Alyx: A Half-Life 2 Fanfiction

By jtnewlin13

605 9 1

Part 1: Black Mesa East Part 2: Lighthouse Point This fan fiction is a portion of Half-Life 2 told from the p... More

Black Mesa East

Lighthouse Point

205 5 1
By jtnewlin13

Lighthouse Point

Alyx finally arrived at the resistance base on Highway 17. She was able to meet up with some resistance members at the base, and it appeared as if they were preparing for an attack. She found Colonel Odessa Cubbage in the basement, planning on a large map.

"Alyx! It's been too long!" Cubbage said.

"Colonel Cubbage..." Alyx said, dismally.

"Alyx, what is it?"

"They got Eli. I heard some chatter about Nova Prospekt. Oh God, the things they do..."

"Eli? What happened?"

"The Combine raided Black Mesa East. I don't know how they found us out..."

"It doesn't matter now, you just need to get to Nova Prospekt as soon as possible and get him out of there!"

"It might help if I know how to get there in the first place..."

"You need to follow Highway 17 until you get to Lighthouse Point, there are people there that will tell you where to go. Watch the roads, I've seen more headcrabs than normal. Of course, the headcrabs are the least of your problems."

"Thanks for the encouragement, Cubbage."

"Anytime! Off you go now!"

Alyx proceded to head back towards her buggy, and several resistance members wished her good luck.

 Alyx proceded down the road until she came upon a bridge that was crossing a low river. She could tell that the Combine had set up fields to keep unwanted company around, and the bridge was the only way to get the car to the other side. As she approached the house that was near the bridge, a Combine soldier unsuspectingly walked out into plain view. Alyx found a way around the house and in one swift blow to the head-the soldier was dead. She went into the house, and luckily there were no more soldiers to cause any trouble. When she got to the top floor, she grabbed some ammunition and looked out the window. She could just barely make out a figure in a blue suit looking at the house, but the figure soon walked away.

"Strange," Alyx murmured.

She made nothing of it and continued downstairs. She opened the door just as a Combine Razor Train was going by on the bridge. Alyx went and found a door that led somewhere under the bridge. She entered a small room with a table. She continued through another door, and there it was. Her only option was to carefully maneuver over the iron beams with occasional pieces of plywood. She could hear the wind whitsle through the metal and rip in her ears. She told herself not to look down.

Alyx took her first step. She was relieved that she had even gotten over a portion of the bridge in the first place. She continued across the tiny beams and pieces of thin plywood with cracks in them that she could occasionally hear expand as her weight pressed down on them. She eventually reached the place that the Combine were using as a makeshift control station.

There were a couple of soldiers leisurely sitting and glancing at the bridge every now and then. Easy targets for someone like Alyx. She took them down quickly, and shut off the force field. There was nothing stopping her now. She had to get to Lighthouse Point.

 Alyx continued along Highway 17, and it was a peaceful trip to Lighthouse Point, except for the occasional Antlion that she ran over with the buggy. Off in the distance, she could see the sun begin to rise over the horizon. She saw the silhouette of a tall building arise.

She finally made it to Lighthouse Point.

When she got there, she did not get the welcome that she had expected. Instead, she saw no one outside any of the buildings. Instead, she moved towards the lighthouse. She could hear voices,and soft static. 

She entered the Lighthouse and saw several resistance members huddled around a computer, with one adjusting the antenna and cursing.

"Um, hello?"

"Alyx Vance? Who knew you would ever be around here! What brings you to the gleaming Metropolis that is Lighthouse Point?"

"My dad has gone missing. I heard the Combine saying something about Nova Prospekt. Cubbage told me to come here for directions."

"Nova Prospekt? You have to het him out of there! Well, you came to the right place. We can get you to Nove Prospekt, but once you're there, you're on your own."

"Anything for my dad."

"Good! We can leave at noon, and once you're in the car, you can get some rest. That is, if you can."

Alyx got in the car to head to Nova Prospekt, and to get some much-needed rest.

"Say, I don't think I caught your name," Alyx said.

"George. It's George."

"Well, George, thank you for your hospitality."

"Anything for you. So, uh... Do you come here often?"

George nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Goodnight, George."

Alyx woke up in front of a huge metal structure that towered over her.

"Welcome to Nova Prospekt. Rather, the Depot," George said.

Alyx was speechless. She could hear a metal clanging noise coming from inside the structure. 

"I'm afraid that this is where I turn back. Good luck."


Alyx found a way inside the structure, via a crevice that she squeezed through. She looked around and saw a myriad of pods that the Combine had used for detainment and imprisonment. She was apalled at how incredibly inhumane everything was. She moved closer to a pod, and she saw a human. He was asleep, or worse. All she knew was that the Combine mutilated people and turned them into Synths. She had to find Eli and get out.

Alyx wandered through the depot, hopelessly searching for her father among the thousands of people that were imprisoned. She heard footsteps, and she looked up.


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