Forever Mine (Jastin)✔️

By blondemccann

62.3K 5.7K 5.5K

Sequel to --> Always mine They've had a long journey together from up to down. Now the future holds for them... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Me and Justin
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Characters ask
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Characters answers
For the Zustin fans
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Epilogue (part 1)
Epilogue (part 2)
Epilogue (part 3)
Epilogue (part 4)
Epilogue (part 5)
Epilogue (part 6)

Chapter 38

969 92 57
By blondemccann


"Did you wake them up?" I ask Justin as he was packing the twins stuff in the baby bag.

"Yeah, oh shit I forgot the sippy cups." He whispers going inside the kitchen. I was sitting on the sofa with my right leg over my left knee just being the lazy person I am. I scratch my chin looking at the clock seeing it said 1 am. We had our flight at 6 am. "Jason, stop being lazy and go get the twins till I call the the taxi." I sigh loudly standing up going towards their rooms. I first go to Drake's seeing him passed out on his bed with a small bag-pack on his back. I smile picking him up, walking out of his room next I go to Cailin's seeing her playing with her dolls having the time of her life.

"Baby doll?" She looks behind herself to spot me. "Let's get going the taxi is almost here." I smile stretching my hand towards her.

"Canada?" She smiles getting up to hold my pinky her with hand, they were so small.

"Yeah, are you excited?" She nods grabbing her dolls. "Babe, what are you doing?"

"Dollies?" She frowns showing me them.

"We can't bring them all with us, sweetheart maybe two how's that?" She sighs sadly making my heart drop. But if I let her Justin will literally chew me off. "Maybe next time okay?" She kisses each one of them putting them down and picks her two favorites. "All done?" I ask waiting for her. She nodded grabbing her wheeled bag-back, she rolled it on the ground walking outside.

"Love the bag." I point at it seeing her grin.

"Tank you." She flips her hair walking away again.

This girl is gonna steal a lot of hearts but she won't be touching any dicks till I'm dead.

I smile to the thought of that and looked at Drake seeing him still asleep on my shoulder.

"Bae?" I hear Justin's voice making me snap out of my thoughts. I walk towards the living room seeing Cailin sitting down quietly looking at Justin doing his stuff. "Wake him up."


"He needs to go to the bathroom before we leave, we can't have any accidents can we?" I nodded agreeing with him. I rubbed Drake's back feeling him whine. I put him down on the couch seeing him yawning being so cute.

"Awe, that yawn." I quickly snap a photo of him with my camera, capturing the beautiful moment.

"Daddy..." He makes grabby hands towards Justin, he picks him up kissing his head. He goes to rub his eyes but Justin scolded him not to do it.

"Come on the taxi might be here." I stand up looking towards the window seeing no car parked outside.

"Nope no car outside." I shrugged telling them.

"Cai, did you pick the dolls you wanted to bring?" She nodded to him giving him the two dolls she picked and told her to put them in the suitcase at first she declined because she thought the dolls would die in there. Then after buttering her up by me of course she agreed and forgot about it.

"Okay everyone go have your last bathroom break we won't be stopping till an hour so hurry." He waves them off to the bathroom. "Does anyone want help?" I hear him ask them. I look outside again seeing the taxi is here.

"Babe, the taxi is here!" I shout letting him know.

"Okay, we'll be right there!" I nodded, grabbing the three suitcases and rolled them outside. I greeted the driver, putting the suitcases in the backseat.


We got to the airport at 2 am. I was getting a little tired. I yawned putting the suitcases on the cart after I paid the taxi driver.

"Come on, bae hurry up. We're gonna be late." Justin whined waiting impatiently as I rolled the cart. He was holding Drake in his arm and Cailin was looking around, she was excited to be riding a plane. It was her second time through.

"Daddy sit?" She asks me pointing at the top of the suitcases. I was gonna put her up but Justin quickly stops me.

"No, no she might fall. I can't risk it." She pouts pounding her little feet on the ground.

"Starting already?" He gives her a glare to stop and she quickly stops crossing her arms sadly. He has some great effect on them.

"Come baby boy, I'll be super careful with her." I shrugged, grinning to him.

"Let me think." He pretends to think. "No." He bluntly says making me roll my eyes thinking I can't do it.

"You don't trust me?" We go inside the airport the cold breeze of the fan hits my face.

"Did you bring the passports?" He asks ignoring my question. I give him a look nodding my head. "Let me see." He reaches his hand towards me.

"Uh." I look through the bag-pack that I brought with me. I pick up the passports and show it to him. "Your lack of trust sucks." He pulls his tongue at me.

"You made me this way." I tried not to smile but he was right. "Cailin stay close to me, we don't want you to get lost, okay?" She nodded grabbing Justin's pinky.

"Okay forgot it, let's just-" I was cut off because of Cailin whining wanting to go to the restrooms.

"Okay, let me find the bathroom..." He trails off looking around spotting it. "Got it let's go."

"Wait." I stop him before he could go.


"You're gonna take her to the guys restrooms?"

"Well I don't see any girls around here that can take her." He looks around proving his point. "Gosh, Jason what's wrong with you?" He rolls his eyes giving Drake to me.

Gosh, it was such a simple question.

After they got back we sat on the steel seats in the airport they were super hard and uncomfortable but it was better then standing. I noticed some people staring at us making us look out of place. I tried to ignore it.

"Wanna look at the shops?" I asked putting one of my hands in my pocket and the other holding our son.

"Sure." We walked towards a shop called Duty And Free. It had all the stuff to food, toys, perfumes and whine.

"Everything is always so expensive at the airport why is that?" I shrugged not knowing the answer.

"Baby doll, please be careful those are perfumes." I scolded seeing her trying to pick one up. "Here let me help which one do you want?" She pointed at the Angel perfume that looked like a star. I sprayed her some and kneeled down to sniff her chest. "Mmmm, my baby smells so good." I smiled to her she giggled in reply.

"Hey how's this smell?" I hear Justin's voice. I smelled a sour smell on him.

"Pretty good, what is it?"

"It's Dior called Savage." I laughed at the name.


"Nothing, baby boy." He rolls his eyes picking up another perfume.

We lasted there about 10 minutes looking around all the fragrance. Trying on the sweet and worst smells there. It was fun, the last time I did something like this with him was when we were seventeen.

"Oh gosh, everywhere I go Kendall Jenner's face pops up. I'm getting sick of it." Justin rolls his eyes picking up a sleepy Cailin.

"But your son has a crush on the sister." I tease him.

"Ugh, don't even remind me." He groans and kisses Cailin's cheek gently.

"Let's go eat something, I'm hungry." I whine exiting the store.

"Sure, where to?" He asks looking around.

"Hey don't forget the cart." I glance at the cart seeing our suitcases on them. We found a sandwich place which only had drinks and sandwiches for some odd reason.

"Gosh, 25 dollars for a small sandwich what is up with that?" I saw Justin crossing his arms looking at the sandwiches trying to pick one.

"I wanted some pizza through." I scratch my chin looking at the sandwiches.

"I don't see any other food places around here." He says pointing at a sandwich to the employee. "Which one do you want?"

"Surprise me." I shrugged telling him that I'm gonna put the stuff down on the table near by. I gently put Drake down seeing him still sound asleep. He looked so adorable that I just had to take another photo of him. I quickly snapped some photos.

"Your kid is so cute. He looks very much like you." A young woman says smiling towards me. I thank her and smiled back to her. Justin came back with the sandwiches and putted them down on the table.

"What did you get for me?" I ask picking it up.

"Vegetables." I give him a look.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" I whisper looking at it.

"Hey don't say bad words around here and anyways I'm trying to eat healthy." I groan putting my elbows on the table with my hand on my forehead.

"Don't get me into these healthy shit. I'm changing mine." I stand up pissed as can be he pushes my ass in return. Him doing that in public, something you won't see everyday. I went back to the front and changed my sandwich to a meat one. One of my favorites. I thought about teasing Justin with this.

"Are you sure you want this delicious yummy sandwich?" I sat down asking him. I lick the top that had ketchup on it.

"Stop it I know what you're doing." He said in an annoying tone.

"I have no idea what you're talking about but anyways smell it." I reach my hand towards him that the sandwich was in it. All of a sudden he quickly takes a bite at it making me surprised.

"Hey!" I quickly pull my hand away from him.

"What? Weren't you offering me some?" I hold my sandwich on my chest taking a bite at it. He smirked digging in, in his own.


When we were done we went to sit down. It wasn't so crowded in the seats thank god, the twins were both sleeping beside Justin on the other two seats away from him. I was laying my head on his shoulder. With my legs stretched up on the seat in front of me that no one was sitting. Justin was correctly on Instagram browsing away like he always does.

"The Internet doesn't work in here. I had to use my data." He grumbles still looking through the screen. "Why have free WiFi that doesn't work?" I chuckle rubbing my nose against his shoulder. There was this man sitting beside me, looking through a newspaper.

"Just remembered something." I bite my lip and put my chin on his shoulder.

"What?" He asks but his eyes still on his phone.

"I forgot to shave last night in the shower, I mean my dick." I laugh hiding my face on his shoulder. I hear a scoff from my opposite side. I look to see the man standing up and sitting somewhere else. "Rude." I whisper under my breath and rolling my eyes. People can be nosy as fuck these days. Funny thing is Justin didn't even reply to my comment.

"Did you bring my contacts?" He asked nudging my head. A nervous rack goes through me for a second then remembering that I did.

"Yup, I did. Be proud of me." I grin kissing his cheek.

"Mmmm." He brings his shoulder up blocking my kisses.

"Hey I wanna kiss those cheeks, why won't you let me?" I pucker up my lips leaning towards him.

"Stop, bae." He giggles pushing me away playfully. I smile kissing his chin. I pull away trying not to make attention around because he hates it and plus people around here don't really seemed amused. I saw one mother pointing a seat way far from us when the kid was sitting in front of us. Since the president changed around here some people have also. It's not like I'm sinning, I was just born this way. Thank god, I'm going back to Canada there's no more drama over there.

"Oh fuck look at this, YouTube is so over. YouTube deleted all the videos showing LGBT community." I quickly pick up my head from his shoulder and look into his screen.

"So this is the normal one then when you turn on the restricted mode."

"It's 2017 and people still have a problem with it, I mean look at here we can't even do anything without people giving us eyes." I roll my eyes putting my head on his shoulder again.

"I never liked YouTube anyways, Instagram is my app." I sigh still laying my head on Justin's shoulder. "You okay?" He asks me. I nodded, yawning.

"I'm gonna sleep on your lap." I mumble laying my head on his lap.


Justin's POV

Fifteen minutes Jason was fast asleep on my lap. You could hear his light snoring. Suddenly my screen showed Charlie calling me. I pressed the green icon expecting his call.


"Hey, Jay." I hear his low voice from the other line. "You're at the airport right?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I am." The other line was silent. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" I ask feeling a little worried.

"Yeah, I totally lost the track of time." He whispers, sniffling a little.

"Hey, is something wrong?" I hear him sob.

"She left Justin, she left." I look down at my lap, I slowly pick up Jason and put him down gently trying not to wake him up. I put the phone between my shoulder. "Please explain to me who left." I already knew who he was talking about but needed to know the details. I looked at the twins seeing they're sleeping as well. I walked towards the wall but still having an eye on them.

"Chieyere...t-this morning, s-she said she had to leave- move away." He sobs even more but trying his best to block it. I felt so miserable that I couldn't be beside him.

"I'm sure she had her reason."

"She didn't live here, she moved away back to her home." He sighs loudly. "She was only here for studying."

"Oh I'm so sorry." I frown glancing to our suitcases. "Did she even ask you to come?"

"No, not even once. It just really hurts I almost finally got the money to get my own place and I wanted to tell her to move in with me." I could hear him sobbing more.

"The first one always hurts."

"Maybe it was me. I mean look at me." I gasp not liking his choice of words.

"Don't say that, I told you many times to be confident about yourself." He sighs, sniffling.

"It was me I just know it." I lick my lips. I try not pace around the airport but it's hard.

"What did she say exactly?"

"S-she said that she wanted a long distance relationship between us but you know how they never work." I nodded agreeing hundred percent but I wasn't telling him that.

"So she didn't break up with you so stop with the crying."

"A long distance relationship? What do you think it means?" I roll my eyes at him being childesh.

"It means I still want you but it's gonna be hard."

"No it doesn't. It means we're over with each other and that's that." I shake my head and rub my forehead.

"Stop saying that."

"Fucking hell, I even made her another dress on top of that I told her that I loved her a month ago. How fucked up am I?" I smile listening to him.

"That doesn't mean you're fucked up telling someone that you love them. It's your first time through this so I'm giving you credit for it." I heard the other line end as if he dropped his phone. "Hello?" I heard a weird sound.

"Sorry, someone pushed me made me throw my phone."

"You're outside? At this hour?" I was so surprised because it was almost 3 am.

"Yeah, I couldn't stay home and keep crying so I thought of coming out."

"Go home you're gonna get kidnapped by someone." He scoffed not listening to me.

"No I'm not. I'm perfectly fine just broken inside." He started sobbing again making me roll my eyes.

"Not again."

"Why do you think she really left for? I mean that was some lame excuse, she never told me she didn't live here. Oh wait she lived in a dorm maybe she was telling the truth."

"Go visit her when you got the chance, talk to her. It's not over trust me. I've seen her with you and she loves you I believe that in my heart." I was saying it from the bottom of my heart.

"You better be right or you're catching these hands." I laughed quietly. "Oh by the way I'm glad you're laughing and in a good place I really missed this side of you." I blushed hearing him say that. "Oh and say hello for me to Jason. Haven't seen him in a long time." Yes I told him about everything happened from him being out and to the part of me being engaged to him.

"Promise me you'll go home." I bite my lip.

"Okay fine. I promise." As he groans I look to see Jason awake and looking for me.

"Hey, I gotta go but let me know what happens okay? And be safe." I smiled telling him, we said our goodbyes and I ended the call. I put my phone in my pocket and walked towards Jason seeing him still laying down in a uncomfortable position.

"Hey, sleepy head." I coo him rubbing his noise.

"Mmmm." He moans pulling me into a hug.

"What time is it?" I look at my watch seeing it's 3 am.

"3 am."

"Shit we still have time." I nodded sitting beside him. "Whatever I'm going back to sleep make your lap useful because I'm very tired." He lays his head on my lap again making me laugh. I decided to take break off as well maybe sleeping for 10 minutes won't hurt anyone.


"Babe! Babe! Wake up!" I groan loudly opening my eyes seeing Jason shaking me in panic.

"What's wrong?" I ask getting scared.

"I-it's Drake he's m-missing." I gasped quickly getting up seeing him not beside Cailin.

"W-what? What h-happened to him?" I swallow hard looking around the airport.

"I don't know I woke up and didn't see him in his seat." Jason bites his fingers looking at a sleeping Cailin.

"Oh fuck I think I'm getting my first heart attack." I hold my chest feeling like I can't breath.


Making Drake lost was one my worst decisions in life, maybe I'll make him loose a kidney...


Happy Persian new year!✨💥


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