UnderTale Oneshots (FINISHED)

By TheGrinningKitten

2.4M 48.3K 20.4K


SwapFell Papyrus x Shy! Child! Reader ~Stray Animal~
Always (UnderSwap skelebros fanfic)
OuterTale Sans X Reader ~My Star~
UnderSwap Papyrus X Shy! Reader ~Innocent Love~
UnderSwap Sans x Sad! Reader ~Teary eyed Love~
SwapFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Tough Love~
Ink Sans X Reader ~Creative Love~
SwapFell Papyrus x Clumsy! Reader ~Clumsy Happiness~
Together (Underswap Genocide skelebros)
Just a little update
Dream x Sad! Reader ~Sweet Dreams~
Murder Sans x Reader ~Heartache~
Underfell Sans x Reader ~Trust~
Overprotective! Sans x Pregnant! Reader ~Clueless~
Error x Reader ~Glitchy Love~
HorrorTale Sans x Horror fan! Reader ~Fan~
Another Update
UnderSwap Yandere! Sans x Reader ~Mine~
UnderSwap Yandere! Papyrus x Reader ~Yours~
UnderFell Papyrus x Reader ~Stuborn Protection~
UnderSwap Sans x Abused! Child! Reader ~Loving Heals~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Child! Reader ~Promise~
SwapFell Papyrus x Reader ~Forever with me~
Such Horrible Things (US! Yandere? Sans)
UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Anger~
SwapFell Sans x Child Reader ~Completely yours~
Update (About Requests)
Another Update wtf? (about requets)
Ink Sans x Child! Reader ~Colorful~
UnderSwap Sans x Shy reader ~Opposite ~
Underswap Overprotective! Papyrus x Reader ~Caring~
SwapFell Sans x Shy! Reader ~Weak Love~
Ink x Shy! Reader ~Quiet Artist~
Sad! Sans x Genocide! Reader ~Heartbreak~
Error x Suicidal! Reader ~Closeness~
Underfell Sans x Neko! Reader ~Annoying Love~
UnderSwap Sans x Self harm! Reader ~Lovely Sadness~
OuterTale Sans x Scared! Reader ~Bravery~
UnderFell Sans x Baby! Reader ~Never ending love~
MafiaTale Sans x Child! Reader ~My Princess~
Another Fricken Update!?
Swapfell Sans x Puppy! Reader ~Loyal Love~
Swapfell Papyrus x Child! Reader ~Half~
Papyrus x Child! Reader ~Snow Play~
Goth x Child! Reader ~Broken Soul~
Underfell Sans x Kindness soul! Reader ~Kind Heart~
Papyrus x Sad! Reader ~Broken Innocence~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Singing! Shy! Reader ~Angel Voice~
Sans x Sad! Reader ~Broken Happiness~
Error x Infected virus! Reader ~Heart Error~
Space and Stars (UnderTale Sans fic)
Underfell Vampire! Sans x Reader ~Uncontrollable Urge~
Papyrus x Sick! Reader ~Thankful~
Thank You!
Underswap Brothers! skelebros x Adopted! Reader ~Precious~
FlowerFell Sans x reader ~FairyTale~
Right here (Swapfell skelebros)
Underswap Sans x Outgoing! Reader ~Yin and Yin~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Neko! Reader ~Don't hide~
Underswap Surface! Papyrus x Genocide! Reader ~Regained Trust~
UnderSwap Surface! Sans x Genocide Reader ~Your Guilt~
UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Neko! Reader ~Shy Cat~
Pallete x Child! Reader ~Past Is Gone~
I'll always love you (Underswap skelebros fanfic)
UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~NightMare~
SwapFell Papyrus x Reader ~Comfort~
Swapfell Sans x Reader ~Cuddle~
OuterTale Sans x Space Lover! Reader ~Lovely Space~
UnderSwap Vampire! Sans x Reader~Innocent Urge~
Asylumtale Sans x Reader ~Unique~
UnderFell Sans x Scared! Reader ~Brave Love~
Cat! Sans x Reader ~Weird~
AsylumTale Sans x Child! Reader ~I know~
Geno Sans x Child! Reader ~Sad hearts~
Ink x Suicidal! Reader ~Lost Colorsight~
SwapFell Papyrus x Adopted! Reader ~Rare Love~
Error x Neko! Reader ~Cat Virus~
PaperJam x Shadow! Reader ~Your Guardian~
AlterTale Sans x Reader ~Punny Love~
AlterFell Sans x Reader ~Horrifying Love~
~Update Time~
UnderFell Sans x Shy! Reader ~Punishment for the shy
Meme Lord Sans x Reader ~DANK~
Papyrus x Ghost! Reader ~Never Be Alone~
HorrorTale Sans x Evil! Insane! Reader ~Insane Love~
Papyrus x Ghost! Reader Part 2
HorrorTale Sans x Evil! Insane! Reader part 2
UnderSwap Papyrus x Tsundere! Reader ~Stupid Love~
Sans x Protective! Dog! Reader ~Love you~
UnderFell Papyrus x Shy! Reader ~Always be here~
UnderFell Sans x Child! Reader ~Curiosity ~
Sans x Gem! Reader ~Ill never use you~
Sans x Overprotective! Dog! Reader part 2 ~Love you~
DanceTale Sans x Reader
Papyrus x Tsundere! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Kitten! Reader
NightMare Sans x NightMare! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Kitten! Reader part 2
Papyrus x Mermaid! Reader
Vampire! Error x Reader
Unfresh Sans x Reader
UnderFell Sans x Childish! Reader
Neko! Sans x Reader
Dream x Neko! Reader
MafiaTale Papyrus x Early Teen! Reader
Papyrus x Mermaid! Reader part 2
HorrorTale Papyrus x reader
Horror Sans x Murder! Reader
NightMare Sans x Neko! Reader
UnderFell Sans x Kitten! Reader
AlterTale Sans x Reader
Fresh Sans x Reader
EchoSwap Papyrus x Reader
UnderSwap Papyrus x Outcast! Reader
Jock! PaperJam x Reader
Cat! Sans x Reader Part 2
Vampire! Papyrus x Reader
SwapFell Papyrus x Reader
Ink x Suicidal! Reader x Error
MafiaTale Papyrus x Detective/Investigator Reader
Gaster! Sans x Reader
Sans x Ghost! Reader
UnderFell Sans x Kuudere! Reader
Jock! PaperJam x Reader part 2
SwapFell Papyrus x Depressed! Child! Reader
AlterTale Sans x Child! Reader
Yandere! Sans x Reader
DustTale Sans x Reader
ReaperTale Sans x Devil! Reader
MafiaTale Papyrus x Detective/Investigator reader part 2
Sans x Ghost! Reader part 2
UnderFell Sans x Kuudere! Reader part 2
Geno Sans x Sad! Reader
AsylumTale Sans x Insane! Reader
UnFresh Sans x Reader
HorrorTale Sans x Murder! Reader part 2
ReaperTale Sans x Devil! Reader part 2
UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Reader
DanceTale Sans x Dancer! Reader
Goth x Reader
UnderSwap Papyrus x Child! Reader
Sans x Deadly Sick! Reader
Yandere! Sans x Reader part 2
SwapFell Brothers x Reader
Face Reveal!
DustTale Sans x reader part 2
Depressed/Suicidal? Sans x Reader
Underfell Sans x Abused! Reader
UnderTale Papyrus x Depressed! Reader
Geno x Hated! Wolf! Reader
UnderWorld skelebros x reader
UnderSwap Sans x Insane! Reader
UnderSwap Papyrus x Shy! Reader Part 2
SwapFell Sans x Suicidal! Reader ~You Dummy~
UnderFell Sans x Kitten! Part 2 ~Love~
Babysitter! UnderFell Papyrus x Baby! Chubby reader ~Innocence~
SwapFell Brothers x Reader part 2 ~Happiness~
FlowerTale Sans x Child! Reader ~I'm happy~
UnderFresh Sans x Abused! Reader ~Protection~
Error Sans x Child! Reader ~No worries~
OuterTale Sans x Deaf! Reader ~no need for sound in space~
Cross! Sans x Neko! Reader ~One Word~
UnderWorld skelebros x Child! Teen! Reader part 2
UnderFell Sans x Fox! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Insane! Reader part 2
What the fuck is going on????
Papyrus x Genocide! Reader ~Sweet innocence~
UnderFell Sans x Depressed! Reader
Please read this
Gaster x Kitten! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Suicidal! Reader
UnderFell Sans x Anxiety! Child! Reader
Error x Self harm! Reader
Sans x Yandere! Reader
SwapFell skelebros x Reader
Sans x Mermaid! Reader
UnderSwap Sans x Cold hearted! Werewolf! Reader
MafiaTale Sans x Shy! Anxious! Reader
UnderFell Papyrus x Sick! Reader
AlterFell Master! Papyrus x Princess/Prince! Slave! Prisoner! Reader
Jock! PaperJam x Nerd! Reader
Grillby x reader
Mettaton x Reader
Toriel x Reader
SwapFell Sans x abused! 9-12 year old! Reader
UnderFell Papyrus x First Kiss! Reader
UnderTale Sans x Energetic! Reader
OuterTale Sans x Reader
UnderSwap Papyrus x Devil! Reader
Gaster x Fairy! Demon! Reader
I need to write a new book!
Not a update on UnderTale but its still important

Jock! Paperjam x Nerd! Reader part 2

8.1K 190 78
By TheGrinningKitten

Requested by: LeilaMayReyes, RainbowDragonDraws, Cas_the_spoop, Xx_Mafia_Nix_xX, aututhor17 and palettethecutie

Hope you’ll enjoy!

Listened too this while writing ^^ this song actually describes this fic a bit

You were blushing way to much when you thought about him. He have started to talk to you more and even be with you on the days, leaving his own little friend bubble and walked over to you instead. They gave you dirty looks though but it seemed that PJ gave them a murderous glare back to them which made them look down in shame or fear, you didn’t know to be honest.

You didn’t know why he wanted to be with you of all people he could chose. You were a awkward, shy and quiet nerd while he was the popular, outgoing and talkative jock. You just couldn’t get why he wanted to talk to you and occasionally compliment you. Often about how you had a cute personality or that you were looking cute. He never said anything more than that like he complimented other girls but you were happy.

He maybe saw that you felt a little bit uncomfortable so he decided to be careful with you? If that was the case you actually would get a completely new view of the jock. He acted like he was better than everyone else when you saw him with his group but when he was with you he were so, so careful with you. He actually treated you like a diamond because he saw you as one.

You weren’t like the other girls he have meet. You were so timid and quiet most of the time. It made him just think you were precious in his eyes and pure. That was probably the reason why he protected you when people tried to prank you and if they said something negative about you he would step in and protect you.

Today was yet another day and you were walking to school with a dull look in your eyes. PJ saw you and were about to walk up to you but he stopped in his tracks when he saw you had a dull look i in your E/C eyes. He looked at you worriedly so he walked up to you. You heard someone walk up to you so you looked up at the one before you which was PJ with a worried look inside his eye sockets.

“Hey, it’s something wrong?” he asked and you shook your head while you looked down once again and walked past him. He looked back at you and he decided to keep his distance so he could look if you had changed your behaviour and yes you had. Your eyes were dull and they were mixed with sadness. What was going on? Did something happen? But if it did then what? He was thinking thoroughly in his head which resulted that he was quiet most of the day while the other people in his group were talking and acting kind of like idiots in his mind.

Soon the day were over and the dark clouds had taken over the sky, making it rain and with your luck you didn’t had a umbrella. Great. You sighed but then you felt your shoulder being poked so you looked back and saw PJ with a umbrella in his hand. “Want to go with me?” he asked and you nodded.

You both were walking onto the sidewalk in silence but not for long. PJ decided to break the silence. “What have happened?” he asked and you looked at him “N-Nothing, really…” you mumbled out quietly, more quietly than usual. “I don’t believe you” he said and suddenly he stopped walking so you did to. He turned his body so he was standing in front of you so you did the same. “What happened?” he asked but with more of a soft and concerning tone to his voice. “It’s just... “ you trailed of softly and you looked down while you were fiddling with your hands. “I don’t feel very happy with myself that’s all….”  you mumbled out “Even though i do like some things of myself… it’s just i have focused on the bad things today i guess…” you mumbled out and tried to hide your tears which was streaming down your eyes and suddenly you heard PJ drop his umbrella so you looked up and suddenly you felt his arms around you.

He was hugging you softly. “It’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with you i promise you” he said and you hugged him back while you buried your face onto his neck, not caring anymore about the rain which was falling onto both of your softly and quietly.

(sorry that it became a little sad and out of topic. I actually wanted it into become a bit more happy but it became a vent instead) (hope you all enjoyed either way!)

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Welcome to this story! ⚠️NO REQUESTS⚠️ But otherwise enjoy:)