Brotherly Love, Sisterly Sin...

By Neheigh

92.9K 2.5K 244

When the press are alerted to the odd relationship between the heel siblings, things just go from bad to wors... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Birthday Special!!

Chapter 15

2.8K 86 0
By Neheigh

Setsu sighed. Finally the filming was over for the day and she simply could not wait to get away from the crowds. It had not been as bad as she expected. Maybe the arrival of Lory Takarada or her parents had made a difference. But after so much tension Setsu had to admit she had a headache and her muscles in her neck and shoulders were aching.

"Well are we ready?" Lory asked smiling down at the four younger people and the senior Heels.

"As ready as we will ever be." Kanae muttered as Chiori nodded. Setsu was leaning against Cain, her head leaning against his shoulders with her eyes shut.

"Setsu-chan?" Lory asked looking at the woman before him who simply seemed to be ignoring him.

"Shall we go Setsu?" Cain asked and Setsu's eyes fluttered open.

"OK Nii-san." she said simply as Cain wrapped his arm around Setsu's waist.

"So you will answer him and not me!" Lory said pouting as both Setsu and Cain just looked at the man before them.

"And your point?" Setsu asked, not even stuttering in her half bothered glare. How does she do it! Lory asked himself not for the first time as Setsu basically offered him no respect at all. He was not Cain... He was not her family... to Setsu he was Cain's boss, nothing more.

"Are we going then?" Kanae asked. She pointed towards the Heel seniors who were already walking towards the limo talking to a few members of the public and reporters along the way.

"Does anyone in this family listen to me!" Lory almost shouted as Setsu grabbed Cain's hand and strode past the man following her parents.

"No." was her simple reply as Kanae and Chiori tried to hide their smiles.

"Sorry President, but at the moment they are our bosses." Chiori stated simply as they followed after the small family.

Lory stood there like a fish out of water gaping as he suddenly realised the man with a plan... the man who always came with the grand entrance and took all attention was being left behind.

"And who told you that!" he called almost running to catch up with his Love Me ladies.

"You did." and Lory could not argue as the people before him took centre stage.

"Are you really the Mr. and Mrs. Heel?"

"Do you know about your children's relationship?"

"Have you come to take them home?"

"Yes they are our children and yes we know they have a close relationship. But it seems someone has decided there is more behind it than sibling love. And no we have just come to show our support to our children." Sayuri replied in perfect Japanese as Calvin smiled mildly besides his wife.

"So your children are not in an incestuous relationship?" one of the reporters shouted as Sayuri simply stared at him.

"See with how everything has played out I think even if I responded to that question I doubt you would listen to me." Sayuri replied before she continued walking forwards. She handled all of the questioning as both Cain and Setsu simply ignored the questions shouted at them.

"Mr Takarada... Mr Takarada! How do you know the Heels?" the reporter shouted as Lory smiled. Of course Lory liked attention. Why else would he be in this business if he didn't?

"Now my friends don't worry, all questions will be answered. As soon as we are able we will be setting up a live interview and maybe even a conference if we get that chance." Lory continued giving little bits about an interview when finally in the limo together all Setsu could do was sigh.

To Kuon and Ren's surprise yet Cain's enjoyment Setsu pulled herself onto Cain's lap and lay against his shoulder just like a small child would when seeking comfort.

"My head aches Nii-san." Setsu whined as she snuggled deeper into Cain's shoulder.

"You get some rest Setsu." Cain said as he rubbed Setsu's lower back in slow rhythmic circles, much like he had that morning she had woken up in his arms.

It had been Setsu's reaction to sit on Cain's lap. Even as Kyoko tried to resist Setsu was stronger in the need for her brother's comfort. As Kyoko and Setsu both relaxed at Cain's touch they had no control over the heaviness of her eyelids or the shutting down of her thought process. She was simply too exhausted.

The rest of the passengers looked on, but none spoke... Well Lory did attempt to pull his phone from his pocket to get a picture but with one look from Cain his hand stilled. Kuon's eyes said it all in that moment. You may be my boss but that will not stop me from beating you.

"She pretends to be so strong, but really at the end of the day she's still just my little girl." Calvin said smiling, as he looked on at his sleeping daughter.

Cain was ignoring everyone looking over his shoulder and out of the window as he continued to rub the slow patterns on Setsu's back.

"Then why is she not in your lap then sweetheart?" Sayuri asked with a smile, while inside Julie was celebrating. Lory was right. No matter how much she wanted to deny it Kyoko was in love with her son.

"I have bony knees." Calvin answer almost immediately, but his voice did not sound too confident.

"You keep believing that sweetie." Sayuri said as she patted Calvin's knee.

Lory chuckled and the Love Me girls hid their own smiles as Calvin sulked. Though inside even Kuu was noticing how Kyoko was seeking comfort from Kuon, even if he was feeling slightly jealous.

The rest of the journey was spent in quiet conversation, deciding who would be best to host the interview when would be best for it to be held. Cain did not join in remaining silent thought both Love Me girls were pleased when the senior Heels asked their opinions as the conversations continued.

Kuon never wanted to move again if he could keep Kyoko there in his arms. Her small body resting comfortably against his chest as her light breathing tickled and caressed his neck as he tried to keep his mind from wandering. They were heading places they shouldn't be, but really Kuon couldn't help it... how long had it been? How long had he wanted nothing more than this closeness he had been experiencing with Kyoko these last few days.

How long had he wanted to do just this? Hold her in his arms and be able to comfort her when she needed it most. To simply hold her and for her to be so comfortable to be there that she would simply fall asleep... God he loved her... he loved her so much that it was like a physical pain in his chest. It was like his heart was trying to grow so big that it no longer fit in his chest alone. Would this pain go if she accepted his love? Was this what it meant when they said lovers shared their hearts?

Ren and Cain shared the feelings of Kuon, but at the moment they were further back simply allowing and enjoying the same feelings he was. The most important person in all of their thoughts was in their arms and happy to be there.

"Setsu... Setsu... we're here Setsu." Cain said quietly in her ear as he shook her gently.

The rest of the passengers were still chatting away and Ren decided this would be the perfect chance to wake Kyoko in case she woke up out of character. He would have time to settle Kyoko back into Setsu without the others noticing, or so he hoped.

"Setsu... come on beautiful, we're home." It was slow. Setsu's steel grey eyes fluttered open and for a moment as always Ren and Kuon wished her golden eyes were not covered. Kyoko's golden eyes were something that could never be replicated and to see the steel grey eyes staring back at him he felt the slight regret. Though it didn't last long as her eyes widened before settling almost instantly.

"Are we back Nii-san?" Setsu asked and Ren just couldn't help but slip through a little as he gave Setsu a dazzling smile. She was simply amazing. How could she wake up and still slip right back into character?

"Yes we're back Setsu." He knew he should probably release her but when Setsu pulled away and Cain brought her back tightly to his chest, he was amazed when she did not struggle at all, simply snuggling into him to make herself comfortable. He needed just a little longer... just a little longer and he could let her go.

"Did I miss anything?" she asked and Cain simply shrugged.

"I wasn't listening." Cain answered. He felt Setsu slap his chest in what was supposed to be a reprimand but really didn't have any malice in it.

"Nii-san! How are we supposed to know what's going on if you don't listen." She asked him still leaning against his chest.

"Well as long as I have you I don't care." he answered completely truthfully.

"So you wouldn't mind if the boss set you up with a contract lover?" The last two words were spat from Setsu's mouth and Cain felt the same disgust she did.

"I would never accept that Setsu. You're the only woman in my life I love besides Mom." Setsu nodded. She could share with her okaa-san. Okaa-san would never take Cain from her.

"You had better wake...Oh you're awake Setsu. Do you feel any better?" Sayuri asked as she moved forwards. She placed the back of her hand on Setsu's forehead checking her temperature.

"You feel a little warm. OK Cain you will take Setsu straight to the rooms and get her settled and you will sleep little lady." Setsu nodded not wanting to argue with that glint in her mother's eyes. "It's 5:32 now so we can get together at 7 for our evening meal, if you're feeling up to it." Setsu nodded again as Sayuri went back to her seat.

"Seven! But that's over an hour and a half away! I'm hungry!" Calvin complained as he looked at his wife.

"Well we can always have a snack before then, but Setsu needs some rest." Calvin looked to his daughter then back at his wife.

"OK then as long as we get some snacks." It showed of just how comfortable the Love Me girls already felt with the Heel seniors as Chiori asked Sayuri with all seriousness.

"Do all men think with their stomachs?" Sayuri's laugh filled the limo as she nodded. No one couldn't help but join in except Setsu who smiled and Cain who simply allowed his lip to raise slightly.

Kyoko tossed on the bed. Her head was still pounding, but for some reason she just couldn't get comfortable at all.

"Kyoko?" Ren asked as he entered the room to see the woman nearly completely tangled up in her sheets.

"Here take these." Ren said as he held out 2 tablets and a glass of water.

"Thank you." Kyoko said quietly as she accepted the medication, swallowing both tablets with the water. She watched as Ren stood there looking a little worried.

"I'll be fine Tsuruga-san, it's just because I had a long day." Ren nodded, but he still did not seem ready to leave just yet.

"Can I sit with you for a bit?" he asked.

Kyoko nodded. She hated to admit it, but as soon as Ren had entered the room she had felt almost instantly better. Ren looked nervous again before he sat down on her bed next to her legs which worried Kyoko a little. She had expected him to sit on his own bed not hers but she hid her confusion.

"Can I try something to help you with your headache?" he asked after a few minutes of silence between them.

"Erm ok sure." She said as she watched Ren stand again.

"Move down toward the bottom of the bed more." Ren prompted and Kyoko gaped at him.

"But...but... what..." Ren sighed inside as he allowed Cain to slip through.

"Are you going to make me wait Setsu?" Cain growled at her as within moments the sexy slow smile spread across her face as she purred back.

"Never Nii-san." she replied as Ren moved in behind her.

He hated having to use Setsu in this way but it was the only way Kyoko would allow this. Sitting behind her he made himself comfortable before pulling Kyoko back towards his chest as he gently began massaging her head. Setsu couldn't help but moan as his nimble fingers found the pressure points and gently pressed them into a feeling of pleasure.

Neither of them spoke for a while as Ren gently massaged her head. Slowly moving down her neck and finally to her shoulders. He felt the tension leaving her as he went and Kyoko couldn't help but melt into his touch. It should be illegal to be able to do such things, she thought as she wondered if she would be able to use Setsu at a later date to get the same treatment.

Stop thinking like that Kyoko! Her sensible side thought as she berated herself for wanting to use Ren in that way. But it felt so good.

"Do you feel better Kyoko?" Ren asked as his fingers nimbly hit pressure points she never even knew she possessed.

"Yesssss." she sighed as her head fell back against his chest. Her eyes closed and she had a look of pure bliss on her face. Ren looked at her face and smiled, happy he could bring her such comfort.

His eyes took in every single feature of her beauty, her long eyelashes that would gently brush her face when she closed her beautiful eyes. Her perfectly proportioned nose and her soft yet sweet lips. Ren couldn't help it as he remembered those lips against his... those lips which had given him so much in that single moment and now haunted his dreams. The words were out of his mouth before he could even stop himself.

"You really are beautiful you know." Ren tried not to stiffen at his own words, but really what was he thinking! He expected Kyoko to freeze or maybe jump up and run away, but nothing. "Kyoko?" Ren said in hardly more than a whisper, she didn't even stir as Ren finally realised that Kyoko had fallen asleep once more, Ren sighed. "You had better not make a habit of this Kyoko. One day I'm really going to tell you just how much you mean to me.. you had better not fall asleep then."

It was 7:30 when Sayuri used her key card to enter Kuon and Kyoko's suite. It had been something she had made sure she had when they had booked the hotel. Walking silently through the quiet lounge area, she poked her head around the door. Kuon and Kyoko were snuggled up together on the bed, both sleeping peacefully.

Well they can eat anytime, I suppose she thought as she smiled and shut the door behind her. The smiles she had seen on both of their faces was all she needed to hope that soon Kyoko would be more than her wannabe daughter.

"Sleep well my children." she said in a whisper as she kissed her fingers and pressed them against the closed door.

Maybe I should tell Kuu we need to start sorting out our affairs in America and he can come home for a few years. Julie thought as she carefully made her way back to dinner and her companions.

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