The Brother of the Hunt

By RNS1314

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Percy Jackson is 13 months old when the Hunters of Artemis find him. Lady Artemis decides to take him in and... More

Author's Note
Author's Note Part 2
Author's note PT 3
Author's note PT4


15.6K 270 107
By RNS1314

Four months later

"Lady Artemis!" I heard someone shout from outside my tent.
"Coming!" I replied, quickly shoving the paperwork into my desk drawer. As I exited the tent - already confused - I became suspicious.

The hunters were stood in a straight line, shoulder to shoulder, each had a broad smile plastered on their face.

"Okay, I'm here. What is this for?" Zoë, who was at the end of the line, walked over to me.
"Well MiLady... We know how much you love Perseus. And we know how much it hurt to give him up."
"We are very sorry Lady Artemis." Phoebe, our lead tracker, said.
"So we decided that, we can learn to help and tolerate him, rather than just presume that he would turn out the same." Zoë continued.
"If we didn't raise him, he probably would." Phoebe stated.
"So, we thought that we should give the boy a chance. And we will." Niomi, one of my senior hunters stated. I smiled. The hunt parted and their lay Perseus, sleeping peacefully upon the grass.
"Girls." I started, they looked down. "Thank you so much." I beamed. So did they. I pulled Zoë into a hug first before going around to every hunter and hugging them. I slowly approached the sleeping baby. Zoë came up behind and put a hand on my shoulder.
"This was Phoebe's idea."
"Thank you Phoebe." She nodded.
I stared at Perseus, my only son, my only child. I honestly didn't know what to do. Did I pick up his sleeping form? Or wake him from his slumber? Maybe I should just leave him untouched?
Zoë gave me a questioning look, so I gently picked up my sleeping child and carried him into my tent.

I lay him on the bed gingerly and headed back outside, the girls were still outside my tent - smiling widely. I went up to Phoebe and hugged her again.
"Thank you, so very much, for bringing him back to me."
"It's okay Artemis." Suddenly there was a golden flash. I broke away from Phoebe and glared at my brother.

"Artemis," he said sadly "please don't kill me but I lost your son." I smiled while he was looking at his shoes. When he brought his head back up to look at me I morphed my face into one of fake anger.
"Then what are you doing here?!"
"Well, I was looking for him before I thought that you should know. I shall continue my search." He looked back down.
"I honestly can't believe you could be so stupid! How the Minator Dung do you loose a one year old boy!? Seriously Apollo! I knew you could be irresponsible, but this is a little far fetched don't you think!? Find my son and bring him to me!" And suddenly, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing. The hunters kidnapped him! It got to the point that I was rolling on the floor I was laughing so hard. The girls soon joined me on the floor.

"Arty, are you alright?" Apollo asked.
"I'm more than alright!" I managed between my laughter. I caught a glimpse of Apollo's face and realized that maybe I should stop laughing. I got up off the floor and dusted myself off before walking into my tent.

As I entered Percy leapt at me.
"Mummy!" He screeched.
"Hello my boy."
"Mummy, I miss ou! I miss ou!"
"I missed you too, hunny. Come on, Uncle Apollo is outside looking for you."
"Uncle Pollo say the huntows are vewy pwetty."
"Well does he now?"
"Yes, and he say it not vewy faiw that you can have them."
"Uh huh. What else did he say?"
"Err, he took me go to the bar to meet giwls."
"Oh. He did, did he?"
"Uh huh. And he said that,  whenevow he goes that I can come too. I don't want to go mummy!"
"Well you won't. You are staying with the hunt forever. Okay?"
"Let's go outside." I placed him on my hip and carried him out. "You're getting heavy mister."
"I'm sowwy mummy."
"It's a good thing Percy."
"Yay! I'm a big boy."
"Yeah, that's right. So shall we go see Uncle Apollo?"
"Yeah, Uncle Pollo. Mummy, Uncle Pollo likes Amy. Like weally likes her. In ways we... um." He looked down at the floor; he was clearly concentrating, as if trying to find the right words and couldn't. "I'm sowwy mummy."
"For what my boy?"
"I don't know what it's cawled." (A/N I do know how to spell called, it's just how he talks.)
"It's okay baby. So he, fancies Amy?"
"That's the word!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"Uh huh. Oh look, there's the accused."
"What does that mean mummy?"
"Um... Hey Zoë, why don't you and Percy go play?"
"Yay!" Percy all but jumped out of my arms and into Zoë's. "Hey, Zo, what does acosed mean?"
"Acosed? Oh accused."
"Yeah, acosed."
"Someone charged with wrongdoings, for example, crime."
"Oh, but isn't mummy youw chawge? Why would she chawge uncle Pollo too? Oh oh oh... Is she going to push him to the floow?"
"Um, no he's going to be told off. Come one, I want to see your new bow."
"Oh oh oh, that's no funny, you lied! You said he was chawged!"
"Ugh! What about Archery, huh. These are too many big words this time of day."
"But it's noon. I was having my aftownoon nap."
"PHOEBE! Help!" Zoë called.
"Sowwy Zo." I laughed, then turned to my brother and realised I still needed to punish him. 'Good care' my arse.
"Apollo, will you come with me."
"Zo hide me, Uncle Pollo is hewe!" I laughed again.
"Percy, why do you want to hide?"
"I don't want to go back to the bar evow again! Please hide me."
"Apollo! He's one!" Zoë shouted at him before storming off. She took it harder than me.
"Apollo, talk." I demanded after I'd dragged him away.
"It's not what it sounds like." He defended.
"It sounds like you used my son to get laid." I said sternly.
"Okay so maybe it is what it sounds like. Please don't hurt me!"
"Well, as long as you don't do it again." I was too happy to have my son back, and the hunt accept him to really care. I'll beat him up for it later in the week.
"Your letting me off?"
"No, just giving you time to prepare." I stalked off.


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