
By MadamFiction

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Cathry pairing, what if Catherine was able to reach Henry through his madness? Very angst, so if you're not i... More



489 11 5
By MadamFiction

Last Chapter on: Shaking

"Can I have my tea?"

"Of course." He brought her tea to her before slipping the empty vial into his pocket.

"Thank you." She smiled at him, relief all over her features before taking a sip of her tea. They sat in silence for a while, her just drinking her tea and him, watching her like she was a dangerous explosive ready to blow.

"Henry are you alright?" She asked concerned.

"Yes, you?"

"I'm fine, I'm actually feeling considerably better I think the tea is helping..."

"Good I'm glad."

"Thank you for not forcing me to take that tonic, I would much rather spend my last hours with you like this then live on hardly knowing who I am." She smiled.

He internally cringed at her sincere words, "Actually Catherine..." He looked at her genuine smile and couldn't bring himself to say it, "I'm glad you're feeling better anyway."

"Yes...I'm already feeling much better, I think God must've realized he couldn't let one of the greatest rulers die."

Good lord that sounded like something he would say, she went to take another sip of tea but he snatched it from her, "Uh...I think you should take a break from tea, have some water instead?"

"Henry...what?" She sent a questioning gaze his way.


A look of realization crossed her face, " didn't...the tea...and the vial..."

"You had to live!"

"Oh you'll get me alive alright!" Anger boiled over the edge and she snatched the tea from his hands, downing the remaining contents, "I just don't know how long you'll survive with me gone mad and my son already fuming at you."

Henry looked vaguely horrified, "Catherine I never wanted you to..."

"Well too late now!" She shrieked.

"No...there must be a way that..."

"There isn't." She threw the blanket to the ground and flounced over to his desk.

"Sheesh Catherine there's no need to overreact."

"Who said I'm overreacting?" She shrugged and boosted herself to sit atop his desk, knocking all the fake soldiers from their positions.


"Oh yes...a mad king and a mad queen this will be interesting won't it?" She smirked, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Well...err...I suppose I should inform Francis that..." He was cut off.

"Oh no, don't ruin the surprise." There was a glint in her eyes that he didn't recognize and it frightened him.

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Better then ever, I do have a bit of a headache though...I think it's my crown." She shrugged, continuing to swing her legs back and forth.

"You should lie down."

"Oh darling don't be such a spoil sport." She laughed and hopped off the desk.

"Is the effects of that poison permanent?"

"I don't know what you're going on about, but I do know that there's a feast tonight and it's high time the King and Queen arrive don't you think?" She went up on her tiptoes, inches away from his face, before twirling away giggling like a five year old.

"Err...I suppose so yes." He agreed and offered his arm.

She took his arm and they walked out into French Court, when they arrived the party was in full swing, dancing and laughter. The only gloomy faces were those of Mary and Francis, whom were sitting at the far corner of the room. When the King and Queen entered almost everyone's head turned to look at the two of them, including those of the dauphin and Queen of Scots. Catherine and Henry marched to the thrones and he gave her hand a light kiss before she sat down, looking out on the partiers who had resumed their frolicking.

Mary and Francis however were storming to the front of the room, when they reached the thrones Francis began his rant. "Father, what do you think you're doing? Bringing mother out into Court when she's hours away from death? Mother what do you think you're doing agreeing to let him bring you out in public when you're ill? Mary and I have been worried sick and now you look bright and peppy?"

"Francis dear don't worry, I'm fine." She smiled.

"You're fine?! FINE?! Last time I checked you were dying!"

"No need to alert all of Court. I'm fine, your father found some sort of tonic and now I'm better then before! You and Mary shouldn't worry, plus..." She said lowering her voice and leaning forward so to whisper, "I think I found a way to occupy your father during his more...intimate headaches." She pulled back giggling again...Catherine never giggled.

Francis looked slightly horrified, Mary however looked as though she completely understood the situation. "Mother! Whatever is the matter with you?"

"I've never felt better Francis, I have nothing to worry about, no responsibility, you needn't worry I'm a ruler I can do as I wish."

"What have you done to her?" Francis hissed at his father.

"Oh she's fine." He reassured them, "She's just learned that she needs to spend less time worrying and more time enjoying herself."

"Enjoying herself?! ENJOYING HERSELF?!" Francis's tone was growing and Mary had to put a hand on his arm to calm him. "Mother, if you don't mind coming with me?"

"I'm fine here, the party's only just begun."

"Yes but..."

"Francis?" Mary spoke up, "A dance if you would?"

"A dance? Mary do you really think...?" He stopped when realizing she wanted to speak with him.

"Yes, of course." Francis nodded as he led Mary to the dance floor.

As they began to dance Mary spoke, "I know what's happened."

"To my mother you mean?"

"Yes, I think Henry's illness must be contagious in one way or another and Catherine was unfortunate enough to catch it."

"Mary this is a problem, if both my parents are insane no one will be able to run France, especially with me leaving for Cali in the morning."

"This is horrible." Mary sighed.

"We have to snap her out of it, before it's too late."

"What do you mean before it's too late?"

"I mean, before the whole of French Court realizing their king and queen are insane." Francis hissed in a low voice.

"Too late." Mary groaned, Francis turned to look where Mary was gazing and his mouth fell open.

His mother and father were now twirling across the dance floor, Catherine's dress swirling around her as she let a small laugh escape her lips. She bid the dance steps no regard for she made them up as she went, her strawberry blonde curls coming loose from her bun. The rest of the room was in awe of the royal couple and their newfound happiness. Francis had to admit is mother was an excellent dancer, and he had never seen her so happy in all his life. Henry dipped her and then swirled her back up and their lips met as cheers went up from the rest of the party. Catherine grinned at her husband and they began giggling and chatting over by the food. Francis and Mary debated whether to approach the couple or not but seeing as this could get dangerous quickly they decided to talk to them.

Francis and Mary quickly approached the two of them and Francis cleared his throat causing the royal couple to look at him. "Mother, are you feeling yourself?" Francis inquired still sending dagger eyes at his Father.

"Yes." She nodded, barely looking at either Francis or Mary.

"Are you feeling...well?" Francis tried.

"A bit chilly." She said after some thought then added, "Francis darling you must stop your worrying, I'm finally allowed some happiness please let me have it." For a split moment Francis could see her broken heart through the façade she wore but it was gone before he could make anything of it.

"Yes...of course, but maybe you should take things slowly?" Francis tried again.

"Slowly?" Catherine raised her eyebrow.

"With um..." Francis cleared his throat in embarrassment, "With Father and everything."

His Mother's laughter rang through the room lighting up her hazel eyes, "I assure you I can handle myself in those certain...situations. I appreciate your concern though."

"If you say so." Francis mumbled, "I just warn you, don't loose yourself to a point in which you can no longer be reclaimed." He said, hoping she'd understand.

Catherine looked at him strangely a moment before nodding, "Yes..."

Francis nodded and turned to Mary; leading her away from his parents, both their eyebrows creased in concern. After his Mother and Father were out of earshot he turned to Mary, "Mary! Whatever are we going to do?!"

"I don't know Francis I just don't understand why she keeps putting herself in that situation. The first time she let herself trust Henry and she got poisoned then she traded herself for my safety and she's gone insane! Why does she keep trusting him?!"

Francis thought for a moment before saying, "She trusts him because she loves him." He looked over at his parents, Henry was feeding Catherine a grape and she was giggling like mad.

"We have to stop her from being with Henry, we can't let her stay around him." Mary stated.

"I agree, maybe if we keep her away from him she'll regain her sanity." Francis nodded, but a prick of sorrow in his heart was felt for his Mother, whom after all this time was finally getting the love she deserved from her husband only to be yanked away from him once more.

"We'll catch her when they're leaving the party." Mary said, "As to not make a scene."

Francis agreed and the two of them silently watched the Queen and King having their own thoughts about the matter. Catherine was now on Henry's arm as they talked, Catherine was vaguely aware of most of the Court's eyes upon them and if she was she didn't care. Finally...after all these years of loneliness Henry was showing her some love, some appreciation. She smiled at him however Henry noticed his wife beginning to yawn and smiled. "Darling, as much as I am enjoying myself...don't you think it's time to retire?"

"Perhaps." She agreed, yawning again.

"Would it be alright if I escorted you to your chambers?" He asked; suddenly self-conscious.

"Of course you can." She smiled at him with a genuine twinkle in her eyes that made his heart ache.

"Come then." He said, leading her towards the door, her head resting on his arm, a tired smile gracing her lips. Little did they notice their two followers, Henry was supporting Catherine as she leaned on him, still smiling. They were quite oblivious to the two people behind them until Francis had stepped in front of them.

"Francis?" Henry spoke, causing Catherine to jump a bit.

"Father, I need Mother for something."

"Not now, your Mother is tired." Catherine nodded in agreement to Henry's statement.

"I really need to talk to her." Francis pressed.

"Why?" Henry asked.

"I just do."

"About what?" Catherine spoke.


"Well I'm hardly the person to talk to, Henry would be better suited for that...considering he is the King." Catherine added.

"Fine, fine listen you and Father need a break from one another."

Catherine looked hurt, "Can you not allow me some happiness?"

"I'm sorry, I am truly but it's the way it has to be!"

"No! No it doesn't, tell me why I can't, tell me!" She gestured wildly.

"First off he poisoned you just this morning, now you're going mad because of him, not to mention his many mistresses. Don't you have the slightest concern that he'll break your heart and run to Diane or Kenna again?! Don't you know how to take a hint? He just wants a bit of fun then he'll discard you like always! You're only accepting him because you're going downright bonkers!" Francis declared, he hated to do this to her, to see the pain trickle into her eyes as he spoke but it was his last hope.

Catherine pulled away from Henry who was now desperately trying to deny these statements, "Catherine, darling no. I poisoned you but then I saved you and I won't go back to Diane or Kenna or anyone else, I want you!"

Catherine shook her head vigorously, looking back and forth from her husband to her son, stepping backwards, away from both of them. "You're so mean, both of you I don't deserve it, I don't" She shook her head, tears tricking down her face, "Not to mention you!" She spun to look at Mary, "You ruined it all, Francis hates me because of you, Henry hates me because of you! I hope you feel all the pain I feel one day, I hope your husband turns on you and your children despise you I really do." Yet her eyes betrayed her, they were filled with sorrow not anger.

"Catherine I never meant to..." Mary tried but Catherine cut her off.

"Oh I know you never meant to hurt me none of you ever do but I hurt nonetheless." Spinning on Francis again she continued, "Fine I'll stay away from Henry but don't think I'll take this lightly, don't think I'll forgive you for this. None of you get my forgiveness." She glared at her son, daughter-in-law, and husband.

She turned and was about to walk away when she froze, letting out a pain stricken scream she clutched the wall. Instantly all three of them had rushed to her side, trying desperately to help her or at least decipher what was wrong. "Catherine, Catherine what's wrong?" Henry tried to reach for her but she managed to swat him away.

"Mother!" Francis cried out as she doubled over clutching her stomach.

"I don't need you, any of you." She gasped out, trying to get them away.

"Stop you need help!" Mary tried, but Catherine hissed in pain and anger.

"Leave me alone, I hate you," She inhaled sharply, "I hate you all." With that she crumbled to the floor. It almost happened it slow motion, first she swayed then toppled forwards and hit the floor with a soft rustle of fabric. There she lay, face down and clearly unconscious while the bystanders yelled out different things and went to their knees beside the Queen.

A/N You knew I was gonna cliffhanger you here, you knew it. On all my other stories I tend to give you mercy well not this one. Mwahaha.

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