A Rose's Thorns (An Eternity...

By AleenaTylk

2.1K 92 39

It's been almost a month since Elizabeth and Elijah's parting. Now, they've found each other again, and nothi... More


Welcome to the Quarter

1.1K 42 14
By AleenaTylk

 Over the course of my long life, I have come to believe we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood. And while we may not choose our family, that bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret. This unfortunate truth has haunted me for as long as I can recall.


 "What business do you have in New Orleans?"

 Elijah stands across from me, flanked by headstones. He tries his best to look cold and distant, but in his hazel-brown eyes I can see the pain he is desperately trying to hide. A light breeze rustles the leaves of the tree above my head, and I relish in the cool touch of the wind as it gently nudges by me. In this moment, I want nothing more than to be blown away by the wind so I would not have to face Elijah. Having to look him in the eyes and see the heartbreak deals me a crushing blow. For over a month, I have been desperately trying to forget him and to put aside my love so I may continue on with my life as it was before we were reunited. Ever since I was let in on the situation here in New Orleans, I knew I would be seeing Elijah again one day. I thought I was prepared to see him, but the moment his eyes met mine all my resolve was washed away, and I felt the old embers of my love being stirred back into all-consuming flames. Now, I stand before him with a shaken confidence and nerves that make my stomach churn uneasily.

 Swallowing the lump in my throat, I try my best to keep my voice steady as I reply, "The issue called for my attention, and I could not ignore it, Elijah."

 "Elizabeth, what business do you have in New Orleans?" he repeats in a hard voice, stepping closer to me. His brow is furrowed, and his features have turned to stone.

 I feel my throat closing, and I try to breathe. In, out. In, out. "I'm here to sort out a family matter, Elijah."

 A look of confusion falls on him and he glances over at Sophie, who is standing a little ways away to give us privacy. "Do you mean the witches?" he inquires, turning back to me.

 I shift my weight and meet his gaze. "Yes, that is part of it."

 "You plan on driving Marcel out as well?"

 "I do, but I have my own reasons for wanting Marcel gone," I hiss, venom in my voice. I can feel anger bubbling up inside me, and I try to quell the rage. "He must be stopped."

 "And what if this plan of yours fails? You know Niklaus, Elizabeth. He will not agree to this so easily," Elijah tells me.

 I smile. "Oh, but I think he will. Once he sees that he's been replaced, he'll want to do anything to get back on the throne, even if it means working with the witches, because Niklaus likes to be in control. That is just how he is."

 Elijah falls silent for a long moment as he studies me. His eyes scan over my face carefully, taking in every detail. There's something in his gaze that makes my heart wrench, a certain look of betrayal. After a long time, he mutters, "Why?"

 "Why what?" I ask, furrowing my brow.

 "Why did you just leave, Elizabeth? Why couldn't you just tell me what was wrong? I could have helped," he says, his voice breaking. I can hear the pain in his voice, and I cannot bear to look at him.

 Turning my gaze away, I sigh, "It's complicated, Elijah."

 "Well, I am sure I would have been able to comprehend your complicated issue if you had just explained it to me," he says in a cool voice.

 I meet his gaze. His eyes have hardened, and I can see the walls coming up. He's trying to block the misery without having to flip the switch. It doesn't work. I would know. I have tried it many times before. "Elijah, I swear to you, all will be revealed in due time. I just cannot explain it at the present moment. Please try to understand," I plead, my voice laced with desperation. Elijah holds my gaze, his deep, brown eyes peering into mine. I can see the war raging within him; the hope that we may be able to reconcile, and I will open up to him, and the inevitable fear that this is how it will always be, that there is no pieces left to pick up.

 He glances away, sucks in a quick, shaky breath, and returns his gaze to me. His eyes are glassy, brimming with tears. "I will try to understand."

 I smile warmly, grateful. "Thank you, Elijah."

 Sophie, who has been silent for a long time, finally steps forward. She looks at the two of us and announces, "I don't mean to interrupt, but you did say that you would help us, and we would kind of like to get Klaus on board as soon as possible. The faster Marcel is chased out of the Quarter, the better."

 "She is right, Elijah. Marcel is a menace. He cannot be in charge any longer," I say, my brows drawing together. The venom drips from every word as I add, "He has murdered too many. He must pay for what he's done."

 Elijah slides his hands into his blazer pockets. "Niklaus is here in the city. I will find him, and I will get him to return with me here. The rest will then be up to you."

Klaus's POV-

 I stand on a balcony, the Quarter spread out below me. The sound of laughter and music floats up on the warm, gentle breeze from the streets below. Lights flicker and flash all across the town. I ponder over things as I look upon the kingdom that was once mine. Then, I hear a small whoosh, and the overbearing smell of familiar cologne assaults my senses. I am no longer alone.

 "Evening, Elijah," I say, not even throwing a glance at my brother. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him standing to my left, wrapped in a veil of shadows.


 I turn to him, frowning. "What an entirely unwelcome surprise," I mutter.

 "And what an entirely unsurprising welcome." Elijah turns to me with a tight smile. He cocks his head, and steps to go back inside. "Come with me."

 I turn back to the railing, placing both hands firmly on the cool, black metal. "I'm not going anywhere," I declare, "Not until I find out who is conspiring against me." I only want Elijah to leave- leave me be, leave the town- I do not care. I just do not wish to be in his presence.

 I am about to order him away, when he says something unexpected, "I believe I just found that out for you."

 My gaze turns to my brother, and I narrow my eyes at him.

 "Where are you taking me, Elijah?"

 Elijah leads me to the gate of a cemetery, and I glance at the sign above the entrance. It reads, "Lafayette Cemetery". I turn back to Elijah and ask, "What are we doing here?"

 "You want to know what the witches have in store for you?" he inquires, not really expecting an answer. His head turns in different directions, as if he is looking for something-or someone. His head turns again, and he starts to lead me down a side path through rows of mausoleums. "Follow me." I follow Elijah into one of the mausoleums. As he pushes the wrought-iron gate open, I can see the glow of candlelight and the silhouettes of two young women. As the mausoleum opens up around me, I can make out who the two women are.

 "Elizabeth. I haven't seen you in a while. Last time I heard, you had run off and left my brother."

 "Not the time, Niklaus," Elijah says quickly. Elizabeth narrows her eyes at me, her features hardening.

 "And Sophie Deveraux," I mumble, looking at the witch standing beside Elizabeth. My head whips to Elijah. "What is this?"

 "He's all yours," Elijah tells them, motioning to me, "Proceed."

 I glance at him and then at Sophie and Elizabeth. A smile creeps across my face, and I am mildly amused by this game they are playing.

 Sophie looks at Elizabeth. The former witch nods, and Sophie turns back to me. "You know you're famous in this town?" she begins. I fold my hands in front of me, preparing for a story. Sophie continues, "Witches tell bedtime stories about the powerful vampire, Klaus. We know Marcel was nothing but an orphan street rat until you made him what he is, and now he's out of control. He does what he wants, kills who he wants-" I notice Elizabeth's face change suddenly, and I recognize the look of pure rage and fury that I have received from her so many times in the past. I take note of this, curious to find out more about what brought Elizabeth racing here to defend these witches. "-We're going to stop him, and you're going to help us."

 A small chuckle escapes my lips as Sophie finishes her monologue. I glance over my shoulder at Elijah. "This is why you brought me here?" I ask, pointing at Sophie and Elizabeth.

 "Hear them out," Elijah insists.I look at the two women.

 "I don't need to hear them out," I say. Sophie frowns. "I assure you, love, there is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough for me to waste even thirty more seconds of my time." I whip around, growing agitated. "Elijah, what madness is this?"

 Then, comes a familiar voice, "Klaus."My gaze lifts as three others enter the mausoleum. My eyes widen as Hayley comes to stand in front of me. I have not seen her since that day. Her hazel eyes are focused on me. "You need to listen to them," she tells me.

 I gaze at her for a moment, before laughter bursts from me. Smiling widely and chuckling, I look around at everyone. "You're all out of your minds if you think some liquor-fueled , one-night stand- no offense sweetheart- means a thing to me."

 Hayley's eyes drop, and she looks at the ground. From behind me, Sophie pipes up again, and I roll my eyes as I turn round. "Marcel may be able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town, but as keepers of the balance we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example, I have a special gift...of sensing when a girl is pregnant."

 There's a long pause, and the pieces start to fall into place as I realize what she is implying. The smile leaves my face instantly, and it feels as if the earth has shifted beneath my feet. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of Elizabeth's face. She is smiling.  

 "What?" I breathe out almost inaudibly.

 "I know it's impossible..." Hayley begins. I whip around to face her. She is no longer looking at the ground.

 "What are you saying?" My voice is low, and I can feel my body shaking.

 "Niklaus..." I look up at my brother. Elijah smiles faintly as he says, "The girl is carrying your child."

Elizabeth's POV-

 I watch Niklaus carefully. He shakes his head, vehemently denying what is the truth.

 "No. It's impossible. Vampires cannot procreate!" he insists.

 "But werewolves can," I say, speaking for the first time since Elijah and Niklaus entered the mausoleum. Klaus opens and closes his mouth, unable to come up with a reply. "Magic made you a vampire, but you were born a werewolf." Klaus finally turns around to face me.

 Sophie chimes in, "You're the Original hybrid, the first of your kind, and this pregnancy is...one of nature's loopholes." She smiles slightly.

 Klaus purses his lips, and in an instant, his anger explodes like a volcano that has been dormant for too long. He whips around again, moving toward Hayley, pointing at her accusingly. "You've been with someone else! Admit it!" he growls. Elijah steps forward, stopping his brother.

 "Hey!" Hayley interrupts, "I've spent days held captive in a freaking alligator bayou because they think that I'm carrying some magical miracle baby. Don't you think I would have fessed up if it wasn't yours?"

 "My sister gave her life to perform the spell she needed to confirm this pregnancy," Sophie interjects, gaining Niklaus' attention once more, "Because of Jane-Anne's sacrifice, the lives of this girl and her baby are now controlled by us." Elijah looks up at that, confused and worried now. I can see the same worried and confused look mirrored in Hayley's eyes. Sophie steps closer to Klaus, her eyes narrowing. "If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me, Hayley won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress." The threat instantly registers with everyone. I frown, unhappy with the turn of events.

 "Wait, what?" Hayley looks at Sophie, fear written on her face.

 Sophie moves around Niklaus, heading for the exit. I remain where I am.

 "Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he's dead. I'll do it myself," Elijah declares.

 "No," Sophie snaps, "We can't. Not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow, and there are rules."

 I glance at Niklaus, and I see that his patience has run thin. He turns slowly to look at the witch. "How dare you command me," he spits. Sophie's brows draw down over her eyes in confusion. Niklaus begins to yell, "Threaten me with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weaknesses!" He starts to stomp away. "I won't hear anymore lies," he growls to Elijah.

 "Niklaus." Klaus stops, and Elijah now has his attention. Elijah looks up at his brother and tells him, "Listen."

 Niklaus hesitates for a moment before breathing in a shaky breath and looking at Hayley. His icy gaze wanders down to her belly. A hush falls over all of us, and even I listen closely. There's a faint thumping, inaudible to human ears. I smile as a look of realization comes over Niklaus. He hears it too, the baby's heartbeat. Slowly, the hybrid looks back at Elijah. His eyes are glassy and a tear has already escaped down his cheek. Elijah smiles at his brother.

 "Kill her and the baby," the hybrid tells him in a cold voice. "What do I care?" Without waiting for a reply, Klaus pushes his way out of the mausoleum.

 Hayley turns back to look at us, and then shakes her head."Screw this. I'm out of here." She tries to leave, but the two witches who escorted her here stop her.

 Elijah steps forward, preparing to run after his brother, but he pauses and looks over his shoulder at Sophie. "No one touches the girl." His gaze flickers to me. "Make sure of that." I nod. "I'll fix this," he promises. Sophie nods, her lips pressed together tightly. Without another moment's hesitation, Elijah is out of the mausoleum and after his brother.

 I stand beside Hayley in the back of the mausoleum. The small, brick building is crowded with witches. Sophie called a meeting shortly after Elijah left, and since I was charged with Hayley's protection, I decided to stay near her. She looks around uncomfortably, and I lean closer to her, nudging her gently. She glances over at me.

 "Don't worry. Elijah will handle Niklaus. Everything will work itself out in the end," I say in an attempt to comfort her.

 "You really think so?"

 I smile gently. "I know so."

 Sophie glances around, making sure every witch is accounted for. Once she knows that everyone is there, she commences the meeting, "I spoke to Klaus tonight about helping us."

 Agnes, an older witch with little open-mindedness when it came to vampires, rolls her eyes. "Are we supposed to be happy about that?" she asks.

 "Marcel and his vampires are out of control. Something had to be done," the younger witch says in defense.

 "And the solution is to bring in more vampires?" Agnes asks, placing a hand on her hip, "We've already got one.-" She motions to me. "-Do we really need more?"

 "Elizabeth is a great asset. Besides, these aren't just any vampires, Agnes. They're the Originals."

 "What makes you think you can control the hybrid?" Agnes shoots back.

 "She can't."

 Everyone's head turns to look at the new arrival. Elijah leans against the mausoleum wall, his hands in his pockets. He looks around at us, and then makes his way over to where Sophie is standing. "I'm not entirely certain that I can either, but now that your coven has drawn his eye, I have a question. What prevents my brother from murdering you instead of cooperating?" His dark eyes narrow at Sophie.

 Sophie gazes at him before walking over to the wall and snatching a doll made of rose stems from the wall. She plucks a thorny piece and tosses the doll to the ground. Elijah watches as the young witch pierces her palm with the thorns.

 "Ow!" Hayley yelps from beside me. I look over at her. She is clutching her hand, her palm facing up. Blood bubbles up from a small wound on her palm. The mother-to-be looks up at Sophie with narrowed eyes. "What the hell?" Elijah glances at Hayley and then at Sophie.

 Sophie shows him her palm. Blood dribbles down her wrist from a small puncture wound where the thorns bit into her skin. "The spell my sister performed, the one that got her killed, it didn't just confirm the pregnancy. It linked me to Hayley. So anything that happens to me, happens to her, which means her life is in my hands. Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you. If I have to hurt Hayley, or worse, to ensure that I have your attention, I will."

 Elijah takes a step closer, a small smirk spreading across his features. "You would dare threaten an Original?" he asks, his eyes narrowing slightly.

 "I have nothing to lose," she replies with a slight shrug.

 I see the smirk fade from Elijah's face.

 "You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind," she tells him sternly.

 Elijah holds her gaze for a long moment, and I know they are squaring off. With a tiny shrug, Elijah steps back. "I will see what I can do." He turns away and heads out of the mausoleum again. This time, I follow him, leaving Hayley's side. The witches flatten against the wall as I move by them, none of them wanting to come in contact with me. I try not to take offense, but the gesture pains my heart.

 "Elijah, Elijah wait!" I call after him. He is almost out of the cemetery by the time I catch up with him. The Original turns around and comes to a stop. I walk up to him, and ask, "What are you going to do?"

 "I'm going to see what I can do. I may not be able to convince Niklaus, but perhaps I can convince the witches that I am on there side, and I intend to help."

 "Perhaps." I ponder over what he can do, how he can show Sophie that he is willing to help. Then, I start to think about Jane-Anne. "Marcel still has Jane-Anne's body," I mumble.


 I look up. "Marcel, he keeps the witches' bodies so that the others cannot bury them on sacred ground. It's a big deal for witches. It symbolizes that their souls are finally at peace. If you can bargain with Marcel to get Jane-Anne's body back, that might convince Sophie to trust you more, even if you do not have Niklaus completely on board," I explain, the words tumbling out of my mouth. There's a sour note to my voice, and I feel my insides twist. I quickly mask the disgust and pain, not wanting Elijah to be worried.

 He smiles softly. "Thank you, Elizabeth."

 "Just go. You don't have that much time. Sophie will stick to the time she set. She isn't playing games. None of us are."

 I wait at the entrance to the cemetery. Elijah retrieved Jane-Anne's body and is now returning it. The breeze rustles my hair, and I brush it away. Here, I do not hear the voices of any witch ancestors. Here, the wind is quiet. I lean against the wrought-iron gate, and peer up at the sky. The stars shine bright against the black abyss, twinkling with white light. I let out a peaceful sigh, happy to be able to escape my sorrow for a brief moment.

 "It worked."

 I am startled by the familiar voice, and I push myself off of the gate. "Elijah, I did not hear you approach," I gasp.

 "My apologies." He makes his way over to me, running a hand through his hair.

 "You said it worked?" I ask.

 "Yes, it did. Thank you."

 "You do not have to thank me. I would not like to see anymore innocent blood be spilt because of Marcel just as much as you would not like to see that baby killed."

 Elijah peers at me for a long moment. The silence seems to go on forever. He moves closer and only stops when I can feel his warm breath on my face. "Elizabeth, you think I do not see the pain in your eyes. You think that even with all that is going on that I cannot recognize when you are upset," he whispers, gently caressing my cheek, "Please, tell me what is bothering you."

 I lean against his hand for a moment, closing my eyes. It is comforting to feel his touch again, to feel his soft fingers lightly tracing my skin, but too much has happened since I left, and I cannot enjoy it for long. My eyes slowly open, and I pull away from him. Taking a step back, I shake my head. "Not now, Elijah. I promise I will tell you, but please, not right now."

 He gazes at me, and nods slowly. "As you wish." He steps closer again. "I must go. Meet me at this address tomorrow morning. This is where we will be staying." Grabbing my hand, he places a slip of crinkled paper in mine. Squeezing my hand, he places a light kiss on my forehead. "Until tomorrow, my rose." Then, without another sound, he is gone.

 The house is large, and filled with furniture covered by sheets. The dust floats in the air. I make my way inside, setting my bags down by the door. I am looking around when someone pushes past me.

 "Well, well, well. It looks like you and I will be living in the same house."I cringe at Niklaus' voice, and I shoot him an irritated look.

 "Oh, joy," I mutter.He grins at me.

 "Come now, Elizabeth, am I really all that bad?"

 "Yes," I spit back.

 He chuckles and heads off down a hallway. I trail after him, not entirely sure where I am going. I follow Niklaus to another room. Elijah and Hayley are talking beside a crib. Klaus leans against the white moldings of the doorframe, crossing his arms. I overhear a bit of Elijah and Hayley's conversation as I come up beside Niklaus.

 "You have my word on that," Elijah says seriously to her.

 "And the noble Elijah always keeps his word," Klaus blurts out, alerting the two of our presence.

 Elijah glances at me and smiles. Then, he turns to his brother. "Is it done?" he asks.

 "As a matter of fact, yes," Klaus replies, "Your underhanded worked quite well. Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood, even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man, Thierry, yet lives, and I remain a welcome guest in the French Quarter. My only concern now-" Niklaus pushes off from the doorframe and makes his way over to Elijah. "-Is this coven of impudent witches."

 "I believe them to be honorable. They did release Hayley to me, and Elizabeth seems to trust them," he replies. Niklaus glances back at me. "Although they haven't been entirely forthcoming." Elijah starts to move closer to Niklaus, thinking out loud. "Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don't want him dead. There must be a reason why."

 "Yes." Niklaus turns to me. "Do you know what it is? You have been with them for quiet some time."

 I shake my head, stepping into the room. "No. They didn't tell me either, and I didn't ask. I have my own reasons for wanting Marcel gone."

 "Oh?" Niklaus raises an eyebrow and asks, "And what might those be?"

 "None of your business, Niklaus, so stay out of it."

 The hybrid turns to his brother. "Do you know Elijah?"

 Elijah shrugs. "I did not feel that it was necessary to pry. We know Elizabeth, and we can trust her."

 Niklaus looks at me again, and smiles. "Well, if it's anything like what you have against me, then I know we have nothing to worry about. You'll spend the rest of eternity trying to take Marcel down," he purrs, laughing lightly as he pushes past me. I frown as I listen to his footsteps fade away.

 I make my way through the house, trying to figure out where everything is. I lightly step over the old carpet, careful not to make any floorboards creak. Up ahead, the sound of people talking floats out from a room I have yet to explore. I creep up to the doorway, and listen carefully. Niklaus and Elijah are inside, uncovering a table and talking.

 Niklaus finds a bottle and a glass, and pours himself a drink. "I hope she stays far away," he says to Elijah as he takes a pull on his drink, "Because in my desire to reclaim this town, to steal from Marcel that which he holds most dear, I have realized one massive vulnerability. One weakness that Marcel could exploit."

 Niklaus makes his way around the table to his brother. I watch them carefully. "And what is that?" Elijah asks, looking up at Klaus.

 Klaus sets his glass down on the table, and replies, "You." Without a moment's notice, Niklaus brandishes a dagger and pierces Elijah's heart. Elijah cries out in shock and pain. In an instant, I am rushing to stop Niklaus, but he pushes me back. I slam against the wall, and my back explodes in pain. I cry out. Elijah grabs onto Niklaus as his legs give out from under him. The hybrid holds his brother as his skin slowly turns gray and veins pop up from underneath his skin.

 "Forgive me, my brother," Klaus says, "There is no power in love." Elijah glares at him, his lips twitching as he is unable to speak. "Mercy makes you weak. Family makes you weak. I am going to win this war, I have to do it alone." He presses Elijah's head to his shoulder. I watch him for a moment. He remains still for a long time before placing Elijah's body on the table. Klaus looks up at me. "If you try to undagger him, I will tear your heart out," he growls, "I am doing this for his own good."

 "No, you're doing this for yourself, Niklaus," I hiss, stepping forward. We stare at each other in silence for a long time. I fold my arms over my chest, and I let out a long sigh. "Despite my feelings for Elijah, I do think that this may be better." Niklaus' eyes widen at this. "It will make this easier. I won't have to keep avoiding his gazes and dodging his questions."

 "What questions?" Klaus asks, curious.

 "Like why I came here and what is bothering me," I reply.

 He makes his way over to me. I look up at him, meeting his cool gaze. Klaus leans closer and asks in a low voice, "Why did you come here? What business do you have in the French Quarter anyway?"

 I glance away for a moment, wondering if I should tell him. I catch a glimpse of Elijah's desiccated body lying on the table, and I feel a lump form in my throat. Swallowing hard, I meet Niklaus' gaze."I came here to protect my family."

 "The witches?" he inquires.

 "No, my blood family. I came here to protect the last living Blackwater witch."

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