IJ Imagines

By OSnapItzJaCrispy

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Imagines may or may not be cliche. Smut, Sad, Soft. The 3 S's I write. More

BQ: 'I love you' 'I know'
JM: I Love You
BQ: Teasing
author's note
BQ : Sick

JG: Fair

180 4 1
By OSnapItzJaCrispy

You and the guys went to a fair since there was one going on in town. You guys were playing games and going on rides. You went on the bumper cars with the boys and you couldn't stop laughing since Joe kept screaming at people. "AY! Watch it I'm drivin' here !" Your stomach started to hurt so much from laughter that you pretty much got a toned stomach that you would've gotten from a year of working out. "Murr you better have insurance I'm coming for ya !" You saw Murr driving away in the bumper car, he kept crashing into other cars. "Oh how I love Joe" You thought to yourself. You froze for a moment "Oh god"

"Do I have a crush on Joe ? No I don't ! Stop acting crazy Y/N" The time ended for all of you, so you got off and walked towards the ferris wheel with the guys. You got in and sat leaning against the side of the carrier. "Oh god I do have a crush on Joe ! He'll never like me back anyways so why am I being delusional" You rolled your eyes at yourself and jumped as Q tapped your shoulder "Quit zoning out will ya !" You rolled your eyes and playfully slapped his arm. You saw Joe staring at you. You went on your phone and ignored how hard he was staring at you. "Look at this view ! Y/N move out of the way you're blocking it !" Joe said. You didn't move a bit "I am the view" you told him with sass as you flipped your hair and snapped your fingers. Everybody just started laughing. "Christ.... Joe looks so cute while laughing. He's so perfect" You snapped out of your thoughts and started a light conversation with the guys. "I'm bored !" "Well let's play truth or dare" "yeah !" You heard everyone agreeing so you went along. "Alright Joe truth or dare ?" "Hmm, dare" "I dare you to scream something that you shit your last diaper" You laughed at that thought, pooping your last diaper that you have. Joe looked down and screamed "Excuse me sir !? Can we get down I just shit my last diaper !" You and the rest of the guys bursted out laughing. The way Joe said it was so hilarious. "Y/N truth or dare ?" Joe asked you. You didn't feel like yelling at people or saying some random crap to people so you chose truth. "Do you have a crush on someone" You giggled at he question "That's sooo middle school" The guys laughed at that comment "Sure, yeah, yes I do" You laughed. After a few more stupid dares and truth's that didn't really matter, you guys got off the ferris wheel. It was surprisingly only 15 minutes when it felt longer than that.

You guys went on more rides and played games. It started getting dark considering it was only about 7. You were getting cotton candy and saw from the corner of your eye that Joe was hardcore staring at you. So you went up to Joe.

Joe's POV
"She's so beautiful... Joe snap out of it ! She's not going to want to date you. Maybe she will.... Oh what am I thinking !? She woul-" "AAH !!" Y/N laughed. "Jesus Y/N ! ya almost gave me a heart attack !" She kept laughing while eating her cotton candy. "I'm sorry you were zoned out so I had to come up to you" I looked over Y/N's shoulder and saw that they were preparing for fireworks. "Hey, um, the fireworks are going to go off in a couple minutes, do you wanna, uh, go watch them with me" She smiled at me "Sure". A couple minutes later a whole crowd started to gather which meant the fireworks were going to go off . A firework went off and I looked at Y/N's face, she was so memorized it was adorable. A couple minutes wet by and Y/N put her head against my arm. I looked at her and she looked back at me. We both leaned in and connected our lips. It felt amazing. Her soft lips were on mine, kissing softly. It was a perfect way to end the night.

This is short, I know, it's a filler since I haven't been updating. Should I write the part 2 to the Murr fanfic ? Let me know

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@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes <3