got7. texts


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aletophobia. ❝ (n.) the fear of imperfection. the fear of never being good enough. ❞ + ongoing More

八 | hyung line
八 | maknae line


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when you're feeling down.

jaebum : your worried best friend

jaebum: hey.

you: oh , hi

jaebum: y/n

jaebum: do you not trust me?

you: what? ofc i do

jaebum: then why haven't you told me you were . .

you: depressed?

jaebum: yea.

you: . . . i didn't want to worry you

you: i already burden you so much anyways

jaebum: hey, you don't . .


jaebum: okay , maybe i do find you annoying at times

jaebum: but i really care for you

jaebum: a lot

jaebum: please tell me anything to help

you: . . okay.

mark : your best friend

mark: y/n

you: fuck off

mark: well damn i just wanted to talk my best friend

mark: bye


you: sorry . . i'm.

you: i'm just in a bad mood

mark: pfffF , you always are


mark: sorryy
seen at 3:54

mark: i know you're seeing this
seen at 3:54

mark: stop ignoring me
seen at 3:55

mark: look , i really am
seen at 3:56

mark: y/N L/N
seen at 3:56

mark: i'll buy you some food if you talk to me

you: yes

mark: omfg , i didn't think you'd actually reply

you: well i did , now buy me some food

mark: . . ugH fine

mark: anyways . . i know you're not mad

mark: did something happened earlier?

you: pfff no


you: : (#`-_ゝ-)

mark: :)

you: well.  . it's a long story

mark: i got all the time for you

jackson : your narcisstic dad

jackson: swEETIE

jackson: akajKJskdkdkKkjj

jackson: iM UglY

you: wow , that's different than usual

jackson: sorry , your uncle took my phone

you: that explains

jackson: what?? what do you mean by that

you: you always praise yourself dad.

you: never have i ever heard you talk bad about yourself

jackson: your making me sound like a narcissist

you: you're*

jackson: yOUNG BOI / GIRL


jackson: phew , finally you laughed

you: ?

jackson: lately , you've been distancing yourself

jackson: is everything okay?

you: sadly , no

jackson: what happened??

jackson: you can trust your dad

you: well . . there's this boy

you: and i really liked him

you: but he rejected me when i asked him

you: and he did it harshly too , calling me ugly and stuff

jackson: . . . wHO'S THIS BOY


jackson: hey , you're better than that boy at everything

jackson: you'll find someone better

you: . . thanks dad. i appreciate it

jackson: but you can't date yet , only marry

you: . . wait , what

jinyoung : your brother

jinyoung: hey y/n

jinyoung: i got you your favorite snack

you: oh . . thanks jinyoung

jinyoung: also your favorite drink as well

you: thanks again :)

jinyoung: oh , also a byun baekhyun poster

you: gASPS , really??

jinyoung: ye , all the stuff is on your bed

you: omg , thanks

you: but i have to ask . .

you: why give me all of this stuff for free?

jinyoung: it's not for free lol

you: . . ofC you'D do ThiS

you: what is it

jinyoung: it's really simple

you: mhm , that's what everyone says

jinyoung: i want to see you smile

jinyoung: not frown everyday

youngjae : your best friend

youngjae: y/n . . ? why are you crying!!

youngjae: i'm going to start crying as well

you: dont cry youngjae . . things happened

youngjae: you mind letting me know why :(

you: . . my aunt passed away

you: yea

youngjae: y/n . . she doesn't want you to cry either

youngjae: she wants you to be happy

youngjae: i want you to be happy

bambam : your best friend


you: wth

bambam: y/N

bambam: wHy haven't you told me this

you: tell you what exactly?

bambam: you know what im talking about


you: why the memes???

you: .-.

bambam: leT ME SAVE YOU

bambam: tell me , your best friend in the world, what's wrong

you: nothing . . ?

bambam: bitch , im serious

you: i am too.

bambam: .

bambam: . .

bambam: uh huh

you: . . okay. maybe i am feeling down lately

you: because of this group of girls


bambam: tell me their name , their number , their address , their social security card , their –

you: bambam , really?

bambam: what?

you: . . anyways

you: maybe it's best if we could not be friends . . ?

bambam: ahahahahahahaha no

bambam: never

you: please

bambam: no , you're my best friend. why would you just break our friendship?

you: they told me to stop being friends with you

bambam: lololol , why would you listen to them?

bambam: they're just jealous of you.

yugyeom : your tsundere boyfriend

yugyeom: are you doing good?

yugyeom: how was your day?

yugyeom: how's school doing for you?

yugyeom: need help with any homework?

you: yugyeom . . ?

you: uh , what's with all these questions

yugyeom: what , can i not know how my girlfriend is doing?

you: no but . . you never been this nice


yugyeom: i'm trying to be nice , don't ruin it

you: there's the yugyeom i know . .

yugyeom: okay , i guess i'll get straight to the point

yugyeom: are you . . sad?

you: somewhat like that , yes

yugyeom: mind telling me why?

yugyeom: i really want to help you

you: . . it's just school and stuff.

you: no big deal

yugyeom: no

yugyeom: your happiness is very important to me

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