What are we going to do? - A...

By NicoleTeutloff

350 9 0

How would the story of the movie "Dirty Dancing" continue after the final dance? This is my version of their... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

103 5 0
By NicoleTeutloff

Chapter: 2

Conversation with the Houseman's

Johnny liked Babe's idea but he didn't think that her parents would allow such a thing. And where should they got the money from. Johnny drove to the house of the Houseman's. He helped Babe to unload her luggage. Babe asked Johnny to stay at there house but he didn't take the offer. Babe entered the house. No-one was home. It was nearly dinnertime and her parents and Lisa would surely arrive in a few minutes. She took her cases up to her room she shared with her sister and took a shower. When she went down again her family sat on the kitchen table.

Babe: Hi.

Marge: Babe, you are back. We have missed you. Was it nice?

Babe: Yes it was nice. We had a great time. Johnny brought me back today. He stays at an inn.

Jake: He is here, too.

Babe: Yes, Dad. He is in the city. Why don't you like him?

Marge: Babe!

Jake: It's not that I don't like him. I just know him not well enough. I don't know what kind of person he is. What he does for a living, what his plans for his future are.

Babe: Then talk to him.

Babe and her family eat dinner together. After it Lisa went up to her room and did her homework.

Babe: Mom. Dad. I need to speak with you.

All three of them sat in the living room. Babe wasn't sure what she should say her parents.

Babe: Thank you that you gave me the chance to be alone with Johnny for a few days. We had the time to speak about our future. He loves me and want to stay with me. And I love him, too and I will stay with him.

Jake and Marge looked at each other. This was not the result they have expected.

Babe: And I am not longer sure if I still will go to the college.

Jake: What?!? Since elementary school you wanted to study. What happened to you?

Babe: I learned to life another life. A free life.

Marge: Are you sure about this? I still want to study but I didn't get the chance to do this. It was a big mistake that I still regret. Please don't make the same mistake. When I met your father he was my whole world and I didn't take the chance to do something for my own future. When I got pregnant my dreams became dreams who were never going to be real. Don't make the same mistake.

Babe and Jake looked and the woman.

Babe: Johnny told me something similar. And he want that I go to the college. If I will or not. He says that he didn't want be the reason that I ruin my life.

Jake: Oh, really? Then I don't think that he is too bad at all.

Babe shoot a look at her father.

Babe: But I don't know if I go to study economics. I don't know what course I will take.

Jake: As long as you went to it and do the exam.

Babe: I asked Johnny if he would like to open a dance school with me. He said yes.

Marge: A dance school?

Jake: How would you do this? You are only seventeen and I don't think that he has enough money to open one. And when would you go to college?

Babe: You sounds just like Johnny. I know that we can make it and I can get enough money to open the school for us.

Jake: Really? From where? Robbing a bank?

Babe: Dad, you are bad. You don't need to know where I will get the money from. It's not illegal.

Marge: I can understand you. But what's about the college. Will you be able to study if you are working in a dance school?

Babe: I would manage this. Please gave me a chance.

Jake: We are speaking about this tomorrow. Good night.

Babe went up to her room where her sister was waiting for her.

Lisa: Tell me about you and Johnny.

Babe: We want to live together and open a dance school. But Dad doesn't like the idea. I miss him so much and he left only a few hours ago.

Lisa: You love him very much.

Babe: Yeah. He's such a good guy.

Lisa: I would love if I had met such a boy, too. But perhaps I have already.

Babe: Don't worry about this. You will met a guy like Johnny. And you will love him more than you own life. But don't take the first one like you did with Robbie.

Lisa: Don't say his name again. Do you remember the night before the final show. I went to his room and he was there with another woman. I hate him for this.

Babe: Robbie is not a good guy. Do you remember Johnny's partner Penny? She was pregnant with Robbie's child. But he didn't want it or Penny. She went with my help to a doctor who make an abortion. He was not a real doctor and she had terribly pain. I got Daddy and he helped her. After this night he ignored me and said that I wasn't allowed to see Johnny or the others again. He thought that it was Johnny's baby and that he had send her to the doctor. That's the reason why he doesn't like him.

Lisa: Oh my god. And I was dating him. I can't believe it.

On the next morning when Babe stood up her family had already left the house. Johnny called her a few minutes later.

Johnny: Hi, darling. Everything okay?

Babe: Nothing is okay. You are not with me. And I miss you.

Johnny: I miss you, too. Would you like to spent the day with me?

Babe: No. I would love to do this. I can show you the city but I have a few errands to run. But you can come with me on this.

Johnny: Okay. I'll be at your house in twenty minutes.

Babe: Okay. I love you.

Babe got ready and had a short breakfast before Johnny rang the bell. She got to the door, opened it and embraced Johnny. They kissed passionately.

Johnny: And this after we were only a few hours apart!

Babe laughed.

Babe: Come with me. I will take you around. Would you like to eat something before we leave?

Johnny shook his head and Babe pull him outside. Hand in hand they walked down the street in the heart of the city. First she would like to go to the bank but before she need to talk to Johnny. They sat down on a bench in the park.

Babe: Johnny? Are you sure about the dance school?

Johnny: I would like to have one day a dance school with you but before you go to the college and get the best diploma.

Babe: Okay, I will go to the college and try my best. But what about you? What are you going to do?

Johnny: I called the local leisure center and asked if they need a dance instructor. They said that they would call me when they know it for sure.

Babe: Oh Johnny. In this city were never a dance program or such a thing. So the school would be great here. So what do you think about the school?

Johnny: Like I said one day we will have one.

Babe: Why not now. I know we can do it. You will give classes while I'm at the college.

Johnny: But we don't have the money for it.

Babe: If it would be possible that we could open our school in a few weeks would you do it?

Johnny: Yeah, I think I would do it with your help. We can do everything together.

Babe: That's good. I have spoke with my parents yesterday and that we want to open this school. Daddy said the same like you that I should go to the college and that we don't have enough money for this.

Johnny: Your father is right.

Babe: No, is he not. But he doesn't know this. When my grandpa died he left me a bit money for college. My parents knew about this money. But they don't know that he gave me a few days before he died a letter with a key in it. It was the key for his safe deposit box. The letter said that what I will found in the box should make my dreams come true one day. When I was little I would travel around the world and he said that this was my big dream. When I opened the box a few years later I found about fifty thousand dollar. And each year it was getting more. This was five years ago. He made possible that I could take the money when I become sixteen. So you see, we have enough money to open the school.

Johnny: Babe, this is great but I don't want to use the money from your grandfather.

Babe: Why not? He said I should made my dreams come true. You and our dance school are my dream now. And I want it to come true. It enough money to build one and you can pay it back but you doesn't need to do this. You will become a great teacher.

Johnny: I don't know. What when it doesn't work out? What when we open a school but no-one would like to dance? What are we doing than?

Babe: Don't be worried about this. I lived here long enough to know that here are a lot of people who would like to learn dancing. And we have still our dance which we can perform to get money.

Johnny: But will it be enough?

Babe: Oh Johnny. I don't understand you? What's your problem? I gave you the chance to life your dream and what do you do? Nothing!

Johnny: Babe, please. I am just afraid. I never thought that this would be possible. Stay and work with the girl I love. I don't want to loose you.

Babe: You are not going to loose me. I promise this. You are my life and nothing will chance this.

Johnny: What's about your parents?

Babe: I will talk to them. Tonight.

Johnny and Babe went to the bank and Babe asked about her money from her grandfather. It was now nearly sixty thousand dollar. Then they went to a real estate agent who should help them to find a place for their school. After they had finished this Babe showed Johnny the city. About seven 'o clock they were back at her house.

Babe: Would you like to come in?

Johnny: No, I don't think it is a good idea. Next time I will come with you.

Babe: Okay. Then I will speak with my parents about the school.

Johnny and Babe said good-bye and kissed one last time for the day. Babe went inside as Johnny drove away. Her parents were already waiting in the living room.

Babe: Hello.

Jack: Babe.

Marge: We have waited for you.

Babe: I showed Johnny the city and I had to do some things.

Marge: Please sit down. We have to speak with you.

Babe sat down in an armchair and listen to her parents.

Jack: Today I had a long conversation with your mother and we came to the decision that it would be better for you if you only go to the college and don't open a dancing school.

Babe: No. You can't do this. Dancing is my whole life and I will open this school with Johnny. We have planned it and we can do this. I don't need your help.

Marge: Babe, please. Don't be mad at us. We only want your best. And we don't think that this school would be it. You can still take dancing lesson. We can find a teacher for you.

Babe: I don't want to take lessons, because I can dance and I need no teacher because I have the best one on earth.

Jake: Please try to understand us, Babe. We want only your best. We want you to become a well-paid and well-known person who can do everything she want.

Babe: Than let me live with Johnny. I can get well-known with Johnny, too. We can perform our dance and travel around in the big cities. It's all that I want. And I will go to the college, I have promised it. Please.

Jake: No, Babe. Not this time. We think it's not good for you.

Babe: Let me try it. Let me live the life I will have with Johnny and our school for only a year. When it doesn't work out I will leave him and go only to college. One year please.

Jake and Marge looked at each other.

Jake: I don't know.

Marge: Jake, why don't let we try her. If she doesn't like it she will come back but she knows for sure that it was not her destiny. If she is successful we will have a very happy daughter. What will you more. Some parents didn't have this.

Jake: Okay. You have one year in which you can stay with your Johnny and open this school but when you don't like that life after this year you will leave him. And you don't get any help from us.

Babe: Thank you. And I promise to you that I will study this year but not economics. I think I would like to get the teaching permission.

Before her parents could say something against her decision she stood up, hugged them and went to her room where Lisa was waiting.

Lisa: How was it going?

Babe: First it was terrible but finally we made a compromise. I got one year in which I can life with Johnny go to college and work at our dance school.

Lisa: You mean this seriously?

Babe: Yeah, and I won't regret it.


A/N: Please tell what you think so far.

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