And Then I Found You

By englishrose19

118K 5.1K 6.5K

Helena Bonham Carter one of the worlds most famous British actress, finds out yet again her also very famous... More

The Phone Call
A little too much
The Hotel Room
"I'm fine"
A Date?
Take me back
Wrong move
Over again
Let's make it a third
Black & Blue
The Dinner
So Damn Perfect
Not Just Yet
They know
The news
Goodbyes are never easy
Just a case of waiting
Two suprises
The Ring
Good & Bad
Grief of what once was perfect
What could have been
Who told you?
Through strangers eyes
One thing after another
Leave us alone
The Need
Talk to me
Familiar Times
Too much to handle
Our little girl
Moving in
Looking after you
You again
'I love you'
The Plan
No one said it was going to be easy
Geography Project
The Ivy
All a lie
Two parties under one roof
A pigeon amongst the doves
Kiss and make up?
Rose Petals
A kidnapping to remember
Here's my ring
My End of the deal
You don't have to like me
One and Only
I've got you
Burton and Taylor
Lovers in the backseat
Eyes that burn
If I only knew
Works every time
Never ending circles
Broken Heart
Two little life lines
Just for Now
Self Control
The plague of Love
Treacherous thoughts
Hate Desire
Fuel for the flames
The Interview
Bloody wonder
The Pictures
Daddy's Girl
The wind up
The Final Chapter

Never again

862 39 64
By englishrose19

Speeding down the motorway Johnny gripped at the steering wheel, his eyes focused hard on the road ahead not minding at all just how fast he was shooting down the road overtaking each and every car he came across. He was angry, but even more then that he was pissed off at his wife for putting herself at bloody danger again. The very thought of her smoking made him clench his jaw. After so hard she had worked on quitting, just why had she been sneaking them behind his back and how long had this been going on for? that as the main question.

His foot pressed even further down on the gas making him go over the limit. He just wanted to reach the BBC studio as quickly as he could, he was nearly there and he knew as soon as he saw her he would hit the roof. God he was angry, fuming even and that anger was more worry then anything. How stupid could she be to put her life on the line like that just because of the need for some cigarettes. Helena should be more careful when it comes to thinking of her body, its not as strong as it used to be. He was scared and that was why he was so angry, thoughts of losing her made him feel sick to the stomach.

"Bloody woman" he muttered bitterly to himself as he came off the motor way and headed for the BBC studio only cursing as he had to slow down as an ambulance passed him. The sirens were going crazy and he pulled in to let the ambulance past.

Moving off again Johnny managed to enter through the studios large metal gates with ease considering just who he was. As soon as he had pulled up he slammed the door behind him and rushed into the main building. Spotting the receptionist she smiled at him cautiously as he came rushing in. "Where is she?!" he demanded his eyes hard and not patient at all as he looked into the woman's awkward face. He didn't have to explain who exactly he was looking for as everyone knew that he was married to the english rose herself and the woman behind the desk obviously knew he was.

"Mr Depp... I'm sorry to...." she began only jumping as he slammed his fist forcefully on her desk making her jump "Where the fuck is my wife!" he yelled at her making her simply gulp.

"She collapsed sir, not to long ago the ambulance has just picked her up" his eyes widened and his features softened in fear. Collapsed?....

"W-what do...what do you mean?" he whispered gulping suddenly at this new information. She could see the panic streak over his handsome face and could see the worry in his eyes.

"She just finished her interview with Dominic West and collapsed outside, they have taken her to hospital sir. I'm sorry that no one has called you I thought you may have known" she said almost sympathetically now as she looked at how pale he seemed. Hospital? Ambulance...wait was that the same ambulance he had just passed on getting here?

"Thank you" Johnny said quietly to the lady before rushing back out and into his car. His mind wondered in all directions. He felt sick with panic now but still the anger was there. This must be down to her poor heart again her heart that she was still treating badly. Oh how he felt like screaming bloody murder at her when he arrived but then right now all he wanted was to make sure she was alright. She just had to be.


Taking in a few deep breaths through her oxygen mask Helena felt her eyes slowly begin to flutter open. The bright light in the room she was in stung her eyes and as she opened them even further she came to realised that she was in a hospital. Frowning a little as she tried to work out just how she ended up here she tried desperately to think back but all she could remember was feeling very faint and the last thing she remembered seeing was Dominic's worried face.

"Dominic" she whispered to herself now that she was beginning to remember her fall. Her arms and legs felt numb as if she had no use of them at all and her breaths through her mask were now steaming the plastic of the mask up as she began to get into a slight panic. "Help" she cried tears running down her cheeks and only then did she hear someone gasp. She couldn't breath, she tried to remove the mask from her face only to feel a soft hand pull her weak one away.

"Calm down Mrs Depp....everything is alright please don't touch this" the nurse said referring to her oxygen mask she tried ripping off. Soft tears rolled down her cheeks as she looked at the older woman. She felt so weak, worse then that she felt so alone. What was happening to her? was she sick again? her mind wandered off and the nurse could see just how confused this poor woman looked.

"You collapsed, we've run some tests and it seems you have congestive heart failure..." the nurse explained placing a supportive hand on her shoulder as she gently pushed her back down to rest. "I know" Helena whispered knowing all the facts about her heart, she didn't need to be told over and over just how fucked up she was! She felt angry, upset, tired and sad all at the same time. She wanted to scream yet she just continued to cry instead.

"You have narrowed arteries and your heart muscle isn't pumping blood as well as it should...." She continued happy now that her client was resting back against her bed. "Please stop" Helena sighed brining a hand to her forehead as she cried softly. "I-I know all about my condition please stop going on about it, I know...." she let out a shaky breath and removed her hand from her head noticing she had different wires and drips attached to her hand.

The older lady sympathised but yet she needed to be told just why she was here and what she had done to herself. "Mrs Depp, we found traces of Tobacco in your have been smoking again which had caused for your heart to fail, I can't tell you how vital it is for you to quit if you want to continue living" the nurse didn't hold back from giving it to her like a slap in the face. But it was true, death would be just around the corner if she kept on going the way she was.

Helena felt her insides twist with guilt, she had an awful feeling it was something to do with the cigarettes she had last night. She only had a couple and yet here she was lying on the hospital bed again. If Johnny ever found out she knew he'd kill her for letting herself fall like that. She wanted to cry again just thinking about last night. Where was he anyway?

"Now if I was you i'd get some rest the drugs we have given you will make your entire body weak, you may have already noticed that they will also make you very emotional too....which we can already see" the nurse said looking at Helena's tear stained face. Gulping a little she gave a small nod and rested her head against the pillow. She really did feel tired, tired and weak. "Is my husband here?" she whispered softly wiping her tears from her face as she laid there.

"No, but Dominic West is here he called for us and I'm sure he will call for your husband, at least he said he would. Mr Depp hasn't arrived just yet" she informed her patient noticing the famous actress simply nod sadly. Before the nurse could leave, Helena placed out her arm as if to stop her which the lady took note of and stopped in her tracks. "Can you tell...Dominic thank you" she said licking her dry lips trying to get some moisture there.

"Of now" with that the nurse left the room and just as soon as she did Helena had already found herself dropping off quickly. Whatever drugs they had put into her system were certainly strong.


45 minutes had gone by now and Johnny felt anxious. He had been stuck in traffic this whole time only getting madder with rage and more and more impatient with every slow ticking minute of his watch. His mind had gone over everything and yet he still needed answers like why the actual fuck would Helena do something so fucking stupid! he gripped harder at the steering wheel and sounded his horn in frustration at the on going queue of traffic ahead of him. The car behind flashed his headlights at Johnny to which he noticed in the rear view mirror his eyes narrowing angrily as the frustration bubbled up even more. 

"Fuck off you tosser!" he was losing his shirt. He would kill Helena he knew it, that bloody woman of his was sending him insane with worry and insane with anger.

He didn't know he could feel so angry at her yet so bloody scared and worried for her as well all at once. Why! why did she smoke those damn cigarette! Her heart was so precious at the moment what with the endless treatment and that major operation she had had just a few months ago. How could she be so selfish to sabotage herself when she had a family to think about. How could she be so careless! she could have died for all her knew she probably was right now without him even knowing.

Still no one had phoned him and still he had heard nothing for the hospital or Dominic. "Prick" he muttered bitterly knowing full well he didn't give a shit whether Johnny knew or not.

"Come on!" he hissed through his teeth before slamming his hand hard on the steering wheel. "Move!" he yelled as if the traffic ahead could hear him. As if by coincidence or magic the few cars in front began to move off which instantly made him press hard on the gas.

His turning off point was coming up and as soon as it was clear he speed up off the motor way and flew quickly round the roundabout before spotting the sign for the hospital. After about a mile or two he reached his target and didn't bother finding any proper place to park. He just pulled in wherever seemed to fit him and slammed the door behind him as he marched inside.

His face said it all and even the nurses looked slightly frightened as he rushed down the hallway. He was pissed! so pissed that as soon as he saw Dominic West he grit his teeth and pushed him on the shoulder from behind. "Where the fuck is she!"

Spinning around Dominic saw just how riled Johnny looked, he'd seen that look in his eye once before. That one time. "Calm down" he spoke softly trying not to make him even more mad. "She's resting but the doctor said she's going to be alright....I need to go now anyway so if she does wake up soon tell her that I send her my best wishes" with this Dominic walked past making Johnny simply frown.

"Why didn't you call me?"

Turning back Dominic pretended to not know what he meant "I thought the hospital would" he lied.

Clenching his jaw he just watched Dominic head back towards the main entrance before leaving. "Mr Depp" he heard his name being called from down the hallway. Looking in the direction of the nurses voice he walked towards her "Your wife is in room 44 on the top floor" the nurse informed him not knowing anything about her current state as she wasn't the one looking after his wife but she knew just who he was and knew just who he must be looking for.

Thanking her he rushed to the lift and pressed the button quickly until he reached the top floor. He passed many rooms until he finally reached room 44. He didn't waste a second before opening the door and waltzing in surprising both Helena and her nurse as they both looked a little stunned to see him.

"Johnny!" the tears sprang to her eyes as she spotted him and she pulled up her weak arms as if to ask him to come to her. He glanced at the nurse from the corner of his eyes before he reached her bed seeing her tears slide down her cheeks as she looked at him just staring at her blankly. He wanted to bark at her yet seeing her like this caused his insides to twist. "Leave me with her" he ordered the nurse. The older lady watched as her patient placed her arms back down beside her slowly as he obviously wasn't going to hug her like she had hoped he would. Hesitantly she left the two of them alone.

Helena could see the anger bubbling within him and knew he could explode. His eyes seemed to sadden as he looked at her motor and drips and his mouth parted slightly as if he wanted to say something.

"J-Johnny" she croaked sadly as the tears continued to fall, her cries muffled as she bit her trembling lip.

Meeting her desperate gaze he let out a slow breath to try and ease the upset within him. "Thought I was going to come in here and fight with you again" he said still holding that bitterness to his tone while he ran his hands through his hair in defeat. Sitting on the edge of her hospital bed Johnny didn't look at her. He felt so betrayed that she would do something so bloody stupid to end up here again.

" please d-don't yell at me....I-I'm sorry" Helena tearfully and tiredly said lifting one hand up slowly to his shirt and gripping at the fabric as if scared he may move from her side. 

"Johnny please" she begged trying hard to get her words out as she was so overcome by emotion that she chocked on her words, her eyes still very misty from all the tears. He finally looked at her and could only sympathise now as he saw how desperate she was for him to be by her side. "Please...Please just hold me" she choked trying to calm herself down so she could get her words out properly and not sound as if she was hyperventilating.

He could feel he grip on his shirt get tighter and before he could even think it through he leant down and pulled her upright into his embrace allowing her to cry against his shoulder as he held her tight. Her shoulders shook and her cried sounded muffled in his shoulder but what he could feel was the needy grip she had on him. She wasn't going to let go that was for sure.

"It's ok Hellie, calm down everything's alright" he soothed by her ear as he ran his large and warm hands up and down her spine feeling her muscles slowly relax against him. her body couldn't have been pressed more into his chest then it was right now she had practically tangled him up in her arms. As soon as her crying seemed to settle he found himself shushing her gently while continuing to run his hands up and down her back. As much as he felt like shaking some bloody sense into her he couldn't help but also want to hold her right this second. She needed him and right now he could hear her apologising over and over into his neck.

"I-I... shouldn't have shouted at... you ...last night I was scared that you were going to leave me" she still was chocking up on her words as she spoke making him simply hold her tighter as if to stop apologising. Although the fact she thought he might leave her to live in America did strike a nerve in him. He never wanted her thinking like that.

"Hellie you know I'll never leave you and I'm not going to live in America, I tried telling you that last night" he explained softly by her ear her dark curls ticking his slightly stubbled chin. "Really?" she whispered making him feel the need to roll his eyes as he chuckled against her "Yes you daft woman" he smirked into her neck before kissing her warm skin. 

"God you're such a pain in the neck" he mumbled kissing her cheek and breaking their hug slightly to look at her.

Placing his hands either side of her face Johnny's expression saddened when he looked into her brown watery eyes and tear stained face. "Why did you smoke those cigarettes?" he whispered feeling her tense against him.

Running his thumb over her cheek to wipe away a fallen tear Johnny waited for her answer seeing how nervous that question made her. Reluctantly she answered. "After our fight I came down into the kitchen while you were sleeping and pulled out that secret packet I had hidden in the drawer, I felt like shit Johnny I just needed something to take the edge off" she explained sadly closing her eyes as she nestled into his warm hands that hugged at her cheeks.

"I shouldn't have done it, I regret it now completely, but in that moment I just needed something....I really was just frightened you'd leave me....we hardly ever fight like that and I just needed something thing to calm my nerves" she said getting all teary again "I love you so much Johnny and seeing you so low at the moment makes me feel hopeless, I just don't know what to do to help" she mumbled sadly tracing her finger tips down the front of his chest feeling his warmth under the fabric of his shirt.

Moving his hands to her shoulders he squeezed them gently before leaning down and locking his lips with hers. She kissed him back lovingly and ran her arms back round his neck as he deepened the kiss.

Pulling away Johnny held her tight against him as he leaned his forehead against hers "Don't worry about me Hellie I'm perfectly alright.... just this morning my agent rang to tell me about a film they are shooting over here" this made her smile slightly as she moved away to look him in the eyes. "Now it may be nothing but even if it is I'll be alright...ok? talk to me if you feel low don't reach of the cigarette reach for me" he said wrapping his hand round hers and squeezing it tightly.

Pressing a sweet kiss to his lips Helena smiled softly as she broke away "I will"

"Believe me babe this wont be our last argument, were a married couple now after all" he added with a smirk. "And Hellie, tell me that was the only time you smoked" his eyes were sterner and questioning and she could only nod in response before looking back at their joint hands "It was"

"Promise me you won't smoke again, please" he ended in a whisper catching her gaze again. 

"I promise" she sealed that with another kiss and smiled against his lips when he kissed her back. "Good" he murmured in-between their kiss before entwining his fingers around the back of her neck caressing her hair softly. He was happy that it was a one off, he just hoped she would keep to her promise and never smoke again.     

A/N: So I tried getting this up as soon as I could, really hope you enjoyed it please please please let me know all your thoughts your feedback is what keeps me writing<3<3<3 remember I'm still writing my NEW swenett story so go check that out too! thank for reading!!!

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