dark, foamy, light, sweet. Pick one?"

"Honestly I don't care."

"You know what, you go find us a table, and I will pick you something. Sound fair?"

"Sounds great to me."

Charlie stepped out of the busy line and scanned the cafe for an empty space. Despite his protests his brother had dragged him to this place instead of their normal bar. He wasn't against coffee houses, he just didn't need them. If he drank coffee it was at work and black. Simple, fast and does its job. And now he was stuck looking for a seat in a crowded cafe that he didn't want to be at.

It was a decent enough place to meet. Each table was slightly different from the next. The seats all matched at their own tables but were also different from each other. There were groupings of 4 person and 2 person tables spread out against the large window looking out on downtown. The customers ranged from young to old, from hipster to office professionals. All of this equaled a very full cafe with no seats left.

Charlie made one lap around the perimeter when luck struck. A fellow customer caught his eye and indicated his table. Charlie nodded his head and made his way over.

"Thanks man. This place is packed."

"Yeah. It's crazy in here."

"Is it always like this?"

"Every time I come it is."

"Interesting. Anyway, thanks again."

"No problem."

Charlie slid into the seat claiming the table.

"Sam." Charlie yelled and waved. His brother nodded back. In his hands were two plates, but no coffee. Sam brought the plates over to the table and set them down.

"Don't look at me that way." Sam said.

"What? I didn't say anything."

"No, but I know what you're thinking. I bring you to this coffee house for fancy coffee and now I bring you fancy pastries. And you think it's weird."

"I didn't say that."

"You thought it."

"I did not. Okay, yeah I did."

"Will you give it a chance?"

"I'm here aren't I?"

"Great, because I really need to talk to you."

"As long as you're not about to tell me you're gay, then I'll listen."

"Wait, what?"

"Sam your order's ready."

"Go get our drinks."

Sam picked up the coffee cups from the end counter and brought them back to the table.

"So what the hell was the comment about. 'As long as you're not gay'."

"Not what I said." Charlie stirred the top of his drink to disperse the little heart drawn in the foam.

"Fine, 'tell me you're gay', what the hell dude?"

"You already told me two weeks ago. Still not a issue for me. And if that's what you wanted to talk about, we could have done that over beers."

"Damn it Charlie."


"If you weren't my brother."


"Nevermind. I didn't bring you here to come-out to you again. But."


"It kind of has to deal with that?"

"Okay?" Charlie took a sip of his non-black coffee. It tasted bitter, but rich.

"But now I'm not sure."

"Sam I was only kidding. Honestly. You know you can tell me anything."

Sam took a small sip from his drink. His foam heart still bobbing along the top.

"Thanks. It's been a little hard lately. I haven't really told everyone yet. Not everyone has been as accepting as you."


"Yeah. Mom was not easy either, but dad kind of walked out."

"Walked out?"

"In the middle of my telling him he just left. Didn't wait to hear what I had to say. Mom tried to stop him. She came back and let me finish. I haven't heard from him since."

"When was that?"

"Two days ago."

"That explains that then."


"Mom called me asking me if I had heard from dad. I said no, asked why. She wouldn't explain. I think she was trying to be nice and not out you to me, in case you hadn't told me yet. Should probably let them know I know. I got a text from her later saying she found him. I didn't think too much of it at the time. I'm sorry I didn't think about you having to tell them. You should have asked me to go with you."

"I couldn't have asked you to do that. That would have put you in a bad place with them too."

"Don't worry about that.You're my little brother."

"Thanks. The way things are going, I am probably going to need your help talking to them again."

"Tell me when and where."

"I will."

Sam picked up his forked and cut off a small piece of the orange marmalade glazed bread that was before him. He took a bite, then a long sip of his coffee. The cafe buzzed around them. The other patrons absorbed in their conversations, or phones, or drinks. The staff moving with practiced precision behind the counter creating drinks.

"You should try some of this." Sam held up the spare fork.

"You know I am not really a pastry person."

"Try it." Sam growled at him.

"Okay, okay."

Charlie took the fork and sliced himself a small piece of the same pastry as Sam. Giving Sam one last dubious look he took a bite.

"Ah hell." Sam only smiled on him. "That is good."

"Told you."

"I think I get why this place is so busy."

"Have I converted you?"

"Too drinking fancy coffees and eating fancy pastries? No. This place is too far from my shop."

"But you will admit they are good."

"Yeah I will admit it. This is place is good. How'd did you find it?"

"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"What do you mean?"

"See that guy over there, with the black hair?"


"He's kind of my boyfriend."

"Wait, what?"


"Your boyfriend?"

"Dude, lower your voice."

"Is a barista?" Sam started laughing. "What? What did I say?"

"After all the conversations I've had telling people I'm gay, the only comment you have is he's a barista?"

'But, well, yeah? I assumed you'd date higher up the food chain."

"Higher up the food chain? Is there something wrong with being a barista?"

"No, that's not what I am saying."


"Then.... I'm not going to be able to dig myself out of this one, am I?"

"Nope, you dug your own grave with this one. Should I rescue you?"


"He owns the place."


"Don't dig deeper."

"Don't mind me. Go on."

"He owns this place and another one a few miles away. He studied business in college, but started as a lowly barista working his way up figuring out what works and what doesn't."

"Okay, okay I get it. So does he have name, or should I call him Barista Boy?"

"Very funny."

"Or Sam's Barista Boytoy."

"Okay you can stop now. His name is Kaine."


"Yes, Kaine."

Charlie turned himself to look at the counter. He watched as Kaine moved, helping his employees, talking to the customers. After watching him for awhile, Charlie noticed that Kaine was subtly looking their direction every few moments.

"He's watching us." Charlie commented.

"I suppose he is."

"Does he know you're telling me about him?"


"He's kind of cute."

Sam choked on his coffee.

"Did you just say?"

"Cute? Yeah."

"You're not...not."

"What, gay? No. I can appreciate him being cute just as much as if your were dating a girl. But what I really want to know, how does he treat you? Is he nice?"

"You're going to pull the big brother routine now. Make sure he's good enough for me."

"Hey, it's my job to make your life difficult, it's his job to take care of you."

"You're doing your job well then."

"So is he?"

"Is he?"


"Of course. Do you think I'd date a dick? Wait, let me rephrase that. Do you think I would date somebody who isn't nice to me?"

"No, but I have to ask."

"Yeah, he's nice. He's been by my side while I've been telling everyone I'm gay."

"He didn't push you into it did he?"

"No, not like that. I've wanted to tell you forever, but now with Kaine it seemed like the best time. He's been really anxious to meet you."

"Based on how many times he's washed that one spot on the counter there, I can tell."

"Are you ready to meet him?"

"This wasn't what I was expecting today when you asked me to come here, so I didn't dress in my best. But go ahead, introduce me to your boyfriend, brother."

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