Reunited Brothers (Danny Phan...

By Mizar-Mayhem

99K 2.7K 1.1K

Danny Phantom is one of three half ghosts in all the world and Ghost Zone. After defeating Pariah Dark, Danny... More

Chapter One: Search and Rescue
Chapter 2: Friend, Foe, or Family?
Chapter 4: Team Meeting
Chapter 5: Second Family
Chapter 6: Coronation Accident
Authors Note
Chapter 7: Death Bed

Chapter 3: Story of My Life

12.5K 360 184
By Mizar-Mayhem

Yeah yeah yeah. I know the title. Don't judge me. It makes sense for this chapter SO QUIT YOUR COMPLAINING! And in all actuality I really don't like this song so. ON WITH THE STORY!

Young Justice 3rd Person
Meagan landed the bio-ship and everyone got off. Robin picked Danny up who was sound asleep in his arms. He walked out of the ship and back to the medical bay. Superboy and Kid Flash were following close behind. The other team members watched silently from behind before walking to the living room area of the base.

"So, what's the deal with this boy?" Kid Flash asked when they reached the medical bay. He took off his mask and looked at the pale, scrawny, white haired boy that laid on the bed.

"Well, as it turns out, he's...he's my younger brother." Robin said. Wally's mouth dropped open in shock while Superboy raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"Wait YOU HAVE A BROTHER?!" Wally shouted. Robin hit him in the back of the head making Wally cry out in pain.

"Shut up! Are you trying to tell the others?!" Robin said annoyed.

"You aren't going to tell them?" Superboy asked.

"I will tell them. I just want to wait until Danny wakes up. I don't want him to feel overwhelmed so can you guys wait in the living room?" Robin asked. Wally nodded his head and left, Superboy stood for a moment looking at Danny, before he too turned and walked out of the door. Robin turned back towards the bed to see Danny's face scrunched up in pain or fear. He started squirming again and mumbling incoherent words.

'Oh god, he's having a nightmare.' Robin thought. He quickly walked over to his thrashing brother.

"Danny! Danny wake up it's a dream!" Robin said as he began shaking Danny in an effort to wake him up. Danny's eyes shot open glowing green and almost hit Robin with an ectoblast.

"W-Where am I?! W-What's going on?!" Danny yelled fearfully. Robin took his mask off again and held Danny's arms down making him look directly at him.

"Danny, look at me. Your safe it's ok. No ones gonna hurt you here." Dick said to him calmly. Danny's breath hitched as he stared into his brothers deep blue eyes.

"I-is that, is that really you Dick?" Danny said as tears pooled in his eyes. Dick nodded his head with a smile playing on his lips. Danny let the tears fall and he pulled his older brother in for a hug. Dick hesitated for a second before he wrapped his arms tightly around Danny.

"Oh my god Danny, I've missed you so much. I tried to find you, I really did but-"

"It's ok. I'm sorry I almost forgot you. I would have if Jack and Maddie hadn't told me about you." Danny said softly.

"Jack and Maddie?" Dick said as he pulled away from the hug. He pulled a chair up to the side of Danny's bed and sat down. "Who are they?" he asked.

"They're...they...they're my stepparents." Danny said after a few moments. Dick noticed his grip on the sheets of his bed tighten.

"What did they do to you?" he asked deadly calm. Danny looked up at him then back down at the sheets. His white hair overshadowed his face.

"Did you see the scars?" Danny asked quietly. Dick blinked his eyes.

"No. What scars Danny?" He asked. Danny flinched at the mention of his scars, but he stood up on shaky feet and removed his ratty shirt that was covered in dirt and blood. When he pulled it over his head, he heard his brother gasp and stand up.

"Ugly isn't it?" Danny said, a few stray tears slipping down his face. He hated his scars, he hated Jack and Maddie, and he hated the GIW. He put his ratty shirt back on so he could hide the scars.

"How long?" Dick asked. Danny hesitated for a few moments.

"...four years..." he said. His shoulders shook as he cried. He cried the pain, grief, and abuse the GIW put him through. Danny sat back on the bed and put his head in his hands and his whole body shook. Dick sat down next to him and pulled his brother's fragile body into his chest. Danny buried his face into his brothers chest and bawled his eyes out. He calmed down after a few moments and wiped his tears away with his hands. He took a deep breath and relaxed in his brothers hold. Dick rubbed gentle circles on Danny's back the whole time to calm his brother down. He ran his hands through Danny's head to further try and calm him. He smirked a little and gave a quiet chuckle. "What are you laughing at?" Danny asked, his face still buried in Dicks chest.

"The white hair. Did you bleach it or something? I always remember it being jet black. And your eyes were blue like ice." Dick said. He felt Danny tense in his arms. "Danny?" Dick questioned. The boy in his arms let out a sigh.

"I need to tell you something but you can't tell anyone. Promise me?" he said looking up at his brother.

"I promise." Dick said. Danny visibly relaxed a bit at this.

"Your right about one thing. I do have black hair and blue eyes." Danny said. Dick looked at him, confusion written all over his face. Danny chuckled as his brother expression. "I'm...I'm half...half ghost..." Danny said. Dick blinked at him in slight shock. "What your looking at is my ghost form. Green eyes and white hair. I also have powers." Danny said. Dick sat and listened closely. "See Jack and Maddie are ghost hunters and scientist and they were obsessed with their work. Eventually they built a portal to try and access a dimension known to them as the Ghost Zone. When they tried to activate it, nothing happened. A few days later my friends Sam and Tucker were in the lab with me and Sam had dared me to go into the portal. I did and what I didn't realize was that my hand had grazed over the on-off switch inside of the portal and turned it on, with me inside it. The energy of the Ghost Zone had mutated my DNA and it infused it with ghost DNA. After that I became Amity Parks new hero. I fought off ghosts and did what any hero would do. It's basically my obsession." Danny said.

"Obsession?" Dick asked confused.

"Oh, every ghost has some sort of obsession. Mine is to protect the innocent from the pain I experienced when I was turned half ghost. I'm what you call a halfa. Anyways, in order for most ghosts to exist, they have to have an obsession which is kind of like unfinished business I guess." Danny said. Dick nodded his head. "You probably think I'm some sort of freak." Danny said sadly looking down.

"What? Why would you think that? Have you seen my team? Ones a clone of Superman, the other is the son of the fastest man alive, ones from Mars, and the other is Aquaman's apprentice. No one here is really normal except Artemis, Batman, Black Canary and myself. You have nothing to be ashamed of." Dick said to him. Danny smiled softly at him. Suddenly his eyes glossed over for a moment before regaining their focus.

"Can you get me food please? And quickly?" Danny asked in a rushed tone. Dick nodded his head and put his mask on before leaving the room. He looked back at Danny.

"Don't go anywhere ok?" he said. Danny nodded his head with a small smile. Robin shut the door to the medical bay and ran to the living room where the dinner Meagan had prepared was already set on the counter. The team was already eating when Robin walked in.

"Robin? What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to look after our guest." Wally said mid bite. Robin piled on a small portion of food from each tray into a plate and grabbed some utensils.

"Danny's hungry. I'm not going to make him starve." he said as he went to leave the room.

"Danny? Is that his name?" Superboy asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Robin asked curiously. Superboy turned his head away and crossed his arms.

"No reason." he answered. Robin just turned and walked back to the medical bay. He opened the door and expected to see Danny gone but found him sitting on the bed patiently. He stood for a moment until Danny noticed him standing there.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh, it's just, I thought you would have left which is stupid of me to say." Robin said removing his mask once again.

"Why would I leave. Your my brother and, if you say it's safe here, then, I trust you." Danny said with a small smile. Dick smiled back and handed Danny the plate of food with a fork. Danny stared at it hungrily. He was about to dig in but stopped. "Oh, uh, don't freak out ok?" Danny said.

"Why would-" Dick was saying before he was cut off by a bluish white ring that appeared around Danny's body that split traveling in opposite directions. Danny's clothes which were a white ratty bloody shirt and white bloody pants changed into a torn up bloody white shirt with a red circle in the middle with red on the collar and edge of the sleeves and torn up bloody jeans. His hair changed from white to black and his eyes from toxic green to ice blue. Dick's jaw dropped at his brothers transformation.

"Uh, Dick? You in there bro?" Danny said waving his hand in front of his brothers face. The action triggered a flashback.

Line Breaker- I'm not one for stupid cliffhangers so LETS KEEP GOING!

Danny, worried something was wrong, waved his hand in front of his moms face. His mom grabbed him and flipped him onto the floor and twisted his arm behind his back. Danny cried out to his mom asking what she was doing before something pricked his neck making him sleepy. The last thing he heard was his sisters scream and his parents muffled voices.
End of Flashback

Dick went to move Danny's hand away from his face when Danny punched him straight in his face when Dicks hand touched Danny's.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! STOP IT GET AWAY! NO!" Danny screamed jumping out of bed and falling to the ground. His body shook in fear and tears dropped down his face onto the floor. Dick heard footsteps from outside and quickly threw his mask on his face. Batman and Superboy both ran into the room.

"What happened?" Batman asked.

"I think he had a flashback. One minute he was fine, next thing he punched me in the face as if I was going to hurt him." Robin said rubbing the sore spot on his face. Danny shakily got off the ground with help from Superboy. He sat back on the bed and put his face in his hands.

"I-I'm so sorry." he said. Robin sat down next to him and pulled him into another hug.

"It's fine. Why don't you eat? I need to talk with Batman, it should only take a few minutes. Ok?" Robin said. Danny looked at him with a tear stained face. He nodded and grabbed the plate of food and began eating slowly at first, then shoving forkfuls into his mouth. Robin and Batman exited the room. Superboy followed a moment later, pulling his gaze from Danny. When the trio exited the medical bay and shut the door, Batman wasted no time.

"How is he?" he asked.

"Still shaken up but he's much more stable than he was before." Robin said. Batman nodded his head.

"Did he tell you what happened to him?" Batman asked.

"His adoptive parents tortured him with the GIW agency for four years all because he's half ghost." Robin said. Batman and Superboy both gave a questioning look at this.

"Half ghost?" Superboy asked. Robin nodded his head.

"And his hair?" Batman asked.

"That's his human form. What we saw was his ghost form. Green eyes and white hair." Robin said. Batman nodded at the newfound information. Superboy just looked deep in thought. "I need to get him some new clothes. He can't stay in the ones he's wearing." Robin said. He walked off to his room in the base leaving Batman and Superboy behind and walked back to the medical bay. He walked in and saw the plate once filled with food empty, and Danny sitting on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Back so soon?" he asked not opening his eyes.

"Yeah. I might have some clothes that may fit you but you need to shower first." Robin said.

(Quick A/N Is it just me or in every single one of these Danny Phantom X Young Justice books do the authors just have Robin hand Danny clean clothes with no shower? It's been bugging me so, problem solved! I think...back to the story!)

"I haven't had a proper shower in so long." Danny said opening his eyes. Robin smirked.

"Come on." he said walking out of the medical bay. He guided Danny to his room. He opened the door and walked in with Danny close behind. Robin led him into the bathroom connected to his room.

"I'll go find you some clothes. Here's a towel." he said handing Danny a fluffy white towel. Danny nodded and shut the door. He stripped his shredded clothes off of himself and threw them on the floor before he stepped into the shower and turned the water on. Because of his ice core, he had the water set on ice cold. Danny stood under the water for a few minutes letting the water run down his overgrown hair and down his body. He grabbed some shampoo and began to lather his head clean of the blood and dirt in it. He rinsed and washed his hair three more times until he was satisfied that his hair was clean. He then cleaned the rest of his body with regular soap, ignoring the scars that ran along his body. Once he was finished he rinsed himself off, then climbed out of the shower and wrapped himself in the towel his brother gave him. He dried himself off then towel dried his hair. He heard a knock on the bathroom door and cracked it open a tiny bit. Robin was outside holding a small pile of clothes.

"Here, try these on. They should fit." he said handing Danny the clothes.

"Thanks." Danny said smiling. Robin smiled back as Danny shut the door again. He put on the underwear and black sweatpants with white stripes on the side, along with the black tee shirt and black hoodie with white accenting the edges of it. The hoodie was short sleeved thankfully in Danny's case. He also put on the white sneakers that his brother had which fitted him perfectly. Once he was fully dressed, he went into his ghost form. His clothes didn't change, only his hair and eye color did. He floated a few inches off the ground and exited the bathroom. His brother looked up from the book he was reading on his bed.

"Decided to go back to ghost?" he asked.

"Gives my body more time to heal. My ribs are still healing and my leg's almost healed. Being half ghost has its perks. One of them, faster healing." Danny said smirking. Robin smiled back and stood up.

"So, what do you say we meet the team?" Robin asked him. Danny thought for a moment.

"...Ok." he said after a minute.

Ooh, a nice lengthy chapter for my supportive fans! Thanks for the support guys! I love the feedback and I love to hear from my fans! Also if you see any mistakes, please do say something so I can go and fix it later. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll see you in the next one!

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